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April 06, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

… Mac the most versa- tile computer on the market," said Tim Bajarin, a tech industry consultant at Creative Strategies. Apple's new "Boot Camp" software, a "beta" test version available as a free…

… their favorite Windows programs on an Apple-based computer." When Apple introduced its first computer based on Intel Corp. chips in January, the company said it had no intention of selling or supporting…

… from the player's Duke e-mail account just before 2 a.m. on March 14. Software runs Windows on Macs Wall Street reacts kindly to move aimed at upping market share SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) - Shares in Apple

April 06, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 113) • Page Image 21

… the Farmers Mar Sun. 12-9 0 Mon., Wed., Thurs. 11-9:30 Apple Education Store 1-800-780-5009 U-M Computer Showcase Michigan Union ground level www…

… Specialized in barbecue for over 30 years! Catering Available 64-Sales ®1999 Apple Computer Inc. All rights reserved. The Apple logo is a registered trademark and iook is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc…

…- oriented in stack after stack of them. The Grad's the happenin' place. Word. Angell Hall (Best Computing Center) Chalk up two awards this year for the stately-looking building on State Street. Check your e…

…-mail, print that paper, chat with your compadres and pace the aisles endlessly ... wait- ing for a computer. It all goes down in the Fishbowl, day in and daysout. Winning the Game (Best Thing About Football…

April 06, 1972 (vol. 82, iss. 142) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, April +6,.1972 i Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, April 6, 1972 BOYCOTT CONTINUES: CSJ to decide on vote fraud charges Computer to play in chess…

… ........% Chess, computers, and coffee will mark this weekend's Second Mark's Coffeehouse Open. Among the highlights of the three day event, which is being held as a fund-raising benefit for the Ann Arbor Fee…

… Peoples Clinic, are a $500 prize fund.and a chess- playing computer. Surprisingly, the computer is lo- cated in Pittsburgh, on the cam- pus of Carnegie-Mellon University f and will communicate with a…

… printout terminal in Ann Arbor, The computer's name is TECH 1HRP to meet f on policies - The Human Rights Party's first community meeting to decide par- f ty positions on issues likely to be raised at City…

… expansion draft. and it's a regular entrant in the open, having paid its entry fee like everyone else. Of the computer, tournament director David Presser says, "For a computer it is quite good. How- ever…

…. Package JIFFY FUDGE BROWNIE MIX . . . . 10c 8 oz. Can HUNTSTOMATOSAUCE . . . . . . 10C 16 oz. Can VAN CAMP PORK& BEANS . . . . 10C lXoz. Can PINK DOLL APPLE SAUCE . . . . . 10C 3 oz. Assorted Packages JELLO…

April 06, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 127) • Page Image 8

…I Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, AprilI6, 1987 Books The Propheteers By Max Apple Harper & Row $7.95 What do Howard Johnson, Margery Merriweather Post, and Walt Disney have in common…

…? They are all characters in Hopwood ,winner Max Apple's latest novel, The Propheteers - a continuation of his parody of American popular culture begun in an earlier novel, The Oranging of America. Both…

… Swedish Approach," 6 pm, Vandenburg Rm, Mich Union, 763-7110. Women's Okinawan Karate & Self-Defense Club--Beg class, 7:15-8 pm, Martial Arts Rm, IM Bldg. 763-3562. . Computing Ctr--Course, "Monday…

…, 603 E Madison. 662-5529. Stdts of Objectivism--Bus mtg, 8 pm, 1215/1220 Bus Sch. 663-5589. Computing Ctr--Courses: "Writing & Customizing Textedit Macros," 3-5 pm, & "The Operation of Secondary…

… pm, Recital Hall, Recitals: S Davis, bass trombone, 6 pm, & R Breault, voice, 8 pm, McIntosh Theatre. Symposium, "Computers in the Performing Arts: Music Videos," 2 pm, MLB 4. Pre-concert lec, R…

April 06, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 111) • Page Image 8

…&shm 6100/6081160, Apple Color Plus 14" Dplay, Apple lendedkyboard 11and mouse. only $2A95.00. S Right now, you could take home one of the country's best-selling personal notebook computer. They're all…

… Out macaroni ucoulde an ceese. fur 01 kS Madntosh' LC 475 81160, Apple" Color Plus 14"Dlay, Apple kended Keyboardll and mouse. Only $1,48702 PowerBook* 165 4160. Only $1,919.00. Power Madnt…

April 06, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 149) • Page Image 2



April 06, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 125) • Page Image 8

… ( The UM Club of New York and the Student Alumni Council pie Computer Is student representatives lie 1990-'91 school year Hel prmote the power possessed by a Macintosh... KOEN THE APPIE TEAM Earn cash…

….M Ths user an thr a dre eager to lear Apl StuentRep Ann Arbor, MI 48104 A tas te of the Apple U 0 …

April 06, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 125) • Page Image 6

…. 1956 S. Industrial Hwy. METS, YANKEES, PIZZA, bagels, apples, The Village Voice -- Broadway! Come to the Big Apple Blast - Sunday April 8, 12-5 pm at the Alumni Center (near MLI). MEDICAL SYMPOSIUM! Sat…

…TLE OF 1990 ABRAHAM NIXON SECOND ORDER THINKING us '1 FLAT STANLEY 07c- AXID FAST AXION A~prid 4 &51.990 fin Apri( 7 0&~ U-CLU~B 53 I'M IBM COMPUTERS- Who can afford them? Students can, with huge…

… Women Undergraduate Co- op. Features include: the best price on campus (approx. $260/mo.-room & board for fall/winter), a beautiful house complete w/fireplace, piano, cable, computer, etc., delicious home…

…'S COMPUTER TYPING N. Campus 930-6679. FOR ALL YOUR WORD PROCESSING NEEDS, call Janet at 763-8913. Next Classes begin: SatApril 14th Tues. May 8th Wed. May 9th " Learn to Anticipate the Exam's Thinking…

April 06, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 107) • Page Image 6

… to campus and town. Incl. heat & water. $915. Phone 994-4359. APPLE POWERBOOK, 540C, 12/500 in- temal fax/modem. Like new, retail $5200, sacrifice $3200 or best. Call 913-4874 or 408-8399. BIKE…

…. May - Aug. & very negotiable. Please call collect 810/932-2161. 0 ' *POWERBOOK 540C for sale! Color monitor, Wordperfect & other software. No manuals. Price neg. Call Jay 913-8204. COMPUTER

… RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting…

… at $69. We warranty-what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994-1030. MAC LC 4/40 w/ color 12" monitor & hp printer new logic bd. $920/ best 764-9801. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete system including…

April 06, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 125) • Page Image 7

… at 662-9440 or 662- 7228. $5 per hour. INTERNSHIPS. Writers/Researchers needed for travel-oriented publishing company. Must 1 have interst in travel and history. Access to Macintosh computer very…

… and opporunities for advancement. Appl: TR- RAFIRMA, 3780 E. Morgan Rd., Ypsilanti, MI 48197, 434-3811. MACKINAC ISLAND'S Murray Hotel has many summer positions available. Call (313) 665-5750 or write P…

… DATA ANA- LYSTS/Programmers - full time for summer, part-time next year. Junior/senior with physi- cal science/math/engineering education wanted; FORTRAN programmin experieice needed; VAX computer

… furniture, idry., d.w. - No pets, 7r69-1534 or 764-2719. COMPUTER MERCHAN- DISE WANTED TO BUY - IBM or clone w/color monitor & printer preferred. 769-1196. FOOD & ENTERTAIN- MENT FREE FOOD!NYC info --housing…

…, trans- portation, entertainment, sports -- Big Apple Blast, Sunday April 8, 12-5, at the Alumni Center (near MLB). GGREEK GAB GREEK SOCIAL CIAIRS: Take advantage of our spring specials! Great Formal Ideas…

… out more at the i g Apple Blast - Sunday April 8, 12-5 at the Alumni Cen- ter on Fletcher (near MLB). MUSICAL MDSE, STEREOS, ETC. GUITARIST WANTED for Abraham Nixc:7h. For more info. Call 668-6281 or…

April 06, 1972 (vol. 82, iss. 142) • Page Image 5

…. -. --- 4. We provide 48 hour service on TRAVELING? STAY OVERNIGHT computer programs and take horses. FREE! Stuck at home? Meet travel- 5. Only WRITE ON is student ing people. Exchange privileges with owned…

…$tudent adult LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN! London/Paris $13 $22 INSTANT SERVICE-NO LINES! London/Amsterdam $15 $25 Xerox 7000 Reductions of London/Rome $35 - Computer Printout, Maps, etc. Other destinations available…

… negative. 19 Calcutta garmnt. 21) Smuggler. 22 Town near London. 23 Rodent. 24 (:ertain horses. 26 Musical with Latin-America n setting. 31 . de la Pail. 32 Tree of the apple family. 33 Tibet's southern…

April 06, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 126) • Page Image 9

…-CLINICAL RESEARCH CTR. to wo rk weekends. Must be eligeable for col- ' work/study s r./sum. 5.25/hr. Call Chris wlis at 936-809G. COMPUTER SALES POSITION with Au- tomation Link. Call 747-9400, Rafiq. CONLIN BRIDE…

… publication design skills, keyline experience, and good communication skills. Macintosh computer experience is helpful. Send resume, salary exctations and availability date to Box 5 205-28th t., S.E., Grand…

… for moti- vated individuals. Appl y at: TERRA IJA, INC. 3780 E. Morgan Road. Ypsilanti, 48197 MACINTOSH TECHNICAL ASSISTANT- Growing electronic publishing firm in Grand Rapids, MI is seeking a person to…

April 06, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 111) • Page Image 6

… furniture in the tri-county area with free delivery. 475-1130. PLYMOUTH COLT '89 56K miles, red, 5- speed, cassette, $3500. 769-7848. SPECIALIZED Sirrus racing bike. Like new w/cycle computer. $300. 761…

….M. Fabulous 2 bdrm., 1.5 baths apts. for Fall '94. Big enough for 5. 1700 Geddes. 741-9300. NEAR CENTRAL & Hospital w/appl. eff 1&2 bdrm. $385-$775 prkg. avail. 747-6895. OLD WEST SIDE Fantastic 2 bdrms. for…

April 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 148) • Page Image 6

… Camp. Information call 764-2401. 00H430 Computer People We're helping many companies in the area fill a variety of permanent, shorter-term and consulting, positions, and we want to talk to people looking…

… SERVICES, Creative, Technica Research. Experienced Professional:995- literary CAMPUS EDITING Efficient * Reasonable * Fast-769-2 ic Design LARGE 2 BDRM. May-August sublet. New furni- ture, carpeting, appl

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