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April 06, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-04-06

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 6, 1984

Dem candidates meet head on

PITTSBURGH (AP) - Democratic
presidential, candidates, debating in
steel country five days before the Pen-
nsylvania primary, vowed to protect
the poor and the elderly, saying the
Reagan administration has been
remiss. Walter Mondale also launched
a new attack on the administration's in-
Seeking votes in a region with
troubled industry, Mondale, Sen. Gary
Hart, and the Rev. Jesse Jackson also
-promised efforts to protect troubled
basic industries - such as steel. Hart
said he would seek federal loan guaran-
tees, if necessary. "Loans would be ob-
tained through presidential leader-
ship," he said.
"NOT A BAILOUT here or there, but
the entire steel industry," he said. This
is the distinction Hart sought to draw in
recent campaigning as he explained his
Senate vote against a Chrysler bailout.
He also said he would get "the
management of the steel company and
the United States Steel Workers in the
Oval office and negotiate an
agreement" for revitalizing the in-
"The great challenge of our party and
our nation is to alter the misery index,"
said Jackson. "In this administration,
the danger index is on the rise. Our par-
ty must have an obligation to fight for a
peace policy not a war policy."
MONDALE, lately criticizing Reagan
appointees who have gotten into trouble
over allegations of misuse of office,
ridiculed the president's declaration
Wednesday that he would take no action
against officials who were the target of
allegations still unproven.
He said the Reagan standard ap-

Democratic presidential candidates Gary Hart, Jesse Jackson, and Walter Mondale chat together prior to their debate
last night in Pittsburgh sponsored by the League of Women Voters.

parently is "You can stay in gover-
nment, you can be attorney general, if
you haven't been indicted and convic-
ted of something." The reference was
to Edwin Meese III, whose nomination
is stalled pending a special prosecutor's
Mondale said he would protect Social

Security at all costs. "I know what
these seniors are going through.
They're living on nickles and dimes,"
said Mondale. "There are a lot of things
we cannot afford, but I for one will not
pick on old folks."
He said the nation needs "sound new
economic policies," and he vowed to

pursue new policies "that will get those
God-awful nuclear weapons under con-
The candidates were aiming their
appeals at the Pennsylvania
Democrats who will allocate the next
big block of delegates - 172 - in their
primary next Tuesday.

Reagan s
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Reagan and the Congressional Budget
Office, whose conclusions he has at-
tacked as something worse than
EUROPE BY CAR b "blankety-blank lies," agree that his
one Rockefeller Plaza tax-cut programs has provided propor-
Phone (212) 581-3040 tionately more dollars to the wealthy
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Student/Teacher Tariff. Reagan and the non-partisan resear-
Q RENTAL Q LEASE Q PURCHASE chers on Capitol Hill also agree on the
reason. That is, because about
everybody gets the same percentage of

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avs tax cute
reduction in their income tax rate, it
stands to reason that a person who pays
more tax would get a greater dollar
amount of a cut than one who pays less
in tax.
"I DON'T think there is a basic
disagreement," Hy Sanders, a
Congressional Budget Office tax
analyst, said yesterday.
"Those in the highest income groups
received the largest tax cuts - in part
because they had the highest tax
liabilities to start with. We are talking
about a tax cut everybody's
rates across the board."
At his news conference Wednesday
night, Reagan was asked about a new
CBO report which said the poorest
people in America have lost more than
they have gained from tax and spen-
ding reductions recommended by the
president since he took office in 1981.
IS IT FAIR, Reagan was asked, that
a family making less than $10,000 this
year wil be about $400 worse off than it
would have been without the
president's program, while a family
over the $80,000 level would be more
than $8,000 better off?
"It'not only wouldn't be fair but I
don't think it's true," Reagan replied.

s aid rich
"You know, as Disraeli once said, there
are lies, blankety-blank lies and
"We havd a tax program that
was a 25 percent cut across the
board. Now that's a 25 percent reduc-
tion in the tax burden of everyone. If
you have someone whose tax burden is
$20, that cut means they save $5 and
they still owe $15.
"BUT SOMEONE who ... pays 100
times as much tax, $2,000, gets $500 but
still owes $1,500," the president con-
tinued. "In other words, the
progressivity of the tax programs stays
the same, so there is no way that the tax
programs could have benefited
someone at one end of the scale and not
the other. It's based on proportions."
President Reagan is also trying to
evade responsibility for the deaths' of
264 Americans in Lebanon and make
Congress the scapegoat for his own
failed policies, Democratic
congressional leaders said yesteray.
"I believe he has.qualms of conscien-
ce," House Speaker Thomas O'Neill
told reporters.
"He is responsible for therdeaths of
the Marines over there," the
Massachusetts Democrat declared.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Saudi jet hijacked to Istanbul
ANKARA, Turkey - A crack anti-terrorist police squad yesterday stormed
a hijacked Saudi Arabian jet and freed all 277 passengers and crew. The
Syrian hijacker and four other people were injured in the raid.
The semiofficial Anatolia news agency said the plane was diverted during
a flight from Jidda, Saudi Arabia, to the Syrian capital of Damascus.
A 64-year-old woman passenger was seriously injured and two other
women were hurt when they jumped from the exit doors of the Saudi Arabian
Airlines jet to the tarmac at Istanbul'sYesilkoy airport.
The plane's chief engineer hurt his hand, apparently in a fight with the
hijacker, as the heavily armed anti-terrorist team rushed the forward
section of the plane and disarmed the man in a dramatic seven-minute
The motive for the hijacking was not immediately known, but Turkey's
national news agency UBA identified the man as Hidir Ahmet Mahlej, 25, of
Damascus. He was ordered held in custody until Friday morning.
India takes 'emergency powers
AMRITSAR, India - Faced with mounting Sikh violence, the Indian
government armed itself yesterday with emergency powers to jail suspected
terrorists without trial for as long as two years in Punjab state.
Militant Fikh leader Jarnail Fingh Bhindranwale told 40 supporters at the
holy Golden Temple, "The government either wants to eliminate the Sikhs
or wants the Sikhs to lick the dust of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's
He said the govrernment and police were conspiring to kill innocent Sikhs,
and that paramilitay officers who killed six Sikhs during a riot Tuesday must
be repaid in kind.
Bhindranwale asked his followers to form motorcyle-riding squads in
every Punjab village to "go out and teach lessons" to the government.
Motorcycles have been used often in the hundreds of hit-and-run killings in
Punjab in the past three years.
"The Sikhs should realize their existence is threatened, and should face
the challenge," Bhindranwale said. "Every village should have one
motorcycle and three armed and trained Sikh riders to go out and teach
lessons and repay the government."
FBI hunts for wanted fugitive
WASHINGTON - The FBI began an extraordinary nationwide manhunt
yesterday for Christopher Wilder, a 39-year-old race car driver charged with
kidnapping one woman and suspected in the death or disappearance of six
others from Florida to Nevada.
The FBI called an unusual news conference to say Wilder had been added
to its "Ten Most Wanted Fugitives" list and appealed for help from the
public in catching him.
"We don't normally do this," said Assistant FBI Director Oliver "Buck'
Revell of the news conference. "But he represents a significant danger. He's
extremely active, very dangerous, and this approach may lead to his
apprehension. He's making contacts on an almost daily basis, and this is
potentially a very prolific situation."
He added that if Wilder were responsible for all the cases "it would be a
classic case of sexual, serial murders," a type of crime that has drawn
increasing attention this year from federal officials, because the murders
often take place so far apart that they cannot be connected by local
Revell said every FBI office in the nation had been assigned tasks in the
case "to ensure full coverage." He said the FBI had no information on
Wilder's whereabouts since Sunday, when he was spotted in Las Vegas, Nev.
Two killers executed in South
Arthur Goode III, killer of two small boys, died crying in Florida's electric
chair yesterday less than six hours after Louisiana executed Elmo Patrick
It was the first time two men have been put to death onithe same day since
the Supreme Court lifted its ban on capital punishment in 1976. The
electrocutions brought to 18 the number of condemned prisoners executed
since 1976.
Eleven of those executions have taken place in Southern prisons. Goode
was the fourth to be electrocuted in Florida since 1976; no other state has
held more than three executions.
Goode, 30, who had said earlier he would "kill as many kids as I can get my
hands on" if he was set free, repented in his final tearful seconds before the
death hood was dropped over his face.
Sonnier, 35, convicted of raping a teenaged girl and then killing her and
her boyfriend, looked into the eyes of his victims' fathers as he was strapped
into the chair in Angola prison and begged their forgiveness.
Prime lending rate rises .5%
NEW YORK - The nation's major banks yesterday boosted their prime
lending rate for business loans to 12 percent from 11 percent, the highest
level in more than a year and one that could quickly affect the sizzling
mortgage market,
First National Bank of Chicago took the lead and was immediately
followed by Pittsburgh's Mellon Bank, Citibank, Chase Manhattan, Morgan
Guaranty Trust and Chemical Bank. Most of the nation's major banks then
fell in line with the higher rate.

It was the highest level for the prime rate since November 1982 when
banks lowered the prime to 11% percent from 12 percent.
An influential economist predicted the prime would rise to 13 percent by
early summer because of Federal Reserve pressure on bank reserves, and
he said consumers would be more quickly and more directly affected than in
the past.

Officials delay code vote
until students return in fall

(Continued from Page 1)
ber. The regents would likely vote on
the code in October.
The statement said that Kennedy was
speaking on behalf of University
President Harold Shapiro, who is out of
town until Monday.
Originally, administrators had hoped
to have a proposed code ready to go
before the regents at this month's
meeting. But considerable opposition to
several sections of the code has forced
officials to spend more time than they
expected revising the code and
listening to criticism.
MANY STUDENTS who oppose the

proposed code have expressed fears
that the regents might take action on
the code when students are away for
summer vacation.
Kennedy said that the regents would
also put off considering amending their
bylaw 7.02 which says that the
Michigan Student Assembly and
faculty Senate Assembly must approve
the code before it can be passed.
Several regents and administrators
have said they may be willing to con-
sider changing the bylaw to side-step
student opposition to the proposed code.
- Claudia Green


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be flidjitgan Dafl
Friday, April 6, 1984
Vol. XCIV-No. 149
(ISSN 0745-967X)
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during thej
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scription rates: $15.50 September through April (2 semesters); $19.50 by.'
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
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Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann
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Opinin Pae Edtor' ~ B y Schwartz., Susan Warner, Rich Weides, Andrea
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