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October 21, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

… employee reported that a computer keyboard was taken between Oct. 13 and Oct. 18 from Administrative Services, University Police reported. While the officer was writing up the report the keyboard was found…

…: " Computer/Electrical Engineering Signals Analysis . Computer Science . Business & Contracting . Information Assurance Finance & Accounting . Mathematics " Paid Internships, " Foreign Language Scholarships and…

… - P :4 " tryptanalysis KNOWINGMATTERS WATCH OUR VIDEO I W Get the free App for your and tht enahte Appl v _- _ and aim it at this tag. a.S tizetnshp as equired. NSAisan Equal Opotunity Enpoyer…

October 21, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

…. Bi-level, 2 brdms., 2 full baths, AC, fully furn., utils. incl. spacious living rm., full kitch., 645-8122. WINTER SEMESTER SUBLET. 2 rooms avail., w/ prkg, across from CCRB. 717-2086. DR. COMPUTER

… WEEKLY POTENTIAL mailing our circulars. For info call 203-977-1720. $250 A DAY potential! bartending training provided 1-800-293-3985 ext. 504. ACCESS TO A COMPUTER? $500-1500 monthly PIT. $2000-4500 FIT…

… Abbr. summer hrs. 48 The Big Apple, 61 Louis XVI, par initially exemple ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 0 'i Q U E E G S H AID C R A B U L T R A T O N E H UM E I N T E R L: L E V A P I A T A E B A R E W I…

October 21, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 16) • Page Image 6

… $1999. Syquest 44r Drive $39. 1739 Wash- tenaw 482-0739. APPLE LASERWRITER for sale. 4 yrs. old, like new. $500 or best. 913-5843. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT Incredible deals on systems…

…/OBO 485-8513. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '88 90K, leather, A/C, new tires, exc. 665-9627. x **********MACEXCHANGE********** MacExchange Computer Outlet. Sales & service. 486s from $389. New Performa 6320…

… housemates 998-1807. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE has full and part-time positions available at its Ann Arbor store. Call 313-994-1030 or Fax 313-994- 1304. COUNTER HELP Have a blast! Friendly, customer service…

computer functions,handlingrpayments/billing inquiries, processing customer requests, telemarketing. Must be available part-time on Saturdays. Experience helpful, but will train reliable and energetic person…

…'s Degree in: Computer Science, Information Systems or Accounting Information Systems. Jr. or Sr. standing desirable but not required. Student should have a good understanding of PC hardware and Windows…

October 21, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

…. COMPUTER DESK, solid pine, attached self for monitor. Measurements are 27x47x19. $80. 663-5033. RUMMAGE SALE: First Baptist Church. 512 E. Huron; Oct. 21, 9-5; Oct. 22, 9-1. Many gently used items & fumiture…

… available: PCMCIA, 28.8 FAX/Modems, Ethernet. Call us with questions or orders. MC/Visa. ConnectTech at 708/491-1775. APPLE MAC SE Loaded with numerous software applications. $550 or best. Call Cahd at 764…

…-8981. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199…

…. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994-1030. MAC CLASSIC 4/40 & Image Writer II. $700 or best offer. Call David 741-8140. MACINTOSH Computer- Complete system…

… a professional and persuasive telephone manner. Typing ability helpful, as some of the data is entered into a computer. Pay starts at $6.00 per hour. Advancement opportunities available. Apply in rson…

… STUDY JOB, must like to work on computer. Data entry and odd jobs. 10 hrs./ wk., central campus. Call 764-3471 for an interview. YARD AND GENERAL maintenance, part- time, $6.00/hr. Flexible, but steady…

… hours. 662-1122 anytime. SPANISH SPEAKING, computer literate tutor sought for 5 & 10 yr. old. 1-2 after- noons/eves. per week. Own trans., patience $6.00/hr. 662-1122 anytime. STUDENT MANAGERS wanted at…

October 21, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

…. Excellent cond. Matching helmet. $2500/best. 995- 1366. BICYCLES - All speeds, big & small frames. $20-$50. Good condition. 475-3238. COMPUTER: APPLE Ie, Imagewriter, VGA color monitor. JOYSTICK. 2 drives…

…: Research Information 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-A, Los Angeles. CA 90025 R OOM MAT ES FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED to share two bdrm. condo on E. Kingsly. Near campus, furn., parking, laundry. Call 663- 3072. COMPUTERS

October 21, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…'s have an Apple It is 3:00 am and you're sitting around with nothing to do. You have an urge to go out and be with your peers, but the bars are closed. You still have three cans of Campell's Chunky so…

…. Suspense killing you? Wait no longer, rejoice and celebrate as the computing center at 611 Church St. opens tomorrow morning at 8:00 am and won't close again until Santa Claus comes to town. -By Alex Gordon…

October 21, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 30) • Page Image 10

… ARBOR 1220- SOUTH UNIVERSITY (CORNER S. UNIVERSITY & FOREST) 665-2034 Hours Monday-Thursday 10:30 AM-1:00AM "I ie It's at th Campus Computing Sites! Qwg461 1 Church Street-4th floor Qj…

… floor 4W. Engineering-Rm #120 Key: 4 Apple Macs + printers rQ- Zenith PCs + printers Annl I acarWritar Friday-Saturday Sunday 10:30 AM-2:00 AM 10:30 AM-Midnight " PIZZA BY THE SLICE - SALADS…

October 21, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 40) • Page Image 7

… INTERVIEW SYSTEMS DESIGN PROGRAMMERS Microsoft Corporation develops the leading edge in microcomputer systems software. Our BASIC is world renowned. Our XENIX and MS-DOS operating systems have computer

… Systems, Word Processing, Interactive Systems, Graphics and more. Our OEM customer base is a Who's Who of the hardware business(IBM, Apple, Radio Shack, Intel, Tektronix). As new systems like the IBM PC and…

…&D become part of the computers of the future. Microsoft provides the best systems programming work environment " all the high-level hardware (DEC-20, PDP 11, VAX, tUN 68000 machines) and software development…

October 21, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 39) • Page Image 8


… SERVICE LSAT NOV 8 - DEC 1 CALL REALM TUTORING 665-3579 CJtc RESUMES/COVER LETTERS Prepared-Typed or Wordprocessed Reasonable Rates Career Dimensions 761-2458 cjtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and…

October 21, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…. Tomorrow's student may well stop at Radio Shack before hitting Ulrich's. The wave of the future? A computer for every student. This week Carnegie-Mellon Univer- sity announced that in three years (one year…

… after 1984), all students will be required to buy their own computers, just like every student now buys tex- tbooks. If that's not enough to satiate any electronic craving, Carnegie-Mellon hopes to have…

… even more than one computer terminal per student in the year 1990. Carnegie-Mellon's plan surely will spread throughout the country. Our own engineering Dean James Duder- stadt predicts that, although it…

… probably won't be mandatory for another decade or so, all engineering students will soon have their own ter- minals. The logic behind being swamped with computers is just as accurate and rational as any…

computer's calculation. The computer has become an indispensible tool. It's an advance that will revolutionize both teaching and learning. But it's tempting to turn one's back to progress. Somehow, these…

… class. Will students have to bring back-up diodes and memory chips to midterms? Think of how easy it is now to write off a lousy grade to a professor's bad mood. Rationalizing a "D" given by an Apple

October 21, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

… early January '78. Details and appls. available. Rand Corp., Calif., Wash., D.C.: Graduate student Summer Program, covers broad fields-computer sciences, engr., manage., physical sciences, social sciences…

… Nuclear Engineering Training Program. .y... .. .. . Dai ly Official Bulletirn (Continued from Page 1) Store of Ann Arbor. "For example, a computer could be programmed to pick up the difference between a…

… in some music." Blond envisions a day when "you could have your, heating system made far more energy-efficient with your home computer. It could keep the upstairs of your house at 65 during the day…

… to do all these things already exists. It's known as a microcomputer chip - the guts of an entire computer on a single integrated circuit. As technol- ogy has progressed, these chips have become…

… smaller, doing more and costing less. The cost has now descended to the point that a TV advertising campaign this Christmas will protray the worldts first mass-produced comput- er as an electronic marvel…

… Johnson, "A home computer is too in- expensive to ignore." The PET (and a competitor expect- ed to be coming soon from Radio Shack) can be used to keep complete financial records, balance a check- book…

… games as far beyond the most advanced "Pong" as today's. calculators are beyond the abacus. PET's can also draw pictures, play the popular computer game "Star Trek", and solve puzzles. SUMMER PLACEMENT…

… year students majoring in business, computer training, math and accounting. Also, SUMMER intern program for 2nd year law students, Register in person or by phone763-4117. Friday, October 21, 1977 DAY…

October 21, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 41) • Page Image 8

… Center for Continuing Medical earlier proposals and may have Education, 9:00 a.m. assured the Regents the store ----.-~ would be economically sound. This . ..raduate Record aminatio Appl ORA N, Ir7AEAON…

… Dixboro Road. The subject will return to continue his discussiog will be computer simulation of on Sea Law and present his film on growth in theHubbardBrookJapanese fishing trawlers off t h e Alaskan coast…

October 21, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 45) • Page Image 5

… ap- preciate apple pie? If you can ans- wer all of these questions with an affirmative answer, then you must be crazy or else Sam. be crazy or else Sam. F SUKKOT-HOMECOMING SERVICE - this Friday at 7…

…, for details. C HELP WANTED COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS, ANALYSTS. MANAGERS For Full or Part-Time Work Experience beyond course work re- quired. Excellent wages. Unlimited op- portunity with Michigan's largest…

… soft- ware house. Esp. need programmers with Numerical Control. COBOL, Real Time or DEC equipment experience. 761-1600 INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMS H5 DYNAMIC SALESMAN for computer software house…

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