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April 10, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 112) • Page Image 12

… do laun or find youa date, but it can help you find more time for both. The new Apple" Macintosh* Classics II computer makes it easier for you to juggle classes, activities, projects, and term papers…

… info. Also, don't for- get TMBG's Dial-A-Song Service - (718)387-6962. ETA KAPPA NU ASSOCIATION Eta Kappa Nu Association, the National Electrical and Computer Engineering honor society, was created to…

… bring into closer union those in the profession of Electrical or Computer Engineering who by their attainments in college or in practice have manifested a deep interest and marked ability in their chosen…

… life work, so as to foster a spirit of liberal culture in the Engineering colleges, and to mark in an outstanding manner those students in Electrical or Computer Engineering who through distinguished…

… has a powerful 68030 micro- processor, which means you can run even the most sophisticated applications with ease. And its internal Apple SuperDriveTM disk drive reads from and writes to Macintosh and…

… MS-DOS formatted disks-allowing you to exchange information easily with , almost any other kind of computer. I April 22 is the In addition to its built-in capabilities, the Macintosh Classic II can be…

… for a demonstration today, nt ~ Irouirng the Mcinto Casi c (11. fII. last day for students to order a computer this term. 0 …

April 10, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

… Special Student Price: $3238 You Save: over $600 For full specifications: 0 g 0 0 Special UM Pricing U-M Computer Showcase 64-SALES Michigan Union ground level www…

…0 2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 10, 2003 III -NATION/WORLD "-I " .d7 M mod. w . " " " " -0 Apple's been taking crazy pills. Friendly NEWS IN BRIEF fire kills SEOUL,oKorea 11…

… Promotion extended while supplies last Available only at U-M Computer Showcase BAGRAM, Afghanistan (AP) - A U.S. warplane called in to sup- port allied Afghans under fire mis- takenly bombed a house…

April 10, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 130) • Page Image 7

…; plus Overnight Camping, Computers, Woodcraft and more. Inquire: J & D Camping, 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028. Phone (201) 429-8522. 23H0411 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT . $300/week. Royal Prestige has…

…- terested, please send resume to: Business Manager Search Committee Student Publications 429 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 APPLICATION DEADLINE: APRIL11, 196 Use Daily Classifieds COMPUTER MDSE. FOR SALE…

…: Brand new Apple le 80-column text card. Price negotiable. 764-5937. 76TO414 MISCELLAN EOUS DESPERATELY SEEKING previous final exam for Astronomy 101. (ELSTE) will pay top dol- lar! 995-5828 evenings. 38M…

…'s the ultimate insider's guide to apartment hunting in the Big Apple. "Manhattan Moves" helps you set your sights on the right type of apartment and location. It takes you on a tour of the city…

April 10, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 109) • Page Image 18

…, keyboard, mouse and all the software you're likely to need 0l Being a student is hard. So we've made buying a Macintosh'easy. So easy, in fact, that prices with the Apple'Computer Loan and 90-Day Deferred…

… diving catch against Ohio State during last year's Big Ten playoffs. We're talking dirt. The awesome computer with all the bells and whistles. Like, duh. Macintosh Performae 6115 w/CD 8 MB RAM/350 MB…

April 10, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 131) • Page Image 7

…-season rates, lodging for 2 $50. Cabin for 4, $60. That is total cost folks. (616)-276-9502. TRAVEL PLANS: For interviews, going home, pleasure. Complete Travel, 761-6500. COMPUTER MDSE. Apple 2+ w/ 2 disk…

… 2. These eye-catching images were created using the Quantel computer paintbox. Both women also display .great talent in their drawing, something not always evident but necessary to the designer…

… in Latin America SCIENCES: Developmental Biology, Apes & Ilutman Evolution, Cell Biology, Organic Chemistry, Computer Sciences, Fundamental Matheniatics, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Statistics Call or…

April 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 152) • Page Image 8

…I FOR SALE APPLE II-C starter systems $1199.00.90 day warran- ty. Computer Reruns (used computers bought and sold), Tues.-Fri. 1-7, Sat. 10-5. 994-4949 anytime. 44B0413 1975 SUZUKI 550. Good…

…" by 22" MUST SELL 665-9219 40B0411 BEEN WITHOUT A computer long enough? For sale: 1 Atari 800 system with a disk drive, printer, software including word processing and games, plus many extras. $1250 but…

… have excellent verbal and written,. English skills. Some typing and/or computer ter- minal experience helpful. Part time hours, $3.50 to start. Must have own transportation. Call 973-0979 from 10a.m.4 p…

April 10, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 130) • Page Image 7

…- 4448. ATTENTION: Excellent Income for hoe assembly work. 504-646-1700 Dept. P2720. AUDITING FIRM NEEDS PART TIME CLERICAL Flexible hours, days. Ongoing to access charts and computer at UM Medical Center…

… or more yrs previous work or volunteer exp., high school diploma,some phone typing, computer, basic math skills. eliable transportation. Min.18 yrs. old. No smoking. Start @ May 1.Call Julie Ritter 665…

…. Will pay for order now plus bonus upon delivery. Details: 998-1459. ANNOUNCEMENTS The UM Club of New York and the Student Alumni Council presents: Get A Taste of the Big Apple APRIL 10, 1991 5:00-7:00 P…

…. Mr. Stevens 939-1284 ASSISTANT NEEDED TO PROVIDE COMPUTER hardware/software technical support. 20-40 hours/wk. Pay $7-$8 depend- ing on experience. Great working environment. Must be an enrolled U of M…

April 10, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 115) • Page Image 12

… November 10 at the Detroit Downtown Athletic Club. I I 'M' skating club to put on annual show Angell Hall Computing Site April 15 & 16 Bursley Rescomp Site April 14 &15 Forget Finals .. . For a moment at…

… Krischer Apple I Sites I eso $ Sticking I Make $ FL SMich $$7 p 5 611 www.t $$$$$$$$$s$$$s$$$$$$$$$$ g$ Around this Summer? $ Easy Money with $ EXIBLE HOURS s iigan Telefund a er hour + bonuses…

April 10, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 130) • Page Image 6

…. BRAND-NEW Apple Image-writer letter quality printer, $90 neg. Ca 764-1691. COMPUTER APPLE I1c, monitor, and printer. Software included, with great word processor. $300 for a great package. Call Jim at 663…

… CASE OF BEER w/ sublet: Great loc. next to Mudbowl. 2 large bedrooms, A/C, laundry, small porch, new fum. Rent $200/rm. Call 663-9731. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, Central Cam- pus. Appl, prk. $229 obo. 662…

April 10, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 109) • Page Image 6

…-9300. NEAR CENTRAL OR MEDICAL-Eff. or I bdrm. semi-fum. w/ appl. & prkg. avail. $45G-$575/mo., util. in 747-6895. H ERITAGEHOUSE APTS, HEITG PS 94 BMW 3181s- White w/ black cloth, 5 speed, 27K. $18,000. 994…

…-8825. PEPPER'S PLACE MGMT. Fall rentals, eff., studio, 3 bdrm. apts. or 6-8 bdrm. hse. 810/553-8510. A+ COMPUTING. Call for discount software prices & free catalog 800/878-1354. AVERY DISTRIBUTORS wants to buy…

… your notebook computers. Call 667-5844. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell, & trade quality used and new computers. Incredible deals! 486s and Macs as low as $350.,Printers starting at $29, 17" monitors…

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