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April 10, 1992 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-04-10

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Page 12-The Michigan Daily- Friday, April 10, 1992

Continued from page 9
some of Jim Henson's early work.
The rest is Public Television history.
After 23 years with Bert, Ernie
and company, is McGrath tiring of
having children and puppets as co-
stars? No way.
"It's great fun, the best of all
worlds really. The kids are easy to
work with because we don't ask
them to be little child stars; we don't
even use professional kids, usually.
The muppets are wonderful, too.
"We suffered a great loss, per-
sonally and professionally, when Jim
Henson died, but he left an enor-
mous legacy by training a lot of pup-
peteers - they're all brilliant, and
have created real characters for the
puppets. At no time do I ever feel

like I'm talking to someone's hand
stuffed in a ball of fur," McGrath
This feeling is obvious when Mc-
Grath speaks, in all seriousness, of
his working relationships with fa-
vorites such as Big Bird and Oscar
the Grouch. He says, "Big Bird and I
have done some nice pieces together.
We're going to be working together
this summer at a children's festival
in Virginia."
In case anyone was wondering
(and you know you were), McGrath
does believe in Snufalufagus. "I di-
dn' t for a long time, but five or six
years ago the producers decided that
Snuffy should be revealed to us.
"There was a series of episodes
leading up to it, and finally one day
we did a big show with Phil Dona-
hue, as himself, running around ask-

ing us all if we believed (in Snuffy).
So now everyone knows (that Snuffy
is real)," he says.
McGrath is not the only one re-
turning to campus to sing with the
Glee Club tomorrow night. The 1967
Men's Glee Club will also perform.
The Spring Concert will include
a wide range of music sung by the
Men's Glee Club, the Friars, and
their special guests.
CONCERT will be performed tomor-
row night at 8 p.m. at Hill
Auditorium. Tickets are $8 to $3 for
students. Call 764-1448 for more in-
formation. Bob McGrath will be at
Ann Arbor's Little Professor Book
Company on Saturday from 12-1
p.m. signing copies of his recent
recording "Bob's Favorite Street

Continued from page 8
traditional male roles become less
Kamen acknowledges that there
are no easy answers to questions of
equality, but suggests that more dia-
logue is the first step in bringing
about change. "We need to go be-
yond the surface and challenge peo-
ple to think. The goal of my book is
to spur dialogue in a generation I
feel is very isolated. Consciousness
raising is necessary to get people in-
volved in the movement," she ex-

This "raising of consciousness" is
just what Kamen is doing in her tour
of the country to speak about her
book. She talks about the need for
more male feminists and recounts
the stigmas she faced as a feminist in
college. Kamen also speaks of issues
that have nothing to do with the
women's movement.
"I don't want to be pigeonholed
as a feminist writer; when I was a
city reporter for a newspaper I
wasn't pigeonholed as someone ob-
sessed with sewers and pipelines. I
want to be perceived as a writer with
a wide range," she says.
Regardless of her wishes, Kamen

will probably remain in the category
of 'feminist writer,' at least until the
talk about her book dies down.
Throughout and beyond that time,
Feminist Fatale will continue to in-
form people about the importance of
the women's movement, and break
down the stereotypes surrounding
Feminist. Are you one? Don't an-
swer "no" too quickly.
PAULA KAMEN will read from and
discuss her book, Feminist Fatale,
Friday night at 7:30 at the Common
Language Bookstore on South
Fourth Avenue. The general public
is welcome, and admission is free.
drum machine, and now we've kind
of stripped that down. There are a lot
of songs that are just accordion and
voices, or just guitar and voices, or
some combination of that. We found
that a lot of times that really intensi-
fies the show. There's something
very strong about this duo thing."

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Continued from page 8
offer than that. We're not just like a
pop-rock band."
No one would compare the duo
to normal pop band fare. Instead of
following scenes, Flansburgh and
Linnell seem to have created one of
their own. Success for the Giants has
nothing to do with comprehensive
musical training or gearing albums
towards a particular crowd.
According to Flansburgh, success
comes from taking risks and not be-
ing above ridiculing yourself from
time to time.
"One of the things about the band
is that we're not afraid to play an in-

strument badly," he says. "You can
just widen the scope of what you're
doing a lot if you're not worried
about the technical end of it com-
pletely. On this next tour, I'm actu-
ally playing a small drum kit. I'm
not an accomplishesd drummer
(laughs). I just started playing the
drums a little while ago. But, it's
really fun."
Currently doing a brief stint in
the U.S., before heading out for a
European tour, Flansburgh de-
scribes the experience of touring as a
duo, and presenting their songs in
such a format.
"The show has gotten more duo
oriented over time," he states. "We
used to do like every song with a

perform this Sunday at the Michigan
Theater. Tickets are $17.50 and
$12.50 (p.e.s.c) at Ticketmaster.
Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Call 763-
TKTS for more info. Also, don't for-
get TMBG's Dial-A-Song Service -

Eta Kappa Nu Association, the National Electrical and Computer Engineering honor society, was
created to bring into closer union those in the profession of Electrical or Computer Engineering
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We, the officers of the Beta Epsilon chapter of Eta Kappa Nu at the University of Michigan,
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Sanjiv Agrawal
Tim Chang
Hong Chou
Chong-Min Gan
Ashesh B. Kamdar
Shiu-Wing Leung
Andrew Blaine MacKersie
Tod Paulus
Nathan Schultz
Brian Gene Vikstrom

David W. Brubeck
Martin Chavez
Chris Conley
Art Gmurowski
William Kolakowski
Zhiqun Liu
Michelle Rae Miles
David G. Riley
Steve Shoemake
Shane Yu

Howard Zen Chang
Brian Chen
William A. Friedman
Paul Jensen
Charles R. Lefurgy
Peter T. Loh
Sijo Parekattil
Gagandeep Sandhu
Brian Shu


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