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October 01, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 1, 1987 Apple challenges 'U' By RYAN TUTAK Apple Computers has chosen the University as one of only a handful of campuses to participate in a pair of…

…. Each member of the winning team will be awarded $2,000 of Apple products and a summer internship at the company. The school of the winning team will receive five Macintosh computers, a Laser…

… up with something that (Apple) has not designed in the lab already," Saunders said. Reynolds said Apple does not expect students to build a new computer. "The contest is very intangible," she said. "We…

…, coordinator of the Residential College Computer Program. Students at 28 universities will participate in the other contest to design a system of software consistent with Apple's research goals in education. A…

… contests to design the personal computers of the future. One contest, open to twelve universities, challenges students in teams of no more than five to envision the technology of computers by the year 2000…

…Writer printer and an AppleTalk network. Laura Reynolds, Apple's coordinator of the contest, said the University was selected to participate in the contest because it "is on the leading edge of Macintosh…

… want this to be an intellectual exercise that is fun. We want to students to think about the possibilities that will exist in computing in the 21st century." LSA Senior Haran Rashes has started to…

… students design a computer which is smaller than the current Macintosh, has artificial intelligence and responds to verbal commands. "I'm always interested in improving the Macintosh," said Rashes…

October 01, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 16) • Page Image 6

… exam in December, the Kaplan Center can prepare you to do your best! Each student begins with a computerized diagnostic exam that will organize a time efficient study plan. To register,'call 662…

…-2360 Dave COMPUTER MDSE. APPLE II+, EPSON PRINTER, disk drive, new monitor, modem card & software Ap- plewriter & tons more software. Total: 40 764-2624 Paul or Brian. LETTER QUALITY PRINTER $325 nego- tiable…

… Angell Hall. Old .'metal men's glasses, rose colored. Reward. X37-5665, leave message. LOST: Set of keys. Mich & Mazda tags. Re- *ard I Contact Dave or Jeff 764-4946. FOR SALE APPLE II+, CPM + Ram card…

…. John 662-7847. North Computer says You Rent Your Fridge-You Rent Your Phone... Rent Your Computer! Semester, Monthly andDaily Rates Designed so Fit Your Budget Now, you can afford a computer when you…

… need it Call North Computer for your computer needs 971-6929 MUSICAL FENDER TWIN REVERB 100 watts good cond. $450 or best. T.J. 665-2411. Auditions for AMAZIN' BLUE U-M's coed vocal ensemble Sept. 30th…

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