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August 15, 2019 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily

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Thursday, June 15, 2019
The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com MICHIGAN IN COLOR

Poem: Mother of the sea, of all living and nonliving things

MiC Senior Editor

I imagine her waves, before I enter
like hands softly caressing the sand of the shore
They ease their way towards my feet
And we meet each other halfway
Halfway between
serenity and death

The balance of
Delicious paradise and ominosis danger
Of which the ocean encompasses

Reminding me that in this part of the world we experience pain
when we need to
Sometimes it does not make sense, but everything is not meant to
These forces, like us, have the control to make integral decisions
about what is and what is not

There comes a point, a point of surrender
Where this larger strength teaches you it can bare more than you
And you mustw let it

I sink further into this notion
Into her motion
and it all begins to feel more like breathing

She builds her waves with an inhale scooping me onto her
It is possible that with this momentum she may swallow me
But her exhale pushes me in the direction of the shore
where she relinquishes all that does not serve her

Today she pulls me in more then pushes me out
And keeps me balanced in the warmth of her mouth

I sing to her my gratitude
sometimes a hum
sometimes the sum of all her power
For this she sings back in the music of fluidity

like a child, a baby of which she adores
she cradles me and rocks me melodically
Like a whispered soft song

I learn she is as grateful for me as I of her


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