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March 10, 1945 - Image 26

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-10

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Po~o Twe ty-Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, March 10 1945
For 1ll You Hectic Hooligans We Bring YOu, Doctor Puts
Stripped to Essentials, The End of Five Stories Man's Brain
As 7s all too often the case in Benson and the White Slave Rack- 3peek, gentlemanly averted. Quick-
ur modern hectic times, many et; Ralph Benson, Blackbirderly he covered her form with the CANARSI JUNCTION Ma h
r on, n tnnies, man (this was before he reformed); (1 A.M., V-Ball Time) two handkerchiefs he had pur- 9.-Dr. I. Cilum, noted neighbor-
ly begin Ralph Benson Lost in the Foun. Softly Leonar crep up on this chased for just such an emergency hod hy.ici , nd p erg o-
seriou ns rig. These persons of dation Garment Facry (an open madman Kensington. Kensington and snatched her upa ogphysicianan Plum er, to-
reen tnd of a story n ae) ra eon hpd his knife raised d day through the medium of the
S a the eo a and shut case),RalphBensonsah f the la.sd ready to As Kensington drained the last American Homocidal Journal, an-
part of any book is its conclusion. Busta Open the Vice Ring), siach dgint sheer few drops, Leonard and Anita nounced that at last he had suc-
To aId taese people, and in line Ralph Benson, secret operative, pee of clothing whic still cov- rushed out the door, closed it oeeded in transferring the brain
with ,V:L loiicyofpgsibgas much No. T-42, smiled. Now he could go ergdAnlta tightly behind them, turned on of a human being to the head of
assistasc as possible to its read- back and ake a successful rert gas release lever an ape
ersto his chief. Another case was Her eyes closed, her ears long outside the air-tight room, and a a e
'outsi e thelair-tighthroom, and After delvin, into the long tech-
eri, Tc Daily ts edis thr closed since deaf with fear, she did not scurried away, leaving Kensington nical processes of the deli te op-
en ie es t The End know her loving eonard seven to his rightful fate. er tion, which involved a trans-
endn sffieotoa'mstmad crazy rtowihnvlearns
gro i it best-smelters. The end- nowLeonard and Anita were united ference of the ape's liver to the
ring octhseost-aeerbeloQ erFuisendt.Th oaotknf vr nthsmdrz
rigs to the aks appr belowQ r r s.. fate, The ki ein K s yt again, and two happy lovers that inside of a. nine-year-dead red
Que rishand slashed down, narowly mis- te ee meitl
You may draw your own conclu- Larry gazed hungrily at the sing Anita's r , b they wer , immediately proceeded headed guinea pig, the Journal
s t005 a to what happened before scantily-clad, well - supplemente deftly removing her last unen- tomplete the job for which disclosed the results of the haz-
these conclusions were printed, outline of blonde Beverly Driscoll tionable. (It as amot too cay harduous operation.
T'he Sell or A ber . . -Dwight Fiske). mn The man, one Thomas Alvin
The Lng-Hoped-For End Edison, not to be confused with
Sofly s= Closed the door. "Well, wh reedilyKbef ningtnste t -Perry Logan Thomas Alva Edison who died a
thats- she murmured. Now dlong time ago, was killed as a
lbs v':) I wi uld?"esheu read Noweered as he watced Asnia's body- co
the 'o ould en hers, and she . nature's nal ort in producing or ortab seqne ofth pati a
woul bi isI queen. She couldn't hefctfr-ev u nIe- The ape, as soon a e was able
have doae wrong. The end justi- ,thdowe lec h edu nf r l to recover consciousness, began to
feed the means she had taken,.do Hi' it t A' Ya Comfortable? A V take on like a veritable madman.
See Clap IV, pp. 35-37). Hi eyes gistee as e togt one u Cmfrtbl? re Yo From his mouth drooled all kids
h , -what a wonderful thing he would Happy In What You Are Doing? o s range r luc as: kmds
The End d o h ol ygvn e of strange gibberish such as; 'sna-
do for the world by giving her If not, visit us; we'd be only too fu', 'reat Jackson', 'what a rat
Leav e er to Freshmen ' brain to science! (As stated he- glad to see that you get different race', and other expressions of
Macsly nifted her smooth-skin- tore, be s a iaving mniac7Edi acommodations. We specialize in like ilk, which made little or no
ed aoccird pulled Devlin down I And still approaching this evil a satisfied clientele. In the past sense at all to the learned profes-
to her on the couch. "Your lips," geius was Leonard-Leonard, who twenty-two years of uninterrupted sors.
1 e bcrlatied. "Make them mine!" alone had known or would ever working harmony, we have never Another thing, coupled with this
Devlin deftiy encircled her waist, know the pulsating heights of de- received a complaint. The address gibberish, which convinced the
pressed her close to him, and gent- sire of this lovely Anita. Leonard-is Maynard Street, Ann Arbor. doctors tat the operation was
ly touhed. his lips to her sensuous had in his hand the only weapon When you see the black crepe on not fully as successful as had been
parted mouth. "Oh, my darling," that could avert the hideous pur- the windows you'll know you're hoped, was the death of the ape,
Devlin whispered. "Who would pose of the mad Kensington, there. two hours after the operation's
have relieved three weeks ago Kensington's hands began to Golf Funeral Home completion
that this could ever happen?" size up Anita for coffin measure-, ---- --- -------".----_--___ __
"Don't talk, my darling." Mari- ments. The thought of this mad-
lyn kissed. him again and again, man touching the sacred soil of
her heart beating fast against his. his own Anita made Leonard burn
(Which in Marilyn's case was a with unconquerable rage. He leap-
neat torci--Ed.) ed to the fore and thrust his wea- -
Devicn asearch for love was over. pon in the face of the startled
the iue I that had taken him Kensington.
through four night clubs, two bur- The madman fell back, stupe-
lesquc . tcs, a week-end party in u,.fled. Suddenly his eyes lit up and
the country, three brothels, and his mouth arched in a smile.
a lad;ie ready-to-wear department "Ahshhhh!" he said. "Faygo
to find tics girl was finished. He Cola!
could now rest secure in the love The madman rushed at the bot-
of lb" girl and he intended to. THE END te and chewed the top off. His
"M ; ony love," said Devlin, his -Iattention momentarily arrested
hand ')rsring the delicate curve standing near the window in her Leonard rushed to Anita s side
of h e ', "this is only the be- apartment across the courtyard. ihs eyes, after one photographic
ginni " To think that all of ser isarms
Ma yn new what was com- had been his, just one short week Does it.
ng - I': bak and happy, ago. And now. because of one Does Your Cigarette Taste Dif-
The End little silly mistake last night, he ferent Lately?a'
had lost it forever. Never more ( Does it taste like grass, weeds,
7c - would there be those langorocis rope, in fact like anything except
(A Story of V-Ball evenings of luxurious reclining tobacco? If it does you can rest
Sholder Blades) . the stately -comfort of her inner assured that it is made from grass
"Nor ca.nn it, die! I swore I'd spring. weeds, rope, in facti from any-
get resnge on you for what you Life was no longer worth living. thing except tobacco. VisIt I Doy know a e
did to my poor helpless grand- Larry unsheathed his pistol and "room 25 Angell Hall Inocki
mothe yo mollycoddled whining shot himself. twice and ask for Mabel If a
pup. (e Chap. IX). Take that The End man answers, run like hellE
and that[" __ _______....I JOE'S my kid brother. We've cent out of my chek every
Mesrivae breathed his last always stuck together and I've week for War Bonds
breati. as his head slowly sank to sort of watched out for him they re going to come in
the foor, his shirt even now a these last few years. mighty handy when the War's
brilli'at crimson. - Well, Joe's in Africa now. over, we figure. But I got to
Ralt. Benson got up off the His wife gets her allotment thinking about Joe. What's
dead man. His mission was fin- \I' tu i i from him, and I guess when he going to have after the
shed, .His vow to his frail old \ lthat's taken out of his check War?
grandmother, dead these 14 years, FRESH le doesn't have much eft.
was fulfilled. His conscience was So we talked it over, my
dlear, and toe could look back upon '.- - Privates don't get paid much wife and I. We think Joe
.hese ltr months that had .you know. should get a cut of the bigger
trought him so many adventures -_'-I figure this way. Here I money, too. So now I'm buy-
with quiet ,satisfaction. (See Ralph -.am, making more money than ing an extra bond every
l enson, A in the Vampires' Nest; Dr;aE L I ' I C .' O U S'Iever did before. You bet I month-in Joe's name.
alph Benson, Adventurer; Ralphk for it! I work hard.
But Joe's working hard too . Maybe you've got somebody
Bnthe War, too. If you have,
and not just from 7 to couldn't you squeeze out an
Wye specialize in bread, cakes, ,eihr o qez u
e p CI -~ i re Ceithe, extra band now and tcei, for
We've been taking, 10 per- your "Joe"?
rolls, and p steries, which are
Pan asset to any well-set table. Y E'VEoi Doj DST'---N 0B

Garments If you can't make ration points meet and are
Blrassier-es troubled by wortime restrictions on food, try ourLesReI" enU"
tingerie fresh baked goods at your earliest opportunity. 1Lets ReallyC Up
2-29146A D 603 t Liberty ,t 300 East Washington Phone 2-1350

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