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March 10, 1945 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-10

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Page Eight


Saturday,. Morch 10, 1945

Sorority Rushing Rules--fls Is vs. Our New Way

Girls Suffer
Through This [


Daily Announces Sweeping
Reforms in Pan-Hell Rushing


,-, D>

Sort of Thing
All coeds who registered at the
Panhellenic Booth for Rushing, /
giving their draft status and the
name of a reliable cigarette black-
marketeer, are now eligible toarun:
I" "
the gauntlet of a month of par-
ties. Lucky souls
Rushing season will begin on C
March 9 with all sorority houses
having open house for all rush-
ees. There will be no invitations
to these open house teas, and all
rushees MUST go to all houses --n-'
of their denomination. Don't
think they'll feed you, kids, all
you'll get is a cup of tea, one
lump of sugar or a squirt of lemon.
Paxties will continue through-
out the month of March, cli-
maxed by pledging on April 2. -
These parties will be informal or"
formal, meaning you get dressed
sip regardless, informal is just a_
term used to mean that maybe
they' 1let you sit on the floor.--,
Contact rules for rushees and ,
sorority women are to be strictly
observed and therefore are review-.
eel once more to be sure the read-
e. understands. -
(l) rushees are under no cir-
cumstances permitted to converse,
write, use sign language, or employ
smoke signals, with a member of
any sorority,
(2) Sorority women are not per-
mitted 'Linder any circumstance to
write, converse, use smoke signals,
use sign language or the like to
anyone who is rushing.
Mception: Here arises the
problem of sisters. PanHellenic
has taken into consideration that
sisters should be allowed to talk RUSHEE'S DILEMMA-This is the myriad of choic
occasionally during the month of coeds face when they come up against choosing
March, but certain rules have been sorority. In these columns, The Daily pits a whack
st up limiting it The sister who of the rushing rules as they are today against the mi
is a s oreority woman must not en-
ter the dorm of the sister who is a and well-thought rules as they could be it ihe reic
rushee . . . for fear she contacts were made. You be the judge!
other girls other than the sister
They, the two sisters, can meet at
the League for a coke, if (a) a ten cents to pay for the coke. This on the first re
girI representing anotier sorority all means, that you didn't want to read it againt
is present and (b) if the rushee see your sister anyhow . . .) again . . .
doesn't bring any of her friends In case any of the above in- Maybe there i
with her, and (c) if they have the formation is hazy or confusing it, but we doubt

e 0p 'ef ' t e bon and scotch will be the only
pus sorority rushing rules were beverages allowed, which are now
announced yesterday by Miss Bliss quoted at the cashier's office at
Boughmen. Pan-Hell president. at $3.20 the pint and $5.8 the quart.
the annual inter-sorority tea. 4. If men are to be present in
In this mose to renovate the sorority houses at all during rush-
existing contradictions in present ing, they must be either intimate
reaulations the sorority heads have friends or casual acquaintances of
taken this step which will, in the the sisters. No male relatives will
words of a Tri-Dlt spokesman, be allowed around to stink up the
get the you-know-which-metal place. No men will be allowed
out of the sororities you-know- 'below the second floor.
which-unmentionables.' 5. No rushing may take place
"I am confident that under the between the hours of 2 p.m. and
new rules, rushees will be given 10 p.m. Hushing during, these
an uplift such as they have never times has caused teo damn much
felt before." Miss Boughmen pre- confusion in past years, and re-
dicted. "With these precepts as a sulted in turmoil in general. Be-
foundation,.we should be able to sides, most fraternity men cannot
get rid of many of the droops now tell a rushee from an active any-
seen in the various sororities," she way, and this plays hell when they
Said. call for their dates,
The announcement of the new 6. Names, addresses and phone.
rules follows: numbers of all rushees must.be
I. Fraternity men may not to printed at least two days before
taken into sorority ous ndii- rushing closes in the columns of
guised a ru shee This ove dis the Interfraternity Weekly Active.
dsigned at the request ofe seal Rushees must list their experience
home town romeos who feel thatds and qualifications for serving fra-
undethwneomssstemfraterntaternity men. Suggestions as to
undes the old system fraternity how the list of these qualifications
men have had an unequal adan- should, be developed will be pro-
g~c e in affsires paramoure. vided.
2. No girl may be rushed who 7. No girl may be rushed who
does not have proper identifica- does not measure up to University
lion to show that she is over 21. 'of Michigan standards. Measure-
This step will relieve the embar- ments of rushees should be pre-
rassment often felt by fraternity pared before March -10 for publi-
men and other male beings (sub- cation in The Daily. Various fra-
human variety) who are kind en- ternity men have kindly volun-
ough to date sorority women, and teered their services for the. pro-
who have difficulty smoothing cess of preparing.
things over with local prohibition S. No girl may be rushed who
authorities. is not in a position to support her-
3. Brandy, . schnapps, gin, li- self while a sorority member. A
queres and alcoholic stimulants of list of several positions that have
. -any kind will not be permitted in gained wide popularity in Ann Ar-
sorority houses during rushing bor has been published by the
hours. The University has a repu- IFC. Prospective rushees are urg-
tation to maintain, which it has ed to familiarize themselves with
upheld quite well, despite the ra- the advantages and rewards each
s tioning of whiskey. Straight hour- has to offer.
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