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February 15, 1941 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-02-15

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Page Fourteen


Saturday, Februarv 5 14

Page Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Snt.srelnv February 1 ~ 1941

If Hitler Sees This, Expect Trouble

TheBookNook noose of the dorms L
Ahem, it seems that they've put out What we want to know is: what man of the joint (or didn't you boysP
a few more books lately. Yessiree. member of what well-known group know?) made it known today that r
Ahem. on campus (we ain't mentionin' no only those girls who have had five
Now take that new one they've names) entertained at a coffee shop (5) invitationsrto the J-H (and us P
Nowstaet th ewqie edn with only four) will participate so
st added to uired reding after the sock-her game last Satur- that the A.E. will not get a name T
that I perused those 3,098 pages of day by doing his version of the "Yel- which it does not falsely deserve. y
small type two years ago. Ah, it was low Banana?" Sech goins on-in an One feature of the entertainment
great sport. Yessiree. Great sport. A.E. (See end. Have to keep you going will be a group of carollers all dressed B:
After the first year and a half I de- some how) too! Tsk! Tsk! up in beautiful flowing white eve- Hitl
cided, dash it all, to go on to the sec- Ah, what a perfectly lovully world ning gowns of Schiaparelli design
ond chapter. Let us now go on to the this J-Hop atmosphere has created. with a soft fullness around the feet mo
next review. Just as we were on our way out (not on which are silver sandals designed that
I made the most delightful discov- like you think!) to visit a group of by I. Miller . . . oh yes, as we were in t
cry the other day. I was wandering big building here-abouts to find saying, they will be all dressed in civil
ry theo at new library they opened out what new pranks they were going white to sing the famous carol "Tiger eart
atwhile back. Really a very fine ld to pull to entertain the many readers Rag-with harmony. "
brary. Yes. Well, I was wandering, of our colyum, we were bowled over Then in the men's department we of c
Suddenly, my hands, which had been by a horde of eager publicity-seekers hear that the East and West Cads will and
caressing the backs of the books, (chairmen, to you) announcing the have exchange dinners with the stor
came to rest on one which felt a little following activities for the coming young ladies of Marjorie Weaver. We glad
week: hope the girls won't be too shocked in t
strane tobr a mBlackwell will give a pageant today by the forward passes! Incidentally, he t
The librarian informed me that it to celebrate the J-Hop Hop Hop Hop we were informed by some stool pig-
is a best-seller. Let me bring it to (will somebody PLEASE shut off that eon "in the know" that this willA
your attention. The book is entitled, AP machine! ! ! Can we help it if henceforth be a regular nightly fea- M
"True Confessions of a Cro-Magnon Mrs. Hitler just had another rat? ture.
Spy." I hadn't any idea that the Cro- The theme of the display will be P.S. Now for the big surprise-A.E.
Magnon's had spies, did you? I won- "Why the 1942 Junior Dance is a means Accredited Establishment. L'
der what they did. Probably spied. Demoralizing, Disorganizing Influ- Thanx, George . . . Foce
Yes. Probably. ence to Those Among Us Who Have luti
And then there is "The Grim Fairy Begun to Study for Our Economics men
Tale." For Adults Only. They say it 51 Final Which We Expect To Have C oeds U nfair drar
sold 55,000,003 copies the first day. to Pass Next Semester So We Can '.GS U Il JII day
(Don't miss the one about Jack and Go to Next Year's J-H Provided We're . No
Jill on the hill!) The author is a fine Asked Because We Haven't Been T o S i kW orm s lega
man-friend of mine. Yes, yes. He Asked Yet and This Is Our Last tuti
told me it took his 17 years to com- Chance, Darn It All!" New Hosiery Is Ugly, Expensive Pl
pile the material for one tale alone. Miss Tedy Thastar, social chair- the
> > > > > ; :; ;; ;Useless And Typical Cass
oooo c~o ooo o~so ooo o~o o Jthe
- Schiaparelli may have designed pro
them and millions of feminine hearts men
may desire them but the men of hee
America are not going to like the es
idea of women gadding about with the
tlittle hat. stockings that look like stand-ins for asse:
Have yourself a bright ie arainbows. in
Straws, fabrics, and felts, enchant- We've heard that long bright-col- dece
ngly feminine in blackbrownored wool stockings give a new look to b
to girlsb legs, that a green and yelfeet
navy, and new pastels. > low combination with a darker stripe
o give legs a snaky look and that col- f
HEAD SIZs21%-24 ored lisle stockings are "gay" when Con
g ~blended with dresses of the same thril
Get the SCHILLER habit! 1 color. With all that we agree, but ... by d
We've heard also that men don't plet
( ScL LE ' s think much of that "new look," that cour
S~UE L1JLJLJLJL9Smen don't want legs with that "snaky crea
219 South Main look" and that "gay" stockings do unto
1 o nothing save create an impression of thei
^ horror as far as the male animal is gresi
li 00 oo o0e:o 0 0o o K=o oncerned. wr
p ooooo>0<-<--< ooo o -,oo -- During recent months there has for t
been a great deal of talk about our
boycotting Japan by not buying silk, the
most of which would go into stock- acti
When Yo( Dress For That Date . . . ings if purchased. Frankly, the idea that
(l \ of not buying Nipponese products of e
ri .does not meet with our approval-the or!"
substitutes don't. Su
C P Y O TCertainly we realize that the ex- spee
pense of silk or nylon stockings is tions
great and that runs do tax the Amer- tions
WITH a dressy handkerchief. We have a great many styles that Jican girls' bdugets considerably. We
also realize that the purchase of lisle J.
will complement your most beautiful evening gown or most 0 will help U.S. cotton growers and stati
sophisticated date dress. No outfit is complete without one. that the purchase of wool will do no Bure
,,^harm to the tenders of sheep. Still, riag
"Always reasonably priced" in the words of Shakespeare, "we able
don't like them nohow." hold
GNSince the day not so long ago that the
G A GE ElO P the female of the species decided to and
O 10 NiCKELS ARCADE wear her skirts above the ankles, the male
male has become appreciative of that
>o oo<> 0<;::0<;;;0<;::: 0<00<;;;;0<;;;;<;;;>o<;;>oo;;;;;; 0 legs--very appreciative. com
- up, t
Good Old-Fashioned race
C U ulati
- Common Sense into
e ery
will tell you

SLA~r IR SState

ittle Adolf
Solid For
DQ Reports This Stuff;
he Editors Read It;
ou'd Better Ignore It
ERLIN, Feb. 14-(PDQ)-Adolf
er, reviewing the new American
ement for polygamy, revealed
like plans were to be followed
he Reich and "possibly in every
ized nation upon the face of the
Despite vastly increasing numbers
hildren we shall be forced to feed,
the drain it will have on our
es of supplies, the Reich will
.ly forsake the war to cooperate
his new international movement,"
old his press conference.
any Muster Behind
ass Marriage
AMOUR, Nev., Feb. 14-(PDQ)-
running one of the most revo-
nary social and economic move-
ts in the history of the nation,
natic steps were taken here to-
in the final draft of the proposed
a-Meo Multiple Marriage Bill, to
lize polygamy as a national insti-
anning to introduce the bill in
next session of Congress, Sen.
A. Nova (Dem.-Nev.), sounded
keynote of the new movement
elled by numerous national
s organizations. Before a vast
ring throng of polygamy expon-
Senator Nova declared "at last
time has come for manhood to
rt its true right over all activity
,ur national scene. Woman, that
itful and inferiorbeing, is at last
e cast down under the marching
of the new era of manhood!"
More From Rowe
llowing up his colleague's talk,
gressman Rowe Meo (Rep.-N.Y.),
led the maddened male audience
eclaring that "Man must be com-
e master of the nation to lead the
try onward to new heights, to
te a state that will forever endure
eternity! Woman has deferred
noble efforts of man toward pro-
s since the first pages of history
constituted. But now it is time
these fickle, boasting members of
species to be chained far below
level of new and far-reaching
vities that will surely prevail now
man will have compelte control
very category of human endeav-
ipplementary to the keynoting
ches were many national conven-
s at which all men-s organiza-
s were represented.
Turnpike Pipes Up
Pompton Turnpike, assistant
stician of the FBEAMR (Federal
au of Economic Aspects of Mar-
e Relations), asserted the favor-
attitude which official circles'
toward the proposed bill. Citing
inevitable rise in the birth rate
the economic factors of increased
purchasing power, he declared3
the female sex will be pushed
pletely out of the economic set-
that investments will find num-
s outlets in enterprises tending
rd the production of goods which
hood will demand-"less frivo-
more hardy goods to elevate the
as a whole."
legrams and letters of congrat-
ons and encouragements poured
the offices of Nova and Meo
all parts of the nation and from
country in the world.
of. John McKelvey of the Uni-1

ty of Minnesota, spent two years
ead of the department of ob-
ics at Peiping Union Medical
ge in China.
irty-three University of North
ota engineering college seniors
completed mine rescue and
aid courses given by the United
is bureau of mines.
hing quite so practical has been found. For
r protection the trade name is stamped on
ry strap, your assurance of highest quality.

J roU~j Ie
6~, Alce
Head appeal is the
hat slogan for this
V spring's chapeaux.
The Collins shop
has a collection of "becoming"
hats, with the sole purpose of
making you pretty this spring.
Flattering hats, bedecked with
flowers and veils, are predom-
inant. A navy higher-crowned
pillbox sports gardenias at its
prow. Bonnets flourish, as do
felt and bengaline combina-
tions. Have a whiff of spring
on your head right now.
Bibs and tuckers .
and fresh white
blouses clamor
for spring at the
Dillon shop. Collar and cuff
sets are crisp and pure. A
dainty blouse of embroidered
marquisette will perk up a black
silk skirt or add allure to a tail-
ored suit. Jewelry, too, has
gone white in new white jet
earrings, beads, and clips. Or
in quaint lapel pins of animal
shapes. Spring accessories,
these, to help you with the dif-
ficult February wardrobe tran-
The Stork Club
has gone into
make-up. Cal-
kins-Fletcher is
featuring Tussy's new fruity
red, inspired by the smart New
York night club, to give you
that young, young look. It fills
a demand for a richer, darker
shade in lipsticks. A rosy com-
panion to navy, it dramatizes
grey or beige, and brightens
black andwhite. Miraculously,
too, it's equally flattering to
blond and brunette. Lipstick
and cream rouge are 1.00;
matching nail polish at 50c.
V '
A nautical flavor'
is added to nail
polish with the Y4
new middy kits
from Revlon as
/ seen at the Vo-
gue beauty shop. The case
looks like a sailor's middy col-
lar in navy serge, complete even
to two white stars. Inside are
the polish and polish remover,
and the adheron is included
free. Nice for gifts and for
yourself too. The whole kit
for 1.00.

Military flattery
finds its way in-
to dresses this
spring. One of
j the clever new
Carlye frocks at
Jacobson's sports
j i a navy cape over
the dotted dress, complete even
to crossed chest straps of navy.
Another Carlye in navy has its
own cabana rd coat in redingote
style. Then there is a dress-
coat combination with an all-
navy dress, the coat gone "half-
and-half" in red and navy.
Pepper red prints with black
velvet touches also hail spring-

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