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February 09, 1948 - Image 20

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-09

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Monday, February 7, 1948

Poge Twenty


Page Twenty THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 9, 1948

Immodest Proposal
SINCE 18-, Michigan students tion to non-women alone. This
have had to suffer through would allow only men and vet- TO THI
crowded classes and live in crowd- erans to remain at this insti-
ed dormitories. They have had to tution.
take their choice between eating By this one move, the Admin- mrons N
inferior food in the dormitories istration, at a single stroke, would Daily prints eve
or inferior food at high prices in solve the multitudinous problems or received (wh
Ann Arbor restaurants. Moreover, facing its students. Without wom- and one-half w
coeds have had to come in at early en, classes would no longer be godatins
curfew hours and refrain from crowded. There would be ample trs are thoe
curfew hors andorefa from dormitory space. The quality of Letters o moret
food would increase to satisfy the halfcor ds are s
Following World War II. condi- more exacting standards of the omted at the d
tions on campus have become even male population. GI Bill fundst"ade"
more critical. Classes have grown would extend longer, with but one
more crowded, dormitories still mouth to feed. Takes Issu
more packed, prices have risen, Once a year, in order not to
and women have had to come in break with tradition, women To the Editor:
earlier. Coupled with the prob- could be imported to Ann Arbor
lems of living on GI Bill rates, the for the J-Hop week-end. The whtchEARD
education of Michigan students three barber shops in town igan Daily. Dec
would be more than capable oftdcs saU
has indeed become imperlled' a igth nia bsns.take issue with
Furthermore, campus parties have ,,of the originat
goedry. And with imaorted women, the / oil
gone dry week-end celebration would b toal.
Constructive action to end continuous. Liquor would be It is not tha
this crisis must be taken by the permissible because the liquor ayune, but it
University immediately. Since ban would have been lifted with reasoning so]
the troubles began with the ad- the exodus of women from cam- place on the e
mission of the first coed to the pus. paper so widely
University, the only solution is The University must act now for ly followed by
for the University to return to the sake of the education of its throughout the
the days before. The Adminis- male students. It may come
tration must restrict registra- -Ed Swiftsky.f comments have
May I explain
I'D RATHER BE GRAFTON: inrJanuaryniv
in January. 19
Wrher rp'A ptry for a small:
'('1 1 s'mokeextensive resel
Where here's moke of the dogfs
pletely engross
BD W T SI was not con=
By DREW STASSEN easy on the T-zone, but does scription to Th
Lucky Strike no longer means T stand for-Taft or Truman? that my radio
fine tobacco, it mes the smoke- Those thick black clouds of and that I had
filled rooms of the Republican smoke on the political horizon tact completel
convention. Senator Claghorne can only mean that there will world. I sudde:
and his southern compatriots be a surplus of big chiefs at eral months ag
must have been. sipping mint the Philadelphia pow wow this of wedded blis
juleps-or sleeping in the cotton summer, and for a good many of dog fish we
fields when they failed to prevent of them, the final peace pipe but TERRIBL
their national crop from being as- will have a somewhat bitter But despite my
sociated with such insidious in- taste. my beloved pet
tentions. On the other hand, sociologists to Michigan t
Then again, Camels may be claim that the afore-mentioned explaining wh
clouds of smoke are merely in- torial was so p
dicative-of a major trend in the It is a sham
U URRE NT public taste, namely, its new pref- that the paper
erence for good strong cigars. torial appeare
I TRf~TT -1 Even in the international arena, travels. I some
IVI)\/IS- smoking has served to illustrate the substance0
the diversified temperaments of torial. But t
the "Big Three." In days of yore WRONG. I DE
in England, people used to sing a Nor wass th
At the Witknee . .. song to the effect that "the thistle, calm, but plea
Truman (Republic) Givme shamrock, rose entwine the maple the mourningo
Statestreet, Cary Gooper, Mar- leaf forever." And in the old "Big DAI Y'FF CIAJLfish lets me be
garet Bessenfeller. Three" conferences of Stalin, than one migh
Roosevelt, and Churchill, the pipe gammar, ah,
CARY GOOPER, a simple fellow cigarette, and cigar entwined the MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1948 next fall. Special emphasis will mechanically s
from Dependence, Ohio, plays tobacco leaf in a kind of smoky MO L. L AY, 19. 8 bext fl cial cannot recallyw
the President in this lavish mu- agreement. VOL. LVIII, No. be put n Chinaea
sical historical, 'with Margaret But now-the world is in middle of the
Bessenfeller as his support, and chaos; Truman would rather Notices Fishing Licenses: Regular State the fifth) line
Givme Statestreet as the vocifer- play the piano and Attlee fishing licenses will be required of agraph-no t
ous, thrifty Missouri opposition doesn't soke cigars. Obviously, Attention Women Engineers: all students fishing in the Naval SPLIT. Andn
osthitMisuiopsto dos'smkciasObiulThe Scey fWmn Engineers. Tanik.tenhstet
senator. his government's intention is to Society of Woeeenth sentenc
Don't miss this candidate-rend- convince everyone to smoke cig- may call for their exam file at Louis Baier, PREPOSITION
ing film to find the answer to the arettes-English cigarettes. Betsy Barbour Residence. Game Warden. scientifically1
burning question "Will Cary Ride We must not be duped by the were they take
Again?" smokescreen of British imperial- Attention Lunatic Fringe: Life Psychology Requirement: All I do not ne
ism. Our aims cannot be recon- photographers will visit the cam- students enrolled in Psychology or why this is
At the Majestic riled with those of the Labor pus Friday in an effort to snap 31 will be required to present two unpleasant. N
Party -- little ears and long ig- the collegiate "lunatic fringe." cans of food at the first class it to say that
Weekend at the Allenel (De- arettes are simply not compatible They would appreciate seeing as meeting in order to become en- long years, the
mocracy), Jan Nestie, Hom Tar- with the American way of life, many as possible of the 5,000 stu- rolled in the course. The food will preying on my
mon, Chap Roberts. dents who heard Henry Wallace be used by the faculty to combat at peace until
speak in Hill last spring, the high cost of living. rections in prim
THIS MOVIE hits home:. In
keigwtthitrdoo--"turn to my lit
keeping with their tradition of Attention LS&A Students: Re- gwreaths on the
high quality films, Bollywood has fresher course in addition and Events ToLCIy dogfish famili
aai sproduced a classc hi PEOPLE WHO READ The Police subtraction will be offered at 9 Take courag
reaches into the hearts of we H aet r o h nyoe ~.eeyMna nN.18 Iaberdashers Association: Reg- Taeoug
imeflkGazette are not the only ones p~m. every Monday in Rm. 348' lrmeigofteHbrah mind your pre
simple folk. ular meeting of the abedash-midyupr
Pathos, bathos and arthos com- who have noticed The Michigan West Engineering Building ers Association of Ann Arbor will ticiples and y
ine in this tender drama of a Daily's seeming lack of initiative be held at 1
bin inthi tedes drma f ~in reporting campus news of a Pipe Courses: Pipe courses be- b eda ~.tdyictenwppri
woman's choice between true love su naure. The Diystff ie o res sepesterrsnslue: League and will be open to all -Ezra
and carer, etwen Chp orsexual nature. The Daily staff ing offered this semester mnclude: suet.Tpco icsinwl
and a career, between Chap or would like to take advantage of History 100 (United States His- students. Topic of discussion ill
Born. The plot is touching in its the absence of the Board of Cen- tory from Feb. 1, 1948 to March 1' be "The White ouse: After 1948
simplicity. Jan loves Chap, Chap What?"
sors to apologize for our seem- 1948); Journalism 302 (Round the
loves Jan and Hom leves Jan. But ing neglect. Clock with Arthur Krock); Eng- -~-
a $10,000 per year contract with May we first assure our readers lish 4 (Winning Contests with Student Publications: The
the Detroit Lions offered by Hom that this situation is not due to Limericks); Education 12 (Build- Board in Control of Student Pub-
to Jan presents a dramatic-ha, lack of interest on our
- , , ,- ~'u~l5~-lac ofinteeston urpart. We ing Snowmen); Chemistry 171 lications sill meret at I p sic today

Iene o te impe armgil. might even go so far as to say (Transmutation) ; Music 101 at the coke machine to count its
Recommended to all interested that in nine out of ten cases mem- (Band Formations from 230 B.C.) ; revenue for 1947.
in the Rose Bowl tradition. bers of our staff are at the scene Political Science 20 (The Political . ---
-Joan Friskey. of the crime at its execution. (For Significance of the New Back Association of Independent JHO F
full coverage of these situations Porch); Forestry 83 (Raking Men will hold its regular meeting
Pistols at Dawn? see True Confessions). No, The Leaves); and Business Adminis- at 7:15 tonight in the Union.
Daily sex failure is not our fault, tration 1 (The Party Platform for Agenda includes a special report
Rooting about the "Lakeside the Board of Censors are to blame, 1948). on the findings of a committee in- m
Camnpus" story in the January for they determine editorial pol- ---- -vestigating athletic scholarships
i>,e of Pic Magazine, the Daily icy. Faculty Refresher Course: A within the Residence Halls. CCo-EDIToRS:
Notlhwestern says: For full sex coverage in the fu- special refresher course on "How ---- JoanKat
"It's good to see Northwestern ture, do not wire your Congress- to Give Interviews to Daily Re- Oratorical Association: The U M
on the pages of a national publi- man, merely call The Michigan porters" will be offered by Prof. sixth Oratorical A sscpition Le.- Dick Hai
cation after looking at recent Daily, we may not be able to print Preston Siosson at 4 p.m. every ture will be delisv'red at 3 p.m.
spreads on such COW colleges as your story but we will be delight- Tuesday in the Student Publica- today in Hill Auditon'rinc by Buck CcONtR 51UTOs
Minnesota and Michigan." ed to send over a representative tions Building. Dawson, Miciig-n altmnus, on i
Gintlemen, can we allow this who will listen to you talk about ---- "Hov I Cracked Hollycwood Wide K1raus,.
insult to our fair coed population it. Meanwhile, maybe you can get International Politics: A new Open." Yearbook subscriptions Dusti wag.
to pass unchallenged? a lewd meaning out of Barnaby. course in International Politics ' will also be sold. anes,rd
-H. J. -The Tryout Staff. I swill be offered by Prof. Fifield (Continued on page 23) Craig Wilson

OTE: necause The
ry letter to the edi-
ieh is signed, three
ords in length, and
ge resindour read-
WSs expressed in lt
Sst.' ritess only.
than three and one-
shortened, printed or
iscretion of the edi-
e , ..
TO AN editorial
red in The Mich-
1, 1900, I wish to
the train of logic
or of the said edi-
t I wish to be pic-
seems to me that
fallacious has no
ditorial pages of a
read and so eager-
so many readers
to mind that my
come a trifle late.
After graduating
ersity of Michigan
10, I left the coun-
Pacific Island to do
roh in the love life
,h; Becoming com-
ed with my work,
cious that my sub-
Daily had elapsed,
set had worn out
, in fact, lost con-
with the outside
nly awakened sev-
o, after many years
s, my three couples
e killed by a lovely
E mushroom cloud.
grief at the loss of
s, I hitchhiked back
o write this letter
y I think the edi-
e, a terrible shame,
in which the edi-
d was lost in my
bhow cannot recall
A the disputed edi-
ce reasoning was
at all. I must be
se bear with me if
f my dear departed
'come more excited
t deem fit-but the
the editorial was
o poor - while I
.hat it was, I do re-
a participle in the
fourth (or was it
of the ninth par-
he eleventh-was
noreover, the six-
e was ended with a
(My fish were so
perfect. Ah, why
n from me.)
ed to explain how
both improper and
y Neptune, suffice
throughout these
editorial has been
mind. I cannot be
I have seen my cor-
t. Then I shall re-
tle island and lay
graves of my three
e, Michigan Daily,
'positions and par-
iu will be .the best
the land-
Eddystone, BAd.


O ot )e5, KenI
ready wines,
'choo. AS Blumes


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