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Pae .,e....n THFMIzHIrAND lruary7 , Oa
County Dimes Donations Top $12,000
By CRAIG WILSON mittee have not yet been added in. tional Foundation for Infantile
With more than $12,000 collect- "With all the money turned in, Paralysis and the remainder stay-
ed to date in the Washtenaw we hope to exceed last year'si
County March of Dimes Drive, mark of $12,563 for the city, ing in the county to aid local polio
local infantile paralysis victims Lumbard declared. patients. Treatments are given
face a brighter chance of recov- with special facilities available at
ery from the crippling disease. Temination of the city drive University Hospital.
~ ~ spe.. .has been postponed from the Jan. All polio victims in the county
However, it is hoped final totals 30 national closing until today for Al oiviimintecuy
the $19,000 donated last ale of the special March of Dimes
year, Mrs. Hickman Price, county J-Hop extra edition. All proceeds complete medical care as long as
drive director, said. from the Dime Daily will be . necessary for their recovery.
In Ann Arbor, incomplete totals turned in to Ann Arbor drive col- Dines funds cover all expenses of
;", show $8,800 has been received in lection. victims except for doctors bills.
the city's March of Dimes Drive. . At present, 18 new cases are being
Student Council members of Uni- Funds Divided treated, as well as 16 remaining
versity and Ann Arbor High Funds collected in the local from the 1946 epidemic and 18
Schools have collected more than March of Dimes Drive are di- former patients who are still re-
$5,000 in four local theatres, ac- vided, with half going to the Na- ceiving check-ups.
cording to Robert LumbardAnn __
r Arbor chairman. Dime cards have
yielded $800; organizations $250, PICK-UP
gifts $700 and factories $609, he, ALND DELIVERY
Incomplete Totals on 6 SHIRTS or more
Funds from the Neuma Club,
Lion's Auxiliary, the hospitals,
banks and the Dime Box Com-
FIGHTING POLIO-Light heavyweight boxing champion Gus joini the SH IRT
Les nevich and polio poster boy Terry Tullos of Laurel, Miss., get SERVICE
together for a few swings at infantile paralysis. This issue of the M AR CH
J-Ho xtra officially ends Ann Arbor's 1948 March of Dimes. w t, O F wrts, ' " "
D IAIIES Telephone 7775 2025 Packard
Ann Arbor's Only Exclusive Shirt Laundry
LOST-One black leather wallet. Con- TUTORING--Need help in freshman
tans identification card, driver's i- English? I got a B from Prof. Hw-
cense, birth certificate for Bob Ham- kins. "Gee' Bulbous, Kappa Kappa
:er, Greene House, and about $2.50 Gamma.
A% cash. Keep papers, return cash.
Call 2-4591,- TYPING: All kinds of identification
LOST-P&L, rimless glasses somewhere cards supplied. One year guarantee
auetyw m campus and Main. Please on all work. B. & H. Typing Service,
urry I think I am in a bowling Majestic.FOR SALE
LOST sFrom West Quadrangle main
ounge complete set of economics FOR SALE: Bottled mineral water
final exams and tobacco pouch with from the Huron Springs, Ann Arbor
sentimental value. Reward for pouch: Waterworks. Our product has been
Call USenuy Irwin, Chicago House. used successfully for many years in Y
FU ND-one bottle of ink eradicator rodent extermination. Are you man You are now eigiblefor work o
M Liberty near Main. Owner may or mause?
aim .n at Curthuse. FOR SALE: Why not have a tree in
LOST-I O last minute confusion at your room? We sei alln kinds of trees
tH sM uilding Saturday night, ane far all kinds of ocrasiens. Tatea
Shte strapeso formal. Finder please leak at our special table amedel far I I' U
cal Mis "Wasso' Robbins, 2-3159. "converted singles." Call "Trees-a-
Crowd," 2-2521.
- ISING from Student Publications
Building, one Linotype weighing 4,500 FOR SALE: 1925 buffalo nickel, shiny,
pounds. Last seen in Betsy Barbour never been used. Here's a real bar-
pcrektdn room. Reward for infor- gain for anyone who can qualify.
matih leading to recovery, Call Ken Bring references and come prepared
Chatte, 2-3240. to hagge.Angus, 814 E. University.
L T- copies of the November:PERtOnALg
iue a the Gargoyle.- Ig you find A VPERSONALK K
v mThem, ofegive them to your friends. We _
b've lots of them. DON'T MOTHER me anymore, Joe. I
just found out there's a differenee
WANTED between a safety pin and an SAE
W r.E My -ed coat back. Someone back. Josie
took t by mistake Saturday night at
lBe IM Btilding and left me a black 0DDIE-All s forgiven. Please come
owe. Call "Niko," C uen Hal. back to me. Iudidn't know it was only The BuSaff
Plenty :of questions wlilt be asked. a -firecracker. Helen Q O C ig -Q
* offers you
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rst tryout meeting
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