Monday, February 9, 1948
PaGe Nine
'49 J-Hop Lineups Start Here
and Sherman Poteet, St. Louis, Poland, Ohio, and John Bahyah, Brewster, Columbus, Ohio, and
6ji Mo.; Pat Aten, Jackson, Mich., Campbell, Ohio. W. E. Donaldson. Jr., Pittsburgh,
and Gordon H. Hardie, Ann Ar- Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bidwell, Big Pa.; Jeanne Bright, Mason, and
1 1 bor; Mary Jane Anderson, Don- Rapids, Michigan; Ruth Bielman, Edward K. Dunk, Mason; Charl-
W nison, Iowa. and Vinrent A. Detroit, and Donald Hanson Mc- otte Brindle, Ann Arbor, and H.
Ashley. Salem Ohio, and Donald Pherson, Detroit; Ann Billing- L. Claypoole, Akron, Ohio.
A. Edwards. Detroit. hurst, Muskegon, and Juian . Ginnie Brooks, Pittsburgh, Pa.
I1.t tiri i Renfro, Tampa, Florida; Martha and Donald J. Stilley, Pittsburgh.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Baker, Fielding Bird, Detroit, and Robert Pa. Mr and Mrs. Harold M.
Niagara Falls, N. Y.; arbara Ball, Scrase, Detroit; Vivienne Black, Brown, Jr., Royal Oak; Janet
ome Town L Flint, and Donald Bacon, Detroit; Detroit, and Stanley H. Brown, Brown, St. Louis, Mo., and Albert
1IS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Bailey, Al- Detroit. MacDowell, St. Louis, Mo.; Mr.
Is Cross-Sction bion, Indiana; Marilyn Band, Bette Blanchard, Traverse City, and Mrs. Robert M. Brown, Grand
Shaker Hts.. Ohio, and James S. and Richard E. Riley, Traverse Rapids; Pearl Elizabeth Brown,
Gutentag, University Hts., Ohio; City; Esther Blau, Detroit, and Ann Arbor, and William S. Forth,
Following is the list of names Betty N. Barns, Red Bank, N. J., Howard B. Adilman, Detroit; Ester Manistee.
of students and their guests who and Leo Bronson, Binghamton, Blower, Boston, Mass., and Hugh Virginia Brown, East Lansing,
attended the Class of 1949 J-Hop N. Y. Mark Tuttle, Jr., Providence, R.I.; and Lewis E. Bozek, Lansing;
submitted by the dance commit- Jean Barnaby, Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Black- Margaret Bubb, Utica, and Robert
tee and arranged alphabetically and Carl A. Holmgren, Grand well, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Harriet R. Spreng, Utica; Marian Buch-
according to the last name of the Rapids; Apple Barrett, Detroit, Bliman, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Rob- anan, Ann Arbor, and Rudolph
women guests: and Dale Ream. Pontiac; Barbara ert Frellander, Worcester, Mass. Habermann, Battle Creek, Betty
Adams, Ontario, Calif., and . Bartley, Verona, N. J., and Jo M. Blum, Detroit, and Allan Buckolz, Wyandotte, and Gordon
Ar nnAKlausonaio, Il Walter W. Shaffer, Chatham, N. D. Woodell, Peekskill, N. Y.; Win- Farrant, Wyandotte; Mr. and
Arthundrs.haune.Anston ,I;J., Ruth E. Barton,. Cleveland, nie Boak, Ann Arbor, and Fred- Mrs. Frederick Dale Buerstette,
allodahonEl y . Adams,Ohio, and Dale H. Cade, Chicago, eric B. Comlossy, Toledo, Ohio; Detroit.
Poateso, aho;A ElizabethA, Illinois, Marjorie L. Basselman, Susan Bogle, Grosse Pointe, and Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Bullard, Jr.,
Jackson, and s. A. DeRose, Chi-, Detroit, and George Carbon Wolfe, Henry Loring Newman, Jr., De-, - --
cago, Ill., Rose Adamson, Detrost, Jr.,TYpsilanti. ri;Gai oeBie Tld
and John W. Neuenschwander; trait; Gratia Hope Boice,-Toledo,
Bernice Adler, Detroit, and Leon- Mary Battle, Detroit, and Wil- Ohio, and Albert Green, Lake-
ard Blumenreich; N. Y.; Mr. and liam B. Lazzain, Buffalo, N. Y.; wood, Ohio; Clarice Borowske, De-
Mrs. Harvey Richard Adkins, Jr., Patricia Beatty, Three Rivers, troit, and George J. Porth, Jr., De- R ME BR .
Millbury, Ohio; Ellen Alberda, and Robert J. Huettner, Douglas- trait.
Grand Rapids, and Dick Meyerson, ton, L.I., N. Y.; Constance Ann Janice Borock, Port Huron, and Those m
Dyton, Ohio. Beaty, Birmingham, and Norman Martin J. Rottenberg, Brooklyn, I ~
ea rMr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Ad-H Clark Jr., Birmingham; Helen N. Y.; Betty Bott, Detroit, and Al.
Beck, Flint, and Stanley R. Wagar, Mathieson, Detroit; Barbara Wr!th 'GC
ricbsFlAnnt ; Mr. and Mrs hAnn Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boucher, Detroit, and Robert L.
JO n P.nnAllrd, Jr., Willow H H. Bedard, Alpena. Young, Jr., Detroit; Margaret GREET I N
Johns.Allrdr ,CilloRun; Irene Butkowski, Dearborn, and Bouker, Big Rapids, and David J.
Doris Anderson, Chicago, and Bud Apeseche, Dearborn; Joan Millard, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Mr.
Reuben Gill, Ashland, Mass.; Elizabeth Biggs, Detroit, and John and Mrs. Warren Bourguin, De- G IFT W R
Doris Anderson, Dearborn, and A. Michael, Detroit; Marianne R. troit.
William Frederick Longe, Detroit. Ball, Ann Arbor, and John R. Mary Boyer, Detroit, and Rob- " . . fr
Jean Anderson, Detroit, and Browning, Rochester, N.Y.; Mary ert Hopps, Detroit; Phyllis Bram-
Edwin Morey, Ann Arbor; Mary Jane Bell, Birmingham, and Rob- well, Detroit, and Edward Walker,
Kaye Anderson, Port Huron, and ert E. LaJoie, Detroit. Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. B Y E
Donald E. Miller, Port Huron; Mr. Marydel Berger, Ann Arbor, and Branyan, Ann Arbor. Corine
and Mrs. Richard E. Anderson, Bill Malin, Ann Arbor; Gloria Brennan, Flint, and Thomas A. 723 North University
Ann Arbor; Dorothy Andrews, Los Berkson, Chicago, Illinois, and Miller, Detroit; Pat Brenneman,
Angeles, Calif., and Quick Carl- Fred Klein, Syracuse, N. Y.; Shir- Alma, and Don Brainard, Alma.
son, St. Joseph; Martha Arnold, ley Berkowitz, Detroit, and Her- Mary Jane Brender, Wayne,
Ypsilanti, and Richard D. Geney, man Kaplan, Detroit; Helen Ber- and Robert B. Niemann, Wayne;
Ann Arbor, ris, Detroit, and Barney B. Gam- Adelaide Brewer, Detroit, and W.
Evelyn Aronsan, Norwalk, Conn., burd, Detroit; Sarah E. Bickler, E. Donaldson, Jr., Detroit; Nancy
Ann Arbor; Mary Jeanne Burton,
Lakedood, Ohio, and Jaes H.
Lorenz, Elkhart, Ind.: Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel C. Burton, Long
Beach, Long Island, N.Y.; Gail
Baker, Pontiac, Mich., and Rob-
ert J. Netzel, Pontiac. -
Lucille Birnbaum, New Britain,
Conf., and Harvey Weisberg, De-
troit; Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Birney, Detroit; Chris Blair, De-
troit, and Robert 0. Shepler,
Grosse Pointe; Rose Helen Brim-
berry, Battle Creek, and Bill Lux,
New Hartford, N.Y.; Phyllis
Brooks, Ann Arbor, and Don Ol-
son, Dodge City, Kan.; Ruthe
Brown, Rochester, N.Y., and Elias
David Subar, Detroit; Renny
Brundrett, Dayton, Ohio, and
Richard L. Barnes, Kazoo, Mich.;
Charlotte Bryant, Grand Rapids,
and Ross Miller, Grand Rapids;
Pepita Garcia-Colin de Butcher,
Mexico City, and Ernest Butcher,
Lincoln Park, Mich.; Marion Bur-
See NAMES, Page 10
ortant Days
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shoes of distinction
It is with pride that we announce: "We are
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