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February 09, 1948 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-09

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Pnn e Five

l Aden Fbhirv 9. 1948


on,.,. Ay-., e y 104R TI-IF ICRI,CAN DAILYrPrr .Fve

NO LONGER IN TRAINING-With the football season over, Jim Brieske and Bob Wiese can en-
joy late hours with dates Barbara Piper and Eileen Scanlon.

OOPS! CATCH THAT-Amazed anticipation and startled con-
sternation follow the descent of that indespensable strap. With
strapless gowns predominanting on the dance floor, si ar mis.
has were few and far between.

SIMILE! - Bump Elliot obliges
GAINING ENTRANCE--Eager crowd surgestphotographer with his All-Amer-
through canopied lean grin, while dancing with
doorway toward cloakrooms early in the evening. girl-of-the-evening, Greta Bur-

THE FINAL TOUCH-(above) The oft-photographed pair. Ann
Gestie and Bob Chappuis, exchange admiring glances as she pins
a boutonniere on his lapel, before leaving for the dance.
ON THE AIR-(below) Dancers pause to listen to a Sonny Dun-
ham specialty number, as the young bandleader prepares to let
loose with a trombone solo.

DIVIDED INTERESTS-Closely packed dancers (above) hear
Dorsey's band jump while other couples (below) find the side-
lines more diverting.

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