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February 09, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-09

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PREPARE PROGRAMS-(above) Novel programs were prepared by a special group of the J-Hop
Committee. From left to right, Nancy Culligan, Jo Kitchen, Joe Wimsatt, Barbara Jo Ream, Nancy
Hess, Ann Gestie and Bruce Lockwood.
MUTUAL ADMIRATION-(below) Joan Marquardt, Jamie Schaffer, Rosemary Conner, Laurette
Taylor and June Collins, from left to right, admire each other's gowns while awaiting their dates.

READY FOR ACTION-Rosemary Conner (above) does some
last minute primping as she waits for her date for the dance.
ON THE WAY-Robert Kash (below) assists Marilyn Jones with
her coat as they leave the dorm.

THE UBIQUITOUS TIE-Johnny Wilcox solves the problem with
aid from brother Jim Norby. Note the coiffure contrast. (Below.)

By Alex Lmanian
Daily Staff Photographe


THE BIG SCENE-Clinching the night's festivities, three better unidentified couples (below) use
the remaining minutes before the 4 a.m. curfew to good advantage, undisturbed by the photogra-
pher's work.

THEY'RE HERE-Smoothing out last minute wrinkles, Marilyn
Weihe, Patty Forester and Eunice Mintz (left to right) descend
the steps to greet their dates. (Below.)

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