Saturday, February 1 1 1939
Girls--Here Are Your Names In Print
Names Make
News, So Here
They Are
Alpha Kappa Lambda
Betty Jane Mansfield, '39; Maya
Gruhzit, '41; Marjorie High, '39; Lenore
Neward, Detroit; Sally Redner, '40; Ann
Sylvester, '40; Priscilla Kahn, Detroit;
Janet Wherry, Detroit; Bettie Zimmer-
man, Columbus, Ohio; Betty Notley, '39.
Vievia Hoeschler, '4SM Ruth Par-
sons, '42; Ruby Hillis, '40; Muriel Has-
kins, '39; Helen Ackles, '41; Grace Cul-
bertson, Geneseo, N.Y.; Margaret Hillis,
Alpha Sigma Phi
Helen Beaman, Berkley, Mich.; Ruth
Bley, Hamburg, N.Y.; Ruth Kinsey, '40;
Sally Manthei, '40; Lois Schelp, Holly,
Mich.; Mary Blacklock, '40; Denise
Obourn, Corning, N.Y.; Marian Yinger,
New York
Reports Basie
Hot Stuff
By A New York Correspondent
NEW YORK, Feb. 5- .Special to The
Daily-Rumor has reached this city
that widespread campus disapproval
followed the announcement by th
University of Michigan J-Hop commit-
tee that Count Base would be one of
the orchestras at that affair.
This display of ickish ignorance has
caused no end of surprise in swing
circles. Undisputable authorities on the
fine art of swing in this city hold the
Count as one of the more promising of
any number of promising swing organi-
Martin Block, noted radio swing com-
mentator, and conductor of the famous
"Make Believe Ballroom" program re-
cently gave Basie a year in which to be-
come the No. 1 colored orchestra in the
country, replacing such veterans as
"Satchel-mouth" Armstrong, Jimmy
Lunceford and Fats Waller.
The Count, who is currently playing
at the Famous Door, new Gotham hot
spot, has drawn customers from the top-
hat strata to high school rug-cutters.
The short, fat, and moustached Count
is still wowing New York with his unique
set-up. He himself plays a small up-
right placed in front of the -band. An-
other pianist does the main playing,
while Basie leads at the start-off, and
starts his ivory-tickling on the refrgin.
Basie, who has built his widespread
reputation in less than a year, mde his
New York debut at the Loew State The-
atre. He was put on as the fifth act, a
spot usually filled by a corny set-up.
After three numbers the Count had the
audience "Benny Goodman-ing" in the
The piano-pounder also sings with
his band, and his voice, while almost in-
distinguishable in tone from Fats Waller
and Louis Armstrong, has a style all its
Basie is considered by such noted local
connoisseurs as Curly Lampor of Coney
Island, and Jerry of Harlem as the top
colored swingster in New York. And
since colored bands are recognized as
hotter than the best white bands, this
estimation means something.
The Count's organization is sometimes
known as the fat men's band, since
three-fourths of them, veterans all, are
short and weigh more than 200 pounds.
However, we need quote no other
proof of Basie's ability. He will un-
doubtedly speak for himself at the Hop.
Albion, Mich.; Elizabeth Kimball, '40.
Dorothy Neberle, '40; Jane Baccus,
Lake Linden, Mich.; Mary Jane Thom-
as, Detroit; Joanne Westerman, Gal-
lipolis, Ohio; Helen Henderson, Detroit;
Harriet Johnson, '40; Barbara Hunger-
ford, Corning, NY.; Mary Beatty, '42.
Dorothy Mall, '39; Helen Miltner,
Cadillac; Betty Windsor, Ann Arbor;
Isabell Bruyere, Toledo; Mrs. Francis
W. Allen, Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles De Baker, Ann Arbor; Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Basom, Ann Arbor; Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Hammial, Ann Arbor.
Alpha Tau Omega
Roberta Leete, '40; Shirley Gaither,
Detroit; Elsie Courtney, '42; Elizabeth
Moe, Detroit; Betty Jane Crawford, '42;
Betty Wibel, '41; Grace Foote, '40; Mary
Rowll, '39; Betty Meyer, '40; Lillian
Zimmerman, '40; Virginia Richardson,
'39; Georgia Sadler, '41.
Margorie Higgens, '42; Dorothy Jane
Bridgen, '42; Sue Borden, Chicago; Ag-
nes Landers, '41; Jean Shugert, '42;
Jean Hubbard, 42; Alice Miller, Houston,
Texas; Betty Jane Dain, Detroit.
Beta Theta Pi
Barbara Hartman, '40, Mansfield, O.;
Elizabeth Robinson, '41; Mary von der
Heidt, '41; Ann Kingston; '40; Eliza-
beth Conn, '40; Peggy Clement, Flint;
Shelly Welch, Nashville, Tenn.; Dorothy
Tydeman, '42; Mary Helen Davis, '41;
Elizabeth Keper, '41; Beverly Bracken,
'41; Jane Burkholder, Grand Rapids.
Adrienne Higgenbotham, Etowah,
Tenn.; Jane White, Warren, Ohio; Sue
Nankervic, Oak Park, Ill.; Marjorie Ev-
erett, '41; Mary Lee Wagner, Grand
Rapids; Caroline Guernsey; Marjorie
Hot Lips Henry
Loveley, Detroit; Elizabeth Sutton, Flint.
Evelyn Reiner, Detroit; Jane Brooks,
Detroit; Betty Stapleton, Detroit; Enid
Reimer, Dorothy Gucker, Annettee Cha-
pin, Marie Saltzman, Gertrude Kopeloff,
Muriel Monett, Avie Lennon, Julia La-
Rue, Betty Walker, Ardis Sheffer, De-
troit; Betty McKenzie, Elmira, N.Y.
Mildred Jerosek, Detroit; Olga Hozar,
Detroit; Betty Budge, Albrion; Betty
Halpin, Gertrude Zuidema, Florence
Jackmann, Jeanne Bouchard, Ann Ar-
bor; Alberta Stein, Vivian Berquist, To-
ledo; Jeannette Lavidie, Martha Gra-
ham, Hilda Levin, Jean Belle King, Vir-
ginia Baird, Ann Vills."
Dorothy Wiedman, Blanche Ander-
son, Marjorie Strand, Fay Hootkins,
Ann Arbor; Delta Eschelbach, Chelsea;
Irene Wakeman, Pontiac; Betty Duchin,
Detroit; Esther Duchin, Detroit; Esther,
Duchin, Detroit; Hortense Ganan, Chi-
cago; Jean Reimann, Ruth Howard, Ann
Myrtle Prossin, Janet Hahn, Ethel
Kimmel, Norene Jadwin, Dorothy Hoch-
setter, Toledo; Mary Maynard, Virginia
Ripner, Sally Rosenberg, Miriam Rubin,
Betty Heer, Toledo; Jeannette Angell,
Ann Arbor; Mary Alice. Jennings, Lan-
sing; Martha Parrish, Detroit; Rose-
mary Adams, Jackson; Betty Sampson,
Ann Arbor; Florence Michlinksi, Hedy
Bell, Greensburg, Pa.; Frances Blumen-
Jerry Moss, Marion Ferguson, Ruth
Mergenthaler, Boston, Mass.; Jean Far-
rell, Virginia List, Mabel Douglas, Vilma
Judson, Royal Oak; Cora Jean San-
ford, East Lansing; Margaret Lewis,
Jane Shapiro, Virginia Goldman, Syl-
via Forman, Ruth Stanley, Chicago.
Beatrice McBurney, Lansing; Doris
Nordgren, Lorraine Brieske, Betty Pol-
lard, Chicago; Betty Coughey, Alice
Skelton, Jean Edelman, Nathalie Schur-
man, Janet Cottrel, Jean Hammond,
Betty Hinkling, Dorothy Bliemeister,
Peggy O'Neil, Cecile Franking.
Miriam Pomeroy, Jeane Judson, Elsie
Jorn, Doris Cuthbert, Marion Huges,
Benton Harbor; Marie Treder, Benton
Harbor; Marion MacGregor, Margaret
Harlow, Phyllis Dickerson, Grand Rap-
ids; Edith Howell, Claire Sonnenklar,
Mary Tischer, Delphine Klein, Kay
Rosenthal, Leah Lebeson, Chicago.
Beverly Beckman, Portland, Maine;
Evelyn Kanat, Detroit; Roseveelyn Roz-
ner, Detroit; June Rozner, Donna Gold-
man, Beverly Hamburger, F. Frances
Bierman, Shirley Bogart, Rosalyn Arfa,
Janie Blumenan, Ruth Pollock, Elsie
Waier, LaVerne McArdle, Flint; Jeanne
Troup, Detroit.
Fleda Combs, Detroit; Cala Laboritz,
Revila Mosier, Ann Arbor; Ruth Lepiste,
(Continued on Page 3)
r_.- .'.
Is Selected for the
Official Refreshment
at the 1939 J Hop
for party servce call Ann arbor 8447
,! ....