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February 11, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-11

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J-Hop Extra i tt rt ttt l First Edition

urday, February 11, 1939


Vol. XLIX Price: 10 Cents


sses Prove
)ular Fad
's What Everybody Wore, Or
east Committeemen's Dates;,
Around You And Admire
a sky-blue canopy sprinkled
ver stars, Don Treadwell, '40,
the 1939 J-Hop last night in the
mral Building with Eileen Hay-
s guest from Grosse Pointe.
Hayward wore a gown of light
t, with a bouffant skirt and a
taped bodice trimmed with laces
lace flounce banded the lower
the skirt. A narrow blue velvet
.ged the top of the bodice, ai!4
bow of the same material ac-
he front of the bodice.
ta Leete, '40, chairman of
had as her guest Jerry Martin,
Ann Arbor. Miss Leete chose
ik net studded with small gold
'he gown had a fitted bodice
full skirt. She wore gold acces-
Rinek, '40, co-chairman of
asked Jean Burchinal of Wash-
Penn., to attend the dance wth
Liss Burchinal's gown was of
hiffon. A wide girdle of black.
1 sequins accented the fullness
skirt.. A Juliette cap of sequins
g the girdle completed the out-
Martha Dailey, '40, co-chair-
patrons, had as her guest How-
sey, '39E. Miss Dailey wore peri-
blue chiffon with a bouffant
wide panel of shirring around
st had rhinestones clips down
, Hoelscher, '40, co-chairman
s, asked L Chrisman, '39,5A,
d the dance. Miss Hoelscher's
as of spring wine Alencon lace
.tted bodice and a very full skirt,
at sequins trimmed the dress,
ad butterfly sleeves. She wore

Public J-Hopper Number One And Friend

Reported In
Same Condition
Two-Steppers Are Gratified By
Lightening Of Crush Of 'Cats'
On Dance Floor.
The J-Hop is on the way out.
When the Daily went to press at
midnight it was reliably reported
that approximately 86 couples al-
ready had passed out. Indications
are, informed sources have it, that
before many hours have passed, the
rest of the J-Hoppers will be in the
same condition.
No accurate count was possible at
this time, but exhausted dancers
reaching the side-lines reported
that in doing the two-step after
midnight, their feet were stepped on
only every other step, whereas be-
fore midnight, other dancers' feet
had been beating a constant tattoo
on theirs. It was also reported re-
liably that it was possible to dance
the length of the floor after mid-
night without being jabbed in the
ribs more than ten times. A falling
off in the number of glasses of gin-
gerale spilled on white vests in the
crush around the refreshment booth
also gave evidence that the ranks
of the original 3,000 J-Hoppers had
been seriously depleted.
Basie, Busse Busy
Count Basie and Henry Busse agreed
last night. They agreed you should
have been there. For the J-Hop was
definitely the place-giving keen indi-
cation that some day-and some day
soon-the J-Hop is going to take the
place of lawn croquet for Friday night
lulls. More than 3,000 people crowded
the floor.
The Intramural Building sported the
most nicely decorated gymnasium in the
country last night. However, a rumor,
started by a horrified taxi-driver, that
the swimming pool had been converted
into a punch-bowl, could not be con-
firmed. At least University officials re-
fused to admit it.
Donald Treadwell, '40, of 'grosse
Pointe, was present, ready to lead a
grand march along with his guest, Ei-
leen Hayward, of Detroit, but the near-
est the crowd came to a formal grand
march was when the photographer was
announced. Three people were injured
in the rush to get in the front row.
As to the decorations: silver stars in
a center panel of blue gave a sky effect
to the motif. Booths were draped with
burgundy sateen trimmed in gold to
meet the columns. The columns also
met the booths. These aforementioned
columns were semi-circular instead of
the ordinary round affairs and had a
modernistic design, Wes Lane, '40, and

House Parties Will Enliven Weekend

binson, '40, chairn
her guest Albert1
>binson chose whi
n dubonnet, witha
gown had a halte
dubonnet accessori
Spurgeon, '40, ch
as her guest Roy
averse City. MissE
te chiffon studde
['he basque bodic
e wore a hoop skirt
shuh, '40, chairm
Lucille Kauer, '40,
Miss Kauer's gow
jersey, striped in
Bishop, '41, was th
e, co-chairman of
ishop wore whitet
bodice and a full
fri m r in -o- c

nan of

te taf- A large number of house parties i9
a bouf- accompanying the J-Hop this year,
r neck, and many fraternities not having house-
es. parties are having breakfaste after the
airman dance. Beta Theta Pi is among those
Sum- having houseparties. The Beta boys
Spurg- are having a formal dinner before the
d with dance, followed by a breakfast after-
e was ward. Chaperons for the party will be
t. Mrs. Shelby Shurtz, of Grand Rapids,
'an of and Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Bush, of De-
to at- troit. Bill Sawyer's quintet will pay
in was for the dinner Friday, and the whole
char- Sawyer orchestra at a formal dance
e guest Theta Delta Chi is also having a
decor- house-party, with Prof. and Mrs. E. F.
taffeta Barker, of Ann Arbor, and Mr. and
skirt. Mrs. John C. Garrels, of Grosse Isle,
velvet, acting as chaperons. For their break-
same fast following the dance, they will have
a private room in the Union. Saturday
decor- they are holding an informal dance,
thmary with Hal Carter's orchestra, preceded

Russell Pryce of Ann Arbor to be chap-
erons at a dinner to be given before the
J-Hop and at a breakfast following.
Alpha Kappa Lambda is having a
(Continued on Page 8)
J-.Hop Guests!
"Names Make News"
See Page 2 For Your'
Name In Print!

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