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May 06, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-05-06

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SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1917.

a a aL ATaA Vi /a i[ -11 \ L4-1i1.A A

lIF W KH I O ul
TO TRY T _ ... _.)Y) T

American Flags in
Demad inParis
' reuclmei as Well as Americans Try.
to Procure Stars and

Belgian childre r tar and
ice August3 1914 theyhve o
LOWnI what it was to have a full meal,
d it is the tAy of the state of
Ichigan to furnish i31,O per month
r relief.
'Ihese are h
te Th eii A H.
ai tution fb 1 \ 4 bX
wn in altr--

r y .-America's entry into
he war found Paris unprepared in
Ameican flags. Even before congress
d dbated President Wilson's war
proposal, Paris department stores had
to admit that the demand for the Stars
ripes exceed the supply.
I _ a street in the capital lacked
STor Even small American
Sn coat lapels were,
a . te larger ones.
S b i.;t mm as eagerly as

.~ :-:
~ i,!:~.

aoth e waiting for aI

.tai.. u. ; . ..... . ..
. _.. a n o. . I.. .., .. _

if-~~ ~ * 8 if.-(
'''F T1-IE

d 4._ .

a-s . Ae _. .
UivC_..1 1 ;_ .., 2 A


Y"(e c

i n. c _ ;r i ortwec
i -', forups ho wil
lie. The ne esary to
giur n il o Iel o'he cild
a "tel c tereiste b in exact
orx ath diecth tuppotditions of the
ahelose o ittee can eipt
vidntU or omall groups who will
e take t. uarantee the relatively
ill sum per nionthi necessary to
vide the school meal for the child
ulation f specific communes, those
vunes will be registered as being
r the direct support of the donors,
aftei the close of the war receipts
1 be sent from Belgium acknow-
ing the service. I cannot deli-~
Ily promise that the children them-
res will, when tree to do so, get
toigch with their benefactors, but
experience witt the Belgian peo~
inclines me to feel certain that they
S "e strongly tesirous of express~
thir feelings in the matter.c
Hfoping that your Dollar-a-Month
Smay spread its influence through-
}Michigan, and put the state in
front rank of patriotic and hu-
itarian gdving, I ami
"Very truly yours,
Meal Cost One Dollar
he supplementary meal which is
itioned in the preceding letter can
furnished to a child at the cost of
0 a ,month. The meal consists of
ingle biscuit with a little lard and
etening in it, and either a portion
:bick soup or a cup of cocoa with
sphatine and sweetening, and, if
sible, milk. The supplementary
Al is scientifically planned and pro-
ticod and will furnish utriment
ghto tide the childoxrbi-
~tal (eccine.

-m L~~i-Mrio
-e Two
a- . - . S3orey in
Majiestic-"The Girl f
t ors."
Arcade --Robert Wa
"The Argyle Case.'
comedy. ;
Orpheum - Marie
"Castles for Two."
S**** **.,c*e *

* * * *p * *
ayon xi *
Burton *
re. *
Moro in *
" Burton *
re, *
"Teneus *-
'rom Rec- *
rwick in *
" Christie *
Doro In *
Holmes *
* * * * *

It. The ast is an ideal one for Mr.
W *arwickand should greatly increase
his popularity."
The Motion Picture News says
"Robert Warwick, as a clean-cut bus-
iness detective, is a great success. Ev-
erything is worked out to a nicety and
well presented."
This feature commands a 25 cent
rate in all the large cities. The Arcade
will show it for 15 cents.
Rio Janeiro, May 5.-Confidence that
the Brazilian congress will deal pat-
riotically with the grave international
situation between Brazil and Germany
is expressed by President Wenceslau
Braz in his message to the congress.
The message justifies the course of the
government in its dealings with the
various foreign powers, notably those
with Germany leading up to the rup-
ture of diplomatic relations.
Brazil, says President Braz, in spite
of her deep sympathy for the re-estab-
lishment of peace, refrained from sup-
porting propositions made with that
idea in view. It was obliged to take
up with Germany the cases of the
steamers Rio Branco and Parana, this
leading to the rupture of relations and
the taking over of the German ships
in Brazilian ports.
Although, in the case of the Parana.
Foreign Secretary Zimmermann had
expressed regret for the torpedoing of
the steamer, Brazil did not desire to
leave the door open for further negoti-
ations with Germany and she was in-
formed that Brazil considered the re-
ply unsatisfactory.
Reply Not Accepted
"It is my conscientious belief that
in this delicate case the government
performed its duty loyally and with
dignity, without excess and without
undue haste," says the message. "The
executive acted within the limits of his
constitutional powers, and as you were
about to meet I decided to convey to
you knowledge of the grave interna-
tional situation in which Brazil finds
herself, confident that under the ample
powers granted you by the constitu-
tion your patriotism will find a way of
manifesting itself in accordance with
the gravity of the circumstances."
Lagds French and British
On other phases of the international
situation President Braz praises the
good faith of the French and British
governments in various circumstances.
Nilo Pecanha, former president, has
been appointed foreign minister in suc-
cession to Dr. Lauro Muller, resigned.
He has accepted the portfolio. Dr. L.
Martins de Sousa Dantas, under secre-
tary of state, who was appointed tem-
porarily to head the foreign office, re-
linquished this post on the appoint-
ment of Senor Pecanha.
Packrnts Infect Young Forest Trees
San Francisco, Cal., May 5.--On
parts of the Angeles national for-
est in California the packrats are so
abundant that many of the young
pines planted by the Forest service
have been killed or injured by the ro-
dents. The damage seems to take
place chiefly in the late summer and
fail and is more extcnsive in dry
than in wet seasons. It is thought that
toe ats tear off the tender bark of the
trees to obtain moisture at times when

this moment is misguided thrift," Mr.
S. W. Straus, president of the Ameri-
can Society for Thrift, declared yes-
Mr. Straus emphasized the need for
differentiating between destructiv
and constructive thrift stating that'
in our efforts to be patriotically eco-
nomical, we find ourselves going to
extremes in the opposite direction
The most acute need of our nation to-
day is intelligent, productive, and con-
structive thrift.
"Because the whole nation suddenly
has become conscious of the necessity
of thrift," he said, "we as individuals
should take care not to deflect from
their normal courses the tides of the
nation's money that turn the wheels
of industry. America as a nation is
not in any danger of running short
of money, but we are threatened with
a food shortage because on us rests
the duty and responsibility of feeding
our allies.
"In brief, administer your expendi-
tures in a clean, honest, legitimate,
and patriotic manner. Eliminate waste
of food, bearing in mind that every
mouthful you save may be the sus-
tenance of some starving fellow hu-
man being abroad. Those in business
should not hesitate. Be courageous
and keep on going. In the matter of
individual expenditure every man
should be guided by his own neces-
sities and the needs of his country.
Let none of us be a slacker in the
business world. Remember the most
acute need of our nation today is in-
telligent, productive, and constructive
Forestry Notes
Balsa wood, found in Central Amer-
ica, is said to be the lightest known
wood. It is lighter than cork and has
an average specific gravity of only
A wood specimen found in glacial
drift and estimated by the Wisconsin
state geologist to be approximately
half a million years old has been ident-
ified by the forest products laboratory
of the Forest service as spruce.
State forests with a total of more
than 3,600,000 acres have been estab-
lished in 13 states: Of these New York
has the largest forests, which comprise
1,26,000 acres, Pennsylvania is second
with 1,008,000 acres, and Wisconsin
third with 400,000 acres.
The largest number of sheep grazed
on any single national forest is 315,-
740, finding pasturage on the Hutnofl
in Nevada, while the largest number at
cattle, 75,818 head, is found on the
Tonto in Arizona. The value of th
average annual meat product of thse
two national forests is estimated at
E. V. Steever to Train Detroit Boys
Capt. E. V. Steever, who was recent-
ly sought to organize the students of
the Ann Arbor high school for military
training, is at present employed by
the government in organizing the cit

strength of the first war army, or-
ganized under the selective draft bill,
will be 18,538 officers and 528,659 en-
listed men, making up 18 war strength
livisions complete in every arm and
upplemented by 16 regiments of heavy
field artillery, equipped with large
caliber howitzers.
Virtually every detail of plans for
raising, training, equipping, and or-
ganizing this force has been carefully
worked out by the war department,
and the selection of the men will be-
gin as soon as the draft measure be-
comes law.
Conferees of the senate and house
hope to agree upon disputed features
of the bill tomorrow, so the bill may
go to the president for his signature
early next week.
Infantry Makeup
Each infantry division will consist
of nine full regiments of infantry,
three regiments of field artillery, one
regiment of cavalry, one regiment of
engineers, one division hospital, and
four camp infirmaries. The total
strength of the 16 will be 15,022 offi-
cers and 439,792 men.
The two cavalry divisions combined
will have 1,214 officers and 32,062
fighting men, including mounted en-
gineers and horse artillery units, and
each will have also its divisional hos-
pital and camp infirmaries.
The proportion of coast artillery
troops to be provided out of the first
500,000 will bo 666 officers and 20,000
men, with requisite medical troops.
Supplementing these tactical units
will be the 16 regiments of heavy field
artillery, strength 768 officers and 21,-
104 men; eight aero squadrons, eight
balloon companies, 10 field hospitals,
10 ambulance companies, 22 field bak-
eries, six telephone battalions, 16
pack companies, six ammunition
trains, and six supply trains.
Up to Full War Strength
In preparation for the enormous
task,-of training this great army the
existing regular establishment and the
national guard are being brought to
full war strength. The regulars, when
all five additional increments provid-
ed for in the national defense act have
been autded, will total 11,233 officers
and 293,000 men of all arms.
Upon the president's approval of
the army bill the first increment will
be added to the regulars. Details of
officers and designations of new units
already have been arranged.
To Discuss City's Planning Needs
Mr. Robert W. Hemphill of the De-
troit-Elison company will give the
last of a series of talks to the city
planning class, which meets at 11:45
o'clock this morning in the auditor-
ium of the Congregational church. Mr.
Ilemphill's talk will deal with Ann
Arbor's needs in city planning.

.lisgaided Thrift
Greatest Danger
Thrift Society Head Declares We Are
Going to Extremes in
New York, May 5.-"One of the

,28,000 ENLISTED MEN AND 18,000

German Factions
differ on Peace

Meetings Held to Arouse
Against Sociaist


greatest dangers that confront us at .y
IWashington, May 5. - The full

Copenhagen, via London, May 5.-
The silence of German Imperial Chan-
cellor von Bethmann-Hollweg con-
cerning Germany's peace terms, if, as
declared, it is based on a desire to
avoid disrupting the unity of feeling
in the country by discussion of con-
tentious questions and not, as some
uncharitable German critics assert,
upon the absence of a definite govern-
ment peace policy, has failed of its
Controversy Rages
An acrimonious controversy is now
'raging in Germany between the big
annexationists, the little annexation-
ists, and the advocates of no annexa-
tions and indemnities whatever.
The Pan-German league has sent
circulars to its branches throughout
the country asking them to organize
meetings everywhere in the interests
of "German peace" and against the
Socialist peace program.
The conservatives have introduced
an mnterpellation in the reichstag in
an endeavor to smoke out von Beth-
mann-Hollweg and force him to de-
clare himself for or against the
Scheidemann program. . The radicals
have introduced a similar interpella-
tion in the Prussian diet.
Want Peace vcth Indemnities
The revival of the activity of the
imperialistic organizations of agricul-
ture and industry is marked by the
issue of a stiffly worded pronuncia-
-nento from a long list of agricultural,
industrial, and even religious organ-
The Pan-German league and the
Army and Navy leagues are demanding
peace with indemnities, increased ter-
ritories, and greater power for Ger-
The Socialist meetings, on the other
hand, are making and strengthening
public opinion for a peace with no in-
demnities and no annexations. The
Socialist leaders obviously are en-
deavoring to sweep the government
and the imperial chancellor into a
declaration of the German peace aims
on similar lines and which could be
used at the Stockholm conference.
Hollweg Policy Demanded
The moderate elements, who favor
taking what can be got, are assailing
von Bethmann-Hollweg for shrinking
from trouble, and demand in: resolu-
tions adopted by the liberal party and
in the editorials of such papers as the
Vessische Zeitung that the chancellor
make a clear statement of policy as a
step toward inner and outer peace.
Prof. Clarence L. Meader will ad-
dress the Polonia Literary circle on
"The Spirit of Democracy in Russia
and Poland's Relation to It" at the so-
ciety's meeting to be held at 7:30
o'clock tonight in McMillan hall. Re-
freshments will be served.


The program at the Majestic today
will again contain a triple bill. The
show will open with a Burton Holmes
tra velogue called "A Day with Our
Cadets at West Point." It shows their
regular daily routine and the dress
parade is one of the most spectaculh
drills ever seen. The closing feature
will be the last of the athletic car-
nivals. Among the features is a game
of LaCrosse on ice.
The feature will be Miss Ethel Clay-
ton in an interesting and pleasing pro-
duction bearing the name "Man's
Woman." In this picture Miss Clay-
ton portrays the role of a young mar-
ried woman who is made but little bet-
ter than a house cat by her husband
and by his two maiden aunts with
whom the couple live. Though she
loves her husband the young wife can-
not stand the drab monotony of the
situation. She is about at her wit's
end when fate takes a hand in her
ife and solves her problem in a start-
ing munner. Rockcliffe Fellowes ap-
-ars wih Mis Clayton.

~} num:r o
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igan ia as>' . vi'fi

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'"T'; H rI frrnI Rectors" will be
e I 'n Minday.
"Th irCrm Rectors" is interest-
''a A. taitergcers of Michigan, in
at a g"oud murtaion of the story is laid
Ibout llattl Creek and Kalamazoo.
T'hcre Ihappcncd to be a certain celery
"'1 ra m tho town with the funny
'e, w'hj, t~irg of business and the
osricted plcasre >f the smaller city
whch he w'as a prominent and re-
' i A-en, d~ecided that in order
- the proper relaxation for the
t".'.A - ..;m, that he must go

'Icrh. wher the lights were
for OC ~ e - 'a: ' -' '~ - ~, te ~'rh;aretythe food prices

water is scarce. troops of Detroit, but is expected to
be employed by the Detroit board of
For results advertise in The XIahi- education to organize the boys in the
gan Daily. city schools, about the middle of May
®1857 Dry Goods, Furniture and Women's Fashions 1917

of tif:l :' 'i' ' . -A ' A
p _c.nmit e; l' a b'ivnIto
W it:'m- 41: . t '.Al.;itOe
eper, who rxeiina fC tt
mnitte wi n tenear future,
argo th -tt Q 1 'lee to a mom-
ship of apxxiaey100. Thus
pe re r . 'i i will be given to
calii:: that time is an all-impor-
Sfacor i the relief work, one of
loual fraternities has already vol-
C'red' ts vseries to the cafise, and-
mailed out a number of letters.
abbi Nathan Krass of Brooklyn,
Y., wilt address the Jewish Stu-
ts' congregation of the University
6:45 o'clock tonight in Newberry
on the subject, "The Eternally
ish." Following Dr. Krass' talk,
election of oificers of the congre-
on for next year will be held.
ore your typewriter at less than1
.sportation charges or have it pro-J
y packed and avoid breakage. 0.
liorrill, 322) Sotrtt S d t'


S :ypaign plentiful. Not
ed it known back in Kala-
_ a sill at the same time
c ambition of years must
be realized, and it was.


From the Big Broadway Success by Harvey J. O'Higgins,
Harriet Ford and Wiiani J. Burns
T Rbr awckde i bs okin"CEAGYECS,
and will win many admirers. Ini producing this picture, Mr. Ralph
Ince, the director, enlisted the services of Mr. Barns, the internation-
ally noted detective, who volunteered to supervise certain details of
the production in order that they adhere to the realities of the science
of detection.
"TIHE :ARCADE is willing to stake its reputation on this produces
tion, and say that it is without doubt thy' best mystery story ever pro-
duced. Don't miss it. 5u Cts.
d °-G "x " s +>c ..ea&=" - T:a -:-

Tomorrow and Wednesday, Robert
Warwick appears in "The Argyle
Case," in his first picture under the'
Selznick banner. Warwick has al-
way<..s been a popular star. With a
thrilling and splendidly worked out
w toy, wvithi the assistance of such a
mted detective as William J. Burns
to oversee all the details, and with one
of the most successful directors to
produce the play, it was to be expected
tt he Argyle Case" would please
c'uthe most critical.
\\Wid," the one really great critic
in the motion picture world today,
says: "This play was a success on the
sea ing stage. As a moving-picture
it is a fast-moving mystery-suspense-
detective story with a popular star as
the dominant figure. It is surely the
b1t production iiN which Robert War-
wick has ever starred and I believe
- 2li;wthmu.n enLLH c

Caps and Gowns

Orders left at once can be
filled in time for Swing-Out.
Correct costumes for every
department. Fine materials
and tailoring.


Women's Section-Dressmaking Shop-Second Floor
Men's Section-Drapery Store-Third Floor,

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