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VOL. XXVIL. No. 136.
: :: S DAY, APRI L 18, 1917.
Men with Passing Grades Will Be
Given Semester's Work When
Departing for War
Students May Be Allowed to Drop
Work to Take Up Military
Science Courses
Final resolutions were adopted by
the faculty of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts during the
spring vacation in regard to the credit
to be awarded to students who leave
college during the semester to enter
a branch of the war service of the
federal government. The resolutions
"I. That a committee of three be
appointed by the president to repre-
sent this faculty in matters pertaining
to military instruction and service,
this committee to meet when neces-
sary with a similar committee already
appointed from the engineering and
architectural colleges. The recommen-
dations of this commmittee shall be
reported to the faculty for approval.
"2. That any student of this col-
lege who receives permission from the
dean to leave his college work during
a semester on account of military or
naval service, shall be given credit for
the full semester's work, provided his
record has been satisfactory to his in-
structors. senior students leaving
college work before the close of their
last semester may be graduated with
their class on the same conditions.
"3. That credits for work left in-
complete given to students entering
military or naval service shall, be re-
corded as passed, without a definite
"4. That students may be allowed
to drop work already elcted in this
college to the extent of six hours, re-
ceiving half credit for the same, on
condition that their record has been
satisfactory, in order to elect courses
in military science to be offered in the
engineering college after the spring
vacation; such courses to be given six
hours each week for three hours
credit. Under the circumstances credit
in these technical courses shall be
accepted without question in this col-
In order to make clear the mean-
ing of the third resolution, Registrar
Arthur G. Hall has explained it as fol-
"The grade of 'passed' is treated as
'C' grade or higher, according to the
average of other graded work done in
At the meeting the July rule re-
garding attendance at commencement
was repealed, and. a new rule estab-
lished in its place. The new rule is
to the effect that those students who
have completed, the requirements for
graduation must be present on com-
mencement day unless they get ex-
cuses from their respective deans, or
f they will not be granted their diplomas
till July.
Law Students To
Continue Drilling
Program Established Before Vacation
to Be Followed Until Of.
ficer Arrives
According to Professor Wilgus, who
has charge of the military training
work in the Law school, the program
adopted in that department before the
spring recess will be continued until
Major Castle arrives and takes charge
of the work.
The time of Major Castle's arrival
is not known so the present arrange-
ments will be continued in order to
give the law men an opportunity to
drill as muich as possible. It is ex-
pected that Major Castle will make a
considerable change organizing the de-
partment on a more permanent basis.
The faculty of the Law school is at
present considering a change in the
program and method of conducting
classes which will enable the students
to make the best of the opportunity
for training which will be introduced.
Prof. E. C. GoddArd, who has charge
of any changes which may be made,
stated last evening that thus far no
definite steps had been taken, as the
amount of drill that will be required
is not yet known.
London, April 17.-Another
drive of a Brilish wedge in the
Geiman front and a halt of a Ger-
man counter attack was reported
by General ilaig late tonight. "In
the neighborhood of Havrincourt
wood we progressed further to-
ward jMhe village of Couzeaucourt,"
said the statement. "West and
northwest of Lens attempts to'
drive our advanced troops back
By H. C. L. J.
What should the college undergrad-
uate do now to serve his country?
This problem has been answered in
at least three of the leading eastern
universities in no uncertain terms.
Harvard, Yale, and Princeton believe
the university man's place is at pres-
ent in the university. While provis-
ion's have been made assuring seniors
in good standing their diplomas in-
case they enlist, the faculties of these
strongholds of preparedness support
training - in colleges. Gen. Leonard
Wood stated, in a telegram to the
president of Hlarvard:
"I advise Harvard students to con-
tinue their present university work
and military training until such a
time as the plans for the mobilization
of citizen forces are promulgated. To
leave now is in every way inadvisable
and can serve no useful purpose."
Study Military Science
In accordance with this sentiment,
universities everywhere encourage the
stuCd of military science, and actual
drill< in order that the students may
successfully pass examinations and
becr!ae members of the officers' re-
j ichigan
Spanish War Volunteers
- ( - - -
When the call for volunteers for the
Spanish-American war was issued on
April 26, 1898, Michigan's student
body loyally responded to its country's
appeal. Company A of the Univer-
sity of Michigan rifles was organized,
and drilled incessantly.
At a big-assembly held on the cam-
pus in May, 1898, addresses were de-
livered by the mayor of Ann Arbor,
officials of the University, and Henry
S. Dean, a colonel in the civil war, and
at that time a Regent of the Univer-
Though they were in readiness to
depart to the front, Governor Pingree
ordered the soldier-students to pursue
their studies until such a time as their
services might be urgently required.
Due to the brevity of the war, the
company was never called to arms.
Lieut. A. L. C. Atkinson, 98L, who is
seen in the cut at the head of the
company, was later appointed secre-
tary of Hawaii, a position which he
held from 1903 to 1907. 0. H. Hans,
'00L-'01, then business manager of the
Michigan Daily, served in the capacity
of sergeant and left guide. Mr. Hans,
who is now manager of the Ann Ar-
bor Press, is the only member of the
volunteers in Ann Arbor at the pres-
ent time, and to him The Daily is in-
debted for the use of the picture.
Regular Wednesday Night Drills to
Be Resumed in Gym-
Approximately 150 members of the
vacation battalion of student volun-
teers reported for drill today, taking
their usual places in the five com-
panies. The afternoon's workout con-
sisted of a march from the campus to
Ferry field and return. Regular drills
will be held every afternoon under
the direction -of Prof. J. A. Bursley
until the United States officer arrives
to take charge of the battalion.
The following schedule has been ar-
ranged for the rest of the week: Com-
pany A will drill every afternoon from
4:30 to 5:15 o'clock, Company B from
4:30 to 5:30, Company C from 5:05 to
Public "s Attitude
A Serious Problem
Broadwvay Starts
To Conserve food
Prof. J. S. Reeves Says
the Danger Now
the Nation
That This Is
With the British Armies Afield,
April 17.-France's brilliant part in
the great offensive stimulated British
forces to redouble their energy today.
The great drive Monday that, culmin-
ated with the wresting of an entire
40-mile line from the Germans and a
total Teuton loss estimated at 100,000
killed, wounded, and prisoners, has
furnished new vigor to the troops.
General Haig's forces continued
their steady advances today and the
outposts and patrols kept pushing for-
ward in the past. More field guns
were capturegI in Hirondelle wood.
Meanwhile desperate wouk of destruc-
tion of the Germans continues in Lens,
now fast doomed by the British en-
circling movement.
Today the Germans dammed the
Souchez, backing up the water in
Lens. Lievin, a suburb of Lens, now
held by the British, was totally de-
stroyed before the Germans were
forced out. The great coal mines and
coal works there have been wantonly
El Paso, Texas, April 17.-Concen-
tration of thoasands of Carranza
troops at Chihuahua is detailed in ad-
vices. received from the interior to-
day. Carranza garrisons have been
withdrawn from Durango, Zapatecas,
Aguas Calientes, and Nuevo Leon.
LighteEn trainloads of these troops
have already arrived at the Chihuahua,
City concentration camp. It is report-
ed that a large part of this force will
be sent to the border when mobiliza-
tion is completed.
serve corps.
The officers' reserve corps was pro-
vide. for by the national defense act
of Jane 3, 1916, in order that officers
might be on hand in case of an in-
crease in the size of the army, or the,
loss or transfer of commissioned of-
ficer in time of war.
The examinations are for six sorts
of sl rvice: Infantry, cavalry, field ar-
tillei:y, coast artillery, engineering,
and signal corps. A knowledge of in-
fantry regulations is required for each
division. Examinations conducted in
this branch are based upon the follow-
ing texts:
Army regulations and general or-
ders, infantry drill regulations, field
service regulations, small arm firing
regulations, military law and topo-
graphy. In the case of college stu-
dents, the tests in grammar, arith-
metic, geography, and history are
Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility requirements are: The
applicant must be 21 years of age.
Each officer must be physically,
mentally and morally qualified to hold
his commission. He must be a citizen
of the United States.
Liabilities for service In the O. R.
C. are divided into two parts: In time
of peace, and in time of war. In the
former case, the officer in the reserve
corps holds his commission for five
years. The secretary of war may call
upon him for drill or instruction for
a period not exceeding 15 days in each
year. In case of war, an officer
may be ordered to temporary, duty
with the regular army, he may fill
vacancies in the national guard, be in
a volunteer organization, drill recruits,
recruit rendezvous and depots, or he
may train newly enlisted men.
Receive Officer's Pay
While in service, each officer exer-
cises command appropriate to his
grade and rank, receiving the pay and
allowances of corresponding grades in
the regular army. In peace times the
officer retains his title and may wear
the uniform of his grade on occasions
of ceremony.
By furthering drills and the study of
military science, the universities are
giving undergraduates an opportunity
to take their places as commissioned
officers. Perhaps the keynote of the
movement is found in the statement
of the Yale university emergency coun-
"The most serious and' dangerous
thing confronting this country today1
i-s the public's idea that this war is tof
be a summer's picnic and that theI
allies will clean up the war within twox
or three months," declared Prof. Jesse
S. Reeves of the political science de-t
partment yesterday in an appeal for
a more actiov interest in the pres't
"Nothing will go further toward de-
feating the policies of the govern-
ment," he continued, " than this samet
attitude of mind, and every individual
must give his full 100 per cent of
backing. The fact that a British fleet{
stands between us and the Germans
must not lull us into a sense of false,
security. The extent to which the
government is preparing for a long
and serious war, the sending of a war
commission by the allies, and the ex-
tent of their preparations should dis-
count any notion which might arise
in the minds of the people from the
present retirement of the Germans on
the western front that, the war will
soon end."
Professor Reeves urged that every-"
one make a decision as to the best
way he can serve his country, and ex-
pressed a belief that legislation would
shortly be passed forcing all to make
Fuch a decision. He especially em-
piia sized the necessity of students go-
ing to work on farms for the next
four or five months, thus helping to
lessen the food shortage.
Francis F. McKinney, '16L, who was
managing editor of The Michigan
Daily last year, has enlisted in the
navy and is now stationed at New-
port, R. I. Mr. McKinney has the
rank of a yeoman, a position involving
secretarial and clerical work.
Commissions of 7 Students Approved
Commissions in the ordnance offi-
cers' reserve corps for five graduate
students and two seniors were ap-
proved yesterday by Prof. A. H.
White of the chemical engineering de-
partment, Their names are withheld.1
Hotels, Cafes, and Lobster Palacest
Cut Expensive and Fancy
Dishes Off Menus
New York, April 17.-Broadway's
lobster palaces, big hotels, and cafes3
eliminated fancy dishes from their
menus today as a war conservation1
measure. The most extravagant street1
in the world intends to lead the na-
tion in moderation.
"No more fancy food. No more un-.
necessary dishes, said Secretary
!arry P. Simpson. "We won't cut;
the prices, but we will keep them from
going higher. We have cut the menus
one-third, and later they will be
chopped off to half their original size.
New York has learned to expect to be
offered a lot of unnecessary things,
but it and the rest of the nation will
have to get over it.'
Corps Will Probably Be Organized at
Meeting of Rifle Club
An Ann Arbor home guard will
probably be formed at a meeting and
drill of the Ann Arbor Rifle club to
be held at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night
in the city Y. M. C. A.
It is the intention of the club to
organize a voluntary military corps
which will be able to act as a home
guard in case of necessity. The work
will consist in doing guard duty, pro-
tecting bridges, and watching rail-
road property. With the departure of
Company I of the national guard, the
club will probably assume some of
the former's duties and use their
The Rifle club is open to all towns-
men and students over 16 years of age.
It places no military obligations upon
the members in case of war.
Col. A. C. Pack will speak on guard
duty and other military matters at the
meeting tomorrow night.
Prof. A. H. Lovell of the electrical
engineering department will speak
this morning at the engineering as-
5:50, Company D from 5:05 to 5:40,
and Company E from 4:30 to 5:30
o'clock. Men will report to their re-
spective companies at scheduled time
in the usual place.
A limited number of experienced
men may yet gain admittance in tha
battalion, experienced referring to
those who have had training either
during the past week with the bat-
talion, in 'some government camp, a
year in some military school, in the
state miUtia, or who have drilled for
at least two months with some cam-
pus organization. Men possessing
these qualifications and wishing to en-
roll in the battalion should report to
Professor Bursley any afternoon at
4:30 o'clock in front of Alumni Me-
morial hall
The regular Wednesday evening
drills will be resumed tonight in Wa-
terman gymnasium under Major C. E.
Wilson. All men wishing to receive
elementary drilling should report to
that command. After tomorrow night
an effort will be made tor divide the
men drilling in the gyr- -!!am into
departmental divisions in order to pro-
vide more systematic supervision of
the work.
Nearly all of the schools and col-
leges on the campus with the excep-
tion of the literary college have pro-
vided for some sort of military drill-
ing for their men.
Think Germans Have Information Re-
garding Allied Commission
Enroute Here
New York, April 17.-The belief that
Germany may have obtained informa-
tion of the departure of British For-
eign Minister Balfour, General Joffre,
French Minister of Justice Viviani,
and other members of the allied con-
mission enroute here, was expressed
here this afternoon as explaining the
sudden appearance of a U-boat off the
American coast.
It was recalled that Germany
learned in some way of the departure
of Lord Kitchener when he was en-
route to an allied country and sank
the vessel on which he was a pas-
senger. The report of the elhgage-
ment with the submarine by the de-
stroyer Smith served to emphasize
the dangers faced by the allied com-
missioners in their journey to this
Adelphi house of representatives de-
cided last night to discontinue for the
present its plans for the refurnishing
of the -club rooms. A fund for this
purpose has been collected, but the
society considers that it is inadvisable
to carry out its plans at the present
The Adeiphi-Alpha Nu fresh debate
is to be held Friday night in the Alpha
Nu rooms. Compulsory military train-
ing for able-bodied citizens of proper
age is the subject of the debate.
Conscription of men for farm work
during the war will be discussed at
next week's meeting of the Adelphi.
sembly for freshmen.
Dean V. C. Vaughan is in Washington Prof. J. R. Allen will make an im-
Dean Victor C. Vaughan of the Med- portant announcement about military
ical school is in Washington, D. C., at- training. Two members of the honor
tending a meeting of the United States committee will be elected from the list
general medical board. nominated at the last assembly.
"It is the opinion
authorities that the;
(Continued on
of the university
greatest military
Page Six)