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March 16, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-03-16

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Committee on Non-Athletic Affairs
Formed By University Senate In






e controlling board of the Mich-
Law Review at its last meeting
ed five junior laws to membership
.e editorial board of the magazine.
e elections are made on the basis
holarship. They afford honors
id only to those of the Order of
Coif. Trhe following men were
en: Robert G. Day, Leon Greene-
1, Elliot F. Ruihley, Jesse M. Sea-
t, and W. R. B. Stevens.
e board in making this mid-year
ion of a part of the 15 memebrs
ally elected has inaugurated a
plan which in the opinion of the
r will work for a decided im-
ement in the management of
magazine. It has for the
few years been the custom to
t the entire number after the
examinations and as a result a
ly inexperienced board returned
year. By selecting a part of the
bers now, it is intended to give
nuity to the board, and have
experienced men to start work
e fall.
w Castle, Ind., March 15.-An
1mic of measles has broken out
e district of this city destroyed
tornado last Sunday, adding to
mffering. Fifty cases have been
rted today. A quarantine will be
ilished by health offices immed-
rry Falk died today, making the
ty-second death resulting from
tornado. He was injured when
ome of Gray Davis was wrecked,
ig three others. Contributions
he relief fund amounted to $23,-
or Engineers to Play Senior Lits
mnager Dignan of the senior en-
er indoor baseball team announced
rday afternoon that his team
d meet the senior lits tonight at
lock in the gym.

The Committee on
Non-Athletic affairs,
1 now known as the
Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs, was first
organized March 26,
1902. Its organiza-
tionl followed a resolution by the Uni-
versity Senate recommending that the
president of the University appoint a
committee of live men to investigate
the financial affairs of the Student
Lecture association.
Acting on this recomrmendation,
President James B. Angell appointed
Professors Spaulding, Knowlton,
Huber, Whitney, and Rebec to con-

stitute the committee.


Spaulding was chairman, and Profes-
sor Rebec secretary. Soon after its
organization the committee called the
managing editor and the business
manager of the Michigan Daily before
it to investigate the management of
the Daily and its relation to the stu-
dent body, arid soon after this it took
similar action with regard to the
The organiz'ation of the Committee
on non-Athletic Affairs soon led to the
development of the office of faculty
auditor of student organizations,
which position is now held by Regis-
trar Arthur G. Hall. Since the prim-
ary reason for the organization of the
committee was the financial supervi--
sion of student activities, it added to
its functions the investigation of the
finances of all student publications,
the Glee club, the Oratorical associa-
tion, the Good Government club, the
University band, and other organiza-
tions which had to do with Univer-
sity life.
The Committee on non-Athletic af-
fairs has had a continuous existence
since its beginning in 1902, and dur-
ing its existence has gradually had to
look after all classes of activities,
with the exception only of those activ-
ities strictly. athletic in nature. In
the spring of 1914 the name of the
committee was officially changed to
the Committee on Student Affairs.
As constituted at present the com-
mittee is composed of the following
men: Prof. L. A. Strauss, Chairman,
Prof. F. N. Scott, Prof. H. C. Sadler,

Prof. Evans Holbrook, Prof. Udo J.
Wile, Prof. A. A. Stanley, Dean Myra
B. Jordan, Prof. W. A. Frayer, Prof.
Wilbur R. Humphreys, and Registrar
Arthur G. Hall, secretary. Each mem-
ber of the committee, with the excep-
tion of the chairman and the secre-
tary, is head of one of the committees'
sub-committees. These sub-commit-
tees cover every branch of University
life, outside of athletics, and the
Committee on Student Affairs has the
right to veto action of any one of the
minor bodies. The sub-:committees
are as follows:
The board in control of publica-
tions, the committee on dramatic and
musical organizations, the committee
on eligibility, the committee on house
clubs and fraternities, the committee
on the Michigan Union, the commit-
tee on women's organizations, the
committee on the Students' Christian
association, and the committee on the
Oratorical association.
Beginning with the present college
year, the president of the Student
council and the president of the Wo-
men's league were invited to attend
the meetings of the Committee on
Student Affairs and take part in its
deliberations. As it is constituted
at present the committee, with its
large powers of supervision and ad-
ministration, is one of the most potent
factors in Michigan's university life.
The petition of the students of the
College of Pharmicy to have a regular
monthly assembly will be presented to
the faculty of that college tonight .
This petition was arranged by the
combined committees from all classes.
It is the outcome of a meeting called
Wednesday by a committee from the
senior class, consisting of Lawrence
Heustis, '17P, and P. E. Gibson, '17P,
that was appointed to look into the
matter of all-pharmic assemblies. A
motion at that meeting to have the
assemblies was unanimously carried.
The faculty look favorably on the
matter and it is certain to be passed.


Schedule Arranged;
Give Silver Cups


The schedule for the nandball1
tournament has been arranged and
the annual contest will be started to-i
morrow afternoon in the handballt
room at Waterman gymnasium. There
were 24 entries for the singles and
15 for the doubles when the entry lists<
closed last evening. Silver cups will1
probably be given to the winners.1
The schedule has been arranged as
follows: Singles, Cohen vs. Wichett,1
Reilley vs. O'Connell, Smith vs. Cohen,1
Phelps vs. Hall, Reed vs. Nethaway,C
Cox vs. Bottemar, Osbourne vs. Welt-t
man, Aldin vs. Martin, George vs.
Booberg, Reynolds vs. Gilmartin, Ray-
mond vs. Penmayer, Ran vs. Banett;
doubles, Wendes and Snyder vs. Ray-
mond and Martin, Nethaway and
Phelps vs. Gilmartin and Reilley,
Owen and Schissel vs. Cohen and Hall,1
George and Reed vs. Aldin and Boo-
berg, Cox and Reed vs. Ran and
Knapp, Schinimell and Wichett vs.
Smith and Beanbiend, and Banett and
Weltman vs. winner of last men-
tioned go.
Below are the rules which will
govern the tournament: 1. Tennis
balls only are to be used. 2. All balls
bitting poles are counted as hinders
except those of certain hand-outs. 3.
Server, must keep one foot inside
server's line. 4. All balls on the
serve hitting on the short line are con-
sidered short and those hitting on
back or side lines are considered good.
5. Server's partner must keep his
proper position until ball hits wall.
Senior and Sophomore Women Battle
for Basketball Title
Senior and sophomore teams will
play the cup game of the women's
basketball season at 5 o'clock this
afternoon as a feature of the weekly
Women's league party. Both teams
are in excellent trim after last week's
interclass victories and the supporters
of each are confident in their predic-
tions of success in today's battle.
With practically the same players
which won the college championship
last year, the sophomores are pre-
pared to fight to the last whistle to
maintain their title, while the seniors,
encouraged by their Saturday's tri-
umph over the strong junior sextette,
are equally determined to wrest it
from them.
Interest in the contest is running
high and the double attraction of
dancing and basketball is expected to
bring out a record-breaking crowd.
Today's junior-freshman sub game
was won by the freshmen, after a
point for point race throughout the
greater part of the two periods.
The regular lineups of the even
class teams will go into the game
* *
* Majestle-Max Bloom and his *
* horse.
* -*
* Arcade-Lionel Barrymore in *
* "The End of the Tour." *
* Orpheum-Myrtle Stedman and *
* House Peters in "The Happi- *
* ness of Three women." *
* Rae-Marguerite Clark in "The *
* Goose Girl,"
. * f * * * * * * * * * R

Washington: Five pledges of Sigma
Delta Chi, journalistic fraternity, will
wear full dress suits to class all day
next Tuesday, and then publish a
special edition of the Washington
Daily, patterned after the Christian
Science Monitor. They will be clad
in their dress suits while they do
the work.
Washington: A two-headed fish has
appeared in the university fish hatch-
ery. It is the pet of the campus, but
Dr. Smith of the zoology department
predicts that it will be short lived.
Columbia: A series of informal
talks by members of the various de-
partments have been planned by the
dean. The talks are intended to aid
those students who expect to enter
one of the professional schools.
Oklahoma: The chemistry depart-
ment possesses a real treasure in the
3,275 grams of platinum which are
stored in a special vault. The plat-
inum is valued at $12,282. It was
purchased before 1907 at 75 cents per

gram and is now hard to secure at
$3.00 per gram.
Minnesota: The petitions which
are being circulated among the fresh-
men requesting the yearlings to be
taken under the honor system are
rapidly gaining signatures.
Vanderbilt: The faculty has almost
unanimously expressed itself in favor
of a plan for military training at
Vanderbilt which will soon be sub-
mitted to the war department.
Princeton : Spring practice for the
football squad began Thursday when
the 11917 candidates reported to Coach
Rush for the workout in the gym.
Pennsylvania: One thousand stu-
dents will take part in the production
of the big Masque to be given here this
Illinois: President Edmund J.
James has asked the legislature for
an appropriation of $500,000 to be
used for the purchase of a site for a
medical school near the Cook county
hospital in Chicago.
Have your shoes full-soled in leath-
er or Neolin. We specialize in this
work. O. G. Andres. 220 So. State. 13-6

1857-Dry Goods, Furniture and Women's Fashions-1917
An Unrivaled Exhibit

of Afternoon and Sports
Dresses, $15 to $75
Many of the lovely gowns in the most recent shipments are
copies of Paris models, and there are hosts of wonderful creations
that bear unmistakable signs of Paris inspiration.



Try The Daily for service.

/4 'V ?\.


1 *,
I ~~;\ t
.r 1J I



Tailored taffeta models in
clever spots styles are creating
lively interest. They are shown
in plain loose or fitted styles
and in the suit effects.
Crepe de chine and' crepe
meteor are favored in the more
dressy gowns, though a number
of exquisite models are produc-
ed with Georgette over silk or
satin, as, for instance, one of
rose Georgette over white silk,
trinmied with touches of old
Silver gray, crushed rose,
copenhagen, gold, beige and
navy are the principle colors.
Priced $15.00, $20.00, $25.00,
$30.00 to $75.00.

r' '

d h
a, :
' , °9

i I

; 3
s (!
a I ,
;, ; , ;
i s




Fascinating Betty Wales Dresses
Sold Exclusively at Mack's

Here you can view nearly every one of the charmin original
Betty Wales gowns advertised this Spring in leading Fashion
Magazines. Taffetas, crepe de chines, and soft wool sergc . After-
noon and sports styles. Smart, youthful, distinctive in every detail.
Priced.$17.00 to $35.00.


(Second Floor Salons)


t "1

MARK/7um) 1946 $Y


YOU men with ideas of
your own about your
Easter clothes should con-
sult our local dealer in your
own ciy and leave your
order Now!
We'll mane them as you
want them and deliver
them when you want them


Every costume should fit and look as well as a
hand tailored garment. To perfect our fitting and
alteration service we have transferred women's caps
and gowns to the Dressmaking Shop on the Second
Floor. Orders left here now can still be filed in
time for the Junior Play.
Men's Caps and Gowns remain in the Drapery
Section on the Third Floor.



' s
f 3 r '.
- .' _
t j ; . I
...,._ ._ .. ._..... . .,.. M .~. .

Largest tailors in the world of
GOOD Made-to-Order clothes
We manufacture no ready-made clothing


. Scarcely more than mediocre is
Max Bloom's new edition of "The
Sunny Side of Broadway," which
opened at the Majestic theater last
night. A few snappy lines are buried
beneath a ton of ancient trivialities,
the songs lack vim and snap, while
Max Bloom's interpretation of "Abey,"
the Hebrew, is a caricature popular
only on the burlesque stage. It is a
pity that the elaboratecostuming of
the chorus and several really good
scenic effects only serve to show up
the deficiencies of the cast. The ef-
fect in general is displeasing, and
contrasts unpleasantly with a num-
ber of musical skits seen at the play-
house in the past.
Report 2,652 Office Calls for Month
The University health service re-
ports 2,652 office calls for February.
with 99 new patients. There were 400
treatments for different throat dis-
eases, eight cases of measles and four
of scarlet fever.
For results advertise in The Michi-
gan Daily.



This is the Best
Time of the Spring Season
to Buy Undermuslins
The great March Sale is in full swing. Its vast assortments are
fresh and complete. Its styles are authoritative for the coming
season. The savings are large enough to warrant every woman's
earnest consideration.




$1.00 Values at 79c-Muslin slip-over and high neck styles trimmed
with lace, embroidery and pin tucks.
$1.75 Values at $1.29-Muslin materials trimmed with lace or
French embroidery.
$2.50 Values at $1.79-Fine nainsook, elaborately trimmed.


We are Thc Loal Dalcrs referred to in this ad. in
This Week's SATURDAY EVENING POST dated March 74I
Call and be measured today for your Easter suit.

lv 4 P'Ul i

Hook front styles, tr
makes, including
$1.50 to $3.00 val

immed with lace and embroidery. All leading
Gossard, Bien Jolie, H. & W. and De Bevoise.
ues at $1.00.
(Second Floor)

309 So.
Main St.

W. Gross

814 So.
State St.



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