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March 06, 1917 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-03-06

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Vie Crosses Bar at 742 Inches
Brushes Cross-Piece on Way


Mile Relay Team Performs Creditably;
Dismond of Chicago, Is Too
Much for Scofield
Steve Farrell came back from the
Illinois meet almost totally lacking
in voice, but bringing with him the
news that Vic Simmons came very
close to climbing over 6 feet 212
The silence is due to a bad cold,
which the Wolverine coach picked up
in the Illinois climate, and the sub-
jection to various kinds of sleeping
quarters during the past few days.
Makes Record Leap
The coach relates the latter by
stating that on his third trial at the
74/ inch height Vic got over the bar
in- fine shape, but that as he was
coming down, the newest Varsity sen-
sation brushed the cross-piece suf-
ficiently to cause it to fall. This cost
Simmons a clear first place, and kept
Vic from establishing the highest mark
a Wolverine jumper ever set.
Vic made the mark from a cinder
jumping pit, the same as is used on
Ferry field.
A cinder track was also used in the
75-yard dash, and this may have had
something to do with O'Brien's failure
to place-something totally unexpect-
ed here.
Obie was beaten out in the semi-
finals by Mulligan of Nptre Dame and
Hoyt of Grinnell. The former was
easy for Obie on Waterman gym's
board rupning lane, but the latter iq
one of the world's fastest men in the
220. Neither one got a place in the
finals, however.
The mile relay team performed very
well in taking second place to Chicago.
All four of the men made good time
in the strange quarters. Scofield did
not fall down in the last relay as
might be inferred from the returns,

but was simply up against probably
the best quarter miler in the country.
Dismond, with a five yard handicap
at the start, ate that up with ease, and
finished nearly 15 yards in the lead.
Michigan Cheered
Michigan was accorded an enthusi-
astic reception during the entire stay
of the team in Champaign. Talk around
the Illinois campus was largely con-
cerning the Wolverine team, and much
favorable conversation was continual-
ly heard regarding Michigan's propos-
ed return to the western conference.,
The Wolverine track men were the
first to put in an appearance upon
the floor of the gym before the meet
and were accompanied by loud cheers
upon their appearance.
isl r"s Batting
Them Out Again
George Sis er appcar among the
candidates for a Michigan Varsity
baseball team this season after an ab-
sence of a year-in name. The ex-
captain's name is being used on a bat
manufactured by a Plymouth, New
Hampshire, concern and several of
these clubs, have made their appear-
ance among the members of the squad
this season.
This is probably one of the few in-
stances of a diamond star's name be-
ing used on a club the first year that
man has played in the major leagues.
It will be remembered how George
was accustomed to pole out those long
drives on Ferry field, and if there is
anything in a name its potency should
be doubled when used on a bat wield-
ed by a member of a Michigan base-
ball team.

Graduation Hits
Minnesota Eleven
Minneapolis, Minn., March 5.-Min-
nesota's wonderful football team of
1916 has been practically swept away
and Dr. Williams, the coach, will be
forced to build an almost entirely new
team next fall. Bert Baston, All-Am-
'rican end, Townley, star center, and
Mayer, All-Western tackle, are lost to
the line by graduation. Buckley, guard,
hts left school and Hanson, second
center, has been counted out by the
thlee-year limit. lHardwig and Wilson,
substitute linemen who won their M's
wil also graduate in June.
Behind the line, the casualties have
not been so heavy, Harold Hanson be-
ing the only regular back who will
not be among those present when the
first whistle blows next September.
The dashing halfback has left school
to be married. Ballentine, substitute,
will be barred by the three-year rule.
and Weiss and Johnson will receive
their degrees.
The material coming up from the
freshmen is unpromising. However,
Copherdom has not entirely lost hope,
for any aggregation with Long, Wy-
man, and Sprafka cavorting behind the
line is not to be regarded as a bed of
gridiron roses.
Dr. Williams has issued the follow-
ing statment to the Minnesota Daily,
the student newspaper:
"Minnesota must have more mater~
ial. 'When it is considered that Michi-
gan, in all probability, is about to re-
turn to the conference, the need of a
large and more powerful squad at
Minnesota is even more apparent."
Junior and Senior Substitutes to Play
Curtain-Raiser at 4
The first big interclass game of the
women's basketball season is sched-
uled for 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
when the freshman and sophomore
sextettes fight for the underclass
The sophs have hitherto been lined
up in opposition with the juniors
while the green-button girls have
been practicing with the seniors, so
there is little or no dope on the com-
parative showing of the teams of 1919
and 1920.
The junior and senior substitute
teams will play at 4 o'clock as a cur-
tain-raiser to the big scrap. From the
number of women out to watch prac-
tice during the past few weeks, a
good crowd is expected.
Norman Wood to Lecture on Birds
Mr. Norman Wood will give an il-
lustrated lecture on "Some Michigan
Birds and Their Home Lives" tomor-1
row evening at 7 o'clock at the Church
of Christ..
Get your shoes fixed at Paul's Place,
611 E. William St. 5tf

Lundgren Is Noncommittal In Regard
to the Proportions the Prun-
ig Will Assume
Southern Trip Schedule Will Probably
Be Announced After Meeting
Late This Week
Coach Lundgren promises an addi-
tional cut in the squad this week. The
coach stated that the weeding out pro-
cess would come about the middle of
the week but was uncommunicative
as to the extent of the slicing.
Cut Last Saturday
Evidently the pruning last Satur-
day was merely a starter on the diffi-
cult job of thinning down the squad
to a more workable size. The men
have been working out long enough
now for the coach to get a good line
on all the candidates and their respec-
tive ability, and the chances are that
the promised cut will be a rather im-
portant one, and of fair proportions.
Practice yesterday was not so well
attended. Monday is a bad day on
account of classes. The period was
marked by one casualty in the ranks
of the outfield, when Billy Niemann
took a hard fall, dislocating a t,.
The tumble will probably cause lis
absence from practice for several
Nets Not Here
The new nets are still on the road
and should arrive any day, but thus
far the caravan has not been sighted.
The nets would add quite a, bit in the
way of infield practice and with the
southern trip looming up nearer every
week such work will soon become nec-
The schedule for the southern trip
has not been officially announced by
the Athletic office authorities, but is
expected to come out in the near *fu-
ture, possibly this week. There is an
executive committee meeting sometime
during the course of the week, and it
is probable that the schedule will be
ratified at that session.
In regard to the last cut made, the
men who were not signed up on the
Varsity register prior to that cut are
still considered on the squad until ac-
tually eliminated.
Golfers Will Meet Tomorrow Night
Michigan's golfers will hold their
first meeting at 7:15 o'clock tomorrow
night, in the Athletic association of-
fices, according to an announcement
by E. B. Palmer.
All Michigan students who are con-
templating playing golf this season
are urged to put in an appearance so £

that plans can lie laid accordingly.
Playing rights can only be granted to
a limited number and the golf author-
ities state that they will work on the
plan of "first come, first served."
Numerals will be awarded in the
campus championship.
Letters were received by all fratern-
ities and house clubs this morning
asking them to agree to board and
lodge a convenient number of visit-

.-iL--11 \ LL-711. 1

ing high school athletes when
teams of the state meet in Ann Ar
March 22, 23, and 24. This requ
has been made by the basketball
terscholastic manager in hopes t
whole teams,, including the coach,
be accommodated in each house.
Desire to get acquainted with and
entertain the boys who may be V
sity basketball material in the fut
is the basis of the claims against
fraternities for hospitality.
Nearly 40 teams will probably
entered. 'Although few entry blan
have been returned, there is plenty
time for many to be received bef
registration closes on March 12.
Bonner Lectures in Detroit Tonlg
Prof. Campbell Bonner will sp
tonight before the Arts and Cra
society of Detroit, on "A Gre

or Suy
ork or Play
as DR

The acme of deliciousness and refresh-
ment whether you're "bring the mid-
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CoIlege Me
'hese are two of t
popular shapes
hich you can get t

_ a .
,; '

Michigan's fast-travelling freshman
track team will take part in its sec-
ond meet of the season when it op-
poses the Detroit Y. M. C. A. squad
in Waterman gymnasium Saturday
night. The list of events will be the
same as those run off in the tussle
with the Toledoans except for the
60-yard high hurdles, which will be
held in addition to the low sticks for
the same distance.
The Detroiters are a hard team to
dope out, for men are constantly com-
ing and going; but they will have to
trayel a terrific pace to lower the
yeakrlings' colors. The latter have been
working hard since the set-to with the
Toledo boys and should give an even
better account of themselves than at
that affair. Cuthbert of the Ann Arbor
high school, a half-miler of good re-
pute, has entered the University and is
out for the team.
Dancing classes and private lessons
at the Packard Academy. tt


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Try The Daily for service.


Do You Enjoy
Outdoor Sports?
If so, you like skating, and
to thoroughly enjoy this
healthful exercise you must
be correctly corsetted.
You must be comfortable,
and still you want your figure
to be trim.
meet all these requirements.
There are models distinctly
made for "sports" wear, and
each model is a fashionable
shaping corset.
Be fitted to your
Redfem Corset,
$3 and up
For Sale by






Here's another Tip !



is a spectacular performer on the field, but the fellow
who can walk through the Iliads of Homer from Sep-
tember to June without flunking is the fellow who can
walk through life undaunted by any of its problems.
Along and steady pull wins in the end, and this comes
from the right food combined with rational exercise.
The right food is
Shredded Wheat
-the favorite food of men who do things in the class-
room and on the athletic field. It contains all the
muscle-building, brain-making material in the whole
wheat grain made digestible by steam-cooking, shred-
ding and baking. It puts gimp and ginger into the
tired brain and worn-out body. It is on the training
table of nearly every college and university in the
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nint coaches in foot-ball, and other forms of athletic
games have given it preference over all other foods.
Made only by
The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y.

A Pierrot and
Pierrette Dance

Louis Emmerman
Seymour Simons

A little thing? Yes, but
still we admit it's unusual

in a series of original
songs written by
Mr. Simons

Here's something else: 'High, Low, Jack"

' .}

'~ 1 ~ XT!I~,d.~..% ~4.i.j~Ah4. Michigan men have 1

Michigan men have lc

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