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February 27, 1917 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-02-27

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Springj and Sume
American and Foreign Sources tsAristic and Striking
G. H. WildCopy

1 10. LI%19

,eading ]

Cant Tailors S


~h.Slator Book -Sli

~33. STAT
For sodas and lunches
Dic Cut Flowvers and Piants
Chapn S. An Abor Mih.'

Row City La
406 D?.etroit St
Cash cards save you
} PONE 451-
Capital $ioo,ooo Surlusandi
Wirt Coirnwefl -- 'W
G3eo. W. Patterson Har
R. D.Kini®

We Carry .a.Lare A0.s'tment of C;

We can Siti ' ' YourTaste

The Founti o d
6t t$ StreetlCr. irjt

We Offer You

,Resources$3, 800,000

An Arbor Sayings Bank:
fiiihestorerMain and Huron
Branch Office--
707 North University 4ve.
eFarers & MecheiIcs, Bank
0fer the Best in Modern Bankinkg
vB*ilesi*t andPasa~nt i~avrrsYou Wll~
;~, With1Our Service. Two Offices

ete~l ~toiAnn Aor'
tun -V4 k }*qn ~e,. Q;
Detroit Limited and-Express
in., 8:1o a. m., and. hourly to 7:
pI. rain
iSw bazoo . Limited Cars-S
t*bn hoirito 6:48 p. m.
3.:4S p. 1n. t.c
J41kson Expr~es Crs -Loca
Ann rmo)-948 . m. and ev,
Local. Car;WEstbound-65
Mn., y:a.' . nd z eea. woih
715l m, .05UPIM.,Rc
p ati nl, 92a.m., 9t:5bg
a.W2 )oYSle, dchange atl ji
Lomeare Wetbouniddieo5
HosI:" P ital12708.In

' flcial s r . ' s8i2t of,
,gn ,u e r or cpt
i anay g fl it ea
DesiIVY Entered at the postoffice at At Arbor as
Designs secondclass matter
f is+er: An Arbor Press Buding Sub
triptons bhycarrie $25, - ai,$by,,
Want ad stat~i aarry a Sudns' lp
Ph Stor; lcw] elta cr Sate ud iacar&
onS usiess 9fthy;-dtoral 244
Communicatins not to exceed 300 words
fr1 edit1'The Doti f e~nts ill be pub-
TheinTeDiy, at t ~dicein of the
Editor, i left at the office in the Ann Arbor
" Press Bldg, or in the notice box in the west
, a prtidpit of . ro~tgenral; librry, where the
U5 notices are colleted at 7 3o'a lock each
rJohn C. B. Parker.....Managing Editor
Clarence T. Fishleigh..Business M anager
Co~rad lY. Church... .,..New Editor
OP 1 eeF.Fflyy1 ra Id...........porCt IEditor
- cold-y.........Ct Editor
?Jarowd C , .[,Jalc!n. Toeaph Editor
ttbNMaran ,Wiso...........Woen'sEditor
u dr Cadetn W. r eals StatitiglIF ditr
PhhsPYr itp Business Manager
Albert, Florne. . Asiiant ~usines Manager
1 1 Ey ny Roce 'R Ri. Asistant Businet =Manager
- ~ il re . uttr.,.Asissant Business Manager
! ( l.N.ght Editors M ae
$.tL deer . . Zeigler
7AS u3'T l ancy :+ I. W. ieter
3Profit $65,oo Z 7.oipson 1. A. Baurgarth
sido IM. Ahbbtt H C. Garrison C. L. Roeser
rry M. Hawld C. S. (I k s1-;. S. Roodi
rrio*ISbitie 4R. Iii OFrCken G. 0. Brph.
B. Sutton iR I il. F A. Taber
!r ,,,p I =IL r}>Mae*' 1 drc'C. Mighell
.t.Wehmeyer J. P. Hart
________Annetta L. Wold J. C. Martinc
__________ ~I. ~'Mc~lisev A1iap ,Shoenfield
"t 0$4siess -Staff.
Bernard Woh J. F. Robinson
ndies Paul E. Cholette tarry R. Louis
Walter R. Payne Jackson W. Smart
1karwd tit,,it eyour B, Wilson
¢ 9 TP 'SpA7', F 13114YY 27, 1917, i
k 8 iilt T7 itr--. F. Mcllister r
____________ ; h' ie , wJo wa sht).ty out for1
I1NB tk~rtejg'pi o 4r tor ) Y )a y iKful1 t me, III3
adllfckson QC.1~4:k dr 13, r] "4f l fIIyofC. l
Ie hour faster 3-- - - --
ECars-7:35 a. A.AT *N~P rTJ 4 ,4011 O I ICTIRES
:10 p. in, 9:1o .,ike rpst ote lrthiegsmodern and
g;a. n, and !iptitiyely, t tqay, the oies haver;t s d, ni tli l~pnc a
d s~dPa west oa nAdh ,tef f9t ,upA1 sllworks and
<eyto1or phases of life, When first they brokey
gm.. 6:40 a. intq oqrlife, , N rgarded them as a
qo ,P. m". t~ novelty, a peculiar phenomena of
1:2t, -i,20 hen -Wth awer-andtwAithastnishment.
ialati. We were amused becase they were
as in,rye oa
~itf '~t, and yg capeagain to sati-t
* -- rt--.fy ourselvs f ter i palty.t
akesfictures, Later the i, jqlbgn to find -ac
evelops 'ims place for themselves in our esthetic
akes ~ life W N e saw them with sheer enjoy-
a ment.. They pleased us because they
tin sr represented 'as living, acting pictures1
t' arcndern sci 'ne As such we received htwu erofeha'enmr
n Iliatol or ifeless lpose.a
age ' trnI his phae to the present, the
teems his tory of "the muovies has moved rap-
to~' dly and with jumping steps.
The devitalization f the legitimate
,. ~ATWwdrains r,the exaggerated stress upon
phn~s sestioal and sensual; the
, ass ta s , ouagnda; t e insructive, 'educative'
film; the moral sermon:'these are the
chapters n the chronicles of the flm
-Qther chaters are still to be writ-
* *ten, no doubt, and probably they will
* * si. rpise us no more than the earlier
qres And then will come the con-'
elusio:; for all histories are summar-
ized, and tle movie will fnd escape
Voe exremely dificult. Whatwill the last
~ chapter be?
We predict it will be written in one
10 ? Iin Intdrd and that'a plain word of three
0~ Llc~lnletters: art.
en f'18, 42&___________

been ; r4r-; , FRESHMAN LOYALTY
healthi serv - Less "than 20 freshmen, one-seventh'
;ageus oe-of the first year class, went to Water-
L~Q1, lio5manl gym, on Saturday evening to sup-
port their class-mates in the first All-
fresh track meet of the season. Such
;oauliWState ^a showing is a disgrace to the 1920
contageous class, and does not augur well for'
Sw)~ere Jhe the" Michigan spirit of two or .three
years hence. To have ,college spirit
an undergraduate must first develop
)25 Vaught clas spirit. IfV a scnt0ne-sevenlth in-
8s no~tben~ stead of a ma~jority of Michigan, stu-G
the li~moe- dents tur'ned ou~t for Varsity, athletic
contests, these contests would be
sorry. spectacles. Bu~t this is not the
549 South tenmper of.4ichigan spirit. It is a.bout
sen treated time for the 1920 cls to wale up.
scess since
dd from the ''0I R . VIO TIER C'VOSTV):1ES
terflay aft- A1' FORESTJERS CJX1).DN CF
- Real "Frontier Days" costumes will
New HJours b~e the k~eyn~ote of the F'oresters club-
,rumni Mem- dance to be -given at the Pack~ard ac-
will hence- adeny, Friday ight, Mlarch 2. The
10 o'clock, men will wear flannel shirts and
..khki trousers and the girls will ap-
-.. pear1 attired in middy blouses. Danc-
X; ~ASSOC. ing will be from 9 to 1 o'clock. ,The
1tty. Room committee is R. E. Ellis, '17, S. 'C.
dga, Safest Hopkins, '17, and R. H. Howard, '17.
gs. Divid- A few tickets are still on sale at
ent. Mony $1.50 and may be secured from the
tue-eod committeemen.
Chapmanlanqiuets and Dinne~r Dances ex-
tuea-eod elusively. Delta Cafe. 27-8, 1-2-3-1

Officend he poperequiment - Y
4W. 'I.ESI "V A C A. j
Cak nassi1ng L'oSIoso eI-
T f Uiershiy Y. M. CA. summe
". tn netya'tuto aduke ~ a
duringite sumer mfofihs. , VLVT s e I
Ja~~r dae an fte plcatro
Dan wil be placed i_ mu1rcalrorgan-
izatios as on a glopns canrge;V )I I
found.r _ ; = 3r z S z ~ 'St r
The maoriy of t inm o eswl
Lijn bt stdaent r aadvied±to
enroll ow. Th offic atmI nonhai
Th)e ivest Y .C.sme TT101TA.FLDeieySevc
emlomet __gnc Faslowele othroe Wr#,toAll lw W.
dte aoutphihoudseoforeprstatve
at th}Cttn cfeat645o'lok
ea.Inex ddstition totst n d hsepres- I
durnth illimenerainbyclnths. VLETisaedourULSaftyhazo
. talks ttheefolowing ainbenf fqmoh-llaes 0b 1A .ltI~&
tamed~~~~ todeivrshrtadrsssr r a~jW~i
\ra rnv ein r oichions 7wh ic t av or H.a i he s n0 h ss
Myon A.ll clisse,~17, rsident 11 <NIGKE ' arRA Er
oanethe ogaiation, il elitalk 'onthe_____________'a_________________________
patrs ectsfte ay t he ociet for t
ocuaionrf erocestrschoolryard oqi ~n~14no~rPsjout h omit~i hreedao
iat ns asaster. th~tS anl7 e fie, hzohe
The ajoity f te _ast _ entswil qn.. lsxoe fteOi clu wictm.FOter i sbv[bemadb
Det Cf cnacomdaet~nywa~t ~eh~4~i8eenn b~s~~en h oca Iom~te1'teORa~ i.
coupes.SeeMr. onod. 7-81-2--4 qston~ ~pr~in indfinte priolIure

Our candies are made in
our own sa i ary sbvp.

a e ypewritr from
822 South State S5#sst
will furnishi you an intru@ti@oi
t reo cag.You -!wijj (:"
it , . yuknw t



Mr. . W. Cowden, 1060 Cambridge
aveue will b~e at home to University
women from 3 to 6 o'clock, Tuesday,
Feb, 27.
;D~ean M'~yra B. Jordan will be At
home to all UJniveri~8ty wom~en form 3,
to . oclock this afternoon.
T~here will be tryouts- for new am
'hers before the regular meetingtg -,
teGirls' Glee club. at 4:40 o'clock,
~this afternoon in Sarah, Caswell Angelli
hall. All officer~s of the club are
riequested to be presen~t.
All girls interested in reoganiziuag
the Mandolin club will see. Julia Re4_-
wi~ck,'18, at 5 o'clock this afternioon
'in Barbour gymnasium.
War relief work of the 'Women's
league will be carried on from 3 to 6
o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gym-
Y. W. C. . cabinet will meet from
4 to 5 o'clock~ this afternoon in New-
ber hal
Mass eeting of Red Cros classes
:at 8. o'clocktoightin room B, law
b~uilding, to arrange schedules of

J ustin L. Pwes,'19P, 1
-H amilton.,place, whoQ )ave
antined in the ULniversity h
ice with diphtheria since
were remioved lto th~econt
pita.l yesterday afternoon.
Carl V.' Reilly,, '19E, 548S
street, was -confined in-the
street, whos§e condition}has
diagnosed, was sent to tl
H~ugh L. -McMichael, '20D,
Divsion street, who has.1be
for ~a postappendiceal absi
last Tuesday Owas released
homoeopathic hospitali yest
ernoon. -
Alumni Hall Announes _i
' Due to' a change,~ the, Alu
orial hall reading :room w
forth be open from 8 to f
instead of 7 -to 10 o'clIock.
Huron Valley Bldg. _& a
~H: H. Herbst,. See. and At
14, A. A. Sav. Bank a-BIdj
place to invest your earnin,
ends never les than,no ece
loaed at lowest rates.


I I- I 1 .
.. aI., -

' i

n !
\/ .

? , . a ..

Our knitted

T. 'his is a timewhen a:"
heavy overcoa~t is mighty
distasef u1, whle a light"'

either in'the straizht cute
or the form :fitting are,
Aigh enough to be very,
wearable and attractive
enough to be very desir-


)I . r
rV f -


able - built for,


. .,;;

"We Clothq, Yauu )Jan Corqm4te"

1j;i- '


IVyy n mets at 7 o'clok tonight at,
s~ ChiOmga house.
'eaturing hot soda for zero weather.
omflelds. N. University.

Alarm cocks, $1.0 u,p.
Jeweler, 113 South Main St.

. , ~ , 1>

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