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February 24, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-02-24

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SES FOR oy Beams Anew
ER SESSION As NurseReturns

liminary announcements of the.
es offered in the 1917 summer
n are seen to contain several im-
nt changes in the department of
cal economy, as well as presage
oming of three noted lecturers in
ments of political economy and
itnting, which have hitherto been
d as two hour courses, will be
as four hours, thus making them
arly equivalent to the regular in-
ctory courses as possible. Pro-
rs Sharfman and Dowrie, and In-
tors Rodkey, -Calhoun, and Wol-
will conduct the courses in po-
I economy.
addition, the courses -in general
imics will include labor problems,
y of value and distribution,
y and credit, principles of bank-
principles of insurance, corpora-
. corporation finance, principles
ecounting, advanced accounting,
y and practice.
To Give Course in Poverty
, A. E. Wood, a recent acquisi-
to the department of sociology,
begin his work on the campus
g the summer session. Mr. Wood
been doing special work in his
in the city of Detroit during the
year, and will offer for the first
courses in community problems
mcure Well Known Professors
D. Ad'ams, associate professor of
ry at Leland Stanford Jr., writer
pers and reviews in the American
ry Review, and brother of Henry
r Adams of the economics de-
vent; Prof. Herbert Wing of
enson college, and Paul Van
t Jones, associate professor of
ry in the University of Illinois,
conduct courses in the field of
ry during the summer term.
de from these men, Prof. E. R.
er and Dr. J. F. Scott of the uni-
y faculty will offer courses in
Ter Many Courses in History
e following is the list of history
es to be offered in summer
1: Roman history, the history
e levant from 521 B. C. to 387
continental Europe in the middle
the renaissance, a survey of
rn European history, the h1story
ance from 1815 to the present
the history of Europe since 1870,
ary in recent English and Eu-
n history, history of the United
from 1815 to 1865, seminary in
sh-American diplomatic relations
g the Civil war.
ess Men to Hold Get-together
Dinner Tonight

During Monday and Tuesday, the
days on which she was away, near
pandemonium reigned at the little
building behind Hill auditorium. Ek-
cited calls for adhesive tape and iodine
met with no response; the large num-
ber of patients, suffering from pains
in the region of the heart, found their
usual comfort missing, and their long-
ing for relief, unsatisfied.
The senior medics in charge did
their best, but alas, their best was far
from enough. Gone was the look of
joy from the regular patients, their
attempts to think up ailments being
of the weakest variety, when the
source of their inspiration was lack-
But from now on, normal conditions
will once again reign. When the
health service opened yesterday morn-
ing, she was back on the job, and all
was bliss and quiet.
What was it all about? Why, Miss
Bertha Looker, nurse, had just re-
turned to work after a two days' ab-
sence, necessitated by a slight illness.
Washington, Feb. 23. --President
Wilson will call an extra session of
the senate for confirmation of his cab-
inet to carry out its part in the in-
augural of Vice-President Marshall.
The announcement w" made today in
contradiction of reports that the presi-
dent might break another precedent
and not call the senate in for the work
it usually performs in the inaugura-
tion ceremony.
Ratification of the Colombian treaty
will be pressed at this time, 13enator
Stone, chairman of the foreign rela-
tions committee, announced, [t is not
necessary that the Jouse be in ses-
The president's proclamation el-
ing for the extra session of the senate
"WhereoA public interest requires
that the senate of the United States
be convened at 12 o 'eI_ March 5
to receive such communications as
may be made by the executive, now,
therefore,' I, Woodrow Wilson, presi-
de of the United States of America,
do here4y proclaim and declare, that
an extra*rd4,gary session requires the
senate of the Vted States to con-
vene at the capito( t 12 o'clock
March 5 in the city. of Wasington or
which all persons, who shall a~t that
time be entitled to act as members of
that body, are hereby required to take

Plants from all parts of the world
are found at the University green
house which has just been completed,
and is situated about 50 yards from
Packard street. Parts of the house
were torn down in 1915 and recon-
structed. This process is the one that
has just been completed. The plant
consists of four hot-house sections,
about 100 feet in length and 20 feet
wide; a small heating system and a
two-story building containing labora-
tories and rooms for offices.
Many botany specimens bedeck the
rooms of the hot house in great vari-
ety. Among the plants are found
queer varieties from Australia and
In another room just completed
there is a tank of water plants which
will enable experimenters to conduct
their investigations in this direction
with greater ease.
A third room is given up almost en-
tirely to the growth of several thou-
sand evening primrose plants, the sub-
jects of a very interesting experiment
by Professor Harley H. Bartlett.
The fourth room for plants is di-
vided into six small sections for class
work along individual lines. Professor
Henry A. Gleason is the director of
the green house and all plants im-
ported are under his direct super-


Washington, -Feb. 23.--Robert Allar
Hadden, American missionary, was
killed when the French liner Athos
was sunk by a submarine 210 miles
east of Malta on Feb. 17, the state de-
partment announced today. This in-
formation reached the state depart-
ment in a dispatch from Consul Keb-
linger at Malta. Hadden was an
American Presbyterian missionary
and was stationed at Foochow, China.
Later it was stated at the department
that Consul Keblinger had heard a re-
port sthat there were troops aboard
the Athos.
The ship is said to have been tor-
pedoed without warning. The report
said the submarine bore neither flag
nor number. The report of troops
being aboard the Athos, it was said at
the state department, raises the tech-
nical question as to whether the
troops were going to or returning from
the trenches, If the former, this ship
would undoubtedly be classed as a
transport. However, if the latter were
the case it was explained that it would
then have to be determined whether
the ship were a hospital boat or mere-
ly taking soldiers back home for fur-
In either such event the department
stated the government's attitude would
be that passengers who traveled on a
ship carrying any soldiers at all would
be taking an unnecessary risk.


Orchestra Will
Appear Monday
An unusually attractive program has
been prepared for the twilight recital
which will be given in Hill auditor-
um at 4:15 o'clock Feb. 26, when the
University Symphony orchestra of 50
players, under the baton of Samuel P.
Lockwood, will make its third appear-
ance of the season. Albert Lockwood,
head of the piano department of the
School of Music, will be the soloist.
The general public is reminded that
the concert will be given Monday in-
stead of Wednesday as usual, %he
change of date being due to the fact
that the next Choral Union concert
comes on Wednesday.
The program Monday will be as
follows :
Marche Gauloise............Wekerlin
Symphony, B minor (unfinished)...
.................. Schubert
Allegro moderato; Andante con moto
Andante Spianato and Polonaise, Op. .,
Todtentanz................... Liszt
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
"He had then the grace, too rare in
every clime,,
Of being, without alloy of fop or beau,
A finished gentleman from top to toe."


Keep Temperature Even
An approximately even temperature * * * * * * * * * *
is maintained, varying between 60 and
80 degrees Farenheit during the night AT THE THEATERS *
and day, respectively. Up-to-date ther- * *
mometers have been installed, which TODAY *
by a mechanical devise regulate the * *
pressure of steam in the heating pipes Majestic--'Fraternity Boys and *
at any time. However, the conditions *iris"
during the hot summer days are such * _ *
that the temp-erature cannot be cod- * Orphe m - lessie Barriscale in *
trolled and the mercury soars to an * " be & Blue kidge." *
uncomfortabje height. Some measure * i-- *
of relief may be obtained by opening *J rgade- lel Joycein "Whom *
the side of the rooms and a portion e y
of the rggf. Concrete walks and * *
bencjh extend alng each side of 1' "aInI Devil ad Wonan." *
the rooms wi l a cinder stretch in* **
the center for pot plats.*
Good Heating System --°- -..
The heating system is contained in AT THE W I ITNYm
a brick building connected with the
plant rooms. Two boilers capable of The Lyman Howe filmirization of
producing 60 pounds pressure of steam Sir Douglas Mawson's expedition into
occupy the cnter of the furnace room, the antarctic, forms the main feature
but they ar iwver forced to the limit. of the progran to be presented at the
Fifteen pounds presure in coid weath- Whitney theater this afternoon and
ex is sufficient, while five pounds is tonight. Views of the Yosemite, ani-
mated cartoons, and several other
probably the average,.etrscmleeteporm
In this room is also contained an features complete the program.
elecir*; rutomatic water pump con-
nected with a well just outside the AT THE MAJESTIC
building, yhich provides the neces-
King Baggott in a big five-reel pic-
sary pre g'e forl watering t plan ture entitled "Absinthe" will be the
A low supply In. the ta causes a low attraction at the Ma
aim' pressuare which, wmiwwC a attacionattheMaestic tomorrow.
aipoint is reached, starts the :er "Absi ihr" was photographed in and
till, p t r ,ts about 'aris, France, under the direc-
eraiia g. f the water pump. Near this fJo of ferebert Brenon, who pro-
is also striatKd a mechanical pump- d uced the great Bcess "nhe Daugh-
ing apparatus, wi returns the hot ter of the Gods," and other well
water from the steami pipes to the known films.
boilers. In the rear is a larg# ron Mr. Baggott and Miss Leah Baird
steam tank which is used to destroy are the only Americans in the cast.
all orgapi matter in the earth that is French, German and English artists,
used in t-he house. Bags of theincluding M. Courbois and Madame
earth are steamed in 4. for 24 hours, Mea of the Theater Sarah Bernhardt.
which absolutely kills all ory&ie life. The .lm is said to be one of the great-
laboratory Well Equipped sJ successes in which King Baggot
The irborptory building, directly has ever Laken part.
back of the fumuce room is fully
equipped with micros)pes, instru- The \T jes4ic theater nhs for its
ments and dark room, and othe- fea- main attraction on Sunday a deided
tures neeessury ;to botanical work Stu- nvely in the i ve reel feature, "Ab-
dents are given som e instruction in the sinth.," ith the personal appear-
green oMse, although the periments ance o the actor, King Baggott, at
of the instrntors form a majok ar each perforrnnce. In this way the
of the operations :t present. audin ie gets a clearer idea of both
The plot of ground belonging to th 4the acor a;: the man.
University is 24 a res in .extent, -most
of which is used for planting n thc AJ THE A 1 t ) I"1
summer. This year it is planned v ___-

ore than 600 invitations have been
ed by the city "Y," for the busi-
men's dinner, to be held tonight.
le the dinner is part of the cam-
n for funds to be started next
k, no soliciting will be done at the
wvo thousand copies of a printed
ement are being mailed to all pros-
Ave contributors to the $30,000
, acquainting tiem with the status
he work of the association and the
ons for promoting the campaign.
he team captains will meet at the
paign headquarters tonight for the
lose of assigning material for the
re solicitation, which begins Mon-
Each team consists of a captain
seven workers, and the entire or-
zation is expected to be completed
nsul-General Robert P. Skinner of
on reports that of the 5,000 auto-
le cabs still on the streets of
on, 2,000 are using a substitute.
asoline. This substitute is called
new "lightning motor fuel" and
for 37 cents a gallon. This is
t 50 per cent below the price of
line, which is now selling in that
for 73 cents a gallon.
is substitute consists of 50 per
petrol and the other 50 per cent
icals, the nature of which so far
been kept secret.
e cars are first started on gaso-
and then run on the substitute. 1
a substitute is not under the1
inment control, as it is not rated1
spirit, but as an oil.
'ral Peary Will Speak in DetroitI
troit, Feb. 23.-The Detroit board
ommerce has obtained Admiral
rt E. Peary as speaker at a spec-
iembership meeting to be held
h 1. He wV speak on "AeroI
Patrols and Coast Defense." I

Arthur Curtis, grad, and for the
past two years pitor of the publica-
tions issued by the .gjIduates of the
University, has been prorpield to the
position of editor of Motography, a
motion picture magazine published in
Chicago. He has been prominently:
identified with various magazines de-
voted to motion pictures ant was
formerly assistant editor of Photo-
A few months ago he was elected
to the board of directors of the Inter-
collegiate club of Chicago, composed
of 30,000 college graduates residing
in that city, and was also appointed
editor-in-ehief of its monthly publi-
A mass-meeting of those who ,have
registered in the classes in Rld Gross
work will be held at 8 o'clock Tins-,
day evening, Feb. 27, in Room B of
the Law building. Any who are in-
tcrested and would like to register in
tht courses offered may do so at this
Hounr and instructors for the var-
ious classes will be announced and
attendance, either in person or proxy,
will be necessary, in order to make
complete and satisfactory schedules.
'Y' Book Exchange Shuts Doors Today
All persons having books or money
at the "Y" book exchange, can obtain
their property by calling at the "Y"
be'tween the hours of 10 o'clock and,
2:30 o'clock today. This is the last
time' that the book exchange will be
open this year. In order to obtain
your-books or your money, you must
bring your book receipt.
Use the advertising columns of the
Michigan Daily in order to reach the
best of Ann Arbor's buyers.

Perhaps in the hurry and bustle of
a college career an occasional indis-
creet act or breach of etiquette could
justly be winked at and passed over as
one of the idiosyncrasies of the adol-
escent period. However, the ability tc
forgive and forget is not of such an
elastic nature as will admit of no frac-
Not so very long ago I had occasion
to attend a lecture given in the chem-
istry building where, as every one no
doubt knows, each succeeding row of
seats is raised a foot or so above the
row in front. The lecture was given
primarily for upper-classmen enrolled
in engineering courses, but the stu-
dents from other departments were in-
vited. I took my seat in front of
some junior engineers, who, I am sure,
bore no personal animosity towards
me. After the lecturer had succeeded
in quelling the babble and was fairly
well started in his introduction one of
the men in my immediate rear whiped
his shoe off on my coat sleeve and pro-
ceeded to substitute my shoulder for a
Hassock. After a brief remonstrance I
was able to convince him of his error
and he, without I suppose, any
thought of apology consented to desist.
The friend sitting at my left then kind-
ly informed me that I should not feel
any unusual discomfiture as such a
proceeding was quite customary, and
in fact to be expected in that class.
With this information I was sufficient-
ly pacified to see the lecture through
and be a Roman among Romans.
Last night anlther experience
brought the matter so forcibly to mind
that it wquld seem only fit to make
some public remonstrance against ac-
tions which indeed bring discredit not
only upon one department but upon
the' University in general.
In company with a lady of mature
years I chanced to attend a photo-
drama in one of the local theaters.
During the play several very acute
situations arose which were very
clearly comprehensible without any
need for audible suggestions or ex-
planations from those in the vicinity.
Hwever, in our midst were some of
the usual pests, the original funsters
who find it humprou to cqmment
upon every situation, with all the
volubility of a "sight seeing" orator
whose intellect is only appreciated
by himself. To say the least the re-
marks were very annoying, and at
times, even indecent, if not insulting.
'9he two particular offenders in this
case left when I did and I took par-
ticula pains to note them in the light
and see ft pgibe who they were. I
didn't recognize thel, but I did notice
that both wore gray toques with the
yellow button on top.
This is not an indictment of any de-
partment, but it might be very benefi-
cial to the welfare of the community if
a compulsory course in common every-
day manners was given to some of our
brothers ai~t the other end of the diag-
onal walW yw ap, to use Shake-
speare's words;
"Fit for the mountains } Barbarous
Werp manners ne'er were preach'd."
A, '17L.

During the past week, invitations to
debate have been extended to the
University of Michigan by seven differ-
ent universities.
Among the schools which have of-
fered to meet this University on the
platform are: Notre Dame, University
of Texas, University of Southern Cali-
fornia, Tulane university of New Or-
leans, University of Pennsylvania, and
The last school was especially anx-
ious to meet a Michigan team, offer-
ing to debate either on the twenty-
ninth or the thirty-first of this month,
just after they- would have concluded
the annual triangular debates with
Yale and Harvard.
Michigan is at present restricted to
one debate each semester, a negative
and affirmative team being chosen for
each contest.
With the present ruling of the ora-
torical board, the University was forc-
ed to decline the invitations.
Ohio State: Four appointments to
a second lieutenancy in the United
States marines have been tendered to
students in Ohio State university. The
appointments are in the hands of the
president of the university and Major
G. L. Converse, who has charge of the
school's military training.
Harvard: But 175 more men are
needed to complete the full enlistment
in Harvard's reserve officers' training
corps. Already 849 men have enlisted,
and it is expected that the 12 com-
panies will have their complete en-
rollment by the end of the week.
Washington: The question of wheth-
er seniors shall be obliged to take final
examinations or not' has been left in
the hands of the faculties of the vari-
ous schools and colleges of the Uni-
versity of Washington.
Kansas: Prominent women on the
faculty of the University of Kansas
have advocated a course in military
training for women in the university.
It is not yet decided whether the
course will be instituted.
Io a: The stat legislature has
recommended the abolition of the
homoeopathic medical college of the
University of Iowa. The reason given,
is that the cost of operation is ex-
cessive, in comparison with the bene-
fit accruing from the maintenance of
the school.
Ohio State: Engineering students of
this university have formulated plans
for the publication of a monthly mag-
azine, to be devoted to the various
branches of the engineering college.
All that remains for the completion
of the plans, is faculty approval,
which, it is thought, will be given,
Indiana: The final eut in the UhI,
versity of Indiana's baseball squad
has already been made. Twenty men
have been left on the team. These
men will make the southern training
trip in the spring.,
City News

lay out about six acres in perennial
and drug plants.
At a meeting of the junior lit cass
yesterday afternoon, Paul M. Haler
'18, and William H. Hogan, '18, vere
nominated for Student councilmo. A.
Loomis Kirkpatrick, '18, and H1bert
A. Gustin, '18, were nominatE for
president, due to the resignatm of
Owen J. Watts, who has enteid the
Law eohool.
The nominees are to be votl upon1
at an election which will be h61 fromi
2 to 5 o'clock next Wednesda:after-
noon in the corrider of the I)rary.

Today The Arcae wi1 ,how te
feature, "Whom the Gods Destroy,"
starring Alice Joyce, Harry Morey
and Marc McDermott. This produc-
tion brings Alice Joyce back again,
after an absence in photoplays for
about two years.
Besides the regular fe -i ure, Charlie
Chaplin will be shown in "The Rink."
Try-outs for the Junior girls' play
were entirely satisfactory, acepding
to Louise A. Irish, '1S, publicity chair-
man. Between 130 and 140 members
of the junior class tied ota last
week, and those who survived the sec-
ond cut for the cast, will be notified
before the nxt meeting of the try-


The Ann Arbor lodge of Elks No. 325
will build a new home in the near
future upon the present site, accord-
ing to a recent announcement. No
action has been taken, however, as to
whether the new building will be
merely a clubhouse or a business,
block with lodge rooms above.
The city Y. M. C. A. will show two
films, "How to Swim," by H. H. Cor-
san, and "Andy Learns to Swim," at
10 o'clock tomorrow morning in tlje
Majestic theater. The show will be
free to all boys of the city. A special
film, furnished by the United States
government, showing practice of the
Atlantic squadron and submarine
flotillas, may also be shown.
The campaign for $30,000 fqr the
Ann Arbor Y. M. C. A., which will
start Monday morning and continue
for five days, was inaugurated last
night with a dinner at the association
building. About 250 business men at-
tended the rally. Brice P. Disque,
newly appointed warden of Jackson
prison; L. E. Latte, also of Jackson
and manager of the Briscoe Motor
company, and E. L. Mogge of this city
were the speakers.
Resolutions were drafted and
ad9pted at the meeting yesterday aft-
ernoon uf the Washtenaw County
Farm Institute society endorsing the
efforts now being made for the estab-
lishment of a national agricultural
commission, with price making pow.
ers vested in it. Such a commission
was outlined In an address on the
subject by James N. McBride ofLan
sing, state market director,

Japan Decides to Arm Merctimen
Tokio, Feb. 23.-The JapanO gov-
ernment has decided to arm ; mer-
chantmen destined for both perican
and European ports, it was alounced

outs. -
Music for the play is being written,
and any junior girls who care to sub-
mit scores should see Henryetta
Brandebury, '18.

Portrait Dolls Are Lst in Fads
Paris, Feb. 23.-Dolls resembling in
form and feature persons who desire
to hand down to posterity as faith-
ful a portrait of themselves as pos-
sible have become a great fad in,

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