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February 17, 1917 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-02-17

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Athletic Stars Do Not

Half and Mile Should Go in Fast Time
for Gym Race; Other Events
Michigan will take the boards
against Notre Dame this evening
minus a few of her athletes due to the
results of the past semester.
The administrative board inflicted
much less severe losses in its on-
slaught on Farrell's men this year
than last, however. Steve is conse-
quently a little brighter than usual.
No matter how poor a record is
hung up at the meet this evening, it
will be a gym record. This is owing
to the fact that the gym has been re-
modeled. It is not expected that espe-
cially excellent marks in any of the
events will be registered. Farrell is
determined not to work his men
harder than necessary, and he is not
looking for a very stiff bunch of in-
dividuals on the Catholic.
Several of the events should be bet-
ter than ordinary, however. The half
mile will afford the spectators a
chance to see a real battle with Fox,
Sedgwick, and Bouma competing
against McDonough, Noonan, and Call.
In the mile Carroll may have to ex-
tend himself quite a little, as the
Catholics are said to have a couple
of clever performers in this . event.
The hurdles and the 50-yard dash
should also see fast time, and the quar-
ter-mile should be clocked in close
to 51 seconds.
Cross can be expected to hurl the
shot in the neighborhood of 44 feet,
and Simmons will extend himself close
to the six-foot mark if it is necessary
to win the high jump. A pretty duel
should take place between Kessler and
Yeager in the pole vault with the
Notre Dame man looking best on pa-
The meet, which will begin promptly
at 7:30 o'clock, will include the fol-
lowing entries:
50-yard dash-Notre Dame: Berg-
man, Capt. J. Miller, McGinnis; Michi-
gan: O'Brien, Horr,. Scofield, Parks,
440-yard dash--Notre Dame: J. Mil-
ler, McDonough, Kasper, Meehan,
Bergman, Hackett; Michigan: Font-

ana, Huntington, Hardell, Scofield,
Robinson, Garlock, Snow.
880-yard run-Notre Dame: Kasper,
Meehan, McDonough, Noonan, Call;
Michigan: Fox, Bouma, Sedgwick,
Walker, , Fontana, Huntington, Capt.
Mile run-Notre Dame: Meehan,
Noonan, Call, Coyle; Michigan: Car-
roll, Fox, Sedgwick, Bouma.
60-yard high hurdles-Notre Dame:
Kirkland, Starrett; Michigan: Beards-
ley, Kruger, Thurston, Davis, Masters.
High jump-Notre Dame: Douglass,
Donohue, McGuire, Sheiblhut; Michi-
gan: Waterbury, Simmons, Haigh,
Davis, Wickliffe.
Shot put-Notre Dame: Bachman,
Frantz, W. Miller, Rydzweski; Michi-
gan: Cross, Smith, Leach.
Pole vault-Notre Dame: Edgren,
Yeager, Douglass, Bachman; Michi-
gan: Kessler. McKee.
Relay race-Teams will be taken
from above men.
Practice for All Candidates May Be
Called Monday Aft-
Varsity Coach Carl Lundgren sur-
prised the campus baseball situation
yesterday by appearing on the scene
of action two days earlier than he was
expected. The coach was not thought
to be intending to get to Ann Arbor
before tomorrow at the earliest, al-
though he was expected to be on hand
for Monday's practice in Waterman
The Varsity mentor successfully
eluded all pursuit yesterday and was
reported to be engaged in hunting a
convenient place wherein to estab-
lish headquarters for the season. His
coming was a surprise even to Cap-
tain Brandell who had not looked for
his arrival until Sunday and possibly
The Varsity leader had not had the
opportunity to consult with the coach
late yesterday evening and the former
could not give any announcements
which might be concurrent upon the
latter's arrival. It was hinted, how-
ever, that regular and permanent prac-
tice for all the candidates for the
team mightybe called for Monday aft-
Practice today will start at 1 o'clock


Twinkle Jehind Opera Footlights

Managers Mit See Director Rowe Be-!
fore Department Practice Be-
gins Tuesday

That the average athlete does not
take kindly to the glare of the calicum
is shown by the fact that in the last
three years only nine men who have
worn Wolverine athletic regalia have
lended their bulky presences to the
Union operas produced during that
period. Of this number but one man,
Morrie Dunne, has been the possessor
of an M. Morrie also is the only "ath-
aleet" to attain the dignity of a mem-
ber of the cast, the other eight de-
votees of the combined virtues of the
sweat-shirt and the wig having ail
been members of the chorus. Need it
be nececsary to say that none of these
athletically-inclined young men were
listed as ponies.
The 1915 opera, "All That Glitters,"
proved a greater temptation to the
heroes of the gridiron, diamond, and,
cinder path, than have the two pro-
ductions succeeding it. In that year
the Whitney stage groaned under the

weight of five huskily-built young
men, including Morrie Dunne, who
took the part of a chauffeur in the
cast and also put on an aesthetic
{lance. and four chorus songsters;

Get your shoes fixed at Paul's PI
611 E. William St.
Regular assembly at Armory, Sa
day night. 1
For live, progressive, up-to-date
vertlsing use The Michigan Daily.
Mr. Forsyth
Wins Second Prize a


ggy, 1iduer reserveendfor
.rdoo baseball has its einte olasspen-
years; Tom Soddy, second string pitch- igtrugha tenteriopn-
er on the 1915 baseball team; Don it g through practice periods next
James, end on the 1913 All-fresh foot- Tuesday night in Waterman gym. The
ball team, and Harry Leslie, Varsity indoor sport proved very popular last
rad tumperH. yryyear and a large number of men who
broad Jumper. would not compete, ordinarily, in
"Tres Rouge," produced last spring, other branches of sport received the
brougbht out only tremmeso
benefit of the work and the use of the
Wolverine athletic squads in the per- gm ugn ytepstecmn
sons of Jess Willard, substitute cen- sgym. Judging by the past, the coming
ter on this fall's football team; Don season should be a huge success.
l~ahrik, eseve alfack an Hary Since the gymnasium has been en-
I3athrick, reserve halfback, and Harry larged it may be possible that more
Goodspeed, Varsity pole vaulter, than one game may be played at the
Theast and chorus lists for the a e mee a e ae
1917 opera, as announced recently, sane time, and the season be made
contain the name of only one Maize to go faster. That will appear when
and Blue battler, Clarence Sktring cen- nounced, and at the present time that
ter for Johnny Maulbetsch's gridiron has not been done.
tew th nyall.sdAll managers of indoor teams are
requested to get into communication
with Intramural Director Rowe as
ternity and boarding house league, soon as possible, either by phone or
class basketball should have a record- preferably by personal call at the
breaking turnout. Athletic offices. The list of names of
The present season also will be fol- managers has been lost and the names
lowed with more than usual closeness of these managers are in great de-
and interest in view of the fact that mand. This is imperative.

Three Pounds


B SBEPoem Contest

as usual and will probably be under
the personal direction of the coach.
Yeaterday's practice was marked by
a irather slim attendance, probable
due to the fact that few candidates
for infield and outfield positions failed

to tiurn out. Morrison,
catcher for the 1916 All
was o'ut yesterday.

the regular Michigan is to have a Varsity five next
-fresh team, year. The interclass teams are about
the best index to the caliber of the
i material which can be expected to
compete for places on the Varsity next
year. Anyone who has ambitions
along this line is elegible for competi-
tion. Only where two different class
sports occur in the same semester are
- - ~..fn~n~inoin no f th +vv


Practice starts Tuesday and the
schedule for that night, below, also
applies to Friday night as well. The
chart follows: Lit department, all
classes from 7 to 7:30 o'clock; engi-
neerifig department, all classes from
7:30 to 8 o'clock; law department,
from 8 to 8:30 o'clock, and the
pharmical, edical, and others from
8:30 to 9 o'clock.
Court number four is reserved for
the boarding house basketball league.

Once upon a midnight dreax
as I studied, weak and wear
Longing for the kind of cand
mother used to make, of yor
While I sat there, sadly longir
suddenly there came a callin
'Twas a friend, thus rudely ca
ing, calling at my chamb
"Here's some Nunnally's!"
shouted, "Oh, the Busy Bee
the store!
They've the best, forevermore
Richard A. Forsyth

those participating in one o etwo
barred from competing in the other.
PRACTICE WILL LET ASPIRANTS Class managers are urged to report
OR NEXT YEBAR'S VARSITY to the intramural office as soon as
SHOW IN PUBLIC possible in order to arrange for the
use of courts and especially to vouch
Class basketball again appears on for the scholastic elegibility of candi-
the athletic horizon prior to its an- lates for their respective teams. No
nual debut in Waterman gym. Prac- one will be allowed to play until his
Lice will begin Monday night on four school work is found to be above the
courts and the schedule for the first hgh water mark.
round of preparatory workouts has The practice schedule for Monday
been given out by the intramural of-, night follows:
flce. The r egular chart has not yet' Courts 1, 2, 3, and 4, at 7 to 7:20
been arrange d. Just when the season o'clock in respective order; fresh en-
will officially open is not known. gineers, pharmics, medics, and soph
Last year the fresh lits gamboled engineers; same courts from 7:20 to
away with tlie, interclass champion- 7:40 o'clock; fresh lits, architects,
ship, which ah means that they were foresters, and J-laws; same courts
interdepartmenta . champs, some ef the from 7:40 to 8 o'clock: fresh laws,
teams being cD. habined from one de- homoeops, soph lits and J-dents.
partmnt. Other strong bidders were Classes will have to provide their
the J-lits, the J-1aws, the architects, own balls, although the old balls be-
a combined to m, and the foresters, longing to the intramural office may
all being named according to their be used as long as they last.
campus rating during the last season.
According to tl le interest and enthus- Alexander Ready to Sign for Philliles
iasm being sh own in the inter-fra- Philadelphia, Feb. 16.-Grover Cleve-
--_ _ land Alexander, star pitcher for the
Phillies, is rapidly nearing the sign-
E X ing point, it was stated this after-
noon, following an hour's conference
between the pitcher and President
!ek Baker. Baker is said to have refuted
the statement that he would not dis-
cuss terms with Alexander. Instead
vice) he sent for the pitcher, who has been
holding out for $15,000.

The newly-chosen class teams in wo-
men's basketball met yesterday after-
noon and elected captains for the com-
ing season. They are: Janet McFar-
land; '17, Beulah Smith, '18, Eva Herz-
berg, '19, and Hazel Pratt, '20. A
meeting of the captains has been call-
ed by Miss Alice Evans, physical di-
rector and coach, for 1 o'clock this
afternoon at her home to discuss
plans for the inter-class games, which
will furnish the chief source of inter-
est in women's athletics for the next
few months.



We make the nut
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Pharmic Teams Begin Practice Feb
The all-pharmic basketball tean
to practice every Monday, Thurs
and Saturday evening during the s
son. The indoor baseball team
practice Tuesday and Friday eveni
and the indoor relay team will m
daily. The regular schedule for
pharmic teams will begin about Feb

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