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January 19, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-01-19

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ston Bank Sees Momentary Falling
Off of Buying Due to
Peace Notes

ease in money, banks are beginning to
show active signs of buying bonds of
this character. The bond market so
far in 1917 can be summarized in a few
words as follows: Active, strong, and
with the demand exceeding the supply.
Since Jan. 1, 'money has been ac-
cumulating in the banks, reserves have
risen sharply, and rates, both time
and call, have receded. In this mar-
ket, time money has softened ma-
terially, rates ranging from 4 per cent
up. Call money rates have decreased
rapidly from six per cent at the turn
of the year to three and one-half per
cent. The present tendency is for
even greater ease in money.


S 5

* * * * * 9
* Majestic-Vaudeville.
* Ohu-aeWad
rebitliii-Fainniie Ward I


n "The


* :

Years of the Locust." Also
Bray cartoons.


Arcade-Julius Steger in
Stolen Triumph." Drew
edy also.


ufacturers Fear That Cessation
Hostilities Will Find Them


* * # E * * # * *# * '9


According to the First National bank
of Boston, war politics have played an
important part during the last month
in trade calculations. Enthusiastic
buying by dealers has been dampened,
momentarily by the fear of beingj
caught with high-priced goods should
peace come unexpectedly. This rather
conservative attitude which has spread
through the country is in itself a factor
of great strength in the trade situa-
The business already contracted for
may be likened to a huge storage bat-
tery to tide over a lack of purchasing
during a temporary slackening in ac-
tivity. Manufacturers and jobbers are
refraining from speculation in raw ma-
terials and are supplying themselves
only for their normal requirements.
The financial statements for the year
show in the main large, and in many
instances startling profits, but with

first represented

The dawn of ath-
letics at Michigan
began with the clos-
ing days of the Civ-
il war. It was
about this time that
the University was
by a recognized col-

lege athletic team. In that day base-
ball was the most popular sport, and
because the schools throughout the
country had not yet taken up football
as the representative college game, the

greatly expanded merchandise ac- horsehide contests were the most
counts, due to extremely high ma- prominent.
terial and labor costs. As it was, baseball was played with
The railroad situation is acute, any team available, generally with
blocking the intake by factories and some small college or seminary in the
mills of raw materials and choking state, and often with teams represent-
the shipment of finished goods. While ing various athletic clubs in Chicago
domestic buying of steel seems for the and Detroit. The game originated here
moment slightly less active, the de- about the year 1863 when some fresh-
mand is tremendous and the industry men having heard of the strange,
oversold for many months ahead. popular game, then being played in
Railroad buying, especially of cars, the east by a few clubs, wrote, out to
continues heavy, particularly by for- New Jersey for some information
eign countries. about the game and asked to have a
Cotton manufacturers are unable to copy of the rules sent to them. So
foresee any early reduction in the costs well did they like the new sport that
of production. The exportation of cot- they sent letters to same week order-
ton has greatly increased while even ing bases, balls, and bats, and a dia-
domestic demand cannot be satisfied. mond was laid out in the old field, just
This leads to the inference that raw north of the Medical school, where
material can continue high for some Waterman and Barbour gymnasiums
time, and at present there is little or Inow stand.
no indication of an early decline in The first regular team was organiz-
other costs. ed in 1865, and it was not until a de-
Cloth Buyers Holding Off. cade later that football was introduc-
In cloth markets, buying is going on ed by Judge Wayne Hayman of Mis-
strictly for consumption. Buyers for sud ensmT. ae of Illnois,
both home and foreign markets are and others. The game was then very
holding off, and while a great deal of;unlike anything dat resemblesthe
hesitation is entirely seasonable, and gridiron sport today. It was mostly
warranted by the sold-up conditions, a a kicking game but not like Rugby.
more critical attitude toward future However, sometime later Mr. Cable.
merchandising is manifested. returning from Germany, brought
mercandiing s maifesed.with him a round leather covered
As an index of wealth and economicbathenim uatrounveathe styver
strength, the railroad mileage of the} ball, then quite a novelty. The style
strngt, te riloadmilageof heof playing was changed to the Eng-
United States is impressive, exceeding ish g asechnge, t theng-
the combined mileage of the nine other game of Rugby, with 15 men on


Yost. His novel methods t or a?
country by storm and his fast foot-
ball machine, going like clokwork
outplayed all rivals and won lastin
fame and the title to the leadership
in the west. His famous name "Hur-
ry-up", came from his system of lin-
ing up his team directly after using
a play and shooting in again before
the opponents had recovered them-
selves. To him we owe the glory of
the early days.
Track and field sports began to re-
ceive encouragement in the early sev-t
enties but there was no intercollegiatea
competition in this brand of athletics
until 1893. It was then that the West-
ern Intercollegiate conrerence was
Michigan. In this braneli of sport,
Michigan has achieved much success.
securing for many seasons represent -
atives on the select list of America's
best athletes.
Flying at half mast, the flag on the!
campus is expressing the grief of the
University over the death of Admiral
George Dewey.
"Admiral Dewey," said President
Harry B. Hutchins yesterday, "was a
national hero and it is nothing more
than right that this honor at least
should be accorded him at his death.
Some public-spirited citizens asked
that the flag be at half mast and it
was done with the full approval of the'
Flags have been ordered to fly at
half mast on all the public buildings
of the country by President Wilson.
For results advertise in the Mich-
gan Daily.

Want Negroes to-
Remain inSouth
Tuskegee Convention Adopts Resolu-
tions Against Northern
Tuskegee, Ala., Jan. 18.-Negroes
from every section of the south attend-
ing the twenty-sixth annual Tuskegee
negro conference adopted "declara-
tions" today admonishing negroes to
remain in the south and co-operate
with white people in the improvement
of labor conditions. The "declarations"
deal principally with the migration of
negroes northward, the boll weevil,
and distress among colored people be-
cause of floods.
The chief cause of unrest among the
negroes, it was declared, is lack of
adequate protection under the law.
"Now is the greatest opportunity the
south has ever had for white and black
people to get together and have a
thorough understanding with reference
to their common interest and also to
co-operate for the general welfare of
all," the statement said.
Before the conference convened to-
day there was a parade of floats de-
picting various activities at Tuskegee
institute. The conference will con-
tinue Thursday.
Special Sunday evening luncheon,
twenty-five cents. Bloomfield's, N. Un-
iversity. 19-20-26-27
Girls attention! For rainwater
shampoos and scalp treatment for
falling hair go to Mrs. J. R. Trojanow-
ski, 1110 S. University, side entrance
Phone 696-W. 5-.two wks

"The Girl Who Smiles,' will be the
the attraction at the Whitney theater
tomorrow afternoon and night. The '
musical comedy will be given as or-
iginally produced at the Longacre'
theater of New York, where it ran for
200 performances. Prominent in "The
Girl Who Smiles" is Angelo Romeo,
who for a nnumber of years was identi-
fied with the Now Fork Hippodrome'
stage. A clever chorus. numerous
song hits, and excellent scenery are
part of "The Girl Who Smiles." Among
the musical numbers are: "Teach Me
to Smile," "Let us Dance." "Tempta-
tion Waltz." "Life Has Just Begun."
"Your Picture," "At Last," "NIy Paul-
ine." "The Story of the Sparrow,"
"You are My Little Cupid," "A Iloney-
moon in May," "Who is That," "Dance
Me Good-Bye," and "0 Dear Marie."
"Six Little Wives," the musical com-
edy appearing at the Majestic this
week-end, presents a problem in in-
ternational complications surpassing
any that have lately disturbed the po-
litical equilibrium of the world.
Rogers, suffocated with wealth, fears
that the women love him only for his
money. His father, rather old and
hopelessly unromantic, wants him to
marry and settle down, perhaps think-
ing that after his becoming a benedict
he will have fewer inclinations to call
on his father to settle up.
Rogers marries six of them, with all
their attendant jargon, "dimme a tiss,"
and nationalities. That is, he marries
them but only by proxy, for he has a!
most natural trepidation about becom-
ing a modern Mormon.
But of course he finds the girl, the!
one he had been looking for. Then he
stops looking.
Incidentally, it might interest the
good-looking Rogers to know that Ja-
pan is not a European country. When
he tells his father that he has a wife
from every European country he vis-
ited, and then introduces an almond-
eyed maiden from Japan, he is prob-
ably romantic, but wrong in his geog-
There is good comedy in it, Big Fel-

low and Little Fellow offering some-
thing that is probably a hybrid so far
as its originality is concerned, but
which has many entertaining qualities.
Even Doris McNeil, with a real name
of Iska Murff, is above the average
for the Majestic.
During the past three years, Uni-
versity of Michigan students have been
highly successful in the nation-wide
competition for scholarships conducted
by the educational department of the
Review of Reviews.
Within this time, University students
who have made records are: Arthur
Henkel, $2,500; Cyril E. Bailey, '17,
$1,100; J. Stern, '17, $1,300; James H.
Tuttle, '20. $400; Ida E. Mines, '20,
$750. and Z. W. Tenekejian, '17E, $300.
The plan now proposed to students
all over the country makes possible a
complete college education with all ex-
penses paid. In order to interview
interested Michigan men and women,
Ira M. Smith, western representative
of the Review of Reviews, will be in
this city today and tomorrow. He may
be reached at 1315 Hill street, tele-
phone 1460.
Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad.
A Store of Individuals Shops
308-10-12 South Main Street
Special Sale for to days and
a 10 % discount on all
Fire Baskets
and Irons
Fire Screens
and Sets
We have the Fire Screens
in Black and Brass 24-30
and 26 inches high- four
Fire Baskets all sizes.


principal railroad countries in thea Ripped Ball ieays Game
world. Equally impressive is the fact For a long time there was only one
thato 25 pergcenteofhthis mileageyisni
that 25 per cent of this mileage is in football in the college and it is easy
the hands of the receivers. There is C to imagine the pique and disappoint-
a sharp decline in net profits which ment which the members of the teams
plainly reflects the influence of car!felt when some iron toed booter of
shortage and traffic congestion and the days of yore kicked the ball so
also of the increased costs of all ma- viciously that he ripped the caved off.
terials entering into railway operation. As Mr. Sterling Bullock, now caretak-
New England shoe factories are still er of Ferry field club house tells, the
very 'fully occupied, but this condition' boys would very frequently come
reflects previous rather than current rushing up to- his shop on William
activity at the selling end. New busi- street, imploring him to stitch the
ness in shoes is at a low ebb, and with cover immediately, for the game had
the slowing down or the demand has been stopped and they feared that un-
coT ea r1quie1r7 fr the o trade has less he did a quick job the Challengers
The ear191 fo th wol tadehaswould hitch up their horses and drive
opened exceedingly strong and bids back home to Detroit in their covered
fair to be a year of record prices. In wagons. Mr. Bullock still has a most
the past it has been necessary for us most constant reminder of the old
to supplement our own supply by im- days, for among his papers is a bill
portations from other countries. Now of 35 cents against the team of 1878,
we will have to turn to neutral mar- "for sewing cover on ball."
kets for even a larger supply than During these early stages in the
usual. - gradual evolution of the Michigan
May Place Duty on WooL gridiron game the schedules were of-
One "straw in the wind" favorable ten varied and uncertain. Thus while
to our manufacturers is the possibil- Michigan played Harvard, Yale,
ity that congress will place a slight and Princeton inb1881, the year before
duty on wool for revenue purposes, that there was but one game sched-
and that will call for an additional uled, with Toronto, and the year after
compensatory duty on wool manufac- there was no regular team and no
tures, which will be sadly needed at outside games. The year following
the close of the European war. this, Yale and Harvard were again
Since Jan. 1, the demand for invest- met in the big intersectional battles..
ment bonds has been very active with and also Wesleyan and Stevens In-
strengthening prices. Massachusetts stitute. Of all these games, Michigan
savings banks have begun to come into was victorious only in the last, but the
the market, but are finding an ex- score in most cases indicated the
tremely scant supply of bonds which closeness of the fray and justifies
are legal for their investment. The both the ancient and modern conclus-
result has been an advance in price, ion that in the west, Michigan is king.
particularly of high-grade railroad For nearly ten years after this our
bonds. The unsettled condition of the games were played almost entirely
stock market has resulted in a great with teams in the central west, and
many investors turning their attention the record shows a proud line of vic-
to bonds. Municipal bonds continue to tories; for the first five years every
be in active demand, with the supply game being won.
not plentiful. Since Jan. 1, there has Yost Responsible for Present Fame
been a consistent and increasing de- During the most important period in
mand for well-secured public utility the development of the game, however,
bonds, and this demand has come very the destinies of Michigan have been
largely from the private investor, but bound with those of Coach Fielding H.
the last few days, with the continuing founded, largely at the instigation of


U pA~





IThese Great Bargains

MUST BE SEEN to fully





After Inventory Sale
of Jiusical Instruments and Cases
UKULELES--Drums and sticks-Banjos-Leath-
er and canvas Cases at prices that will interest
See Our Window for Display
About,100 copies Popular Music slightly soiled
at 5c. About 80-88 note Played Piano Roll at 30c,
For anything in the Musical Line call at
116 So. Main
PHONE 1707
Pianos for Sale and Rent

Brandegee-K Incaid Clothes
"Itng Worsted" and "Snow Linen"
We carry every big and little needful of Correct Evening
Dress, from our "College Chap Eton" Link Button Swallow-
tail Suit to Link Sleeve Buttons for your White Pique Shirt.
White Waistcoats, Silk Hats, Silk Hose, Dress Neckwear,
Silk Mufflers, Dress Gloves, Dress Shirts-Pique and Fancy
Stripe, Pique, and Jewel sets.
We can fit you out complete for The Hop, a pleasure to
show you our complete line from Suit to Hose.
TWinker & Company
Clothes, Furnishings and Hats

342 S. State St.,

Cor. S. State and William Sts.

We make a specialty of new Dress Suits for Rental


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