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January 16, 1917 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-01-16

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Mid Winter Clearance
= OF -
Suits and Overcoats
1-4 Off CLOTHES 1-4 Off
Entire stock fancy and mixed Entire stock blue and black
Suits and Overcoats Suits and overcoats _
AT 1-4 OFF AT 20% OFF
Our entire stock
All trousers over $4:00 MACKINAWS
AT 20% OFF AT 20% OFF
. Lindenclmitt, Apfel & Co.
I llIllI I I illIll lru frlliti lii i i nliriilI111l 11 l 11 llIrIu 111111li I
Theatrical lake Ups
Grease Paints-Liners-Powders
Burnt Cork-Rouges
Spirit Gum, etc.
The Eberbach & Son Co.
200-204 E. Liberty St.

Here it, is Men

Now is the time for Action
on your part, the final clean-
up prices are now in effect
and that is the equal for you
to come straight to Reule-

Conlin, Feigel

Co. and

choose one of these fine
Winter Suits or Overcoats
at this

Gargoyle Will
Expose Letters
January Number of Humorous Maga-
zinc to Print Missives by
Woman Student

County Infirmary
Melancholy Place
Wanderer Describes Gloomy and Dole-
ful Scenes Out Washtenaw

Reule Conlin, Feigel CO

A complete expose of the fickleness I Anyone who wanders out Washtenaw

of a woman student. of the University
while on her vacation, consisting of


One of Our Dinners
Served from 11to 1
Regular Dinner 35c consists choice of
meats; mashed or boiled potatoes; one
vegetable; choice of pie or pudding; tea,
coffee, or milk.
SPECIALS, as served
Soup .io with meat order .05
Roast or Fricassee of chicken .25
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef .25
Roast Leg of Veal with Dressing .25
Pork Sausage with Sweet Potatoes .25
Pork Chops Breaded. Extra Special .25
Small Steak with Onions. Ex. Spec'l .25
Bread and Mashed Potatoes included
with above meat orders.
Side Orders Extra
Potatoes mashed .05 Stewed tomatoes .05
Potatoes boiled .05 Stewed corn .05
Potatoes fried .05 Stewed peas .05
Potatoes german fried .05

One holiday season is
over, but we are already
prepared for the next.
J-Hop season is almost
here again.
We manifest the same in-
terest, skill, and sensible
judgment in these special
garments that we do in
our others.

two letters which were later discov-
ered, is promised in the January num-
ber by the editor' of the Gargoyle.
The magazine is billed as the "Brok-
en Resolution" numbed and the full
page drawing very cleverly portrays
the batting averages of the Swear-off
league, the figures being compiled from
their records up to and including
Jan. 15.
A new style of art, showing skaters
in their various poses will make its
debut in the January number. The
drawing is perhaps the most unique
that has yet appeared in any issue of
the magazine. The Gargoyle will go
on sale Friday.


avenue on a ramble through the coun-
try may see (if his tramp takes him
far enough) one of the most doleful
and melancholy scenes that his ad-
venturesome fortune may ever present
to him It is the Washtenaw county
The way leads along a pleasant road,
over sloping hills with turns and wind-
ings. In the spring and fall, the flow-
ers of the season fringe the road, and
the scent of clover or the smoke of
autumn fires floats over the meadows
on either side. Out a mile or so, a
thicket of trees guards the approach

. _.,

Sippers for D]ancing
Pumps in patent and dull leather also popular
dancing Oxfords
Party slippers in all colors of satin. Dull, or Patent
leather and also Gold and Silver cloth pumps
BuiY Comfy Slippers for Xmas
W~AH 'S Shoe stores


516 H. Williams St.

Home made pies per cut .05
tard .05, with cream 10.
Coffee .o5 Tea .05 t
Milk per bottle .o5

Rice cus-

Chocolate .50
Cocoa .10

Open All Night. J. A. QUACKENBUSH, Mgr.

17, 7:30 to 10 P. M. Fancy skaters
from Detroit. Weinberg's Coliseum.
Tickets at the Delta, Wahr's and Moe's
Athletic Store. 16
Enroll now for a course in Short-
hand and Typewriting at the School
of Shorthand, 711 No. University Ave.

London, Jan. 10.-(Delayed).---Casu-
alty lists published by the war office
show that in October the British army
lost 4,378 officers, of whom 1,459 were
killed, 2,736 wounded, and 183 are
missing. In November the total was
2,305, of whom 806 were killed, 1,386
wounded, and 113 are missing.
These figures bring the total losses
among officers since the beginning of
t'he war to 53,122, of whom 15,696 have
been killed or died of wounds, 33,970
have been wounded, and 3,456 are
missing. A large proportion of the
wounded have since returned to duty,
and the total under the heading of
missing includes a portion since re-
ported as prisoners of war.
Foresters Must Have Worke Hard
During the past year the e were
constructed in the nationl forests 227
miles of new road, 1,975 miles of
trails, 2,124 miles of telephone line,
222 miles of fencdy 545 dwellings,
89 miles of fire lines, 81 lookout struc-
tures, 40 bridges,: barns and other
structures, 17 corrals, and 202 water

You have not shop pd
Unless you have stopp6d
At the James Foster House of Art.


For results advertise in The Mich-
igan Daily.
Girls attention! For rainwater
shampoos and scalp treatment for
falling hair go to Mrs. J. R. Trojanow-
ski, 1110 S. University, side entrance.
Phone 696-W. 5-two wks
Get your shoes fixed at Paul's Place
611 E. William St. 5tf

Rumors JMust Stop;
D~r. Has Copyright
Campus rumors must stop The
prominent literary geniuses and crit-
ics at the University of Michigan are
all wrong when they come to judging
contemporary poetry. They may be
all right in saying some old duffer like
Shakespeare or Milton is good, but
when they think Dr. Tom Lovell's
"Good Bye, Sweetheart" song is like
the popular rag "Blue Bell" of a few
years ago, they had better take up) a
course in archaeology, and let it go
at that. For Dr. Lovell has just been
awarded a copyright for his song.
That his song will make a hit the
doctor is convinced. Yesterday he ap-
peared in The Michigan Daily office
and gave a gratis concert for the com-
bined staffs. If the paper this morn-
ing is better than usual one should lay
the inspiration to the real cause. This
all proves that the doctor is a philan-
thropist as well as philosopher.
Since the doctor has seen "The Mag-
ic Carpet" play all suspicions of "Abe"
Gornetsky having stolen his "Dickey
Bird" have vanished. However, lie
thinks that Field's poem does not
compare with his at all.
All this makes us think that these
literary people are all jealous, and
life for them is just one suspicion
after another.
Chemists, botanists, and foresters
in particular, will be interested in the
announcement that the Forestry
Quarterly and the Proceedings of the
Society of American Foresters, two
official publications of the students in
these courses have combined. The
new magazine will be called The
Journal of Foresters, and will have
eight instead of four publications an-
The old Forestry Quarterly was
started in 1902 at Cornell University
by Professors Frenow and Roth. Prof.
Filibert Roth is at present head of the
department of forestry at the Univer-
sity of Michigan and has been for
some time on the editorial board of
the Quarterly.
The new journal will be published
in Washington, D. C., the subscrip-
tion rate being $3 a year.
The Michigan Daily for service.

to the poor farm which surmounts the
crest of a rather steep hill:
The house is an old red building,
facing north so that the sun hardly
ever shines upon the front of it. Old
black fire escapes and window cases
painted a dull black contribute the
only note of architectural decoration
on its exterior. In the yard in front
of the building are a few withered
bushes, and a huge thorn tree, brist-
ling with sharp points.
Scenery Is Symbolical.
So appropriate to the dreary impres-
sion that is produced by the mention
of a poor house do all these things
seem, that its surroundings seem to be
a kind of stage scenery to depict all
that is symbolical of poverty and
gloom. Across the way in the midst
of an old dead orchard is a vineyard
once fruitful and covered with verdure,
but now a tangle of matted vines.
clinging to their trellises, now fallen
apart and rotting away.
Only a few hundred feet away from
the house is the old burial ground or
potters' field-called "Halcedama." All
the fields and pastures about it are
smooth, because of tillage and the cul-
tivation of crops.
Gloom on All Sides.
Within this little piece of land that
is the last place of rest for the poor
of long ago, there is nothing but ruin.
Brush is thrown over the fence into
the plot; dead trees are fallen across
the graves; and the marking stones
with numbers cut in them, are lying in
disorder all about the ground.
Instead of being mounds, the graves
must have been very shallow, for they
are sunken into the earth, and in some
cases where two bodies have been
buried together, the graves have
dropped to a depth of more than two
feet. A luxuriant growth of rank
weeds and wild grass reaches to the
top of the barbed wire fence which
marks the bounds of the lonely plot of
the dead.
No one has been buried here now
for a long time, for many years ago,
the authorities began sending the
bodies of the poor to the medical
school of the University. Still it is
a rather cheerless place for some of
the kindly, old unfortunate men that
poverty has driven here to spend the
last few days of their life.
Dentists Smoke Tonight at Union
The Dental college will hold a
smoker this evening. at the Union.
Smokes, eats and plenty of cider are
on hand. Members of the faculty staff
will address the students.
There is opportunity in Michigan
want ads.

Mati St.

Work in University to Be Conducted
by Professors Sadler and
Porf. F. W. Pawlowski of the aero-
nautics department will leave the Uni-
versity at the end of this semester on
a year's leave of absence. He will go
to Washington where his official title
will be aeronautic engineer of the
United States army. Professor Paw-
lowski expects to attend the aero-
nautic exposition in New York City on
Feb. 8-15 and will deliver a lecture
on Feb. 9 at the exposition on "The
Evolution of Aeroplane Wing Truss-
ing." Prof. H. C. Sadler will also de-
liver a talk at that time. His subject
will be "The Education of Aeronautic
The work, which has been done by
Professor Pawlowski, will be divided
up next semester. Prof. H. C. Sadler
and Prof. W. T. Fishleigh will teach
several of the courses. W. F. Ger-
hardt, '17E, and J. M. Munson, '17E,
will also act as teaching assistants.
Major General Leonard Wood, late
chief of staff of the United States
near future, under the auspices of
the local branch of the National Se-
curity league. General Wood will
speak this time on the subject of "Un-
iversal Military Training and 'Ser-
In common with all other military
experts, General Wood believes that if
the country is to continue to exist as
a nation, it can only be through the
adoption of universal military service,
and he favors especially the Austral-
ian system.
General Wood and General Hugh L.
Scott, the present chief of staff of the
United States army, recently appeared
at a hearing before the senate com-
mitte on military affairs and testified
to the entire failure of the "federal-
ized" national guard system, provided
by the recent Hay bill, and both ad-
vocated universal military training.
General Wood's letter refers to the
spring as the probable time for the
When General Wood spoke here last
year in Hill auditorium, five thousand
people turned out to hear him.
Texas Cities Face Shortage of Gas
Dallas, Tex., Jan. 15.-This city, with
Ft. Worth, Denton, Gainesville, and
other northern Texas points, will be
entirely without gas before night, the
Lone Star Gas company announced.
The temperature is 25 above zero and
wide-spread suffering is predicted for
hundreds of thousands of persons in
this section.
Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad.

Stat St.

- .'
" J




Dentists to Learn Tricks in East
Doctors R. W. Bunting, C. J. Lyons,
M. L. Ward and L. P. Hall leave today
to attend the dental teachers' meet-
ing at Philadelphia.

A lrrv 12.


For results advertise
igan Daily.

in The Mich-

SSuit and Overcoat.Sale

Leave Copy Leave Copy
a t t
Quarry's and -Students'

1-3 Off

On Suits and O'Coats
You take no chances,' when

MEN. For Detroit and Michigan.
To graduates of the University of
Michigan the Investment Banking
Business offers great opportunities.
Salesmen in our employ now draw
monthly $150.00 to $1,000.00. Ap-
ply by letter, giving age, experience
if any, family residence, and extent
of acquaintance in Michigan. Care,
Box S, The Michigan Daily. 5-9-12-16
WANTED-To buy a Corona or.Ham-
mond typewriter. Address A. B. D..
Michigan Daily. 13-tf
WANTED-Two neat appearing girls
for salesladies. Call 820-J or 411 E.
Univ. Mr. R. F. Brisbois. 16
WANTED-Let The Michigan Daily
get you results through its success-
ful want-ad columns.

FOR SALE-A. B. Chase piano. Must
sell by Feb. first. Very slightly
used. Address Box X, The Michigan
Daily. 13-14-16
FOR SALE-Set of Harvard Classics
-Dr. Elliott's Five Foot Shelf. Call
R. A. Kimberley at 906 or write to
1824 Geddes Ave. 14-2Oincl
LOST-Gold bowed spectacles on East
Univ. or Washtenaw near N. Univ.
Call 1123-M. Reward. 16-17
LOST-Alpha Chi Omega pin. Call
781-R. Reward. 16-17-18
FOUND-Small purse, contains money
and other things valuable to owner.
Call 1399-J. 16-17

buying a suit
our goods are

or overcoat of us,
all new and up to

Another big shipment of Spring

A Victor Record Dance Hit

NO. 35593

116 E. Liberty Street
Our alarm clocks are good clocks.
Chapman, &eweler, 113 South Main



One Fletuin Hour!
I'm A-Longin' Fo' You!
Only a. Year Ago!



Grinnell Bros. 116 S. MaSt.
PHONE 1707

Special courses in Typewriting or
$5.00, at the School of Shorthand, 7
No. University Ave.

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