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January 11, 1917 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-01-11

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OFF jiMid-Winter Clearance 2o

1-4 Off Sale

Here it is Men

Suits and 01
1-4 Off CLOTH [
Entire stock fancy and mixed Ent
Suits and Overcoats E
AT 1 -4 OFF
All trousers over $4.00
AT 20% OFF
Lindcnschmitt, Ai

Es 1-4 Off
tire stock blue and black
Suits and overcoats
AT 2001 OFF
Our entire stock
AT 20% OFF
DfCI & Co.
ll[Iil11 1111tH 111lifillillll

$20.00 Coats now .....................$15.00
21.50 Coats now ....................136.00
27.00 Coats now ..................... 20.25
Now is your opportunity to secure one of tho newest
models of Overcoats at a ,great reduction.
Our full line of Bath Robes is also included in this reduc-
tion sale.
Cor. State and William Sts,.

Now is the time for Action
on your part, the final clean-
up prices are now in effect
and that is the equal for you
to come straight to Reule-



Co. and

choose one of these fine
Winter Suits or Overcoats
at this




Theatrical Make Ups
Grease Paints-Liners-Powders
Burnt Cork-Rouges
Spirit Gum, etc.

The Eberbach & Son Co.

200-204 E.

Liberty St..

One of Our. Dinners
Served from 11 to 7


Regular Dinner 35C consists choice of
meats; mashed or boiled potatoes; one
vegetable; choice of pie or pudding; tea,
coffee, or milk.
SPECIALS, as served
Soup . o with meat order .05
Roast or Fricassee of chicken .25
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef .25
Roast Leg of Veal with Dressing .25
Pork Sausage with Sweet Potatoes .25
Pork Chops Breaded. Extra Special .25
Small Steak with Onions. Ex. Spec'l .25
Bread and Mashed Potatoes included
with above meat orders.
Side Orders Extra
Potatoes mashed .o5 Stewed tomatoes .05
Potatoes boiled .o5 Stewed corn .05
Potatoes fried .05 Stewed peas .05
Potatoes germau fried .o5
Home made pies per cut .05 Rice cus-
tard .o5, with cream 10.
Coffee .05 Tea .05 Chocolate .50
Milk per bottle .05 Cocoa .1o
Open All Night. J. A. QUACKENBUSH, Mgr.
Providence, Jan. 10. - Adward N.
Robinson of Boston, today renewed his
contract with the Brown athletic as-
sociation as coach of the Brown foot-
ball eleven for the next three years.
Robinson has been coaching at
Brown since 1900, with the exception'
of breaks of two years each in 1902
and 1903, when h coached Nebraska
and in 1908 and 1909 when he was
mentor for the Tufts aggregations.

One holiday season is
over, but we are already
prepared for the next.
J-Hop season is almost
here again.
We manifest the same in-
terest, skill, and sensible
judgment in these special
garments that, we do in
our others
516 E. williams St.

Indication that the allies are con-
templating some new move in the Bal-
kins, possibly reinrorcement of Gener-
al Serrail's Macedonian army, comes
from several source s in the war game
today. Service of an ultimatum upon
Greece, the conditions of which are
apparently about to be met by them,
was apparently decided upon by the
Rome conference as the first step in
making secure the allies' position out
of Salonika. Undertaking of a power-
ful. offensive in the Balkins, would, it
is pointed out, come as a timely and
effective move because of the wide-
spread reports of unrest in Austria-
Hungary. It might also relieve some
of the menace of the German thrust
toward Russia from Roumania.
Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad.r

Article by Prof. W. W. Florer Shows
Part Played by Dr. Herman
Kiefer in Early Troubles
In the March number of "German-
American Annals" will appear the
"Freundschaft's Album" of Dr. Conrad
Kiefer, father of the late Dr. Herman
Kiefer of Detroit, a former regent of
the University, which gives an insight
into the ideals of the young students
of Vienna, who in 1848 sought to form
a republic which would have em-
braced the entire German nation. The
album is a part of a series of papers
that Prof. W. W. Florer of the Uni-
versity of Michigan is preparing deal-
ing with this little-known revolution-
ary movement.
One hundred poems make up the col-
lection of Dr. Kiefer's writings, and
they are largely based on the princi-
ples which have come to be the vital
question in the contemplated amend-
ing of the German constitution. The
album was found in the library that
had been donated by Dr. Kiefer to the
Kiefer ,hospital of Detroit.
Dr. Conrad Kiefer had been a Royal-
ist and had refused to be carried away
by the revolutionary ideas of the
young Burschenschafter of 1817, and
had risen high in the service of the
state which he continued to serve
throughout hiseentire life. His son,
Herman, early seemed to be satisfied
with the conservative views of the fa-
ther, for when he entered the Uni-
versity of Freiburg he joined the Roy-
alist Corps Suevia.
Poems Show Transition.
It was her that the poems were
written and they show the transition
of the point of view of a young Royal-
ist and his tendency to become a Re-
publican even before the revolution
broke out. He early became the leader
of the progressive faction in the
Suevian corps. This inner conflict in
the Royalist fraternity led to their'
division in the year 1848, the most of
the members being enthusiastic in
their advocation of the principles of
freedom as expressed by the leaders
and the plan to establish a republic
in Germany.
Freedom was the dominant theme of
his writing. Then gradually there
came the idea of the expansion of Ger-
many With the hope of regaining the
Rhine territory on the west side of
the river, or the Alsace Lorraine
provinces, and thereby leading to the
establishment of a German republic
which was to include all German;
races. Dr. Kiefer beheld the potentates
and rulers at the various German,
states as the main cause of the lack of,
development of Germany's resources.-
Gave Many Speeches in Baden.
This finally led the young man to be-
come an ardent revolutionist and,
gifted with wonderful powers of ora-
tory, he gave many revolutionarya
speeches in the state of Baden. Un-
fortunately these speeches have been
lost, with the exception of one, and
an essay that he contributed in com-
petition for the Karlsruhe lyceum prize
which was won by an intimate as-j
sociate, Karl Blind.
The result of his activities had sof
incensed the Prussian authorities that
he was forced to leave the country,t
and he fled, first to Strassburg, then1
to Paris and finally he arrived in De-1
troit. Here he immediately becamej
the leader of a movement introduced
by Dr. Kinkle, a friend of Dr. Kiefer, in
-ex u J efJ Stfl upueur io sado eg

public in connection with Kossuth,
who was the leader of the Hungarian
Continues Interest in Revolution.
Dr. Kiefer continued his interest in
the revolution and even as late as the
year 1898 he delivered an address in
Detroit on the movement. He also re-
tained his early university interest in
nature, sciences, and education. and
especially worked in the interest of the
medical profession. It was on account
of this latter activity that he was ap-
pointed by the governor to the regency
where he served the University for 15
Dean V. C. Vaughan of the medical
department commended Dr. Kiefer
very highly for his activities on the
board of regents. "Dr. Kiefer was
made chairman of the medical commit-
tee on the board of regents," he said,
"and ittwas through his work on the
board that the medical building was
constructed and equipped. Dr. Kiefer
was a very prominent medical man
and he was made emeritus-professor
after his term as regent had expired."
Next Debate May
Come off in Ring
Adelphi Members Almost Use Fists in
Deciding Question of
After a spirited debate, which almost
resulted in istic combat, the Adelphi
house of representatives Tuesday
night failed to come to any satisfac-
tory conclusion on the question of
whether or not Michigan should re-
enter the conference.
All the members present had very
decided opinions in the matter, and it
was with difficulty that they were re-
strained from attempting to make a
decision by resort to physical violence.
From the results of the meeting the
Adelphi is apparently not° yet in any
position to come out 'pro or con on
the conference issue, and it will prob-
ably be some time before a definite
stand is takensby the organization.
At thetmeeting next week.the "abol-
tion of the electoral college" will be
University Symphony Orchestra Will
Appear under Direction of
S. P. Lockwood
The next concert on the series of1
complimentary faculty twilight recit-
als will be given in Hill auditorium,
Wednesday afternoon, January 17, at
which time the University Symphony
orchestra, under the direction of Sam-
uel Lockwood, will appear with
Anthony J. Whitmire, violinist, as so-
losist. This organization numbers fifty
An interesting program has been
prepared, a feature of which will be
the rendition of Mendelssohn's Con-
certo, Op. 64, by Mr. Whitmire. Mr.
Whitmire, before joining the faculty
of the School of Music, was among
the most talented students of the insti-
tution and later spent three years in
Berlin under leading instructors, with
the result that upon his return to this
country he quickly took rank among
the leading younger violinists. He ap-
pears frequently in concert in various
parts of the state of Michigan and ad-
joining states.
Dancing classes and private lessons
at the Packard Academy.

Sippers for Dancinji
Pumps in patent and dull leather also popular
dancing Oxfords

Renle Conlin, Feigel Co.


Party slippers in all colors of satin.
leather and also Gold and Silver


Dull, or Patent
cloth pumps

Buy Comfy Slippers for Xmas

WAHVUS Shoe Stores
Main St. State St.



Debate Teams Reverse Custom
Keeping Affirmatives
at Home



WANTED - University students or
others who have had experience giv-
ing them special aptitude for work
as local reresentatives of a thor-
oughly responsible detective agency,
who could devote part time, as oc-
casion might arise, to such work.
Write, giving full particulars of ex-
perience, etc. All communications
will be treated with scrupulous con-
fidence. Address, Box 175, Ann Ar-
bor, Mich. 11-12
WANTED-Two or three men of ex-
ecutive ability for -the remainder of
college year and summer work. If
you can organize and handle men,
and are capable of meeting and
dealing with men, I can offer you a
remunerative position. If not, don't
answer. Address K. V., care of The
Michigan Daily. 10
$75 to $150 per month. Ann Arbor
examinations, Feb. 10. Sample ques-
tions free. Franklin Institute, Dept.
177-A, Rochester, N. Y. 11-12-13-14
WANTED-A student barber to work
Saturdays and week-days, 5 to 6.
Best guarantee. Call Barber, 2183-
M, or apply at 121 W. Liberty noon
hour. 11.
WANTED--A good guitar; must have
excellent tone. Phone 1472-W at
802 So. University. 11-12-13



LOST-Three 6-inch steel dental in-
struments, Wednesday morning,
probably on Ingalls between Kings-
ley and campus. Reward. Call
Tremper, 991-R. 11-12
LOST-Pearl circle pin, on East Un-
iversity, between the Gymnasium
and South University. Finder please
call 907-M. 10-11
LOST-A gold cuff button on No. 4th
Ave., or Catherine St. Plaese re-
turn to 625 No. 4th Ave. Reward.
LOST-Kappa Sigma pin with name
engraved on back. Reward. Call
566. 11-12-13
LOST-Kappa Delta Phi pin. Re-
turn 821 E. Huron. Reward.
TYPEWRITERS of all makes
bought, sold, rented or ex-
changed. Expert repairing,
factory service. Sole agent Under-
wood & Corona. TYPEWRITING,
0. D. MORRILL, 322 S. State St.
(Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-J.
FOUND-The medium which produces
desired results with the lowest cost.
Try The Daily for service.

Michigan's first Varsity debate of
the year will be held in Hill auditor-
ium, Friday, Jan. 19, at which time
the Michigan negative team will de-
bate Chicago University here, at the
same time that the Michigan affirma-
tive team meets Northwestern Univer-
sity at Evanston, Ill.
Michigan is this year departing
from the custom of having the affirma-
tive team debate at home while the
negative debaters journeyed to anoth-
er university, and this yea Michigan's
negative debaters will remainat home
and the affirmative team will debate
on foreign soil.
The Varsity band will be present
and will play from 7:30 to 8 o'clock,
after which the debate will begin
promptly, with some University fac-
ulty member as the presiding officer.
The debaters have been meeting
every day since Christmas, and judg-
ing from the reports of the spirited
tilts that have occurred in the prac-
tice debates, there will be no lack
of liveliness in either of Michigan's
Michigan's negatitve team, meeting
Chicago University here will be com-
posed of Ralph M. Carson,'17, A. R. Le-
vine, '19L, and W. T. Adams, '17. The
members of the affirmative team that
will debate Northwestern University
at Evanston are: I. S. Toplon, '19L,
W. P. Sandford, '19, and G. C. Glaas-
sen, '17L. The question to be debated
this year is: Resolved, "That the fed-
eral government should levy- a pro-
gressive inheritance tax, constitution-
ality conceded."
Architects to Hold Dance Friday
Special features are promised for
the architects' dance to be held at the
Union from 9 until 1 o'clock Friday
evening, Jan. 12. A former enter-
tainer on the Keith circuit will have
a prominent place on the program,
while two other stunts will be put on
by several well known campus artists.
Tickets for the affair will cost one
dollar and may be had at the Busy Bee
or at the door.
Hearst News Piracy Suit Postponed
New York, Jan. 10.-The news pir-
acy injunction suit brought by the As-
sociated Press against the Hearst's
International New Service, was post-
poned until next Tuesday at the re-
quest of Hearst's lawyers when called
up for aguments before Judge Hand in
the federal district court here today.


". ;

Fitform Clothes



On Suits and O'+Coats



A Victor Record Dance H it
II NO. 35593

116 E. Liberty Street



One Fleetinx Hour!
I'm A-Louiln' Fo' You!
Only a. Yea.r Ago! ,

Embezzler of $60,000 Finally Jailed
San Francisco, Jan. 10.- Clive
Young, alias, "Claude McGregor,'" con-
fessed embezzler of $60,000, is in jail
today following an arrest which ends
a nation-wide police search. He is
wanted in New York and Boston. He
was arrested in 1915 but escaped.
The Michigan Daily for service.

Grinnell BroE.
PHONE 1707

116 S. Mair St.


cheaper, Fraternity house
The Delta. wed-eod

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