After the MAGIC
Dancingi from 9-1
$1.00 Per Couple
Tickets at BUSY BEE
ing Completed in 1856 Initial At-
empt to Establish Science in
State University
To Michigan be-
longs the honor of
possessing the first
chemical laboratory
of a state univer-
sity. The building,
which was to be -x-
ed year after year and give rise
number of lines of investigation,
still in their infancy, and em-
I under the general head of chem-
was completed in the fall of the
1856 at a cost of $6,000. "This
atory," said President Henry P.
an in his annual report, "will un-
lonably be unsurpassed by any-
of the kind in our country."
emistry itself, the first experi-
al science to be taught by the lab-
ry method, had only begun to be
porated into the curricula of
ican and European universities,
in 1839 Douglas Houghton was
nted professor of chemistry, min-
gy, and geology at the University
chigan. The laboratories of Lie-
Giessen, of Prof. Siliman at Yale,
f Dr. Hare in Philadelphia were
is of special instruction in the
ce. The career of Berzelius was
losing In Sweden, Hofmann was
to open a laboratory in London
the patronage of. the Prince
analysts, and conmercial manufac-
turers, and to ive the training for
systematic work in exact science."
In 1903 work'in physiological chem-
istry was taken out of the chemical
laboratory aid given in connection
with courses in the Medical school.
Fifteen years before, work in hygiee
had been transferred to the labora-
tories of hygiene and physics.
Laboratories United in 1904.
A laboratory in physical chemistry
grew up with that provided for gen-
eral chemistry, but in 1904 they were
united with those of organic, analytical
and applied chemistry under a single
administrative head.
From 1889 until 1904, Prof. P. C.
Freer acted as director of the labora-
tories of general and physical chem-
istry and did much to stimulate the
spirit of active research in the several'
branches of the science. Since the
opening of the original laboratory, 401
original contributions have been pub-
lished by members of the teaching
staff, together with 345 additional pub-
lications dealing with pure chemistry,
pharmacy, and chemical engineering.
In 1898 a curriculum was instituted
in the College of Engineering which,
with the completion of some additional
work in engineering, led to the degree
of Bachelor of Science in Chemical En-
gineering: This is virtually the same
program which is followed at the pres-
ent time. A degree of B. S. in chem-
istry is also to be secured through the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts. This provides for a thorough
training in the science, but differs
from that offered by the College of En-
gineering in that cultural and elective
studies have been substituted for those
involving engineering. This curricu-
lum was offered for the first time in
Note--Material for the foregoing ar-
ticle was derived from a recent Uni-
versity publication entitled "The His-
tory of the Chemical Laboratory," by
Prof. Edward D. Campbell, professor
of chemistry and present director of
the chemical laboratory. The work is
illustrated and besides the historical
outline, contains a full bibliography of
publications by the teaching faculty
from the beginning until the present
This is the second of series of ar-
ticles tracing the history of institutions
at the University of Michigan.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Orpheum-Dustin Farnum
in *
ay *
"A Son of Erin."
Also Br
Arcade-June Caprice in "The
Mischief Maker."
* * * * * * * * * , ,*
City News
The city band has been secured by
the committee in charge of the "wel-
come home" to be given for the Ann
Arbor troops who have returned from
the Mexican border. No definite date
has been set for the welcome celebra-
tion as it is not known when the
troops will be mustered out from Fort
The board of public works will meet
at 7:30 o'clock tonight in their rooms
to discuss bridge matters concerning
the city.
The board of directors of the First
National bank, at their meeting last
Tuesday, chose E. E. Schmid as di-
rector to succeed his father, Frederick
Schmid, who died recently.
City Treasurer C. L. Miller an-
nounced recently that there are still
$64,607.37 due from the tax payers of
the city for 1916 taxes. A fine of one
and one-half' per cent will have to be
paid for delinquent taxes, and if not
paid before Feb. 1, an extra one per
cent fine will be added.
Use The Michigan Daily Want Ads
for results.
A course in the properties and oc-
currence of gems and precious stones
was announced for the next semester
by Prof. E. H. Kraus of the depart-
ment of mineralogy and petrography,,
yesterday. It may be elected as two
hours of lectures and demonstrations
or may be combined with a laboratory
course of one hour.
During the Christmas vacation, Prof.
Kraus inspected several large diamond
and gem cutting establishments in
New York, and the facts which he
found out in regard to the latest meth-
ods in this industry will be incorpor-
ated in his lectures.
Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad.
Washington: The senior class of the
University of Washington has turned
down the proposition to transfer the
senior memorial fund to the relief
fund for the benefit of teachers and
students in the European war pris-
on camps. It is believed the money
can be used more advantageously at
home than to send it abroad.
Dartmouth: Dartmouth's basketball
team lost the first league game of
the season to Pennsylvania in a
spirited contest at Philadelphia Sat-
urday night. The final score was
Use the advertising columns of the
Michigan Daily in order to reach the
best of Ann Arbor's buyers.
William Fox, whose $1,000,000 spec-
tacle, "A Daughter of the Gods," feat-
uring Annette Kellerman, which is the
attraction at the Whitney theater Sun-
day night and twice daily, Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday, won success
where another would have failed com-
He took over an entire tropical is-
land in the Carribean, built a city
upon it, and populated it with thous-
ands of persons, only to see it de-
vastated by flood, hurricanes and pest-
ilence. In spite of these calamities he
persisted and the reward of his pat-
ience is the present film offering. At
no time in the history of the motion
picture industry has anything so stu-
pendous as "A Daughter of the Gods,"
been produced.
Catholic Student's Cluab
DIPackard A.cada y
Saiurday, Janx. 13; 2:30-50030
First Building Had Three Rooms.
Dr. Tappan soon lent his efforts to-
ird obtaining a building and ap-
ratus for instruction in chemistry at
e University, feeling that the small
a~ss conducted in the medical depart-
°nt was wholly inadequate for the
atment of the subject. The result
the president's work was a one-
ry building of three rooms, equipped
th 26 laboratory tables. In this
ilding with its subsequent addition
,s conducted all the work in chem-
ry for the entire University for a
riod of 50 years. In 1903 it -was
ought best to remove the depart-
it of physiological chemistry to the
ely constructed Medical building.
With the 'continued rapid growth of
e University, however, it was found
cessary to build additions to the
ginal structure in the years 1861,
6, 1868, 1874, 1880, 1888, and 1901.
this time the number of tables had
en increased to 362. Lectures in
emistry were for a number of years
en in the large amphitheaters of
Dental and Medical buildings.
Regents Plan Larger -Building.
3o many were those who had en-
led in courses in this department by
year 1907 that the regents author-
d plans and specifications to be
wn up for a building which would
ommodate them, and meet the needs
the University for a number of
.rs to come. Classes were first held
the present building in the year
9-10. This building had cost ap-t
ximately $305,000, and was equipped
h 604 tables and numerous rooms
apart for special work and for
nbers of the teaching staff. The en-l
ment at that time amounted toa
Guy Bates Post has proved himself
one of the most notable of American
players, through his interpretation of
Omar and other distinctive characters.
In "The Masquerader," which Richard
Walton Tully is to present at the Gar-
rick theater, Detroit, all next week
commencing, Monday evening, Mr.
Post will play a dual role.
"The Masquerader" is by Katherine
Cecil Thurston and found large public
favor in book form. It concerns two
men alike in personal appearance, but
essentially different in their moral at-
titude. Their exchange of condition is
the basis of a drama of great and ab-
sorbing interest which holds the at-
tention of the audience from the rise
of the curtain.
The Suffragette Revue is the attrac-
tion at the Majestic the last three days
of the week. It is introduced by the
management as "The Musical Crazy
Quilt," threaded with words and music
and staged by William Freidlander.
Reports indicate that the writer has
discarded all conventional lines of con-
struction in this, his latest entertain-
There is but one act, and it has been
given a superb scenic iivesture. There
are ten new musical numbers and the
cast of principals is a large one.
Winona Winter, "The Cheer-Up
Girl", has been especially engaged as
an extra feature and will appear in
her wellknown specialty at every per-
formance of "The Suffragette Revue."
Men Shoot From Standing as Well as
From Prone Position This
From present - indications the Rifle
club will have little difficulty in choos-
ing ten men to represent the Maize
and Blue in the National Rifle associ-
ation's Intercollegiate tournament this
A large squad answered the call for
early practice and the men are con-
fining themselves to practice in off-
hand shooting due to the fact that the
recent change in the rules calls for
ten shots from the p2one position and
ten more from the standing position
instead of twenty shots from the
prone position as was the practice
last year. Captain Schoeffle was
pleased with the showing of some of
the sharp-shooters and thinks that the
prospects for another championship
team are bright. In order to be on
the safe side of things a membership
campaign has been started by the
Rifle club so that there will always be
a large number to draw from.
There are some men who were on
the squad last year and who have
failed to hand back the Krag rifles and
slings which were entrusted to their
care. Practice would be enhanced
greatly if this property were returned
to the Athletic association offices at
Or l
s res
-6 "rrcrrr -cte.rcr ,eILr .
tttmunity that is dead.
newaland eplaemen. Th
New~or centrl Line
"A eia' rAtetRila"ytem"
na railr o , steer locomotiexet.
Tonkee ace ish dt.
Etcverkdy musthee u.sedoexceprcess o
newal and replacement. The
Michigan Central R. R.-"The Niagara Falls Route"
"America's Greatest Railway :System"
are not a completed property, although they have . spent
$600,000,000 in 15 years for safety appliances, stations,-,term;
finas, electrifcation, steel cars, locomotives, etc.
To keep pace with 'the "growth of commerce -this _con-
structive work must continue,.
It cane continue -only" as the public sees to it that the railt
roads are granted just compensation, that regulation and wage a
. ~demands are fair,,, so that there may be a sufficient m ai
.,. of receipts over expenditures to pay a reasonable return on
the investment and make provision for future ,-development
o sC
Within the chemical laboratory was
veloped the Colleges of Pharmacy, as
ell as a number of courses in agri-
iltural chemistry. This latter line of
ork has since been developed at the
ichigan Agricultural college at I4n-
ng. Work in toxicological analysis,
etallurgy, organic and general chem-
try were also carried on within the,
)w building.
Pharmacy Made Separate Course.
In 1868, pharmacy was disassociated
om analytical chemistry and a regu-
r curriculum was drawn up; the first
gree of Pharmaceutical Chemist be-
g conferred the following year. In
76 the college was organized as a
parate department, and Dr. Albert
Prescott was appointed dean, which
sition he held for 28 years. It was
s design "to qualify graduates to be-I
ie practical pharmacists, general
People who like something light,
interesting and full of sparkling fun.
should see June Caprice in "The Mis-
chief Maker," today. "The Battle Cry
of Peace," brought back to Ann Arbor
by request will be shown tomorrow,
and Norma Tallmadge, who has be-
come one of the leading film stars, will
play the chief role.
Prepare Summer Series Announcement
According to a statement made by
Prof. E. H. Kraus, dean of the sum-
mer session, yesterday, the annual an-
nouncement of the summer school ses-
sion is under preparation. It will
probably be ready for distribution
sometime in March.
Abridged announcements may be ob-
tained from the secretaries of the vari-
ous schools and colleges during the
first week of examinations.
Use the advertising columns of the
Michigan Daily in order to reach the
best of Ann Arbor's buyers.
Our alarm clocks are good clocks.
Chapman,. Jeweler, 113 South Main
St. tues-eod
A bit of a compliment to the folk at
home, were a giftie of somthing niftie
from the James Foster House of Art. tf'
I 2