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December 13, 1916 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-12-13

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Nelv Suit
or overcoat for Xmas. Come in to-
day and select the cloth from our as-
sortment of elegant and exclusive fabrics
from the very best mills. The cost
will not be unreasonable. And our
reputation is a guarantee that the
style and tailoring will be irreproach-
G.JL. Wild Company3
Leading Nerckant Tailor State S

You will always get a
if you use one of our guaranteed
Old Style'Razors
H.* L. sWITzER CO.
State St. Hardware

Completo Stock of


Fhe Sla-fer Book ShopI
'hon~e 430 336 S. State St.
11 new shoes are stitched wit", jood year Welt machines
Ve use same m. chu f.a ,or Frep il ,r We believe we
ave the most m' ,cri u ppeo i repair shop in Ann
rbor. You'll get -- i~wokai ourteous treatment
t this shop and we thi0-0' ou'll,,nt s worthy of patron-
ge. Our calf an, deii verc'i is at your disposal. Use it.
Famous Shoe IIRepairin1g Co.
'HONE 807 .301 S. State St.

Official newspaper at the University of
Mi-.gan. Published every morning except
M .nday during the university year.
Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as
second-class matter.
I Mf~«: Ann Abor Press Building. Sub
scriptions: by carrie $.o; bymal,$ .oo
Want ad. stations: Nrys tdns p
ply Store; The Delta cor. State and Packard.
Phones: Business, 96; Editorial. 2414.
Communications not to exceed Soo words
in length, or 'notices of events will be pub'
fished in The Daily, at the discretion of dto
Editor, if left at the office in the Ann Arbor
Press Bldg., or in the notice box in the west
corridor of the general lirary, where the
notices are collected at 7t30 o'clock each
John C. B. Parker.......... Managing Editor
Clarence T1. Fishleigh....Business Manager
Conrad N. Church..............News Editor
Lee E. Joslyn...... . ....... .City Editor
Harold A. Fitzgerald.......... Sports Editor
Harold c. L.. Jackson...Telegraph Editor
Verne E. Burnett....... ....Associate Editor
Gdda Ginsburg............ Women's Editor
Carleton W Reade......... Statistical Editor
Marian Wilson ............. Literary Editor
J. E. Campbell. . .Assistant Business Manager
C. Philip E~mery. . Assistant Business Manager
Albert E. Home.. Assistant Business Manager
Roscoe R. Rau... Assistant Business Manager
Fred M. Sutter.. Assistant Business Manager
J. . SadeerNight Editors
J. L.StadkerE. L. Zeigler
C. M. Jickling H. M. Carey
B. A. Swaney L. W. Nieter
L. S. Thompson E. A. Bamgarth
W. A. Atlas Allen hoenield
H. C. Garrison C. L. Roeser
C. W. Neumann T. F. McAllister
C. S. Clark D. S. Rood
R. H. Fricken G. 0. Brpr
B. f. Millar F. A. Taber
D. H1. Cruttenden Mildred C. Mihll
K. L. Wehmeyer J. P. A art
Annetta L. Wood
Business Staff
Bernard Wohi J. E. Ro nnQa
Paul $. Colette Harry R. Liaa
Harold Makinmon Earl F. Gan dow
Don M,. Lilie Srzour B. Wisn
Walter R. Payne Jackson W. Snort,
Night Editor-Harry X. Cary
Why has there never been a co-oper-
ative store at Michigan? They have
been established with succss in other
communities. Michigan students mightl
well consider the establishment of a
co-op store in Ann Arbor. By em-
ploying a competent manager, and se-
curing sufficient capital to back the
proposition they could probably or-
ganize a successful store. The co-op..
erative store at Harvard has been es-
tablished more than 30 years, and now
does a yearly business of nearly half a
million dollars. There 'is a similar
establishment at Wisconsin which as
also proved successful. The Madison
store pays its patrons- a dividend at
the end of each school year averaging
about 15 per cent. Everything is sold
to these stores'from books to furnish-
ings for a student room.
Such a store might not prove suc-
cessful, but the proposition is worthy
of consideration. Inquire of your
friends at other colleges whom you
will see during the vacation as to the
success of such a store at their col-
leges. Let's, discover wilether a co-op
store would be practical in Ann Arbor.

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
It was with great pleasure that I
read in The Daily this morning that
the cruel and oppresive examinations
which are still persisted in by old-
fashioned -pedagogues on this campus
are to, be ameliorated through "twi-
light" concerts given by the musical
faculty during that season when the
"exam" evil is accustomed to raise
its gorgon head. Something must be
done to prevent professors from in-
truding the subject matter of their
courses into student heads filled with
more live, "snappy" and interesting
facts about batting records, all-Amer-
ican teams, and the "host of tanta-
lizing sirens coaxed from the white
lights of Broadway". Though Ameri-
can education is drifting more and
more toward that idyllic existence of
the Phaeacans of Homer-toward the
banquet and the harp, and the dance,
and the changes of raiment, and the
warm bath, and love and sleep-yet,
there are a lot of old fogies, of the
long-faced Puritanical type, who seek
to stem that drift. These dry-as-dust
fellows try to keep up the cassical
training, the rigid discipline, the cul-
tivation of a sense of duty and of re-
sponsibility which produced the old-
fashioned, out-of-date men, who knew
not the "twilight concert," and the
movies and the vaudeville. What we
want now-a-days is something to soft-
en and relyx the tough, discipline-
hardened bodies and souls bequeath-
ed us by our stern, forbidding ancest-
ors. We must not go on imitating
those obsolete pre-Flenerites, but we
should evolve a new man, scrupulous
in the avoidance' of every duty, one
who regards virtue as a thing beyond
price, and who will be careful not to
degrade it by practice. There are cheer-
ing signs that we are having some su-
ceassin that direction. When out of
some 6,000 students we can induce
only about 600 to show interest in one
of the most appealing phases of the
world's tragedy, while at the same
time 1,7001 show a live and burning
zeal for basketball, we need not des-
pair. A little more "twilight concert"
to soften the lot, of beleaguered
"exam" victims, some Red Cross sup-
plies from the "girliest" vaudeville to
alleviate the pain of study, and some
movie relief for the refugees from pro-esoa escton ilrne n
Arbor a better world. As for the his-
tory professors, the ;twilight concert"
has touched their hearts, and hereafter
their examinations shall be pink teas,
with cigarettes and fudge between ques-
tions. Vogue and Vanity Fair and card
tables shall be in adjourning parlors
to relieve the strain of mental appli-
cation. The air shall be perfumed, and
the questions of such nature that the
sweet understanding of the softest
Sybarite shall not be agitated.
Magazine subscriptions-Bet club
offers at Wahr's Book Stores.

Jxxat Ready


The Michigan Calendar
SIts a wonder--dainty,=artistic and dignified-A beautiful
B CHRISTMAS GIFT-at the modest price of
w ..
w r
r rtrt t ar t
S r
r, r

s i

Time to
Look Arourl
for these
are not as high as they l:_1
hav sade out.
See our supply



""'vday, Dees 9th to
iturday, Dec, 1 6th
$~;An Extra Pair Pants for $1.00
'orth $7.50 to $ 10.00
To Dlouble the Life of Your Suit
A~ the result of an unusually.
£~iorsledeal with a big mann-
fa is er of fine woolens, we are
en~dto offer SUITINGS 5made
., : ir own measure
$~a .00-$25.00--S30.00
Vi:. an extra pair of Pants for
1107 S. UNIV.AVE.



Prescription Sttorv-
Coe. State & N. Univze.st



Gives ycu. the best Tailo;ring service
to be obt aln ed a ny wh,.er ,iu thev coun-
try, coupled w i r-xth wu<Iyu? lline
oiof l~ens.


Among then festivities hld atbi

E . Huron .street

Opp osite Court House



2 - 2 Special Tea aid + oServed
OP SUEY - 25c
er entirely NEW martog C° en
Service, Wholesome Food<;, :anu
able price
Drop in and Try

''. "Alarm Clocks
~SE~> f *1.00 up
Fouatain Pens-.
~7"N ~Watennan and Conkkn
U, of M. Jewelry
,SIhlanderer & Seyfried
' r~W rRRS of all makes
c r Rent. Cleaning &
a-i~alring. TYPEWRITING &
Mo y{1' ill

season immediately preceing Y,. f.
Lion will be the Christmas part ;.Y gieTake Pictures
Saturday evening by the t?;1,Pbuv Develops Films
engineers. The dance wile gL,,,~ makes Prints,
from 8 until 12 o'clock at. B-,hox)jrfla PEnarge
gymnasium. Programs will be mL
gold. Shook's J-hop orcl es ra oz: IS. VNIVERSITY
troit is scheduled to furnr~isth n
The party will be Chi Fvol? ; '0 s e Diret Ann Arbor and Jackson
r .r on Eastern time, one hour Laster
Prof. 3. R. Allen and Mrs. ."CL rj ~ ~ ime.
C. T. Johnston anti Mrs.. tw )trt Limited and Express Cars-7 :3.5 a.
} ) i a. m. and hourly to 7:10 p. ID., :10~
Tickets may be secured at het.< TraiaiL.azy Limited Cars-8 :48 a. I,. and
and Technic offices. s ours to 6:48 p. in.; to Lansing,
r k~r xpress Cars*-{Local stops west of
Japanese pictures, card d jp! Ann Arhur-g:48 a. im. and every two hours
table pieces, etc., at Newbe yinU a rs Eastbound-s :35 a. ton, 6:40 'a.
-. 7 n. and every two hours to 7:05 p.
inm., 9:05 P. im., i0:50 p. M. to
i~t~stny.9:20 a. in., 9,50 a.,in., 4:05 p
. c - 1i., 11:45 P. in., 1:1o a. in., 1:20
n 1 n e, change at Ypsilanti.
:kccA a+. Westbound-6:o5 a. m,., 7:5o a.
10.o1220a. M-

,n Inn 6[11 E.
Telephone '948-R

Liher~ v

.. ..

~3'21 ~34 Jtate


0O redn.ce the size o'.
corpus delicti you n;:x
ercise your muscles-; i tr-
the size of your laun.6rx hil
should exercise' your iI4t
e. The superior qmai$y ,
work and the fact thiat L
ereci clothes wear well dcl
it to you-it appeals to other:

t Gtomen
There will be a meeting of the wom-
u-e o the sophomore class,.to elect an
cr, ,iOn( Al delegate, at .4 o'clock this
* ~~rnonin room 101, economics
Wontn'sleague pledges must be
paid onS to 5 o'clock today in the.
Stlu wll meet at 7:30 o'clock to-
_;_gt at he ,nc home of Muriel Tyson,
grad. af° i South Ingalls street.
.~'ur rs- will meet at, 4:15,
&i'ktoaorrow afternoon in Bar-
ou gym n a im to elect an oratorical
\nyieau oor sorority house wish-
nv.; o arrange, a stunt for the Womn.
tcuofncy dress party, to be
it.an. l-, should notify Vena
'X i-s '17, betfore Monday, Dec. 18.
1.ccva tdub will meet at 7:30
loc - tiof -row evening with Helen
~ n~w '~51 12 Hill street.
W I ! . cabinet meets at 4: 15
:i re planning to remain in
;wring the Christmas holl1-
sign their names, ad-
'1 1 telephone numbers in
p. 'e books which have been
' ! n t hA Library, the Women's
~ room. n U-hall, and. in Barbour
a cr. _l_ meet at 7:45 o'clock to-

Proper Clothes for

We Offer You
Re,,sources $3,;800,0o0

Formal Parties

Our ready full dress clothes for
young men, cut along semi-con-
servative lines, are very stylish
and very proper.
The price makes them a really practical
addition to the young man's wardrobe in-
stead of an expensive luxury.

aund r
204 No. M a A"


"We clothe young men complete"

Ag Arbor Savings Bank
fucorporated 1869
'rt est Corner Main and Huf'du
3 Branch Office~ -
77North University Ave.
TheFad9 iY er & Mechanics Bank,
O _ . ; Best in .Modern Banking
Con icn andPleasant Quarters. You Wilt
i~sn hl Our Service. Two Offices
10110 S ~~iSt.:: 330 S. State St.
'~ IO off a few.
miut es and eat some of
,S,tItV St. Phone 1244-M
iC. E>ri) wi re planning to remain
ix_ Ann iarbor during the Christmas
h-ohda,, are to be royally entertained
i~~~c 'h fs the Women's league and
A ;l vi, rv y i are carried out. It
x* h.o!ed io anumber of house par-
ic-anio r-anged, so that the left-
b .iiuds i ,, he gathered together un-
.' >-oo nd celebrate Christmas
t, < : ~-'s day in a fitting fash-

!oratios-red, white arO trr-,-
also other decorations toe
rices for churches, storeCs, d
, at Hoag's :, 1 c
t of a 'compliment to tht folk_.
were a giftie of somthix' ifi
he James Foster House c

Acop of our Correct Dress Chart
for the asking.

t(';l d Of at 7:30 o'clock as an-
is your floors with Old ;<< tC~op ~rosis house. Members
Wax. C. H. Major & Co. r i o-- t rng money to pay for
as I s for the contribution
______________r" l - ief work.
10 .Afm 72nA lrTTDf N1 . .--, . J.. - .A.. .t 'kt.

AT BARBUR 01.1I~I. '_ i ' .
SALE,-UNION FOR $1,- .;.;

1P IJ = yous : ristmas girts at e i-

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