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December 01, 1916 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-12-01

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da to be Torn Ddwn to Make
om for New Addition; Total
Cost Reaches $500,000)
ne sense it may be truly said
te Library building now under-
reconstruction is the center of
ion on the campus. Great has
he activity around this struc-
nd tangible results are begin-
o show themselves The two
the first parts of the building to
eted are well under way al-
it might appear that progress
en rather slow. This seeming
owever, Is due to the necessity
edding steel constructions for
aeks in the walls and founda-
When the west wing is complet-
vill immediately be used as a
g room and will contain the'
and offices of the library staff.
esent rotunda will be torn down
:e room for a new addition that
built across the entire front of
wsent stacks and the two wings.
st wing will be used solely for
and will contain eight stack
>f seven and one-half feet each
A the runways. The west wing
ntinue as the temporary read-
)m until the whole is finished,
t. will be converted into stacks.
i completed the building will
le a square of about 180 feet on
The front wil face out towards
-pole in the middle of the cam-
I will be about 20 feet away from
gonal walk at its nearest corner
tall courts will be included be-
the main reading room and the
to afford light in the interior of
ilding. Red brick of the type
.ed in the Hill auditorium will
building material with fire-
gonstructions throughout the
B are to be reading rooms 'on
r floors of the coming structure.
st floor is expected to be used
y freshmen and sophomores
.oing their required reading and
se who merely wish to study
a classes. The second floor
Mtend across the entire front
e building and will ac-
date 350 students at one time.
arriers and elevators have been
d to convey books from remote
f the stacks to the desk and
eatly add to the eiciencey of
ik staff. The third and fourth
will be given over for the most
s research qnd graduate work
r the use of the instructors.
40,00P volumes will be found on
wo floors and will cover every
study. Seminary rooms will
rated from these, but will con-
a books. A printing plant and
m equipped with all modern ap-
s will occupy the basement of
t wing.
old Library building was erect-
.881'at a cost of $100,000. Al-
a large extension was added in
e Library grew so rapidly that
ucture became entirely inade-
to house and loan the 300,000
s it contained. Last year the
j appropriated $350,000 for the
on of the building and work
>mmenced early last summer.
er, unforseen circumstances
risen and the new structure
sompleted will cost nearly half
on dollars.
iird of Students are Freshmen
le, Wash., Nov. 30.-A classified
students attending the Univer-
Washington show that almost
rd of those regularly registered
shmen. Of the 3,215 students at
Iversity, 165 are graduates who
eturned for more than the
four years of work.

Cancels Guardsmen's Tuition
oula, Mont., Nov. 30.-Univer-
Montana students who served
Mexican border with the na-
guard are enjoying their school-
thout charge. As an evidence
state's gratitude, all the usual
ere eliminated.


Orpheum-Theodore Roberts in
"Anton, 'the Terriblek" Also
Bray cartoons.
Arcade-Francis Bushman and
Beverly Bayne in "The Diplo.
matic Service." Drew comedy


Now that the majority of the classes
of the engineering college have held
their class meetings, at each of which
a distinctive bit of wearing apparel
was decided upon, a "correct dress
chart" has been prepared for those
en :'nvcrs who wish to be fastidious
and correct on all occasions; and. for
the Information of others who do not,
wish to mistake an upperclassman for
an employee of the buildings and
grounds department.
The correct clothes for engineers to
wear when strolling o'er the campus
or attending classes is as follows:
Senior engineers should wear light
brown corduroys and a thoughtful
look at all times when on the campus.
Junior engineers on the other hand
should have gray-brown corduroys.
Those members of the class who want
to be "chic" should by all means wear
an entire suit of the same material of
which their trousers are made.
Sophomores and freshmen are still
in that state of indecision which is

so typical of them. The sophs want
to wear corduroys and the freshmen
would like to further label themselves
as yearlings by wearing flannel shirts.
Having wisdom beyond their years,
however, they have decided to ask the
seniors for permission before they
take any further steps.
The denizens of the architectural
drafting rooms are still "up in the
air" about their fashions. Perhaps
it is because they are "up in the air"
that the senior architects have
decided on a distinctive hat for their
badge. If they don't find anything to
their liking in the realm of "hattery,"
they will adopt a coat as their con-
tribution to the sacred cause of tradi-
tin.' The fresahman architt lsn

arranged by a committee consisting of
C. M. Burns, '17E, chairman; R. W.
Collins, '17E, N. H. Ibsen, '18E, H. M.
Stephen, '18E. The chaperones will
be Prof. and Mrs. J. C. Parker, and
Prof. and Mrs. C. T. Johnston.
Illinois Legislature to Be Offered
Amendment to Bill
Springfield, Ill., Nov. 30.-When the
legislature of Illinois convenes an
amendment will be offered to the
child labor law to prohibit the employ-
ment of children under 16 years except


except during school vacation."
At present children in Illinois be-
tween the ages of 14 and 16 are al-
lowed to work the year around under
certain limitations as to hours of la-
bor. They must have a certificate to
show that conditions have been com-
plied with.

Thanksgiving patrons of the Ma-
jestic, usually of a lenient nature, had
small cause to exercise their leniency
last night when Boyle Woolfolk, Inc.,'
presented "The Girl Worth While."
The musical comedy is built around
a vaudeville star, who, while resting
.in the Wisconsin dells, falls in love
with a- traveling man who is attempt-
ing to promote an automatic hook-
and-eye dress, that is "both a boon to
the wife and a cure for the divorce
evil." Complications ensue the mo-
ment that the star, Flora Fine, learns
that she is the owner of valuable lake
front property. She comes very near
selling it for $500, but through the in-
tervention of Arthur Conrad, the com-
mercial man, she is given a check for
$20,000, and Flora, afraid that Conrad
is wanting to marry her only for her
money, ends the affair.
Two years later, Flora, now a Broad-
way star, rich, and the owner of a
beautiful home, meets Conrad., new
agent for a steam radiator concern,
and although for a short time deluding
him into believing that she is mar-
ried, he learns the truth, to their mu-
tual satisfaction.
Flora Fine is an actress with a most
charming personality, and no little
ability to dance, but her husky voice
is a great handicap. Silent Smith
evokes waves of laughter in his
periodical trips to the water cooler,
and the audience thoroughly appreci-
ated the waking-up of "the unsoph-
isticated girl."
Picture Taking on Canadian Front in
France Is No Sinecure
London, Nov. 10.-(By Mail.)-Film-
ing the Canadian "Tommies" on the
Somme is a dangerous but interesting
occupation, according to the man who
has turned the crank or pressed the
bulb for months for the benefit of all
the eyes of Canada.
Canada's official picture maker is
Lieutenant Ivor Castled it has just
been publicly announced. Armed only
with a black box and a photographic
lense he has been under fire hundreds
of times. Pictures which have thrilled
Canadian and American movie audi-
ences and filled the Anglo-Canadian
newspapers have in most cases been
made with death lurking near.
Back in Fleet street where (Castle
was a press photographer before the
war, he is hailed by his fellow journal-
ists as a hero. Like veteran war cor-
respondents, Castle practiced for the
job of filming Canada on the Somme
by photographic work during the lit-
tle skirmishes before the great world
war. He faced fire with his lens in
the Chinese revolution, the Balkan-
Turkish war, the South African war
and the Turco-Italian trouble. When
the king and queen arrived for the
Indian Durbar, Castle was there to
film the ceremonies. But these were
mere trifles compared with the Can-
adians on the Somme, Castle has told
his Fleet street colleagues.

ir--- t-e-rUoy, ut af11r during vacation season, recommended
aspire to wear corduroys, but after by Oscar F. Nelson of Chicago, chief
the seniors have had their say in this state factory inspector.
matter the pet sentence of every sTefcorin f thi.t
freshman will probably be, "We didn't "The conservation of the child Is the
realy antthoe beecesanyway." foundation upon which any kind of
really want those breeches preparedness must rest," Nelson said
today. He declared that the present
The dance of the Engineering so- condition of highly specialized in-
ciety which is to be held at the Union dustry has removed any chance of a
tonight will be the first affair of its child's surviving long term employ-
kind that has been given by the mem- ment without bad effects.
bers of the entire college. At other "The boy bandit problem can be
times organizations within the depart- traced to the rebellion of youth
ment have given dances, but this is the against blind alley employment," he
first "all-engineer" dance ever held. said. "The state must face the situa-
Fisher's saxaphone trio will furnish tion now and the most practical way
the music for the occasion, which was to meet it is to prohibit the employ-

Tradition Triuniphs Over Business
Washington, Nov. 30.-That Thanks-
giving occurred yesterday-the lst
Thursday in November-is a triumph
of old fashionedrAmerican sentiment
ald tradition over business.
Merchants in many of the big cities,
foreseeing that the last Thursday com-
ing the last day of the month, would
make the buying season--Thanksgiv-
ing to Christmas eve-a few days
shorter than usual, sought to have the
president proclaim Nov. 23 Thanksgiv-
ing Day. The Jewellers' board of
trade in New York, sent President
Wilson a communication asking for
the earlier day.
Merchants in other cities expressed
themselves for the earlier day and
several chambers of commerce adopt-
ed "earlier Thanksgiving resolutions."

S --- _
th el resd oa
- - - -
- - --
is not the result of chance
Corsetting. It is the result
of a careful selection of a
corset that is scientifically
correct in design, and
made of selected abrics
Back Lace Front Lace
represent the best in cor-
setry. They are high
class in ever detail, and
there is really no more .
thegit r woman who i
interested in her appear-
ance and wishes to pre-
serve her good fines
for the years to come.
Be fitted to a hedfem,
and learn for yourself how
ado admirable they are.
FrmThey Dar hgUp
Forealy ob mo
v; -

.. -

J¢ - t
Copyright Hart Schfuec & Mas

just step in and see the new line of Young
men's stuff.

Suits and overcoats that were designed, in
COlor, fabric and cut, especially for young


Some of the costs

are pinch back, some

Cyclone in India Kills Nearly 800
London, Nov. 30.-The death of
nearly 300 persons in a cyclone at
Pondicherry, India, is reported IU a
Reuter dispatch from Madras. The
storm caused great damage to prop-
The finest Floral Shop in the eity
will open soon in the Nickels Arcade,
State Street. 3-ti

plain, every color and pattern,



and model is in the line that young men

- ,.,., r..






Special underwear in the right weight for
this weather.


TONIGHT December 1st, 1916


Lutz Clothing Store




at Busy See, LOO

Matron In Attendance


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