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December 01, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-12-01

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classification of stu-
cording to what toque *
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ncil wishes to add a de- *
f post-graduates. Only *
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duate toque who have *
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edits are recognized as *
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V~flQ T 1T'iU~*

Secretary of Cornell Y. M. C. A. Will
Address Assembly for Prison
Camp Relief

New Features in
1 91 7 Year Book
Nichiganensian Promises Many Di-
gressions from Style of
Former Years
New features and early production


* * * * * * * *

--Ipromise to make the 1917 Michigan-
DEAN LLOYD GIVES INTERVIEW ensian more attractive and character- *




Serbians on Macedonian Front Re-
pulsed in Repeated Attacks
in Roin Mountains
London, Nov. 30.-The seat of
the Roumanian government has
been moved from Bucharest to
Jassy, according to a Reuter's
dispatch received here.
Berlin, Nov. 30.-Campulung, Rou-
mania, has been captured by German
forces, the official statement declared
today. The statement pointed out
that, by capture of this Roumanian
city, the road across the important
Toersburg pass was now opened for
the Teuton forces. Seventeen officers
and 1,200 men were captured by the
Bavarian troops, and seven canon and
much baggage was taken.
"In Wallachia our advance con-
tinues," the Bulgarian official state-
ment said today. "Near Giurgin two
officers and 200 men were made pris-
oners. A hostile attack against heights
near Monastir on the Macedonian front
was repulsed by our fire. Relative
calm is reported in the Cerna dis-
"Hostile advances failed," said to-
4lay's official statement detailing ac-
dvity on the Macedonian front. From
the west slope of the Roin mountains
near Bruiste, where the summit has
been repeatedly and vdlnly attacked
by the enemy, the Serbians were
driven off again.
Petrograd, Nov. 30. - Julga fan
troops fIghting from the Danube to-
ward Bucharest attacked Roumanian
forces near Gurgauzi, the official war
office statement announced today. The
statement claimed the capture by the
Russians of Rukada heights in the
southern Carpathians.
Bucharest, Nov. 00.-Violent fight-
ing on the northern and northwestern
fronts from the Buzu to the Praciova
river valleys was reported in the Rou-
manian official statement today. The
situation along the southern front was
reported unchanged.
Treasures of All
Lands in America
The Rev. John Mason Wells, pastor
of the Baptist church, was the speaker
at the union service held yesterday in
the English Lutheran church. Mr.
Wells' subject was "America, God's
Chosen Country."
Mr. Wells pointed out how America
had received the treasures of art from
Greece, the government of Rome, and
the religion of Israel. She is popu-
lated by a people coming from all
countries of the world. This gives her
a cosmopolitan spirit that is unknown
anywhere else on the face of the
globe. Because of this fact America
is in a position to understand the
struggle that is occurring in Europe
now from every angle.
In showing how America may lead
the world to the altar of peace, Mr.
Wells said, "There is a spirit of war
in Europe that is caused by the edu-
cation of the children in warlike ways.
The children can be educated to walk
in the path of peace." He referred to
the book by G. W. Criel, "A Mechanical
View of War and Peace." This showed
how the education of the European
nations ncw engaged in conflict
pointed toward war. In closing Mr.
Wells showed how the "octopus" of
war had everything vile in its make-
up and none of the Christian ideals.

The sermon was attended by a large
congregation and the collection taken
will be devoted to the work of the
Associated Charities in Ann Arbor.
ShIpbuilders Get 10 Percent Raise
Quincy, Mass., Nov. 30.-Employes
of the Fore River Shipbuilding cor-
noration will receive a 10 percent in-

Student Council.


* * * * * * *

* *

Backs Plan to Throw Engineering
College Laboratories Open
to Outsiders
The Technic has undertaken an
educational and editorial campaign for
the furtherance of industrial research
work in the laboratories of the engi-
neering llege. For this purpose 2,000
reprints of the article in the Decem-
ber Issue of the Technic which dealt
with this subject, have been ordered,
and as soon as the order has been ful-
filled the reprints will be distributed
among the alumni of the engineering
college and others interested in this
A movement to open the University's
laboratories to engineers and scient-
ists not connected with the University
but who are engaged in research work,
has been initiated by the Chicago
alumni of the engineering college. and
it is in support of this movement that
the Technic has adopted its editorial
policy for this year.
The Chicago alumni on their part
have presented to the regents a me-
morial in which they ask that a system
be created whereby the above reform
can be carried out efficiently.
At present any engineer or engi-
neering firm wishing to conduct ex-
tensive tests or experiments has to do
so in the laboratories of the consult-
ing engineers. In this way the re-
suIlts of experiments which in many
cases would be of great importance
to the scientific world, are kept secret
or unpublished. This would not be
the case if the laboratories of the Uni-
versity had been used. Furthermore
engineers of insufficient means with
which to conduct research work in
private testing stations would be en-
couraged to experiment at a univer-
To make a system of "industrial"
laboratories of real value to the en-
gineering world a printing bureau for
the purpose of publishing research
bulletins would have to be established.
At presentmost of the research work
of engineers is published in the trans-
actions of the various engineering so-
cieties. An example of the increased
prestige the University could gain by
this means is shown by the importance
attached to the reports of experimental
work performed in the naval tank,
which reports are generally published
in the transactions of the Society of
Naval Architects of New York. The
results of these experiments are often
so important that they are quoted in
technical papers all over the world.
At present there are six research
fellowships esteblished in the Univer-
sity by private firms, and the results
of this system of industrial research
have been so satisfactory that an agi-
tation is being carried on for their ex-
tension, as well as for a liberal policy
in the utilization of laboratory facil-
ities by outsiders.
Kiss Sets Xenophon Back $1,000
White Plains, N. Y., Nov. 30.-A
kiss from a bride of two weeks- and
stolen at that-is worth just $1,000.
That is the price set on it by a jury
here: Xenophon Kuzmier, whose first
name is Greek whose last is German,
and who himself is a French chef,
was the miscreant. Mrs. Julia Nish
said Kuzmier, who was her landlord,

forcibly stole one of her kisses after
she had been married just two weeks,
She sued.

C. W. Whitehair, general secretary
of the Cornell University Y. M. C. A.,
will be one of the speakers at the
mass meeting for interesting students
in prison camps. M. W. Welch, '17,
chairman of the committee received a
telegram from Mr. Whitehair yester-
day stating that he would be pleased
to come and speak to the students.
Mr. Whitehair has spoken to univer-
sity students all over the country and
is especially interested in "Y" prison
camp work.
During the past two summers, Mr.
Whitehair has spent his time abroad
working in the trenches with the sold-
i' rs and visiting prison camps. It is
said of him that he has a wonderful
knowledge of the British arms in re-
gard to its general conditions of life
and habits. He has spent much time
with the British troops in Egypt, India,
and Mesopotamia. Ile knows their
movements intimately and also is in
close touch with their needs in their
life among the closed confines of the
prison camps.
Five Million Men in Camps
There are now over five million men
and boys, among them hundreds of
students and professors, in the prison
camps in Siberia, Germany, Russia,
Austria, England, France, and Italy.
They receive for food, shelter, cloth-
ing and other needs only what can be
spared by the fighting nations after
soldiers and civilians have bcn taken
care of.
Early in the struggle the warring
powers gave the international com-
mittee of the Y. M. C. A. full per-
mission to do all in its power to make
life a little more bearable for these
prisoners. For more than two years
this organization has carried on a
comprehensive program with funds
secured by private appeals, but the
coming of the third winter has so in--
creased the size and the urgency of
the task that the project can no long-
er be financed in that way.
The first public appeals are now
being made, and university commun-
ities are being asked to lead the way.
All over the country, the colleges and
universities are raising funds for this
John R. Mott, on his return from
prison camps In Europe, stated, "My
solicitude is not primarity for the bel-
ligerent countries, but for the United
States of America, lest, in this moment
of the world's greatest need, we en-
ter not sufficiently into fellowship
with the suffering and sorrows of the
European peoples."
Dean A. H. Lloyd Gives Interview.
Dean Alfred H. Lloyd, of the gradu-
ate school, in an interview on the sub-
ject of raising money for work in the
prison camps of Europe, said:
"Asked if I think any appeal should
be made to the University of Michigan
for money to aid the International
Christian association in its work of
relief among the prisoners of the war-
ring nations of Europe, I certainly
can not say no. The University ought
to take some real part in the war. So
far it has done very little. Often, ex-
cept for the interest of a few individ-
uals, it seemed even indifferent as
well as inactive.
In this work of relief, however,
which is nothing less than a great
work of-humanity, the University has
the opportunity to participate in the
war and its issues in a large way.
The work is of course bigger than any
organization, but we should be glad
that an organization exists fitted for
the task of relief and already granted
entrance and privelege in the different
countries concerned.
The need is undoubted and is very

great. The response, then, ought to
be very generous, gifts being made on
the principle that there can be no.
real generosity without real sacrifice.
Upon readiness to sacrifice something
must depend the success of the pres-
ent appeal. The giving, moreover
should be more than just that of in-
dividuals. It should be a University's
giving, affected with the University
spirit, the spirit of a great body of in-
dividuals loyal to a single purpose and
that purpose a high purpose."

istic of Michigan than any previous
year book of the University. Although
the 1916 Michiganensian ranked among
the best books of its kind in American
colleges, the editors of the 1917 book
will strive to set a new mark in this
year's production.
In the past, although the year book
has possessed many commendable
characteristics, it has lacked in many
places true expression of student life.
Many pages of class records have pre-
sented a rather staid appearance while
the cuts of campus celebreties have
been made too formal. In their search
for material for the class records this
year, the staff of the Michiganensian
has raided scrap books and uncov-
ered all sorts of hidden information
to liven the pages of records. Further
than this an absolute ban has been
placed on "posing" for snap shots.
Another feature to this ye.r's book
will be the printing of pictures taken
on various trips made by students and
the Michigan teams during the year.
Prominent among these will be a
number of snap shots taken on the
Cornell trip. New arrangements have
been made for the class photos so
that the class officers instead of hav-
ing group pictures taken, will have
their individual pictures on the class
Art work selected so far for the
year book has been of a very high
standard. The John and Ollier En-
graving company of Chicago has
charge of all of the art work on the
page borders and the senior page de-
sign, while the remainder of the page
decorations arerbeingdcontributed by
students under the leadership of Rob-
ert Frantz, '17A.
Owing to an early start in the edi-
torial work, the production of the 1917
year book will come in advance of
the productions of former years.
While no definite time can be set, the
present schedule calls for delivery in
the first week of May. Already the
work on the book is several weeks in
advance of that of the same time last
Hurricanes of laughter are prom-
ised by the Gargoyle staff to all those
who secure copies of the "Santa
Claus" number which is scheduled to
appear on Dec. 15, just in time to per-
mit students to take copies back to
the "home folks."
All the holiday humor that the cam-
pus wits and artists have been able
to gather together is to be displayed
to advantage in this issue of Michi-
gan's funny book, and the indications
are that it will be one of the snap-
piest yet produced.
Among the many features which
will distinguish it from its many pre-
decessors are ten minimum size
sketches, double page zinc etchings,
full page half tones and pages of ar-
tistic advertising that will attract the
most listless reader.
Lawyer Leaves $10,000 for Aeroplanes
New York, Nov. 30.-A bequest of
$10,000 to the Aero Club of America to
encourage aviation with machines
using power other than gas is pro-
vided in the will of Samuel H. Valen-
tine, a lawyer. Mr. Valentine was a
member of the board of governors of
the club.
Victim of Bullet in Brain Contented
San Antonio, Nov. 30.-With a pistol
bullet imbedded in his brain, T. W.
Hopper, 37 years old, retained con-
sciousness and told surgeons he felt
no pain. He was taken to a hospital
following an unexplained shooting
Tuesday night. He was shot squarely

in the back of the skull.
Berman Sub Sinks Fishing Trawlers
London, Nov. 30.-Without warning
a large German submarine Tuesday
afternoon attacked the Brixham fish-
tng fleet, sinking three trawlers, a
Lloyd's dispatch today asserts. After
the trawlers were sunk, the enemy
!indersea boat shelled the remaining'
vessels. All ,the crews of the fishing
fleet were safely landed.


Penmsylvania 23, Cornell 3.
Pittsburg 31, Penn State 0.
Reserve 27, Case 6.
Washington and Jefferson
Rutgers 9.
Georgetown 47, George Wa
ing 7.
Colgate 28, Brown 0.
Notre Dame 29, Nebraska 0.
Washington 9, St. Louis 0.

* WILl
12, *
* U rges Couiitrymie
sh- * to Aid in 1
* Berlin, Nov. 30.
* for a peace whic
* existence and fut
many's enemiesr
of peace, German
~r forward in war."

en to Do All in Power
Manufacture of
.-"Germany is ready
h will guarantee her
;ure. But since Ger-
are not yet desirous
y will go confidently


rr.&%0 arr A Mwr-h"rftt r ll


United States Takes Action to
Collection of Interest on
Foreign Debt


Washington, Nov. 30.-Martial law
has been declared in Santo Domingo.s
Captain Knapp, commander of the1
cruiser squadron of the Atlantic fleetr
in Dominican waters, has been em-
powered to declare military govern-t
ment in the republic, Secretary of the
Navy Daniels announced today.
Deplorable conditions in the repub-
lic necessitate this action, the secre-
tary said. He does not plan, how-
ever, to send more marines there and
Captain Knapp will not take the title
of military governor even though hel
assumes the powers of such an office.
Under the American - Dominican
treaty, the United States is responsi-
ble for payment of the interest onI
Sauto Domingo's foreign debt. Be-
cause of the disturbed conditions the
United States has been unable to meet.
this obligation. The present action,'
however, Daniels said he believed,'
would clear the situation and Captaint
Knapp will supervise a regular pay-
ment of interest.
Thanksgiving Day
Quiet for Wilson1
President Carves Giant Turkey and
Enjoys Old Fashioned Din- f
ner at home
Washington, Nov. 30.-President
and Mrs. Wilson spent a quiet Thanks-
giving with their immediate family
today. They attended services at the
Central Presbyterian church this fore-
noon and later took a long automobile
This evening the president carved a,
giant turkey when the family sat down:
to a good old fashioned Thanksgiving1
repast in the White House.
There were present Miss Margaret1
Wilson, Mrs. Helen Woodrow Bones,
Mrs. W. H. Bolling, mother of Mrs.
Wilson, and other relatives. Today
Mrs. Wilson sent flowers to friends?
who through illness were unable to
enjoy the holiday. Tonight the pres-
ident and Mrs. Wilson attended the]
navy rgl ;igall.
Berlin, Nov. 30.-German newspa-]
pers today stated that information re-
ceived from reliable sources indicated
that the French government contem-
plates "further coercive measures
against Greece." The newspapers make
the charge that in order to fill gaps
in the French army; France will re-
cruit 150,000 Greeks. In order to at-
tain this objective it is stated the
French government will suppress all
papers which are antagonistic to the
Venizelos provisional government.
Director of Mint Urges 21-2 Cent Piece
Washington, Nov. 30.-A two and
one-half cent piece is demanded by
the country, according to the director
of the mint, whose annual report rec-
ommends passage of a law authorizing
coins of that denomination from cop-
per and nickel.

So declared .the imperial chancellor,
van Bethmann-Hollweg, in the reichs-
tag today while introducing a new
Rill for a national auxiliary service-
"the mobilization of civilians."
"The war continues with its de-
structive forces," the chancellor de-
clared. "Thus our enemies desire it.
They are celebrating the past sum-
mer as a period of victory. But did
they obtain what they wanted? Our
lines are unbroken, and Roumania, in
which a great change of events is ex-
pected, now atones for what it did.
The almost superhuman heroism of
our troops, and .the clear conscience
that we have as the first and only
ones who are ready to end the war by
a peace guaranteeing our existence
and our future, gives us a moral right
to such confidence.
"But gentlemen, this right ought not
to make us forget our duty. They
have superior numbers at their com-
mand and almost the whole world de-
livers them war materials." The chan-
cellor argued that ithwasnecessary
for Germans to do everything in teir
power to increase the manufacture of
war materials. "Hands that are idle
assist the enemy," he said.
He explained that the bill which he
introduced had been discussed with
the interested trades and in the reichs-
tag's main committee. "On behalf of
the confederated governments," he de-
clareds, "I ask you to assist in this
work which will bring us new strength
and which will guide us to victory
and peace."
Berlin, Nov. 30.-"Not to be heirs of
England, the mistress of the seas, but
to maintain a position of equal rights
in the world," was Grand Admiral von
Tirpitz's aim in using German naval
forces, he declared in a telegram of
thanks announlcing his nomination as
an honorary member of the German
navy forces.
"For more than 20 years I have felt
certain that German life could not con-
tinue without holding its own in the
'world and at sea and as a conse-
quence of this could not make its way
without a strong navy. As far as time
and general conditions and the means
at my disposal permitted, I used my
best forces for the same. Not to be
the heirs of England but to make a
position of equal rights in the world
was this aim.
"If this object Is made impossible
through the damages we have suf-
fered, then German life will be
dwarfed and will perish."
Washington, Nov. 30.-"Do your
Christmas mailing early and that
means-do it now."
Fearful of a rush of business in the
several clays before Christmas which
will jam the postal system so that
some mail will necessarily be delayed,
officials today made the above warn-
"It is absolutely urgent," said one,
"that mail going to foreign countries
get away at once if Christmas deliv-
eries are hoped for. The censorship
of the belligerent countries spells de-
lay and even countries not at war are
having trouble with their mail."
Postal employees are looking for-
ward with dread to the Christmas
parcel post load. If those who usual-
ly wait until the last minute will only
hurry up, mark the package, "Not to
be opened until Christmas," they will
confer a series of joys, one to the
recipient and one each to every postal
employee who has to handle thepack-

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