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November 30, 1916 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-30

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It is by no means presumpt
. - -,
uous on -our part to say that 411e
Iti y n en rs m t 4 y 6y i5 ' .
u so art osy
are the best clothes made:
because we are sincere in our
belief that human minds and
hands cannot design and
tailor better clothes to meet
G your needs.'
Lindenschmidt, Apfel & Go,
209 S Main St.
The Eberbach & Son Co.
Good Drugs-Toilet Articles
Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies.
You know the Quality is Right.

Calkins Drug Co.

Two Sores


324 So. State and 1123 So.University Ave.


with good binding and plenty of room for
clippings and photos. Ask to see it.


Canada 's Development Similar to
That of Mother Country England
"Canadian Politics" is the topic on ally refuse his assent to any bill. Like

LCOU'YRI G ,149116.
j I.. ADLx1. BROS. EtCO.

Do This

yourself v il
a smile and an
air of prosper-
ity. Wear
your best bus-
iness suit and
necktie. If
you have no
best suit--buy
one. We have
to appear pro-
sperous, if we
are to be pro-

which Harold R. Telfer,
day in the third article
eight about Canada.

'19, writes to-
of a series of

the president, he has the right to par-
don for all offenses, but this and all
his powers are exercised under the ad-
vice of a responsible Canadian minis-

The Eberbach & Son Co.
200-204 E. Liberty St.

Canada and United States having at
contemporaneous history on this con-
tinent, and being side by side from
ocean to ocean, naturally offer many
interesting points of comparison, es-
pecially in their political systems.
Whatever differences there may be
in the two countries, we can see that
they have arisen chiefly because Can-
ada has remained a constituent part
of Great Britain and so has closely
followed the constitutional ideas of her
mother country, while tUnited States
has long ago become an independent
nation and in the course of years has
modified her constitution in order to
suit the modern conditions of democ-
racy. We are unable to give a study
of their governments in detail here;
a mere survey of Canadian politics is
our aim.
It was in 1867 that Canada adopted,
her federal system resembling in some
important features that of the United
States, but at the same time having all
the essentials of the British constitu-
tion. Canada, it is true, cannot de-
clare war or make treaties, these be-
ing powers reserved to the imperial
power of England; still while Canada
is in this respect subject to the parent
state and cannot adopt any legislation
that would be antagonistic to the im-
perial government, yet she has sove-
reign powers of her own.
Practically speaking, the Dominion;
of Canada is just as self-governing as
is the United States. Her powers are
many and give control over militia
and defence, taxation of all imports
and the jurisdiction over ter-
ritories equal in area to half of Eu-
rope. The governor-general of Can-
ada, who is appointed by the king, has
not the veto power of the United
States president, although he may leg-

Canada acknowledges that in some
particulars her constitution may show
elements of weakness. On the other
hand, we must concede that her polit-
ical organization is worthy of the ser-
ious consideration of every student
and statesman interested in good self-
government. It is only natural that
two peoples like the United States and
Canada, lying alongside each other
since their history began, should show
many points of similarity in their re-
spective political systems. Yet it is
interesting to note that their close
neighborhood and their constant so-
cial and commercial intercourse has
not made a deeper impression upon
the political institutions and manners
of the Canadian people, who being
smaller in numbers, wealth, and na-
tional importance, might be expected
to copy more the nation whose indus-
trial, social and political development
is one of the marvels of the age.
Canada has shown a spirit of self-
reliance, an independence of though
and action in all matters affecting her
public welfare. At the same time she
is always ready to copy such institu-
tions of her neighbor as are recom-
mended by her ablest statesmen.
Canada is by no means ready to con-
fess failure, an absence of self-inde-
pendence, a want of courage and na-
tional ambition, an incapacity for self-
government, or to look forward to an-
nexation with United States as their
"manifest destiny."
I believe it to be the earnest wish of
every Canadian that while the political
fortunes of Canada and United States
may never be united, yet each will try
to maintain that free, friendly, social
and commercial intercourse which
should naturally exist between peoples
allied to each other by common ties.

200-202 MAIN ST

Electric Auto Hester--Keeps Your Engine Warm
Costs very little to operate

IWashtenaw Electric Shop
The Shop of Quality
It its not Right we make it Right
Phone 273 206 East Washington St.

Come In



Let your interest and ours
be focused upon the coming
holiday season.
5t6 iU. Williams St.

- a
New York, Nov. 29.--Captain John
L. Duffy's own report on the sinking'
of the American 'steamer Chemung, of
which he was master, was received by
cable today at the offices of Harris
McGill & Co., agents. It read:
"Chemung sunk by gun fire and tor-
pedo by Austrian submarine, 14 miles
east of Cape Gata, 26; all safe. Ad-
dress American consul, Valencia.
Cornmeal Will Beat High Living Cost
Des Moines, Ia., .. ov. 29.-"Eat
corn products if you would beat the
high cost of living," is the substance
of the advice of State Dairy and Food
Commissioner W. B. Barney today. He
says that a pound of cornmeal, cost-
ing three cents, has a food value equal
to 2.4 quarts of milk, costing 19.2
cents; 2.6 pounds cheese, 24 cents;
1.9 pounds of round steak, 41.5 cents;
22 eggs, 64 cents; 17 ounces beans
14 cents; 171-2 ounces honey, 20
cents; 18 oranges, 60 cents, or two
loaves white bread, 10c.

Represents Michigan at Arcadia Hall
In Detroit; Renders Junior
Play Songs
The Girls' glee club effectively rep-
resented Michigan at the Arcadia hall
in Detroit Tuesday evening in the
first annual "college rally." Twenty-
seven other colleges and universities
laid claim to the attention of the
crowd in stunts, songs and novelties,
and the middle aisle was lined with
gayly decorated booths. The program
of the affair was about equally divided
between dancing and stunt numbers,
of which the club gave two.
A medley of junior play songs form-
ed therfirst group and was exceedingly
well- received, and Nona Myers, '18,
created a furor of merriment with her
imitation of Madame Homer. At the
close of the second number, the club
sang the old familiar Michigan songs
while the alumni present crowded up
to the stage and joined in. The
choruses were especially approved by
the audience which filled the huge hall
to its limit.
This was the club's first out-of-town
trip, but later in the year concerts
will be given in Grand Rapids and
Owosso. At the former city the pro-
ceeds will go to a fund for the estab-;
lishment of a third dormitory in Ann
Arbor. On next Thursday evening,
Dec. 7, the club appears at Hill audi-
torium in a combined concert and en-
tertainment, in which Masques will
present a comedy entitled, "The Worst-
ed Man." Tickets are out and are1
selling rapidly.-

Don't forget the fact that we are sell-
ing the best Suits and Overcoats in
the city at Live and Let Live Prices.
Tom Corbett
116 E. Liberty
The Young Mens Shop


Bache Review Says Important
Know What Prospects Are
for End of War


New York, Nov. 29.-The talk of
peace between the warring nations in
Europe is still agitating business en-
terprises all over the country. Up to
the present time, this peace hoax has
had little or no effect on the war. None
of the nations are willing to stop hos-
tilities unless their special concessions
are granted and, these desires are en-
tirely erroneous in the eyes of the
countries on the other side of the

such idea of peace. The French and
British leaders assert that what is
being fought is not war between na-
tions, but a death struggle between
civilization and barbarism, between
men and beasts.
The way Germany has made war
has transformed the whole character
of war and given her enemies new
determination, new purpose, and
something approaching a passionate
resolve to punish.
Foreign Trade Increases Billions
The great increase in figures of our
foreign trade is due to some extent to
the almost universal increase in prices
of things which have advanced in for-
eign countries as much as here, and
in many cases the increase is larger
here. The foreign trade department
of the National City bank of New York,
estimates that the foreign commerce of
the United States in 1916 will be about
$8,000,000,000, or one-fifth of all the
foreign trade of the world. This is an
increase of almost $3,000,000,000 over
last year. The excess of exports over
imports for 1916 will be about $3,000,-
000,000, an increase of $1,768,884,000
over last year.
The Effect on the Market

Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner at the
Whitney Hotel from 12:.00 till 2:00, at
$1.00. 30


"It is very important from the com-
mercial and financial side to know
what the prospects of peace are," says
the Bache Review. "War has churned
up a vast torrent of demand for pro-
ducts. It has raised prices enormous-
ly and they are still advancing. With
the coming of peace the torrent of de-
mand will subside rapidly, dangerous-
ly. Prices will begin to fall, perhaps
not violently at once, but the though
of their fall will produce a shock all
around the world. The readjustment
of prices may be slow, but it is bound
to be painful. With rising prices every-
body makes money. In a market of
falling prices people begin to lose
money and only the most cautions and
far-seeing can avoid it."
Peace Ideas of Warring Nations
Germany is willing and anxious to
have peace, but she wants peace based
on what she has done-based on the
map as it now stands, with some con-
cessions. France and England have no

Patrons of ROYAL TAILOR Made-to-Meas-
ure Tailoring should place their orders now for
of the most exacting tailoring are assured to
every one who honors us with his order.

In times of abounding prosperity, it
is human often to overfeed, with con-
sequent necessity thereafter to abstain
and sometimes suffer. The market
during the week has indulged in one
of these orgies, and being overbrought
is undergoing the consequences. Un-
derlying health should Testore it,
which will probably be soon.
The higher levels reached by most
stocks in the two-million-share day
this week were mostly not unjustified,



308 S. State St.
. S. "We require 8 days for delivery.
IL.. rqir tt t

LOST-Gold watch bracelet, without
watch, on N. University or Washten-
aw. Finder please phone 1909-W.
Reward. 30
LOST-One Hollingworth's "Vocation-
al Psychology." Finder please call
694-J. 29-30-1
WANTED - Second-hand steamer
trunk. Call Joe Summers, Allenel
Hotel. 29-30-1
WANTED-At once, three waitresses.
427 Maynard St. Phone 2374. 30-1-2


but the ascent was too rapid.
these higher levels will have
again reached it will probably
been in an orderly manner,


FOR SALE-Microscope and surgical
instruments. 608 Pearl St. Ypsi-
lanti. Phone 89-M. 26-28-29-30-1-2
TYPEWRITERS of all makes
' bought, sold, rented or ex-
changed. Expert repairing,
factory service. sole agent Umder-
wood & Corona. TYPEWRITING,
0. D. MORRILL, 322 S. State St.
(Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-J.


Hea~r Victor Record i
NrO. 18168 11

An unusual display of Michigan
fruit, an exhibit of spraying machin-
ery, a banquet, a "question box," and
an interesting and instructive pro-
gram, will all be features of the forty-
sixth annual meeting of the Michigan
State Horticultural society, which
meets next week, Dec. 5, 6, and 7,.in
the coliseum at Grand Rapids.
An extra large attendance is ex-
pected, as every fruit grower in the
state has been urged to be present.
Many women will attend and speeches
will be made by two of them who
have made a success of fruit growing.
The first session will begin at 10
o'clock Tuseday morning.

Lakewood, N. J., Nov. 29.-Charles E.
Hughes announced here tonight that
on Jan. 1 he would resume the practice
of law as a member of the New York
city law firm of Rounds, Schurman &
Dwight, 96 Broadway. His son, Charles
E. Hughes, Jr., also will enter the
firm, it was stated.
In 1906, when Mr. Hughes was nomi-
nated for governor of New York, he
was a member of the same law firm,
but its title at that time was Hughes,
Rounds and Schurman.
With Mr. Hughes again in the firm,
its new name, it was added, will be
Hughes, Rounds, Schurman and

Yellow and Blue College Days
Sung by the Peerless Quartette
Phone us your order for -one

Grinnell Bros.

116 S. Mals St.
PHONE 1707

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