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Fhe Hundred Dollars Given for Best
Papers on Political Science
Announcement of the subject for
he 1917 Harris prize political science
ssays has just been posted. They
,re as follows:
I. Selection of public servants.
(a) Primary election problems.
(b) State and municipal civil
service laws and their adminis-
II. National control of railroads.
III. Problems of statute law-mak-
(a) The committee system.
(b) Scientific bill drafting.
(c) Budget methods.
(d) Provisions for enforcement.
IV. International affairs.
(a) A program for the propos-
ed League to Enforce Peace.
(d) Military policy of the Unit-
ed States in relation to its for-
eign policy.
The Norman Waite Harris prize con-
est is an annual affair. Prizes of $500
ire offered yearly by Mr. Harris, who
p resident of the Harris Trust and
avings Bank, of Chicago. He gives
s his reason for the contests, "in
rder to further good citizenship, to
romote respect for law, order, and
he constitution, and to encourage a
ore extensive and thorough study of
11 questions relating to public morals,
ederal and state administration, mun-
cipal government and party politics."
Last year's prize winners are as fol-
>ws: First prize, $250-Robert J.
unningham, University of Wisconsin,
object: "The Reorganization of the
udicial System of Wisconsin." Sec-
ld prize, $150-Thaddeus B. Bassett,
orthwestern University, subject:
Ihe Reorganizationof the Legislature
f 'Illinois."' Third prize, $100-J. A.
wisher, University of Iowa, subject:
The Reorganization of the Executive
epartment of the Iowa State Govern-
The contest is open to any student
n any college or university in Indiana,
linois, Michigan, Minnesota, Wiscon-
in, or Iowa. The essays are not to
rceed 10,000 words in length and are
o be sent to N. Dwight Harris, 1134
orest avenue, Evanston, Ill., before
fay 1, 1917.
The choosing of judges and the se-
ction of subjects is in the hands of a
>mmittee composed of professors in
e leading universities in the above.
tentioned states. It is as follows:
ohn A. Fairlie, University of Illinois;
. Dwight karris, Northwestern Uni-
ersity-; John H. Gray, University of
innesota; Chester Lloyd Jones, Uni-
ersity of Wisconsin; Benjamin F.
hambaugb, University of Iowa;
homas F. Moran, Purdue University;
essie S. Reeves, University of Mich-
an, and Frank G. Bates, Indiana
niversity. _.
H. C. of L.Boosts
Marriage in U.S.
Dan Cupid Says Two Can Pay High
Prices Better Than
New York, Nov. 29.-The high cost
of living hasn't kept young Anerica
from it. Love, it would appear, laughs
at the high price of eggs. Figures
gathered from all corners of the coun-
try by the. United Press today show
that more people have fallen for the
two-can-live-cheaper-than-one theory
since eggs and other foodstuffs began
to skyrocket than ever before.
It is true on Manhattan island. It
is true in Minnesota and Boston, Chi-
cago, Detroit, and San Francisco.
They just will marry regardless of ex-
penses. In Boston, 1,007 trustful
pairs signed contracts in October to
fight the high cost of living together.
In October of a year ago only 927 had
the courage. Thus far this month the
number has been 900 while in the
whole month last year only 866 took
the chance.
Newark, N. J., Nov. 29.-The body
of Stanley B. Pennock, star guard on
the 1913 and 1914 Harvard football
team, killed Monday in an explosion at
the Aromatic Chemical Co. plant, of
which he was one of the partners, was
claimed here today by his father and
removed to his home in New York.
Pennock's identity as the football
man, was not learned here until to-
day. He played right guard against
Yale in 1913-14, and was chosen both
years by Walter Camp for the same
position on the all-American team.
-Chicago, Nov. i29.-Frank E. Persh-
ing of Chicago, a nephew of Brigadier
General John J. Pershing, today was
elected captain of the University of
Chicago football eleven for 1917.
Pershing is a quarterback. He has
one more year to play.
(Continued from Page Three.)
of the games for the 1917 schedule.
Although no particulars are known,
the lack of action on the part of the
gridders is taken to mean that the re-
turn of the athletic director is being
awaited. The return of Mr. Bartelme
is problematical, therefore no time has
as yet been set for the men to get to-
Iharvard Earns $280,000 in Football
Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 29.-Though
defeated by Yale this year, Harvard
had a successful football season in a
financial way. The total earnings
from football amounted to $280,000.
The Yale game alone drew $153,000 for
the two teams.i
cial catchy song numbers and an ex-4
cellent cast, this miniature musical
comedy can be depended upon to fur-
nish about the best entertainment that
will be enjoyed at the Majestic the-
ater this season, for three days start-
ing this afternoon.
Arthur Conrad and Primrose Semon,i
the highest salaried team playing In1
this style of entertainment, are head-7
liners with the production. Miss Se-+
mon plays Flora Fine, an actress. Mr.+
Oonrad plays Jim Dandy!, a traveling;
salesman. Others in the cast are:
James Barrett, May Randolph, Gladys;
Randolph, Arthur Whitcomb, Williami
Wing, Louie Ruben, and F. C. Field-+
ing, and a most attractive chorus of
12 girls.I
Try our Turkey Dinner Thursday-
40c. The Grill (under Huston's). 301
Says Men Charged With Bomb Throw-
ing in Preparedness Parade
Are Innocent
"One of the biggest .ights in the his-
tory of labor is now going on in Cal-
ifornia," said Miss Emma Goldman
yesterday afternoon as she passed
through Ann Arbor on her way to the
workers' relief mass meeting to be
held 4n Carnegie Hall, New York. The
chamber of commerce of San Francis-
co is waging a compaign against or-
ganied labor and has started by ar-
resting some of the most prominent
labor men and have charged them with
murder in connection with the pre-
paredness parade bomb explosion of
July 22 in San Francisco of which
they are absolutely innocent."
The anarchist then told of her mis-
sion to New York and stated that this
labor mass meeting would be one of
the greatest factors in procuring civil
and legal protection for the working
classes who are always held in sus-
pect by the authorities. Besides Miss
Goldman, Frank P. Walsh, chairman of
the committee on industrial relations,
Arturo Giovannitti, Alexander Berk-
man, and Max Pine, secretary of the
United HebrewaTrades will speak at
the demonstration Saturday night,
Dec. 2.
"Bourke Cochran is going to give
his services in aid of Thomas Mooney,
who with Warren Billings, Edward
Nolan, Isreal Weinberg, and Mrs.
Mooney, Is falsely accused of murder.
Cochran volunteered his services to
the cause of the labor leaders after
reading the testimony in the Billings
trial. Cochran could not see how the
jury could hold Billings, much less
convict him," Miss Goldman continued.
When asked regarding the trial af-
forded these accused men, Miss Gold-
man said,"The men were tried before
a professional jury. These jury ser-
vers are destructive tools in the hands
of big business. One man, it is said,
has been on the jury for almost ten
years. At present a crusade against
the profession of jury server is being
launched in San Francisco. A meeting
will be held within a few days to make
this crusade an effective one, and that
day will soon come when an occasional
new face may be seen in the jury boxes
of the San Francisco courts."
Miss Goldman will return to Ann
Arbor Monday, Des. 4, to give a course
of lectures on Russian literature at
Woodman's hall, corner of Main and
Washington streets. She will also give
two propaganda lectures.
Extends Hearty Welcome to Students
in University from For-
eign Land
President Harry B. Hutchins re-
cently contributed an article to the
Hindusthan Student, at the request of
Dr. N. S. Hardikar, president of the
Hindusthan Association of America.
In his article President Hutchins ex-
tends a hearty welcome to Hindu stu-
dents and commends their earnest-
ness and diligence.
The article as it appeared in the
Hindusthan Student follows:
"The University of Michigan, al-
though a state institution, conducted
primarily for the people of the state,
is nevertheless cosmopolitan not only
in its student body but in its attitude.
From the very first it has drawn stu--
dents from a large area. At the pres-
ent time those in attendance come
from every state in the Union and
from many foreign countries. As sug-
gested, the attitude of the University
is cosmopolitan, for it welcomes to its
opportunities young men and young
women from outside the state. To
those coming from foreign countries,
the welcome is always most cordial.
"For several years India has con-
tributed students to our foreign con-
tingent. Without exception they have
been earnest and painstaking and dili-
gent in their work. They have made
the most of their opportunities. It
gives me pleasure to accept the In-
vitation extended to me by the Hin-
dusthan association to welcome Hindu
students to the University of Michi-
gan. I do extend to them a most
hearty welcome. I trust that those
who come to us will profit by their
residence. By their presence here
they contribute not a little to the
cosmopolitan life of the institution.
They will doubtless return to India
with larger views of life; and their
presence in our midst also makes
broader the vision of those with whom
they come in contact. Through them
we shall learn the better to appreciate
the Hindu people,'their marvelous his-
tory and their great opportunity."
Boiler Now Rests
in Old Cat Hole
Old Timers Set Fire to Wood Piles
Instead of Hazing
Initiating the freshmen into the
mysterious rites of the University, is
a ceremony of comparatively recent
origin, the old timers assert, who were
college boys when there was a high
picket fence entirely surrounding the
In those days the natural spirits
of the students were not gratified by
disconcerting the first year men, but
the grudge was taken out upon the
people of the town and the University.
One day a huge new boiler was being in-
stalled in the engineering building.
The students resolved to get the boiler,
and to attain their end resorted to a
most unusual stratagem. Directly in
front of the engineering building was
a huge pile of firewood, in all equal
to more than 12 cords. This was own-
ed by a dealer in wood, who lived
across the road, and who also had a
large tar wagon, a tar machine, and
eight barrels of tar nearby for the
building of sidewalks.
Just at dusk, a crowd of students
made their way to the woodpiles, and
withtno noise or demonstration, set
fire to the' pile of wood and hauled
the tar wagon with its eight barrels
of tar, and some buggies and wheelbar-
rows into the flaming mass. The lit-
tle pump of the fire department could
make no headway against such a
glorious conflagration, so thehwhole
offering went up in incense to the god
of smoke.
In the meantime, the plotters were
not asleep. Tearing the big boiler
from its platform they rolled it down
the street to the "cat hole," and "let
'er go." At that time there was a
deep pool of water in the bottom of
the pit. It was even rumored that
the place was bottomless, so no one
knew where the boiler had gone for
a long time, and when it was finally
discovered where its resting place was,
so many generations of rubbish were
covering it that it was deemed useless
to attempt to dig it out.
It is still there,rand if any his-
torians wish to pierce the crust of
tradition and rubbislh, they will find
the old boiler at the bottom of the
"cat hole."
Ranks of Marine Corps Filled Early
Washington, Nov. 29.-While both
the army and the navy are scouring
for recruits and still are unable to
keep the number of enlisted men in the
service up to ;standard, the marine
corps is having no trouble in filling its
ranks. This was the testimony of
Major General George Barnett, com-
manding the marine corps, before the
committee on naval affairs yesterday.
Philanthropic Society Would Raise
Money Here to Aid Men Who
Lose Sight in War
The great machinery of war is turn-
ing out upon the continent of Europe
each month so many crippled, blind,
and helpless men that every person
with a sense of human responsibility
is being awakened to this world-wide
calamity. Steps have been inaugurat-
ed in many directions to provide re-
lief for these men ana Ann Arbor has
shown its interest on a number of oc-
casions by contributions to various
The B. F. B. Permanent Blind Re-
lief War Fund, however, desires to es-
tablish a local committee in this city.
A letter from this fund received yes-
terday reads in part:
"The B. F. B. Permanent Blind Re-
lief War Fund, which has been organ-
izedby leading Ameicran philanthrop-
ists, bankers, and business men, with
the patronage of the king and queen
of England, the king and queen of Bel-
gium and the president of France, for
the permanent care of the many
thousands of soldiers and sailors of
the Allies blinded in this war, desires
to form a local committee in your city
composed of men and women of sin-
cere philanthroptic interest, whose
influence is sufficient to effect a suc-
cessful permanent local organization
on the fund."
The work of this committee will
consist of assuming charge of the
fund's collection boxes, subscription
books, and literature, and of organiz-
ing entertainments and other forms of
benefit for the fund whenever possible.
The purpose of the fund is to aid
blinded men to become as nearly self-
supporting as possible by establishing
schools and workshops for training
them and then finding a market for
their products. It also aims to care
for them in their homes when incap-
acitated by age.
Dr. L. P. Hall, of the college of
Dental Surgery, who is interested in
relief work of this sort, stated yester-
day that these schools for the blind
maintained in France are extremely
successful. He has just sent a number
of typewriters to the Phare de France,
a school of this sort where the blind
learn to operate them with perfect
Men and women in Ann Arbor who
are in a position to aid this urgent
cause are earnestly requested to com-
municate with Mrs. R. Valentine Web-
ster, B. F. B Permanent Blind Relief
War Fund, 590 Fifth avenue, New
York City.
To Introduce State-Wide Vote Bill
Madison, Wis., Nov. 29.-William T.
Evjue, assemblyman elect from Dane
county, announced yesterday that he
will introduce a bill providing that the
question of state-wide prohibition be
submitted to a vote of the people at
the general election in 1918. In the
event of the ratification of the bill by
the people of the state, it is proposed
that the law shall go into effect either
in July, 1919, or Jan. 1, 1920.
For live, progressive, up-to-date ad-
vertising use The Michigan Daily.
Use the advertising columns of the
Michigan Daily in order to reach the
best of Ann Arbor's buyers.
A bit of a compliment to the folk at
home, were a giftie of somthing niftie
from the James Foster House of Art. tf
Record of
* * * * * * * * * * *
OrphIe un-Theodore Roberts in
"Anton, the Terrible." Also
Bray cartoons.1
Arcade-June Caprice and Jane
Lee in "The Ragged Prin-
* * * * * * * * * .* *
"The girl worth while is the girl
with a smile when everything else
goes wrong." There is so much truth
in the above quotation that John P.
Mulgrew and Boyle Woolfolk decided
to dramatize it. Their efforts have
proved a huge success, and with spe-
Special Thanksgiving Dinner at The
Colonial Cafe, opposite D. U. R. Wait-
ing room.
Maybe Y ou Can't Go Home
For Thanksgiving
But you can get as good a TURKEY DINNER, with
all the fixings, right here in Ann Arbor as
you would at home and it costs
you but 40c
Here is the menu
Boston Oyster Soup
Lake Superior White Fish, Maradia Hotel
Roast Young Turkey, Cranberry Sauce
Salmon Salad
Potatoes au dratin
New Peas
Olives Celery
Home-Made Pies
The ri oom
Price 75c
Hear It At
Friday Night, December 1st, 1916
Cor. Maynard
and William Sts.
Tickets on Sale at Busy Bee, $1.00
Matron in Attendance
Under Huston's
Phone 1748-R