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November 24, 1916 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-24

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Berlin Says Franco-Serbian Army Ad-
vaneing North of Monastir
Meets Repulse
London, Nov. 23.--Emperor Charles
the Eighth of Austria-Hungary, new
ruler in the place where until Tues--
day sat the aged Francis Josef, today
excerised his first power as sovereign.
He issued orders confirming appoint-
ments of all of the ministers which
his ;grand uncle had established in
power. Vienna dispatches also said he
had issued the following manifesto:
"Our aim has not yet been achieved.
The enemy's illusion of their ability to
overthrow my monarchy and those of
my allies is as yet not shattered. I
know I am in harmony with my peo-
ple in my unbending decision to con-
tinue the struggle until peace is as-
sured, and to the monarchy existence'
and deve pment are assured. I will
do all in my power to banish as soon
as possible the horrors and sacrifices
of war, and to secure peace."
British Fall to Gain in Attacks.
Berlin, Nov. 23.-British attacks
south of Guedecourt and assaults by
the French against the northwest edge
of St. Pierre Yaast wood failed last
IRoumanian Forces Occupy Mt. Toaca
Bunharest, Nov. 23.-In its second
official statement of the day, the war
office declared Roumanian troops after
powerful artillery preparations, had
attacked and occupied Mt. Toaca and
Tolana Marcine, capturing an enemy
machine gun and repulsing a counter
attack: Aside from the Jiul valley, the
statement said the situation was prac-
tically unchanged. Retirement from
the Jiul valley has been announced in
a previous statement.
Democracy May Gain in Austria.
New York, Nov. 23.-A large gain
for democracy in Austria-Hungary
with increasing fall in the power of
the Teutonic militarists may be the
most important result of the Arch-
duke Carl's ascension to the Hapsburg
The new emperor was not brought
up as a probable ruler of the most
aristocratic and precedent governed
country in Europe. He is only a grand-
nephew of the late Francis Josef and
in his youth there were several lives
between him and the imperial throne.
For this reason he was educated much
more informally than if the chance of
his succession to the throne had been
He attended public school for a time,
and imbibed a strong liking for de-
Mocracy which never has left him. He
has the reputation of being the best
"mixer" Europe has among her mod-
ern monarchs, with the possible ex-
ception of the late King Leopold of
The attitude of the new emperor to-
wards liberal government is under-
stood to approximate more nearly the
learnings of the present German kais-

er's father, than the militaristic in-
clinations of the kaiser himself. For
this reason the possibility of differ-
ences developing between the German
and Austria-Hungary thrones must be
taken into consideration by the states
of the central empires.
2,000,000 Bushels of Wheat for Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Nov. 2'.-About 2,-
000,000 bushels of wheat will be avail-
able for export this year, according to
the latest departmental estimates
which place the total Canadian crop
at 186,406,000 bushels.
Start Coal Investigation in Detroit
Detroit, Nov. 23.-Investigation of
the coal shortage in Detroit was
started today by a federal grand jury
in United States district court here.
Big coal dealers of the city were sum-
moned and questioned by District At-
torney Kinnane. The inquiry will be
extended to other stanle commodities,,

14 Neophytes Led
Across the Sands
Sphinx, junior lit honorary society,
led 14 neophytes across the burning
sands of the desert to an Egyptian
feast at the Union. The 14 initiated
Alan W. Boyd Raymond P. Brown,
Robert H. Bennett, Charles W. Fischer,
Frank W. Grover, Albert E. Hone,
Thomas F. McAllister, Robert T. Mc-
Donald, Ezra W. Lockwood, Guy A.
Reem, Joseph E. Robbins, Jess R.
Simpson, Paul L. Steketee, Frank A.
Victor H. Simmons was toastmaster,
and talks were given by Prof. Jonathan
A. C. Hildner, H. C. L. Jackson, and
Edward E. Mack while Jess R. Simp-
son expressed the opinion of the in-
coming Sphinxes.
Head of Columbia Journalism School
to Give Two Lectures
Dean Talcott Williams, head of the
Pulitzer school of journalism at Co-
lumbia JUniversity, will give an ad-
dress today at 3 o'clock in Tappan hall.
He will give another address at 4:30
as a part of the program of the wom--
en's vocational conference, and his
subject will be "Women in Journal-
ism." Both these addresses will be
open to the public, and all those Inter-
ested s/n journalism are invited to at-
Dean Williams has been head of the
Pulitzer school of journalism since
1913. This school Was established by
means of a million dollar fund left for
that purpose by the late Joseph Pul-
itzer, editor of the New York World.
Mr. Williams is a graduate of Am-
herst college. He has had a long
career of practical newspaper experi-
once. He has at various times been
connected with the New York World,
the New York Sun, the San Francisco
Chronicle, the Springfield Republican,
and the Philadelphia Press.
Besides his work as a journalist and
as a teacher, he has written various
articles on economic subjects and an
appreciation of Horace Howard Fur-;
ness, the Shakespearean critic.
British 31lnister of Munitions Praises
* Dominion's Factories
London, Nov. 23.-Canada's part in1
the war was extolled in highest terms
today by the British minister of muni-
tions, the Honorable Edwin Samuel
Montague, speaking at a luncheon in
honor of J. W. Flavelle chairman of
Cana Ta's munition board.
"When victory is achieved," he said,
"the full story of Canada's work will
be told to her everlasting credit. The
great Dominion's shell factory, which
Sir Sam Hughes organized, and which
Mr. Flavelle has now takn over, is be-
coming more and more valuable daily,
now covering 4,000 miles, for that is
the Canadian area producing muni-
"The Canadian munitions board cre-
ated a new industry of wonderful ca-
pacity and output. Our enemies are
increasing their output and planning
far into the future. Our production is
vast, but the consumption of our troops
and those of the allies in this great
long war means exhaustion of re-,
sources. When they are exhausted we
must incriasingly look to the patriot-
ism and economic sacrifees of all,

parts of our empire."
Student implicated in Ticket Scalping
athletic authorities stated last night
they had secured absolute proof of one{
instance of ticket scalping by a stu-
dent in the University. The student's
name was not divulged and it will be
several days before any official action
will be taken, the board in control de-
ferring action in the hope that thei
names of more of the offenders can bet

Alumnae of the Entire Country Con-
tribute to New Building; Esti-
mate Cost at $100,000
The movement for a third dormitory
for Michigan women has received a de-
cided impetus in the pledging of a
thousand dollars by the Michigan wom-
en of Grand Rapids. One-fifth of this
sum has already been paid.
The plan for the new dormitory is
being fostered by the Micngan women
of Detroit, who are interesting the
women alumni of the entire country.
The building is to cost something in
the neighborhood of $100,000 and will
accommodate from 50 to 70 girls. An
especial effort will be made to house
those girls who are in a measure self-
supporting, and are now living in vari-
ous private families in the city. A
co-operative work room will be pro-
vided in which the girls can do ap-
proximately the same work they have
been doing in the various houses, but
the time required for this work will
be systematically divided, thus allow-
ing more time for recreation and par-
ticipation in campus activities. This is
somewhat lke the plan which was for
many years in operation at Mt.
The share which the Michigan
alumnae have in the receipts of the
county fair to be given in Detroit next
week is to be given to the dormitory
fund. The Girls' Glee club will sing
at the county fair, and also at a con-
cert for the benefit of the dormitory to
be given in Grand Rapids in the near
future. The Women's league has
turned over to this fund nearly $4,000
in pledges,which were given to it for
the first dormitory.
Washington, D. C., Nov. 23.-Post-
masters are to lend assistance to the
United States marines in the securing
of recruits and will be paid $5.00 for
each accepted applicant, according to
an official announcement made by the
major general commandant of that or-,
Hereafter the military-looking youth
who appears at the postoffice may fail
to be attracted by the gaily colored
poster depicting the life of a marine,
but he can scarcely escape the ap-
praising eye of the postmaster or the
latter's query: "Say young fellow-
why don't you join the marines?"
Scenario for Junior Girls' Play Chosen
The scenario for the 1917 junior
girls' play'was chosen at a meeting of
the committee Wednesday night. The
competition is reopened for the dia-
logue of the play which may be writ-
ten by anyone interested. The author
of the scenario will be announced later.
All girls interested in writing the dia-
logue are especially urged to do so,
in order that the best possible book
may be secured.
Red Cross Seals Selling Fast
The Michigan Anti-tuberculosis as-
sociation is daly receiving reorders of
Christmas Red Cross seals. The city
of Benton Harbor ordered 50,000 seals
the first part of this month. Yester-
day the association received a reorder
of 200,000 from them. St. Joseph coun-
ty, Michigan, ordered 20,000 in the
first place and now they want 30 000

more seals.
Greeks Figure in Sanguinary Contest
More than 20 cuts about the face and
neck were sustained by Tom Manos in
a fight with a fellow Greek at Broad-
way and Wall streets yesterday after-
noon. The assailant, Dan Katapolis,
is held for examination next Wednes-
day with bail fixed at $500. A wood-
worker's chisel was the weapon used.

Cremate London's Body Today
Santa Rosa, Cal., Nov. 23.-Without ceremony of any kind, the
body of Jack London, novelist and adventurer, will be cremated at
noon tomorrow at the Oakland crematory. No minister or priest will
pronounce a benediction. No prayers will be said, no choir will sing
Believing that death ends all and that there is no hereafter,
London often said that when he died he wished to be cremated and
buried without ostentation. His wish will be carried out. Only his
wife, daughters and sister will accompany the body to the crematory.
His mother, Mrs. Flora London is ill in her Oakland home and
has not been informed of her son's death. London's secretary to-
day estimated that the novelist's income from his writings at the
time of his death averaged at about 20 cents a word. He habitually
wrote 1,000 words a day and this would make his annual income
from new literary work about $53,000 a year.
At the time of his death London was working on a novel of
Hawaiian life called "Cherry," which was well advanced. It is ex-
pected Mrs. London will complete the novel herself, or will engage
some other writer to complete it.

Takes Place of Prof. Herbert Sadler
at Football Meeting Tomor-
row Night
Prof. Arthur Cross, of the history
department, will speak at the football
smoker tomorrow night, in place of
Prof. Herbert C. Sadler. of the engin-
eering college. The smoker will be-
gin at 7:30 o'clock and Weinberg's
coliseum is expected to be filled. Ed-
win Palmer, '17, chairman of the con-
mittee in charge, stated yesterday that
the sale of tickets indicates a larger
crowd than usual.
'When the students arrive at the
coliseum they will find cigarettes.
corncob pipes, tobacco, cider and
doughnuts, in quantities to keep them
busy all evening "stowing away the
chov." And when the air is blue,
James Schermerhorn, of Detroit, will
get up and deliver a speech which is
confidently believed to eclipse his wit-
ty discourse given at the smoker two
years ago, when he captivated the
house with his "Latest News From the
Fourteen "M's" are to be given out
to members of the Varsity squad as
a recognition of their work on the 1916
Michigan football team. The band,
the glee club, and quartet or two will
help keep things moving. And every
student present will have a sticky tin
cup or two to take home as a memento
of the occasion.
Professor Hobbs Heads Geology Trip
Mr. Frank Leverett of the United
States geological survey, will conduct
the class in geology 1A tomorrow
morning as Professor Hobbs will take
a number of geology students on an
inspection trip about the lakes near
Mr. Leverett will teach three courses
(n the University next semester. They
are: Glacial field studies, research and
special work and pleistocence and
glaciation of North America and Eu-
Symphony Orchestra to Play at Ypsi
The Philadelphia Symphony orches-
tra of 94 men, with Leopold Stokowski
as conductor, will play at the second
concert of the series at the Pease au-
ditorium in Ypsilanti, Saturday even-
ing. In former years, it was custom-
ary to have afternoon orchestral con-
certs, but in this year's series they will
be held in the evenings.
Catholic Students to Meet December 1
Catholic students are invited to at-
tend a meeting of the Catholic Stu-
dents' club at the Packard Academy,
to be held on Dec. 1. The committee
in charge has arranged for an'inform-
al dance to follow the meeting.
Toastmasters' Club Initiates Two Men
The Toastmasters' club at their din-
ner last night initiated two men into
the organization. The men were L. S.
Moll. '17L, and R. W. Collins, '17.

Goldstick and Wood Put on Mirth-
provoking Specialties; Mus-
ical Program Large
Hilliard Goldstick, '17D, uncorked a
"dope" act at the Union Minstrels re-
hearsal yesterday that would cause
one who was unaware that it was only
acting, to believe that Mr. Goldstick
was a confirmed "snowbird." In ad-
dition to the minstrel part, a num-
ber of the speciality acts were gone
through for the first time. Morrison C.
Wood, '17, in an impersonation of
Harry Lauder, which he has done pro-
fessionally, brought roars of laughter
from the small audience that was pres-
Abraham Gornetsky, '17, musical
director for the entertainment, an-
nounced that he would have a 14 piece
orchestra to play the 20 "rags" and
ballads on the program. Four of these
numbers will be sung by quartets, two
by the "colored" artists, and two by a
double quartet comprising some of the
best voices on the campus.r
Tickets are going fast at the Union,
and many telephone calls from facul-
ty members presage a full house Tues-
day night.
Small POX Still
Threatening' Ypsi
A smallpox epidemic is still threat-
ening Ypsilanti. Miss Marie Rander-
son, a school teacher of Saline, is the
latest victim, and was removed to the
contagious ward In the University hos-
pital yesterday morning.
There are now 20 cases of smallpox
among the students of the Ypsilanti
normal. Four patients were released
from their quarantine last week. The
total number of cases this year have
been 33. Three out of that number
were sent to their homes to be treated.
Dr. Cummings of the University
health service urgently requests all
students who have not been vaccinated
for several years, to go to the depart-
ment and be treated at once. If all
the students of the University attend
to this matter and cease visiting Ypsi-
lanti as much as possible, the danger
of a general epidemic will be mini-
mized. Contrary to recent reports, the
disease is not decreasing but is in-
creasing with alarming proportions.
Unless the warnings are seriously
taken, drastic measures will have to
be introduced.
P. D. Buchanan, '18, Expelled
R. D. Buchanan, '18, who was ar-
rested Wednesday morning on an as-
sault and battery charge, was ex-
pelled yesterday afternoon by the
facultyof the literary college at a
special meeting called for the purpose
of considering his case. Buchanan
was released from jail Wednesday upon
paying a fine of $50.

Dean Taleott Williams, Mrs. Gertrude
Martin, and Miss Gertrude
Login to Speak
"What is Involved in Vocational
Training" was the subject of the first
address of the third annual Vocation-
al conference, given yesterday after-
noon, Dean Sarah Louise Arnold, the
speaker, said in part:
"We never see the field of women'-'
work clearly unless we realize that it;
involves both a major and a minor vo-
cation. Maintaining one's self is only
a minor vocation, yet success in this
depends on six things, knowledge,
power to use this knowledge, skill,
judgment, professional spirit, and de-
votion to one's work. Apprenticeship
gives the necessary training and or-
ganized schooling gives the interpreta-
tion of experience. Theoretically, a
college training should make you able
to face the situations which confront
you, but this is not always the case
-too many things in college get into
a notebook and never get any further.
You must learn by working to apply
your knowledge."
Dean Arnold mentioned the fact that
for the last 15 years Simmons College
has been studying vocations for wo-
men. There are at present 1,100 stu-
dents in that institution, of whom 159
are graduates of other colleges.
Miss Letitia Stearns, founder of the
first library "children rooms" in the
country, also addressed this meeting
of the conference, taking as her topic
tle opportunities of library work. "The
tremendous problems before us today
can be solved only by much thinking
and much reading," said Miss Stearns.
"Formerly, librarians were useful
merely as custodians of books; but
their task now is to get the right kind
of books into the hands of a large num-
ber of people. The modern library has
three functions, to get people to read
good books, to serve as a community
center, and to help make better cit-
izens." The method of placing the so-
called travelling libraries was also
described by Miss Stearns, who thinks
the influence of good books in a home
cannot be over-emphasized.
The third speaker of the afternoon
was Miss Mary Malcomson, of the Col-
legiate Bureau of Occupations in De-
troit, who is here to take the registra-
tion of any girls who intend doing vo-
cational work next year. There are
many splendid opportunities in Detroit
for college women with busThess train-
ing, according to Miss Malcomson, and
these opportunities she will discuss in
detail at the Saturday luncheon.
Speaking of this luncheon, Dean Jor-
dan said, "It is very valuable for girls
to attend this meeting, as Miss Mal-
comson is planning to outline at that
time her plans for actually placin
girls in positions following their grad-
uation." Miss Helen Humphreys, '16,
former president of the Women's
league, who introduced the speakers,
also urged those present at today's
meeting to attend the luncheon.
The second session of the conference
was in the nature of an informal re-

ception at Newberry residence. Dean
Jordan introduced Dean Arnold, who
reviewed briefly the history of Sim-
mons College and explained the
methods and purposes of its various
"Simmons College is a vocation-
al experiment," said Miss Arnold. "It
was the idea of John Simmons to es-
tablish a college where women might
have adequate technical training for a
definite vocation together with their
academic work. Such an institution he
provided for in his will, and Simmons
College opened in 1902 with four de-
partments, training women .in the
fields of secretarial work, library work,
home economics, and agriculture and
horticulture. The college has now
added five other schools, where wo-
men may fit themselves for institution-
al management, scientific research, so-
cial service, teaching of salesmanship,
and positions in the field of public
health. It has been found nenaarv



Normal Concert Course Sat., Nov. 25, 8. p. m"

Philadelphia Orchestra 94 Musicians

Leopold Stowskl, Canductot





Overture to "Don Giovanni"........... ...................... ................... Mozar
Symphony No. 3,.in F Major................................................. Brahms
Variations on a Tchaikovsky Theme...................................Arensky
Francesca da Rimini"............................ ..................... Tchaikovsky
Seats $2,00 Course Tickets $2.50, including Kneisel Quartet and Choral Concerts
The annual program of Old Christrmas Music will be given by the Choir, 200 voices
singing Alla Cappella under the directionof Frederick Alexander,Thursday, Oec.7. 8p.m.
Choral masterpieces by Gretchaninoff, Grieg, widor, Elgar and -Old French and Old
German Folk.Songs harmonized by Gevaert and Carl Riedel.
Special interurban car leaves Ann Arbor waiting room 7 p. m. Returning immediately
after Concert.


NOV. 25




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