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November 23, 1916 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-23

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It is by no means presumpt-
uous on our part to say that
ma rt C1 (3s
are the best clothes made"
because we are sincere in our s
belief that human minds and e /;
hands cannot design and I
tailor better clothes to n eet
your needs.
Llndenschmidt, Apfel & 0.
209 S. Main St
' The Eberbach & Son Co.

Calkins Drug Co.

Two Stores

324 So. State and 1123 So.University Ave.


with good binding and plenty of room for
clippings and photos. Ask to see it.
University Training is Necessary
Requisite to Hold German Office

Good Drugs-Toilet Articles
Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies.
You know the Quality is Right.

The berbac Son Co.
200-204 E. Liberty St.

Otto T. Kreuser, '17, continues his
article on the "Social Organization in
Germany" in today's Daily.,
A natural prerequisite for holding
high office in Germany is a thorough
university training followed by a pro-
cess of elimination during the course
of the career of the office holder.
Thus the high state officials form the
higher social class because they ans-
wer fully both conditions, that of edu-
cation and of occupation.
The class closely associated with
this and almost on a par with it, is
composed of persons of university
training who are qualified for state
service and will sooner or later be-
long to that class. This class in-
cludes the managers of large cities.
Next follow those who have had
some higher school training such as
that of the gymnasium or its equivel-
ant, (an education equal to a college
training in this country). Among
these we may class heads of important
corporations, mayors of small towns,
minor state officials, such as postmast-
ers, district superintendents of rail-
ways, and large wholesale and retail
merchants. Further, there are in-
cluded owners of large hotels, teachers
in common schools and lesser city of-
Then cone the class of burghers
who follow trades and possess a prim-
ary education, but still own independ-
ent businesses, such as harness mak-
ers, cabinet makers and small con-
Next in line are small shop keepers,
owners of small rest'aurants, pettyl
government officials like mail carriers
and railway trainmen.;
Finally there is a class of ordinary,
laborers, namely those engaged in a
trade, peasants, agricultural workersI
and lastly unskilled laborers.
This is approximately the division3
into social classes that can be observed.
There is no distinct line of demarca-
tion between any two social classes,
but it may be said that there is a dis-
tinct division between academically,
trained persons on the one hand and7
merchants and laborers on the other.
But this division is by no means sot
strict that no social intercourse takest

place between the classes. In fact, be-
tween any one, and the next following,
marriage may take place-a distinct
proof that no caste system exists.
There is, however, no difficulty in ris-
ing from one class into another. This
frequently happens. All that is neces-
sary is that a young man attain the
necessary educational qualifications
and has of course high intellectual
capabilities. For example: The son
of a mailcarrier or shopkeeper could
become a high government official or
army officer if these conditions were
satisfied. One of the best known Ger-
man generals in the present war is
of humble parentage.
Apart from an economic unrest
which is common to all countries at
the present time there seems no fric-
tion among classes. On the whole it is
realized that those best qualified fill
the highest positions. A feeling of
solidarity, however, exists in each
class. This is especially true among
the laboring class and finds expression
in socialism, (which is, however,
chiefly founded on economic grounds).
Such a feeling of solidarity also finds
expression in an educational quasi-ar-
istocracy, due in some extent to the
fact that state officials are subject to
frequent transfer from one town to an-
other and their social life is not root-
ed in the community in which they
What I have said about social class-
es pertains not only to the town that
I have accepted as a type, but to the
whole Empire. In large cities a cap-
italist class in our sense of the word
has made its appearance. As a mere
wealth has not seemed worth while
striving for to the German people the
classification which I have laid bare
may be accepted as more or less per-
The conclusion I wish to arrive at
is, that, though German society is or-
gaized into classes on the basis of
occupation and education, it is on the
whole democratic. The continuance of
the present system is assured by the
wonderful system of education and the
realization of the people that it is on
the whole wise and practical and con-
ductive to the best results for the en-
tire nation.

x t \,
Z. ADLv. BROS.. &a.

Electric Auto Heater--Keeps Your Engine Warm
Costs very little to eperate
Washtenaw Electric Shop
The Shop of Quality
It its not Right we make it Right
Phone 273 200 East Washington St.

Do T

yourself %it
a smile and a
air of prospe
ity. Wear
your best bw
iness suit and
a cheerful
necktie. If
you have no
best suit--bu
one. We hav
to appear pr4
sperous, if w
are to be pro
Come In
200-202 MAIN 5

In this day and ageof comp-
etition, comparative values
and merits are the things
that count. Our products
have hionestly won their way
to the position of par excel-


5s6 E Williams St.

Agricultural College, inspected the lo-
cal engineering college on Tuesday.
The dean stopped off here on his way
home from an engineering congress in
Washington, D. C.
Tickets for the Engineering society's
dance on Dec. 1 will be on sale at the
technic desk until Nov. 28. If any
are left after that date they will. be
placed on sale at the Union and will
cost 75 cents. At present the tickets
are being sold to members for 50
A Camp )Davls dance will be held
at the Union on Dec. 8. The usual cus-
tom of having the ladies wear "middy"
blouses and the men their old camp-
ing clothes and bandanas will be fol-
lowed this year.
I as much as there is $50 in the
.treasury as a remainder of the mess
fund, the committee in charge of the
affair has decided to introduce an ex-
pensive novelty on this occasion.
The freshmen decided to have a
smoker on Dec. 7 at their assembly
yesterday. Mr. W. B. Shaw, the sec-
retary of the Alumni association, ad-
dressed the class. The subject of his
talk was "The Alumni Association and
the Michigan Union."

m N

Magazine Says Adamson Bill Has
Awakened Employers to Dang-
er of Arbitration





Prof. J. A. Bursley's employment b-
reau seems to be a barometer of the
prosperity in the engineering field, for
at present the inquiries for engineers
exceeds the demand for positions.
Furthermore the salaries offered are
on the whole, larger than those of-
fered at this time last year.
Positions which carry with them a
salary of from $75 per month to $3,000
per year are available for men who
can start to work immediately. Sev-
eral companies have already offered
positions to the prospective graduates
of next June. The Delco and West-
inghouse companies have sent in ap-
plications for senior electricals. The
former concern is willing to place in
its research laboratories the ten men
of the graduating class who rank high-
est in scholarship.
Dean A. A. Potter, head of the en-
gineering division of the Kansas State


Women Expect Membership to Reach
at Least 904
Owing largely to the efforts of the

Prof. J. C. Parker Will Give First Talk
Friday Before B. E. S.
The first of a series of lectures on

membership campaign committee, J the fundamental principles of elec-

The senior architects will hold a
class meeting at 4:30 o'clock this aft-
rnoon in room 312.
Arrest ('reek for Knifing Man in Back
Aggel Lajaris, a Greek, is under ar-
rest charged with stabbing Fred Wat-
son in the back at the Hoover Steel
Ball plant Tuesday night. His hear-
ing is set for next Wednesday. Wat-
son will be under the doctor's care for
two or three weeks.

Leave Copy Leave Copy
at at
Quarry's and Students'
TeLfelta ADVERTISING Supply Store

Jeanette Armstrong, '17, chairman,
Margaret Atkinson, '19, and Kathryn
Johnson, '19, assistant chairman, the
membership of the Woman's league
exceeds that of any previous year,
with an enrollment of 830. At least
900 members are expected before the
end of the year as new ones are be-
ing enrolled every day.
The highest record in the past was
820 in 1913-14 when the dues were still
only twenty-five cents. In 1914-15 the
dues were raised to fifty cents and the
membership decreased. Last year the
enrollment was 518.
The first week of this% semester
showed a gain over last year, 535 hav-
ing joined the league. A three day
campaign among sorority girls, fol-
lowed by a personal canvas of the girlst
in League houses increased the num-
ber to over 800. There were 50 girls
engaged in this campaign and sever-
al of them are still working.
Girls who have not yet joined may do
so at any one of the Friday afternoon
parties of the league upon application
to Jeanette Armstrong .
The league will be stricter this year
about the admission of non-members
to its affairs. A small fee will be
chargedaforattendanceat the weekly

trical engineering will be given tomor-
row night by Prof. J. C. Parker, of the
engineering college, in the hall of the
Detroit Engineering society. "Funda-
mentgl Principles anl Calculations of
Direct Currents," is the subject of the
Other members of the faculty of the
electrical engineering department will
give talks at regular intervals during
the winter. These lectures will cover
the important phases of electricity.
The course is being held under the
auspices of the Detroit-Ann Arbor
branch of the American Institute of
Electrical Engineers.
The object of these talks, which are
voluntarily given by the speakers, is
to enable the men engaged in the elec-
trical engineering- field, who have not
had the opportunity to go to college,
to become familar with the important
The other lecturers will be Profess-
ors H. H. Higbie, Benjamin F. Bailey
and H. S. Sheppard.
There are but four more weeks be-
fore Christmas. The "folks back
home" would be pleased with your
photograph, taken personally by Mr.
Pack of the Randall and Pack Studios.


The last week ha sseen some rather
interesting developments in the polit-
ical and business worlds and "The
Bache Review" call attention to sever-
al of the most notable. In the case
of the Adamson bill the Review says:
"There is a pretty universal conviction
that the method of settlement of the
eight hour controversy was a mis-
take." Seven or eight of the leading
railroads have filled injunction suits
to avoid the operation of the law to
have its constitutionality proved and
its meaning explained. There seems
to be much question upon this last
point for neither the railroad chiefs
or the brotherhood managers know ex-
actly what the law means. "The rail-
road managers," says the Review,
"maintain that the old and time-hon-
ored milage basis of pay is to be dis-
regarded under a correct interpreta-
tion of the new bill; that no matter
how many miles a man runs a day,
he would not be paid for a day's work
unless he has worked eight hours, al-
though hitherto he would have been
paid for a day if he ran 100 miles."
The rush of congress to pass the
Adamson bill has awakened employers
to the danger that threatens the prin-
ciple of arbitration. As a result a
union of employers has been formed
embracing more than 15,000 industrial
concerns said to represent eight bil-
ion dollars of capital and who have
in their employ more than 7,000,000.
This organization is called the na-
tional conference board and its object
s to investigate every problem of the
kind to gain the facts of the case for
the public, labor, and the government.
"The Bache Review" also comments
at some length on the automobile in-
dustry in the United States. "The
growth of the automobile business
which has been enormous in the last
few years is now exceeded in volume
only by steel and cotton. The United
States will undoubtedly hold its lead
n automobile manufacturing, as it is
he only country fitted to manufacture
motor cars cheaply, by reason of its
having already attained production in
arge volume."


'V V
1' I

. 1


We have an overcoat that will
fit YOU. Now that cold weather
is really here, attain comfort in
one of our new style FITFORMS.

$15.00 to $28.50

LOST-Feather cushion with tapestry
cover, on West Bleacher, Ferry field,
at Penusy game. Will finder please
call 714-W or leave at 1109 S. State.

f.- TYPEWRITERS of all makes
.bought, sold, rented or ex-
changed. Expert repairing,
'actory service. Sole agent Under-
wood & Corona. TYPEWRITING,
0. D. MtORRILL, 322 S. State St.
(Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-J.



LOST-Somewberon tiheeast sideof
State St., a jeweled Sigma Pi fra-
ternity pin. Finder call 1211-R. Re-
ward. 23-24
LOST-Small loose-leaf note book
containing important notes. Reward.
Richard Haller. 21,22,23
LOST-In Dental Building, bill fold
with four dollars and gold pin.
Phone 2132-M.
LOST-A pin, gold cowl surrounded
by pearls. Reward offered for re-
turn. Call Lambert, 2189-W. 23-24

WANTED-Barber for Saturday. Ap-
ply at 108 Washington street. Phone
281-J. C. -T. Petrie, proprietor.
WANTED-A young lady stenographer
at Mfack & Co. 23-24-25-26-28-29
FOR SALE-Have you something that
you want to sell? If so, let the Mich-
igan Daily sell it for you through its
Classified Department.

The best place to try out
Is in your own home
Oast- Approval Ser-vice
permits you to do this
Call us up and ask us about it.
116 8. Malt, S.
Grin ell Bros. PiONE 1707

May Be Arranged by Women on
Thanksgiving Day
Requests have come from a number
of women for a special song service on
Thanksgiving day, instead of the regu-
lar Thursday vesper service, conducted
by the Y. W. C. A. The committee
will be glad to arrange such a pro-
gram, if the demand seems to warrant
it, and if it seems that a large enough
number of college women will be in
town on Thanksgiving day, to make
the service successful. Special music
will be secured from the School of
I Music, if the plan is adopted.

116 E. Liberty St.
The YOUll Menas' Shop
The committee of which Annetta
Wood. '17, is chairman, will be glad to
hear from all girls who are desirious
of such a service, as sooon as possible,
so that arrangements may be com-
pleted at once.
Our alarm clocks are good clocks.
Chaprpan, Jeweler, 113 South Main
street. tues-eod



1' .


Dancing classes and private
at the Packard Academy.

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