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November 23, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-23

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"War, Nationalism, and Society" Sub-
ject of New Book by Edward
The American Association for Inter-
natlonal Conciliation is offering prizes
for the review of Edward Krehbiel's
new book, "War, Nationalism, and So-
ciety." Krehbiel after teaching his-
tory at the University of Chicago, Le-
land Stanford, and Columbia, has taken
to research work and produced his lat-
est, the book to be reviewed.
The contest is open tp student mem-
bers of any International Polity club
or similar organization at an Ameri-
can/university, and several prizes will
be given. First prize will be $35, and
~naddlitinal prize of $5.00 will be
ven to the member of each club writ-
ing the best review.
Professor Krehbiel has produced
several other noteworthy books, and
has achieved a high place in the writ-
ers' hall of fame through his collabora-
tion with David Starr Jordan in the
production of a syllabus of lectures
on "International Conciliation," and
his contributions to the American His-
torical Review and the California Out-
The conditions of the contest are as
follows: "The review must be type-
written and must not contain more
than 2,000 words. It must be ad-
dressed to the American Association
for International Conciliation, Sub-sta-
tion 84, New York City, and must
reach its destination before Dec. 15,
1916. Each review should be signed
by a fictitious name. An envelope
With this same fictitious name on the
cutside, containing the real name of
the author with permanent address,
should be enclosed."
Final reward of prizes will be made
eomnetime before Jan. 15 1917, by
judges stillbto be selected by th as-
Vaudeville Show
Nears Perfection
Endmen and Circle Go Through Parts
With Much ViM at
Lew Dockstader would have howled
In glee had he seen the ten end men
for the Michigan Union minstrel go
through their paces yesterday. Their
dialect and snappy jokes brought one
visitor who hails from below the Ma-
s Dixon line to the verge of tears.
He said it reminded him of home.
The circle went through the ten mu-
sical numbers for the first time yes-
terday, and "put across" the widely-
varying songs with a great deal of
power and expression. The "silhouette"
act, under the direction of Raye East-
man, '17E, is expected to be the fea-
ture of the vaudeville part of the en-
tertainment. A monster silk sheet
will be dropped from above the stage
.and-a number of spotlights will make
thd actions of those behind it visible.
F. M. Adams, '17, L. W. Van Aken, '17,
and L. J. Saunders '19, will play the
leading roles in this skit.
Tickets for non-Union members are
on sale at 25 cents. Faculty men may
secure tickets by calling the Union.
Freshman Beholds
Horrible Vision

I dreamed a dream, and behold the
mistress of my boarding house owned
a vast farm, with cattle and the beasts
of the field. And 10, in the field seven
lean king overtook and devoured seven
,fat kine, and became. sick and died,
and I was fed beef for a long period.
And I grew restless in my sleep.
And I dreamed again, and seven
hungry, lean dogs attacked and de-
voured seven sleek, fat dogs, and be-
came sick and died, and I was fed
sausage and wienies for many days.
And 'I tossed about in my couch.
And I dreamed again, and seven
scrawny, scrappy cats seized and de-
voured seven well-fed Angora kittens,
and the fare disagreed with them, and
they died. and I was fed hamburger
and hash for 40 days and 40 nights.
And my resting place became a bed
of agony.
And yet again I dreamed. And alas,
seven lean relatives of my boarding
house mistress who were unkempt and
ragged, attacked and wrestled all the
night with seven corpulent relatives,
and were nigh unto smiting them to;
death when I awoke in the fever of a
And I sought not the interpretation
of my dream; yet verily did I seek a
new boarding house.1
O. G. Andres for shoe repairing. 222







Jicrease of Efficiency in

Lumbering IsI

Object of Session, Says Dean


Seattle, Nov. 22.--Detailed arrange-
ments are now under way for the ninth
session of the short winter courses in
logging, lumbering and forestry, to be
beld from Jan. 3 to March 30 at the
University of Washington. The work
is for men engaged in forestry and
lumbering, who wish to increase their
efficiency, and for those who wish to
enter these fields of work. As usual
there will be special courses for, for-
est rangers and guards, loggers, and
for lumber salesmen, architects, en-
gineers, and timber inspectors.
"Some technical training is now
practically a necessity in order to ad-
vance to good positions in these vari-
ous fields," says Dean Hugo Winken-
werder of the college of forestry.
"While it is impossible to make an ex-
pert logging engineer or a full fledged
forest ranger in a short practical
course of Sthree months, the men are
given a sufficient foundation to enable
them to carry their work forward in
an efficient manner."
As the higher price of lumber de-
mands a more efficient and closer util-
ization, it is expected that the special
course in the properties and uses of
lumber, which was. offered last year
for the first time, will draw a large
number of students from among lum-
ber salesmen, engineers. and archi-
tects. Among the special features of
the course this winter, there will be a
series of lectures and demonstrations
by a number of experts actively en-
gaged in the lumber industry and the
forest service.
Members of the Ohio club held their
first meeting of the year at the Union
last night and elected the following of-
ficers for the ensuing year: Presi-
dent, Leonard W. Nieter '17-'20L; vice-
president, C. F. Mayer, '18E; treasurer,
S. J. Slavens, '17-'19L, and secretary,
Sterling Parks, Jr., '19..
More than 20 men attended the
meeting and after the election of of-
ficers a general discussion of plans
for the year was held. Definite ar-
rangements for a smoker will be made
within a few days. The selection of
a social committee will also be made
which will take charge of the smoker
and social activities.
For live, progressive, up-to-date ad-
vertising use The Michigan Daily.
The Michigan Daily for service.

* * * 1' * * * * * * * * *
Captain John Maulbetsch an-
nounced last night that there
was no truth -in the report that
he would play with the Toledo
Maroons. An evening paper car-
ried a story yesterday declaring
that Manager Graytop of the To-
ledo team had stated that Maul-
betsch would appear in their
lineup for the rest of the year.
"It's all poppycock," said the
captain. "There's nothing to it
at all."
* * * * * ,I * * * * * * *

,$ .9 A'%

Play 0 to 0 Game Against Sophomore
Engineer Aggregation
Enough thrillers took place in the
0-0 tie game between the fresh lits
and the soph engineers yesterday aft-1
ernoon to have made several crowds
of spectators go wild with excitement,
if they had been there to see it.
A touchdown on each side seemed
probable, once in the beginning of the
second half, when the yearlings held
the boilermakers for downs and again
when the anvil pounders turned the
trick and held the infants tor downs
when only a yard was needed to push
across a score. Lowstuter, of the fresh
team, made three trys at drop kicking
goal, but was unsuccessful, two of the
attempts being blocked and costing a
big loss to the yearlings.
Garrett caught a long pass and ran
35 yards for the blacksmiths, only to
have his team held for downs when
within striking distance of the enemy's
goal. Funk of the lits covered a
fumble by the enemy and got away
for 15 yards before he was captured.
Kane of the lits proved to be the speed
demon of the contest, making several
long gains by fast end runs.
The lineup follows: Soph engineers
-Parr, l.e.; Paden,, l.t.; Nyman and
Martins, l.g.; Renwick, c; Pettyjohn,
r.g.; Cooper. r.t.; Bigger'and Horwitz,
r.e.; Storrer, q.; Haigh, l.h.; Middle-
ditch, r.h.; Garrett, f.b. Fresh lits-
Edwards, I.e.; Campbell, L.t.; Schmok,
l.g.; Gillespie, c.; Hansen, r.g.; Fra-
lick, r.t.; Funk, r.e.; Anderson and
Kerr, q.; Kane, I.h.; Merrifield, r.h.;
Lowstuter. f.b.
German U-Boat Sinks Warship.
Berlin, Noy. 22.-A German subma-
rine sank a French warship of the Arc
or Sape type in -tfe British channel on
Nov. 14, the admiralty announced to-


* * ** * 4 49 * 0* S* 4** *

Orpheum-Pauline Frederick in
"Ashes of Embers." Also Bray
Arcade - Virginia Pearson in
"The War Bride's Secret."


and this is the first time that they
have been induced to leave the big
time. They sing' well and their frocks
will delight the eye of the up-to-date
Miss. They sing and play the piano.
Bell, and Eva need no introduction.
They were here last season and did
one of the best acts of the kind ever
seen here. It is a trapoline or bound-
ing act. They jump and do all kinds
of turns and twirls in the air and
there is just enough comedy to keep
the audience in a good humor.
I). C. Johnson to Wed Miss Bigalke
Mr. and Mrs. Bigalke, of this city,
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Irene A. Bigalke, tol
Mr. David Uecil Johnson, also a resi-'
dent of Ann Arbor.I
Miss Bigalke graduated from the
University in 1914 and Mr. Johnson,
who is a member of Phi Delta Theta
fraternity, graduated from the law deg
partment the same year.

* * * * * * * * * * *


Run Up 22 Points on Opponents In
Contest Played in Morning
Playing off a tie during the noon
hour in order to decide who would
meet the sophomore engineers later
in the day, the yearling lits defeated'
the dents 22 to 0 yesterday.
The freshmen had a decided advant-
age over their opponents during the
whole game, the ball staying for the
most part in dent territory. During
the first half the '20 team used very
little but straight football through the
line. In the second half both sides
opened up, the freshmen very success-
fully. The dents did not seem to be
able to gain by this method and most
of their passes were grounded.
One of the features of the game was
a touchdown by Marrifield from a
long pass. Both the line and the
backfield of the winners worked well
and seemed unusually well organized.
Edwards and Marrifield' were the in-
dividual players for the side if any
may be chosen. Herrick and Taylor
put up a good fight on the tooth-pull-
ers end of the contest.
The lineup:
Fresh lits -- Zepp, Edwards, I.e.;
Gillespie, l.t.; Schmok, Davis, l.g.
Bornstein, c.; Hansen, r.g.; Fralick, r.
t.; Funk, Hand, r.e.; Anderson, q.;
Kane, Kerwin, l.h.; Marrifield, r.h.;
Lowstuter, f.b.
Dents - Cameron, i.e.; Kahn, Lt.;
Hapsman, l.g.; Hansen, c.; Williams,
r. g.; Nesbit, r.t.; Taylor, n.e.; Truen
q.; Herrick, l.h.; Pinnel, rh.; Hopkns,
Touchdowns: Kane, Marrifield 2,
Goal from touchdown: Lowstuter.
Field goal: Lowstuter.
Private lessons. Work will start Im-
mediately. See instructor at Dr. May's
office, Waterman gymnasium, for
terms, etc. O. S. Westerman. t
- -
- -
S The attraciefiuec
the well dressed woman
s not the resut of chance"Z
crsettin'. It is the result
"of a careful selection of a
r. corset that is scientficaly
-correctin design, and
Smade of selected fabrics

and "stays."
Back Lace Front Lace
represent the best in cor-
setry. They are high
class ih every detail, and
there is really no more
Seconomical pur ch.-se for.~
the girl or woman who is
interested in her appear
ance and wishes to pre-
serve her good figure lines
for the years to c me.
Re fitted to a PKedfern, 3
ano Xaarn for yourself how v
admirable they are.
From Three Dollars Up
For Sale by

Rose Stahl's adherauce to truth in
her stage characterizations undoubt-
edly adds much to ner popularity as
an artist and in "Our Mrs. McChesney~
in which she comes to the Whitney
theater, Friday, Nov. 24, she is said to
be at her very best. She has made a
great study of the character of Emma
McChesney and the role is one which
fits her to perfection. Mrs. McChes-
ney is travelling saleswoman for the
T. T. Buck Featherloom Petticoat com-
pany. She is a woman such as is fre-
quently met with in business and 'the
character has not been in the least
overdrawn by Enda Ferber, who wrote
the McChesney stories. Miss Ferber's
success as a short story writer has
been due to the fact that her charact-
ers are taken for the most part from
real life. Mrs. McChesney is not in
business because she loves the work,
but because she wishes to send her
son through college. She works and
slaves that she may enjoy the com-
forts of life, which is the case with
thousands of women today. Mrs. Mc-
Chesney longs for a home where she
can bake the pies and fuss about the
kitchen to her heart's content. "Our
Mrs. McChesney" is a true to life com-
edy and with Miss Stahl in the title
role is sure to prove one of the most
important of the season's attractions.

Th e Rtimor oGreytlDeagh
is Greatly Exgerated.
HNE was to give a lecture that night in London. The papers printed a
report that he was dead. They hastened to send messengers.
He greeted the messengers himself and sent back these words:
" The rumor of my death is greatly exaggerated." And the world breathed
freely and laughed.
The world breathed freely at that time, but it was a dark day a few
years later when that bright and brave spirit passed serenely to rest.

But he would not have you weep
for him. He would have you find
comfort in laughter, as he did him-
self. Many the day you have
laughed yourself into serenity over
"Huckleberry Finn" or "Inno-
cents Abroad." And many a time
your laughter has stuck in your
throat over their pathos.
Even the sublime tragedy of
Mark Twain's "Joan of Arc" shows
a glint here and there of his whim-
sical turn of mind, that makes
clearer and brighter th most splen-
did story in all the world's history.
It is a long cry from the ridic-
ulous in "Tom Sawyer" to the
sublime in "Joan of Arc," and the
man who could write them
both was great beyond our
words to tell.
;'' He had a style so simple,

so clear, so sure, that it does not
seem a style at all.
But beyond the style there is a
sane and true philosophy of life
and an understanding of the hu-
man heart-a greatness of soul.
That is why M arkTwain has been
translated into all languages-why
he is read in Chinese on the banks
of' the Yangste Kiang, why the
porter at his lodgings in Vienna
flew to do him service and showed
proudly his own set in German,
why the king of England de-
lighted to walk and to talk with
him, why you and your children
must have him where you can put
your hands on him any moment.
The American spirit of democracy
and simplicity seems to be fading
away. Get it back for yourself
through Mark Twain.


The final show for the Fall Jubilee
vaudeville week at the Majestic the-
ater opens tonight and it is said to
be one of the best that has appeared
at the theater this season. The head-
liner is "The Magazine Girls,", a min-
ature musical comedy with Doc Baker
and Elaine Julyette. It is a fantastical
journey from the Union station in
Chicago to the fashionable interior of
Vanity Fair.,
Tilford and company will appear in
one of the best novelties of the year.
It is a ventriloquist act that breaks
all precedents. It is known as "Abe
Stibibble" and quite a lot of fun is
introduced. 'Tshe play is enacted with-
out the detection of the moving of lips,
and there is quite a little comedy.
Morris Golden is an eccentric violin-
ist. Not only is he a humorist, but he
is a proficient musical artist. He is
well known to vaudeville patrons in
the East and comes here with a good
reputation as an entertainer.
The Barry Girls are well known by

The Half-Price Sale Closes

This is Mark
the home of each
Harpers have wo
Before the wa
could sell this set
The last of th
The price of p

Sound in dark-green ,Send°Co
cloth, gold tops, gold
backs, deckled edges,2
fully illustrated.
There never again
Mark Twain at the present price. Get the 25 volumes now, whiley
American has to have a set of Mark Twain in his home. Get this nc
money. 4{ Your children want Mark Twain. You want him. Send th
today--now-while you are looking at it.

Twain's own set. This is the set he wanted in
of those who love him. Because he asked it,
rked to make a perfect set at a reduced price.
r we had a contract price for paper, so we
of Mark Twain at a reduced price. N 1u11A&
e edition is in sight. F'UIi{InSq
aper has gone up. , ork
Send mne, alt
charges prepaid
upon Without a g2
//^^ y y'rva ini't~vrlkSin 2 jx'OI-
oney in handsoe gr-clioth,
stanl;)edi -P! , hitops$
and det;led e i.; 3 nt SI.n
will be any more factory, I wil r a u at
you can. Every ' Your expeftse. Othrwise I wI. a 'i
ow and sa,eowithin and a
IQW nd avex,)tthfor non? :, tu. gettin; the
is coupon benefit of your hali-)rice sale. I. D. 3
-ame.........-........ . .....

tues-.eodtheir association with George Felix

i - - Ar

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