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November 17, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-17

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CitflL t U L [ L LU
Street Settled After Election
Flurry; Demand Holds
Prices Stable
w York, Nov. 16.- The general
ency on Wall street is to accept
lection results as fair, and to set-
down to pre-election conditions.
closeness of the result is regard-
s a sign that hereafter both parties
be compelled to nominate their
, able and conscientious citizens,
realizing that few vital issues
at stake, will base future cam-
as on the personality of the can-
ose stocks which suffered a re-
n after early belief in Republican
ess had caused a rise, are now
to normal. The impression is
there can be no permanent set-
until after the war inflation
s, which contingency is not yet
ght. Prices of commodities seem
e held stable by two incontrovert-
facts, an abnormal demand and a
ral scarcity. The demand for
ftions is expected to continue at
until spring; .our mills are en-
Dring to fill the void in foreign
ets; while the whole country is
ig the stimulus of the big profits
e past two years.
ndustrial Awakening at Hand
is quite evident that the warring
ns will be compelled to come
i to New York for financial aid;
f which tends to permanently in-
se the financial prestige of the
4d States. So long as these in-
ces remain, the inflation move-
must continue, and when the war
es there will be compensations to
t their disappearance. A great
trial awakening is already at
in, this country, new markets
g been opened to us while new
tries are being created at an un-
dented rate. Unless all signs
ad, we have entered a new era of
trial progress in which the re-
a of industry will be more equit-
distributed than ever before.
e of the most assuring symptoms
e day is the disappearance of
c hostility to the 'railroads, which
so hindered their development.
the first time in years the rail-
s have been scarcely a factor in
itical campaign, and their pros-
for future fair treatment are
improving. American railroads
been literally starved to death
rat of new capital, which could
btained only on almost ruinous
. In 1915 the railroad stock is-
were $287,000,000 less than in
while the notes and bonds had
ased by $51,000,000, as a result
norant and prejudiced railroad
ation. To this are due the unsat-
ory service, lack of new milage
better facilities, from which the
ry has suffered during the past
s year's corn crop is estimated
1,000,000 bushels less thn last
And the wheat crop at 404,-
)0 bushels less. These fig-
explain the high cost of food
>Ut regard to the war which has
er lessened the world's supplies
duced yields and increased wast-
The high prices of cotton, copper,
s, leather, wool, coal, and other
sities is almost entirely q ques-
af supply.
roits Going Into New Plants
hough the outlook of the market

nues favorable, the abnormal con-
is prevailing should not be for-
n. The longer the rise continues
reater the risk unless occasional
ions are permitted for readjust-
and strengthening of the technic-
sition. While the end of big pro-
s not in sight, it should be re-
bered that large portions of these
;oing into new plants, especially
eel concerns. Unreasonable ex-
tions of increased dividends may
fore invite disappointment, al-
;h such appropriations from earn-
will often really strengthen the
anies making them. Outlays of
aature tend to diminish the ap-
ions for outside capital, which
umulating and will be more and
tempted into new enterprises of
ionable character. Taking all
s into consideration, there is
reason for continued optimism,
se money is plentiful, credit
1, and confidence well establish-
Jevertheless, there is vastly more
of good judgment than in any or-
v boom, for the reason that the
ion is extraordinary in all re-
, Is full of untried circumstances,
able to sudden changes.

* Majestic-Vnudce ile. *
* * ___
* Orphieum-E:dna thodrich in *
" The House of Jes." Also *
* Bray Vartoons. *
* - - - - *
* Arcade-Viola lhuia in "The *
* Gates of Eden?" Drew comedy *
* also. *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * *F * '4

highly advanced work with that ma-
Within the near future an apparatus
for testing pavement is to be installed.
I'his machine will have attached to it
iorseshoes and other articles that are
ised in going over pavements, by men
and machines. The tester will be
.loved over the specimen of road or
2avement being tried out. In this way
, close approximation to actual traffic
conditions will be obtained.
The highway engineering depart-
nent's equipment is now housed in
the old power house and when finally
completed this laboratory will be by
far the most complete of its kind in
the entire United States.
The most important result of yes-
terday's assemblies was the juniors'
decision to wear corduroys. The class

was unanimously in favor of this prop-
osition, and delegated N. H. Ibsen, '18E,
to lay the plan before the seniors. The
latter at their meeting agreed to al-
low the juniors to wear the corduroys
provided that their trousers should be
of a different color than those of the
The juniors are to hold a smoker on
Monday at the Union. Tickets, which
cost 25 cents, have been placed on
C. B. Barnard, '18E, was scalded
in the mechanical engineering labora-
tory yesterday as a result of having
some live steam played down his back.
His injuries are not of a serious na-
Harvey M. Merker, '09E, will talk

technology today on the subject of
manufacturing enzymes and animal
gland extracts. Mr. Merker is in
charge of the department doing this
work at the plant of Parke, Davis &
Co. He has been able to produce ex-
tracts and digestive ferments of such
superior quality that before the out-
'reak of the European war he was
shipping his products to Germany, the
recognized leader in all chemical mat-
The sophomores decided to assess
class dues of 50 cents at the assembly
yesterday. Prof. J. R. Brumm ad-
dressed the class.
E. S. Jacobus' Five-Piece Orchestra
for, dances, entertainments and con-
certs. 520 N. Fifth Ave. Phone 1487.


Rose Stahl is one of th me t on-
vincing actresses w- av1 Of th C
American stage today and in "Our
Mrs. McChesney," in which she will be
seen at the Whitney theater, Friday.
Nov. 24, she has a role finely a.apted
to her ability. After Miss Stahl's in-
terpretation of Patricia O'Brien in
'The Chorus- Lady" and of Maggie
Pepper, the saleslady, it is very evi-
dent to those who have read Edna
Ferber's popular Emma McChesiiey
stories that Miss Stahl is the ideal ac-
tress- for the role.
Miss Stahl this season is under the
Charles Frohman management, which
assures a strong and well-balanced
con pany and a splendid production.
Miss Stahl is not satisfied to act merely
a role. She believes in living the char-
acter and so it is in "Our Mrs. Mc-
Chesney." She is not Rose Stahl but
she is Emma McChesney, saleswoman

Captivating Chocolates
Bonbons, Creams, Marshmallows, Wafers,
Bitter Sweets, Caramels, and all the good
kipds of confectionery, when furnished
by US, are always sure to be fresh, tempting,
delicious and refreshing. We take great pride
in our confections and expend our best skill in
selecting and insuring a quality that cannot be
we have a large assortment of Morse's, Booth's, and
Davidson's Box Goods candies.
Stop and see our window display.

l~ee NCb in '"Our iMrs. McChies.
My idtney Tl -r, Friday, Nov.
are elaborate and the scenery

for the Featherloom petticoats. adeqrate
hr is well drilled and they
AT TIE MjESTiC. o through a number of clever dances.
"The Four Husbands," which was
one of the big hits at the Majestic last
season, is playing a return engage-
ment and with a new cast it is just astei cn o
good as last season. There is plenty lu ntle e r in e abrae now boe
of comedy and song.n d the laboratory of the
The company is headed by Emmet l'xray enginer ng department will
Vogan and Betty Frank and in their r in the country when
support are George Burton, Luther
Yantis, Al Leonard, Grover Webb, Jack T mw1hi will have a capacity
Gates and others. The story told is :e 0 tons, and on it can be tested
about a rich girl with an army of cAeret arcies 6 feet in length. This
suitors after her. As usuaI, thestern he maximumn 6ength from which
father objects. Four young mn are selected rastlht (Ca be obtained
selected and they go to Florida whcrc in xperimental work.
the hero wins the bride. There are aof the 150-ton
number of good songs and the cos- cldh thicot of the w apparatus
wil be 1,400. The jack is worth $750.
W a t c h f o r t h e Anoeer addition that has increased
GREEN PENNSY EXTHA 1he elliney of the laboratory is the
on the streets iimediat(ly new hood. used in tests with asphalt.
after the game. . . . . .. . The h'nrtmc can now carry on

Delicious Hot Drinks The Fountain of Youth

Order your mum today for
the Penn g'am.
We have 1500 Iare yellow
mums at $.0prdz
Also a full line of choice cut
flowers for corge work
Our prices are rasonabe so,
do not forettela.
Phone 294 213 E. Liberty
Members of the Florist Tel. Del. Service

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