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November 16, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-16

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Charles William Wallace of Ne-
braska to Lecture Tues-
day, Nov. 21



Najesi ic-Vaudeville*
Orplieni m- Edna Goodrich in
"The House of Lies." Also
Bray Carl oons.
Ar-ade-Veleska Suratt in "The
Straight Way." #
* * * * * * * * * * *


Ma-1 irdui .ion ('auses Prices of
Food and MateriaIs to

During the past year various cele-
rations of the tercentenary of the
>irth of Shakespeare have been held.
In this country and England. These
elebrations have taken the form of
nasques, pageants, lectures, and spe-
dal school entertainments. One of
;he most significant and interesting of
all these celebrations is the series of
lectures which Dr. Charles William
Wallace has been delivering in this
country on the original researchs he
bas made in Shakespearean documents.
Ten years ago, scholars of this
ountry and England believed that they
knew all there was to be known
about William Shakespeare. They be-
lieved that all the documentary sources
of information had been carefully
searched. Yet since that time, more
#ocuments containing Shakespeare's
signature have been discovered by Dr.
Charles William Wallacei, professor
of English literature in the University
of Nebraska, than were brought to
light in the three preceding centuries.
Dr. and Mrs. Wallace in their work
have examined over five million rec-
ords, many of which had not been ex-
mnined by anyone else since they were
filed away three or four hunderd years
before. They have not only found in-
*aluable contributions to our knowl-
edge of Shakespeare, the man and the
poet, as he walked and talked in Lon-
ion, but they have uncovered many
new and interesting facts about the
Elizlethan theaters and the drama and
dramatists of Shakespeare's time.
The discoveries of Dr. Wallace have
aot only changed theatrical history
and the basis of biographical study of
Shapespeare. They have proved that
the field for such research is an open
one, and they have practically removed
the limit of knowledge about Shake-
In his lectures, Dr. Wallace is giv-
ing the first connected story of his
years of research in European arch-
ives. No one else possesses such a
Command of the entire field of pub-
lished and ,unpublished work.
Dr. Wallace will lecture here at
x:34 o'clock Tuesday, Nov. 21, in the
natural science auditorium. The lee-
ure will be free, being given under
he auspices of the University, and will
be illustrated by slides made from
photographs of Dr. Wallace's discov-
eries and of historical locations.
Freshman Needs
Another Blanket?
"Y'know," said the "frosh," and he
lmost in tears, "that landlady of mine
s an awful stupid. Can you imagine
mne blanket on a night like last night.
rnd when I crabbed she says in her
:rowbird-like voice, 'Well, if you want
mny more covers you can get them at
ome, I ain't agoin' to keep you in
uxury. 'That's right,' says I. The,
ld crab must think I'm a cross coun-,
ry runner or something.",
The yearling felt terribly aggrieved,
f his actions during the next few
noments can be taken as an indica-y
ion. But the sight of a pretty, rosy-
heeked girl swinging along the diag-2
nal walk seemed suddenly to calm


November 15, 1916. --
domeatic business has

That musical comedy lyrics need
not necessarily be series of nonsense
syllables through which to string the
thread of the composer's melody, is il-
lustrated in "Katinka," which Arthur
Hammerstein will send to the Whitney
Theater, Tuesday, Nov. 211.
One of the songs, for example, "I
Want to Marry a Male Quartette," has
a keenly satirical idea back of it..
The fair young singer in search of a
husband puts forth the theory that
four men would be little more trouble
around the house than one, and having
four there would always be a chance
that one might amount to something.
Around this idea could be built a full-
grown farce, though probably it would
take a Frenchman to do it.
Theatrical patrons will undoubtedly
enthuse over the announcement that
Rose Stahl is scheduled for the Whit-
ney theater Friday, Nov. 24, in the
American comedy success, "Our Mrs.
McChesney." Not only is Miss Stahl
a great favorite the country over, but
she is now in a play taken from Edna
Ferber McChesney stories, and which
have been widely read and enjoyed.
Miss Stahl is under the Charles Froh-
man management, which means a
splendid production and a capable cast.
In fact, "Our Mrs. McChesney" has
30 speaking parts and these are all
in competent hands.
Miss Stahl has a role as finely suited
to her as was that of Patricia O'Brien
in "The Chorus Lady" and of Maggie
Pepper in the play of that name. Mrs.
McChesney is human. She is just
such a woman as is often met with
in the business world and with Miss
Stahl interpreting the character the
impression is given the audience that
Eirma MChesney has stepped right
out of the MChesney stories on to the
The company includes Edward Field-
ing, W. H. St. James, A. Romaince Cal-
lender, Phillips Toad, George Har-
court, Mildred Barrett, Marguerite Te-
beau, Jane Komray, Lavina Shannon,
Dorothy Allen, Dorothy Walters, Ida
Davis, Emma Salvators, May Wood,
Thomas Reynolds, Ernest Geyer, Roy
LaRue, John Will, Herbert Delmore,
C. A. Williams, Frank Wilson and
There are six ingredients for a suc-
cessful musical show and "The Four
Husbands" which comes to the Majes-
tic tonight for the remainder of the
week possesses all six. The necessary
adjuncts of the successful girlie show
of today are an interesting story,
catchy tunes, a talented cast of play-
ers, a good looking chorus, and elabor-
ate scenic setting, and up-to-the-min-
ute costumes. "The Four Husbands
fills these requirements in this man-
ner: It was written by Will M. Hough,
who is responsible for "The Night
Clerk", "The Naughty Princess", "Six
Little Wives", and all of the famous
LaSalle Theater, Chicago, successes.
Its music emanated from the pen of
Wm. B. Friedlander, who composed the!
tune settings for the before named suc-
cesses. Its cast is headed by Adelaide
Frank as the heiress who marries four
h/bands at one time, and by Emmet
Vogan as the man who finally wins her
heart, together with such other welli
known players as -Vivian Lawrence,
George Burton, Al Leonard, Luther
Yantis, Alf. Bruce, and Chas. Gates.<
Owing to the fact that the big game
takes place on Saturday, the manage-
ment announces thatno show will be
given in the afternoon, but in order1

that a number of strangers and others
who cannot attend any other perform-
ance, a special after breakfast matineei
will be given Saturday morning at
10:30 o'clock. The sale of seats open-E
Sen Monday and already quite al
larg'e number have been sold -and re-
served. The usual night shows will
be given.1

reached a stage whero new records are
taken as a matter of course, and Eu-
rope's gold is still pouring into the
this country, the scarcity of labor and
the di ilcutics of procuring new equip-
ment at once have combined to pre-
v ct.the building of so large an in-
dustrial capacity that any great part
of it would have to be abandoned at
ie close of to European war.
Prices of commodties continue to
adi arnce. Not only industrial mater-
ials and manufactured goods have in-
ereased in prie, due to Europe's
steady drain oil our output, but in-
paired production has raised the
price of foodstuffs. Strange to say the
farmer is proilting by this increase
more than the ealer, for he gets 35
per cent more than last year, while
the dealer gets only 32 per cent more.
For the first time, too, the cotton
planter of the south is not selling in
haste but is holding on until he, as
well, gets some benefit from the in-
creased prices.
Taking int consideration the fact
that a large portion of the spring
wheat of this year was uinillabe, and
that imperect development of the
grain makes the avecrage weight of a
bushel .1 per cent less, the whole
wheat crop for the year will be equiv-
alet to less than 59,000,000 bushels.
This, i combination with Europe's
buying reardess of price has brought
wheat up to a level reached only twice
in the past futy ye's, and then only
Lecause of spenuiativo operations.
Coal prices, too, are unusually high.
Though this was due at first to a
shortage of labor, the scareity of cars
for sipping it has become the more
important factor in the problem, so
that anthracite and bitumenous coal
both are selling at unheard of rates.
Railroad trahic generally is less con-
gested than last year, due both to the
better handling of the ears at the sea-
board terminals and to the light grain
crops of the country. Car shortages,
liowever, have become very marked.
Obsolete ernipmient has been retired
under the stress of the heavy trafic of
the past, year, and the record prices
asked for new equipment of all kinds
has deterred the roads from heavy buy-
ing to replace it.
The steel ou it is increasing at a
rate never before equalled. Not only
mnitions orders are being given at-
tenion but orders are being taken for
rails, structural material and ship
pilates for delivery as far ahead as
'1918. Orders fcr steel work at double
the prices of a year ago have been re-
The export trade of the country, av-
eraging over half a billion dollars per
month is greater than any two coun-
tries together have ever had. Of this
huge volume of business, only about
23 per cent comes under the head of
war munitions and accessories."
Gold imports in payment for this have
increased the amount of gold in our
money supply by $494,000,000 in 12
months. This is equal approximately
to the combined holdings of Great
Britian, France, Germany, and Russia.
May Obtain Pasboards at Union at
5 O'clock; Price Is 75 Cents
Tickets will go on sale for the spe-
cial Pennsy dance at the Union at 5
o'clock today. The price is 75 cents
The new gymnasium floor will prob-
ably be obtained for the dance Sat-
urday night. Preparations are being
hurried as fast as possible. The "sand-
machine" was kept busy yesterday
afternoon and it is hoped that the oil-
ing may be done today or tomorrow.

In case the floor can not be completed
in time, the dance will be held in
V arbour gymnasium and at the Michi-
gan Union.
There will be special music consist-
lug of two orchestras, one being Ike
Fisher's and the other Shook's first
orchestra of colored musicians from
Detroit. Punch and light refreshments
will be served.
The chaperones are: Associate Pro-
fessor and Mrs. J. E. Emswiler, Pro-
fessor and Mrs. F. H. Stevens, Pro-
fessor and Mrs. John J. Cox, and Pro-
fessor FI. S. Breed.
The members of the committee are:
Chairman Elmer C. Schacht, 'ISE, E.
C. Dudley, Jr., '1SE, and Raymond W.
Severance, '20.
Laundry cases-Another huge ship-
ment received at Wahr's University
book store. 12-17

Says War Frees
Turkish Women
liss Mary Mills Patrick, President of
Constantinople College for
Women, Gives Views
By George Martin
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
New York, Nov. 15.-"War is bring-
ing the Turkish woman, feminine mys-
tery of the ages, out of the harem and
from behind her veil, and when she
stands revealed the world will be as-
tonished at her superior intellect and
progressive spirit," said Miss Mary
Mills -Patrick, home from Constanti-
nople today. Miss Patrick is president
of the Constantinople College for
"Our century old curiosity about the
veiled women of the harems is about
to be gratified," she added. "How they
live, what they think, what their
dreans may be, is gradually unfold-
ing in the upheaval in Europe today,
and these things will not at all be
what we Americans have pictured
them. Our idea that life in a harem
is one continuous debauch could not
be farther from the truth.
"The women of Turkey, as a class,
are splendid women. They are not
frivolous, nor petty minded, nor dull.
The veil and the secluded life are no
more acceptible to the Turkish woman
than they would be to a stenographer
in Chicago, or a dry goods saleswoman
in San Francisco. These women, par-
ticularly as to their brain capacity and
self-reliance are greatly misunderstood
by the men and women of America.
As a class they possess an unusual
degree of intelligence and initiative,
and when they have finally come into
their own the world will be astonished
at their high station."
Mr. Raymond N. Brown, formerly of
the University of Chicago Library, has
been made Chief of the Order and Ac-
cessions Department of the General
Library of the University.
Mr. Brown is a graduate of Boston
Library and has seen service in the
libraries of Amherst, the Boston
Athenaeum, the New York Public Lib-
rary, and the Library of the University
of Wisconsin.
Up to the time of his appointment
here, Mr. Brown has been working in
the Readers' Department of the Harp-
er Memorial Library of the University
of Chicago.
He succeeds Mr. F. L. D. Goodrich,
who became Reference Librarian on
Oct. 1, succeeding Mr. Byron A. Fin-
necy. Mr. Finney was retired on the
Carnegie Foundationsat the close of
We set glass. C. H. Major & Co. 5-16

Cosmopolitan Club Play Written by
Professor Nelson of English
Some of the best dramatic talent on
the campus will be found on the cast
of the "Magic Carpet" which Professor
Nelson has written for the Cosmopoli-
tan club. The leading part, that of
Dadda Rhamadad, will be played by
Warren Townsend, '18, an assistant in
the oratory department, who has had
several years on the professional
stage. Margaret Cooley, '18, has the
leading woman's part, that of "Pene-
lope Pembroke." The Hawaiian scene
furnishes some excellent opportunities
for Harry Carlson, '17.
One of the finest scenes in the whole
performance is the Hindu scene, the
plot of which was suggested by Dr. N.
S. Hardiker, in collaboration with the
other Hindu students of the University.
In this scene Dr. Hardiker himself
plays the leading part, assisted by
Miss Florence Pride of the city Y. W.
C. A., David Rosenthal, '17, Louis
Luebbers, '17. The part of Narida,
the mystic, will serve to introduce N.
R. Chavare to an Ann Arbor audience.
Mr. Chavare is known in India as an
actor and musician.
The cast of the Japanese scene is
headed by George Wilner, '17, while
Laura Cannon, '18, Elsa Apfel, '17,
Sotokichi Katzuizumi, '17, and M.
Uyehara, '18, complete the cast for the
A Tang poem written about 600 A. D.
forms the basis of the Chinese scene
which gives Clarence Hunter, '17, an
opportunity to show that his "Marc
Antony" and "Menaechmus" of last
year do not represent the only kind of
part which he can play successfully.
Jennie Jacobs, a member of the Cape
Town Dramatic club of South Africa,
plays the leading feminine role. A
striking picture of Zulu life is pre-
sented in a sketch by A. A. Seele, '18D.
The aim this year has been to make
the play truly cosmopolitan in char-
acter. With this end in view the parts
have been given, wherever possible, to
students from the country represented,
although the speaking parts have been
distributed according to dramatic abil-
Cora Wilson Stewart, who is to ap-
pear at the Methodist church at 7:30
o'clock Sunday, Nov. 19, under the
auspices of the Wesleyan G'uild, will
speak on "Moonlight Schools." Miss
Stewart is at present the president of
the illiteracy commission of Kentucky.

7-2 U019 the
waist measure
o MATTER. how
rich the cloth, how
fine -the workman+
ship, or how stylish
the cut-if the suit
does not fit, its good
lines and its good
looks simply will not
Roya Tailored clothes
are not only the apex
of style-but the style
The clothes fit; hence
there is no friction,
no tension, no slack or
pull between the gar,
mnent and the body.
Good fit means stamn
ina, endurance.
"Made to your meas-
ure" is the answer.
Prices $18.50 to $40,


Campus Bootery
State St.
Authorizea Dealer

The Only irl Who

A Nation's Armies
A simple little girl of sixteen played one day in
a little lost villa;,e. The next year, in supreme
command of all the troops of France she led them
in triumph to victory.
} . Great dukes bowed before this girl who could not
read. Sinful men, men who had cursed and drank
and murdered all their days, followed her meekly.
It is the most dramatic, the most amazing story
in the whole story of human life. In the dim
far-off past, Joan of Arc went her shining way in
France,-and her story was never told as it should
have been till it was told by an American.

"Yuh don't see anything like that
n summer, do you 'stupe?" And with
grin of assent "'stupe" passed on
own State street.
"The Making of a Home or the
Inity of House and Garden" is the
ubject of the lecture which will be
iven by Mr. Thomas H. Mawson, Hon.
L. R. I. B. A., at 8 o'clock this even-,
ng, in the lecture room of Memorial
Mr. Mawson comes to Ann Arbor
nder the auspices of the department
f landscape design. He is one of the
oremost exponents of the English
andscape designers and is professor
f landscape design in the University
f Liverpool. Admission is free.
The first elimination tryout for the
entral Debating League team will
e held in room 302 Mason hall, at 8
'clock next Saturday morning. Each
ian will be allowed eight minutes in.
rhich to make some kind of a speech.
'wenty-four men picked from the four
iterary societies will compete. Out of
his number 16 will be chosen to com-
ete in the second tryout which is
scheduled for a week from Saturday.

plicity, the loftiness of the Bible--but with a whimsical
touch which makes it human. Mark Twain's Joan of
Arc is no cold statue in a church-no bronze on a pedes-
tal, but a warm, human, loving girl.
Read "Joan of Arc" if you would read the most sublime
thing that has come from the pen of any American. Read
"Joan of Arc" if you would know Mark Twain in all his
greatness. It is accurate history told in warm story form.

The Price Goes Up

Humor Essays



Tryads Change Time of Meeting
Due to the many conflicting attrac-
tions the Tryads have changed their
time of meeting from Wednesday even-
ing to Tuesday evening. Meeting will
continue to be held in room 301 Ma-
son hall.
Dancing wax in all sized packages.
C. H. Major & Co. Phone 237. 5-16

This is Mark Twain's own set. This is the set he want-
ed in the home of each of those who love him. Be-
cause he asked it, Harpers have worked to make a
perfect set at a reduced price.
Before the war we had a contract price for paper. / HARPER &
so we could sell this set of Mark Twain at a / BROTHERS
reduced price./ Franklin Sq.
The last of the edition is in sight. The / New York,
price of paper has gone up. / Send me, all charges
/!par e pa i d, a set of
Send the Coupon Without Money Mark Twain's works
There never again will be any more / in 25 vol u m e s, illus-
Mark Twain at the present price. / e trated, bound t shand-
Get the 25 volumes now, while some green cloth, stamped
you can. dedges.If not satisfactory, I
Every Amern h as got to willeturn them at your expense.
haveL a set of Mark Twain / Otherwise I will send you $i.oo
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TI',ain. yo want him.
Send lnis coupon todam
'-now-wil~e you are { N m .'. .. . ... .. ..,. . . .
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New York /' dess....................................

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