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Possibility of Wet Field Raises Penn's
Hopes; Forwards Will be
Jimmy Watkins is the latest of the
old guard to arrive in the Michigan
football camp.
This makes two of the veterans on
hand to assist in whipping the Maize
and Blue eleven into shape for the
final fray of the season as "Tommy"
Hughitt dropped into Ann Arbor a
couple of days ago. Watkins was one
of the stars of a decade ago and is
rated by Coach Yost as one of the
finest football players that has ever
been turned out at Michigan. Tom-
my Hughitt is of too recent graduation
to need further introduction.
Every fall the fag end of the season
sees half a dozen of Yost's former foot-
ball pupils back on Ferry field assist-
ing in bringing the Michigan eleven
into shape for the big home game of
the year.
Two of the former stars have al-
ready dropped into the city and more
are expected. Redden invariably
comes back to help Coach Yost while
Carpell and Pattengill will probably
turn up this week to assist the Maize
and Blue squad as much as they can.
Light Workout Yesterday
Coach Yost let the men off with the
lightest sort of a workout yesterday
afternoon, due to a considerable extent
to the character of the weather. The
snow made the going bad and the
coach did not want to take a chance
on any injuries. The team did not
perform on the big field, but galloped
hround on one of the numerous pas-
tures on the southern part of the big
Yost had his punters practicing
kicking into the wind and with the
gale that was blowing yesterday they
had all the opposition that they want-
All of the Varsity boosters were
hoisting punts squarely into the teeth
of the wind so that they might be
accustomed to this sort of thing if the
-occasion arose on Saturday. Three
years ago when Michigan played Penn-
sylvania on Ferry field, the contest
was staged in a snow storm and a
strong wind was blowing all after-
Incidentally many of the football
followers have been speculating upon
the way a wet field would affect the
game. Will Pennsylvania suffer more
or will it be the Wolverines with their
forward passing?
Wet Field Worries
It seems certain that a wet day
would seriously handicap the Michigan
eleven for the forward pass has al-
most pecome an important factor in
Michigan's offense. To throw a wet
if it is a wet day, it will put a differ-
ent complexion upon matt--rs in gen-
eral. Also, a wet day will hnder
Sparks. Sparks needs a firm footing
and dry soil. This youiister's work in
handling punts was counted upon to
assist materially, but much of his ef-
ficiency will be impaired if it is a bad
And His Name Is
Lead K indly Light
Pitbi~ng Ariiy, Brown-i, (Xdgate, aid
ship Tangle
m A1' Niel..r 1 UA YE MAT C4I 1)
Light, front monicker Lead Kindly, W en those eminent gentlemm--tie
has alternated at quarter and fullback members o th rules committeed
since he showed so well in the open- e ide oen game, little did
ing 3-0 victory of Penn against West ; 1i t e ights tl
Virginia. wouldcbring uponWalterCamnp, Jaies
irgma atomnn ot er noted authori-
Until the last quarter of the mal- e O, a
treating Pittsburg handed out to the .O.t. .l
Red and Blue, Light was considered t t the situation is in aj
as the regular pivot of the Quakers. h I he Army isics o
Folwell sent Jimmy Bryant into the o o note in eas s
fray at this stage and Bryant did so ome through the resent eason with
well that he has been running the arel record. The Cadets have sivet
team of late. Light has been holding he short end of decisive scores to op-
down the fullback's job in good shape uonents on very occasion this season.
ever since, playing until the psycholog- he Olilhart-Vidal combination has
woitstoo1 al Opposition which has
ot n sent against it.
::,.::::. Pittsburg is the team which seems
to have the best claim next to the
"athrs. The Snoky City squad has
1.anished all adversaries, sone of
Coy, or before him, Willie Heston.
Olihant can kick, he can lit the line,
airt the ends, is adept on either end
of the forward pass, and has a head
which has asserted itself more than
Once. le alone is practically respon-
sible for the standing which the Army
occupies today. But the Navy is a
coming team. If the Annapolis crew
can stop Oliphant, they are conceded
better than an even chance. And
many who claim to be versed in the
realms of football come forward with
the statement that the Middies have
more than a remote chance to do this
very thing.
Second , Year Boilerniakers Put Over
Teuelbdev and Win, 7-0
In a weird sort of game yesterday
afternoon, the sophomore engineers
defeated the juniors of that department
with a score of 7 to 0. The class of
'18 could place only nine men on the
field, but this undersized organization
played good football and through a
successful pass to Russel nearly tied
the score, the ball being on the sopho-
more two-yard line when the game.
ended. Neither side was able to hold
onto the slippery pigskin and the con-
test was replete with fumbles. It
seemed especially difficult to handle
punts and the kicking team usually re-
covered the ball.
The touchdown for the second year
men came in the first half through the
efforts of Garrett after a series of end
runs and line plunges. This team
threatened to score again as the
whistle blew, ending the first half.
Middleditch and Garrett carried the
ball for sophomore gains. Russel and
Cherry of the '18 squad played a
strong game, the former being equally
good on offense and defense.
The lineup: Sophomores-Paige,
L.e.; Parr, L.t.; Sommers, Nyman, I.g.;
Renwick, c.; Pettyjohn, r.g.; Paden,
r.t.; Martins, r.e.; Storrer, q.; Zoellen,
I.h.; Middleditch, r.h.; Garrett, f.b.
Juniors -Routier, l.e.; Healy, I.t.-
l.g.; Tattersahl, c.; Morency, r.g.-r.t.;
Cherry, r.e.; Dudley, q.; Hughes, l.h.;
tussel, r.h.; Mittlesdorf, f.b.
Touchdown - Garrett. Goal from
to achdown--Middleditch.
If its artistic Nvall paper you want,
go to C. Ti. Major & Co. Phone 237. 5-16
Eight Teams Remain for Second
Flight; Schedule to Be An-
nouneed in a Few Days
After the defeat of the seniors by
the juniors in the literary department
game yesterday afternoon and the de-
feat of the juniors at the hands of the
sophomores in the engineering con-
test the interclass series is ready to
enter upon the second round. Until
the present time everything has been
uncertain in this series, due to the
unusual number of tie games played.
The seniors and juniors of the literary
college have played three ties before
the decision was reached yesterday
The following teams remain for the
second round: First division, freshman
laws, medics, senioreengineers, and
the Junior lits. Second division-
Junior lawss, dents, sophomors en-
gineers, and the fresh lits.
The schedule is not made out as
yet but will be published in The Daily
as soon as it is ready. As many of
the games as possible will probably
be played off Saturday morning.
Snow Greets Green Team at Hanover
Hanover, N. H., Nov. 15.-Alumni
O al was covered with an inch of
snow today, and Coach Cavanaugh or-
dered practice in the baseball cage
for the Dartmouth football squad.
The Rifle club will launch a mem-
bership campaign sometimes next
week. Last year the team won the
championship of Class "B," and this
year they will contend for the Class
"A" trophy, which M. A. C. captured
last year with an almost perfect score.
Other contenders for this prize are
Washington University and Norwich,
both of whom gave the Farmers a
hard fight last year.
Captain Schoepfle, McIntyre, Bate-
man, Cutting, and Nicholson are the
only men back from last year's ag-
gregation, so that there is an urgent
need for new material. It will be
necessary for the team to do some tall
hustling if they expect to take a fall
out of the Farmers.
Practice will be started as soon as
Waterman gymnasium is available.
The Rifle club expects to have a regu-
lation range built in the basement of
the building.
Championship HockT yame Postowned
On account of the snowstorm and
the extremely poor condition of the
field, the final game of the women's
hockey series between the freshman
and sophomore teams was not played
yesterday afternoon. The contest will
be staged tomorrow afternoon instead,
and the finals in archery will take
place at that time also.
ical moment when Berry has been
rushed into the fray to pull off some
long end runs and broken field dashes.
This is the former freshman star's
first season on the Varsity. He is an
all around offensive and defensive
player, a good broken field twister, and
line plunger of note. With Bryant,
Derr, Williams, and the rushing Berry
he has proved a necessary cog in the
backfield. Light is 20 years of age,
and balances the beam at 162 pounds.
He will be seen under number 11 on
Ferry field Saturday.
Brown and Sichermerhorn Score
Touchdowns for Winners; '17
Wra Nar "naOam
hemn by extremauely comfortable and
decisive scores. But Warner's menc
fell down badly in one instance, and
:o is generally considered suffcient.
T'hey beat the weak Navy team but
20-19. Possibly the Panthers had been
instructed to progress through the
game uider wraps, but such does not
cob the Xfnay of their due, and takes
away much of the credit Pitt mighi
have gotten from a decirv victory.
0. S. V. aad Nde ihwestern i West
Beside the Army and Pitt, Ohio
State and poor Northwestern are the
only two real contenders in the hunt.
Neither are likely to be recognized
when all the precincts are in and the
official recounts are made. Neither
plays an eastern school, and none o:
the western schools which they have
faced have been seen in competition
with the sunrise teams with the ex
ception of Indiana and Illinois which
Tufts and Colgate walloped. And for1
the past few years gridiron statistics
have been more or less wobbly in re-
gard to score comparisons.
With Thanksgiving but little morel
than two weeks away the standing of
the leading gridiron crews of the
country look strangely similar to the
American lhague race of last June and
July, when all but the Athletics had
practically even chances of copping a
share of the world's series lucre.
"Tufts heat Ilarvard early in the
season 7-3, and Yale has had just
about the same success, or failure i
you will, as have the Blue teams of the
past few years. Harvard's alibi, if
columns of correspondent's reports
and efforts are of any value, is that
the game was but a practice fray for
the Crimson. Princeton might have
straightened out the whole muddle
last Saturday by conquering the Cam-
bridge men, but they did not. Author-
ities have consented to count Prince-
ton out of the running, unless other
unlooked for calamities enter the
scene during the remainder of the
season. Pennsylvania has been kicked
around quite a little this season, in
fact all the eastern schools have suf-
fered the same fate. Harvard licked
Cornell 23-0 and the Red team slipped
the Wolverines the short end of a 23-
20 score last Saturday. Michigan had
her chance to cop the big ribbon but
lost it when they seemingly had it in
their possession. The Wolverines still
must be regarded as neck and nuch
contenders if they wallop Pennsy by a
comfortable count, provided the Quak-
ers turn the tables and walk away with
the long end in their annual clash
with the Ithacans.
Small Colleges Must be Counted
Of the smaller colleges in the east
Colgate, Tufts and Brown all hae
records which cannot be denied. If
these three, or any one of them, win
the remaining games of their schedule
astern critics may be faced with the
riecessity of placing one of them on the
pinnacle. But this is rather unlikely
because the teams of Yale, Harvard,
Princeton, and Cornell have without
exception been regarded as the lead-
ers since the new style of football
first was introduced.
The leading team of the east today
-the Army-may straighten out this
whole muddle by coming through with:
a clear schedule for the balance of the
mason. In Oliphant, the West Point-
-rs have probably the leading half-
back of the country. The former Pur-
iue star is blessed in goodly propor-
tions with nearly everything which
goes to mae up a football star of the
very first water.
It is extremely doubtful if he has
been equalled since the days .of Ted
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The Funan ofYouth
ball is next to impossible, even for ien'nver ' n""'u
the Michigan artists, and the old army
game would have to be staged almost After tieing the senior lits in three
exclusively. If this is the case, with former games, the junior lits at last
the strong defense that Pennsylvania settled the dispute by defeating the
boasts, the Quakers would seem to near-grads by a 15 to 0 score yester-
have an edge. day afternoon. Playing was hard on
According to reports from Philadel- the snow covered field, and most of
phia, in the last two games that Penn- the work was loose, but Brown, of the
sylvania has played, just two first junior team, managed to make several
downs have been registered against long gains on passes from Adrianse.
the Quakers by rushing in the two With a nine-man team the seniors
games combined. Lafayette scored one started a come-back near the end of
first down by rushing and one first play, but could come no nearer than
down was all that Dartmouth was able 20 yards from the junior goal. At
to gather. This shows that Penusy's other times the ball always was in
widely heralded defense is not a paper sehior territory. Brown started the
proposition entirely. In these two scoring when he grabbed a 30-yard
games only three additional first pass on the goal line. Schermerhorn
downs were made by the use of the added another touchdown in the sec-
pass, which shows rather conclusive- ond half, running 25 yards off right
ly that Coach Folwell has built up a tackle. Reem drop-kicked a goal from
defense that is just about the peer of the 15-yard line near the end of the
anything in the country. second period, but failed in both at-
Dartmouth has gained consistently tempts to kick goal after the touch-
against every team she has played this downs.
year, Dartmouth gained against Jenkins, one of the nine senior lit
Princeton did so without much trouble, warriors, was kicked in the face dur-
but Pennsylvania was a different pro- ing a desperate scrimmage, and left
position. the game at the beginning of the last
Michigan's forward passing has been half.
so good this year that the Wolverines Senior lits-Burge, I.e.; Kerwin, l.g.;
were confident that they could advance Weisberg, c.; Tuck, r.g.; Muzzy, r.t.;
the ball by this method if the Penn- Jenkins, r.e.; Grylls, .; Adams, I.h.;1
sylvania line checked Maulbetsch, but Talbot, r.h.; Hopkinson, f.b. Junior
lits-Brown, I.e.; Giessing, l.t.; Pence
BOXING. and Woodward, l.g.; Motulsky, c.; Ed-
Private lessons. Work will start im- wards and Buchanan, r.g.; Hollenbeck,
mediately. See instructor at Dr. May's r.t.; sears and Bolt, r.e:; Wellford, q.;
office, Waterman gymnasium, for Schumacher and Schermerhorn, U.h.;
terms, etc. 0. S. Westerman. tt. Adrianse, r.h.; Reem, f.b.
Corner Liberty and State
Chapter Three of Gloria s Romance
Another chapter of the
y - A7 million-dollar Rupert Hughes film
novel, Gloria's Romance, is
Pre inida byerelie here. Bewitching Billie
t? i ~Presented by George Kleine,
B1,09d*1arransMent with F. ZicafS"d,1a. e e. switching B l
r $pporte by HENRYKOLKER Burke is shown in magnifi-
A MOTION PICTUE NOVELYM MR* cent gowns, amid new sur-
roundings, entangled in
more unusual adventures. Gloria's Romance is
unfolding like a fairy tale. Mystery, love and
A7, hate begin to make their presence felt. The
story grows more absorbingly interesting with
each new chapter. The production is elab-
orate, the acting superb. You can't afford
to miss it. See chapter three, with a full
synopsis of what has gone before.
Regular Five Reel Feature Program in Addition Admission 15e
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