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November 10, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-10

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I }

dranath Tagore Believes Occi-
dent Place of Continual
Strife *
Rabindranath Tagore, the dis- *
shed Hindu poet, will lecture in *
uditorium on Nov. 15. The lec-
will be given under the auspices *,
Oratorical association and seats *

Billy Sunday, telegraphing to
Detroit friends from Winona
Lake, Ind., Says:
"I am overjoyed with the re-
sult. Couldn't sleep much last
night thinking about dear old
"Gee! but didn't she hit the
booze crowd a solar-plexum
"I'm sure there is crepe on the
door of hell today, as the devil
has had to check Michigan off
from his list.
"Praise God from Whom all
blessings flow.



on sale at 2 o'clock this after-


, * * * * * * * * * * *

1 at Wahr's book store. Prices
be $1.00, 75 cents and 50 cents for
rved seats, and 25 cents for gen- COMMERCE CLUB INITIATES 12
r. Tagore, -as he prefers to be
ed, landed in this country at Seat- li. I. L. $harfin Speaks on "The
in September, having spent the Quest of Efficiene
imer in Japan. On his way to the
., the poet has given a few lec- Twelve new men were taken into the
s, among them talks at the Uni-'
sitis, of olongath ,Nebrksat nd - Commerce club at it's annual initation
ithea of Colorado, Nebraska, and nuewhhwshedathRne_
nois. Each place greeted the poet banquet which was held at the Renel-
i unusually large audiences, before len Hospice, on Wednesday evening.
>m he appeared in his native cos- C. M. Sporley, '17, who acted as

Returns Show That Suffrage Ballot-
hig Follows Regular
Ratio of State
Chicago, Nov .9. - In the fickle
game of "how to handle the women,"
Illinois politicians today made two
rules as they watched the returns of
the first presidential woman's vote in
Illinois, which is larger than that of
all othier suffrage states combined.
First: As the men vote, so go the
Second: Few fail to vote.
Few state figures are complete yet,
but full Chicago re urns show that
in only four wards did the women's
plurality go different from the whole
choice, and in those by only small
margins. The same ratio holds for
down-state districts.
Although barred from voting on
the governorship and other import-
ant state offices, women polled 89 per
cent of their registered vote in Chi-
cago, only three per cent less than
the man with unlimited suffrage.
Minor parties have little to expect
from suffrage, figures indicate. ' Pro-
hibition. Socialist and Socialist-Labor
candidates together received only 5,-
000 of the 305,954 women's vote in
Cook county. Illinois will pile up a
women's vote of more than 750,000,
estmates indicate.
Several western states have suffrage
for the first time this year, but the
close presidential race had absorbed
attention and little has been gathered
from these states by suffrage lead-

ne. toastmaster, introduced Prof. I. Leo
Ee is a man of unusual calm and Sharfman as the principal speaker.
ace and he was disappointed to find Professor Sharfman chose for his sub-
at Japan had taken to western ways, Ject, "The Quest of Efficiency." R. R.
ich he believes are but for the day Lounsbury, instructor, and M. D.
d can bring no complete happiness. Warner, '17, also responded to toasts.
the occident the poet said: "You Following is the list of initiates: H.
ople seem to me to be all in a state .J. Shevell, '17, Leo Dalton, '17, C. E.
continual strife. There is no place Maloney, '17, William Woodward, '17,
rest or peace of mind, nor for that E. C. Gordon, '17, E+. .J. Roxbury, '17,
ditative relief which in our country James Perry, '17, S. D. Thomas, '17,
feel is needed for the health of WilaiamP ogan, '17, It. C. Patterson,
r spirits." '18, J. S. Kasberger, '18, G. A. Reem,
A distinguished Bengali doctor, 'lg.
saking of the philosopher said: "We
ve other poets, but none that are 25 STATES, 90 PER CENT OF
s equals; we call this the epoch of AMERICAN TERRITORY, NOW DRY
,bindranath. No poet seems to me
famous in Europe as he is among
He is as great in music as in MichigAn, Nebraska, South Dakota,
etry, and his songs are sung Montana, Utah, Florida, and
ierever Bengali is spoken. He was Alaska Oust Liquor
ready famous at 19 when he wrote
s first novel; and plays written: Chicago, Nov. 9.-Six states and the
hen he was but a little older ar territory of Alaska voted for prohibi-
11 played in Calcutta. From about tioryi o Aasa edfor Troht-
s twenty-fifth year to his thirty- tion in Tuesday's elections. Twenty-
th, when he had a great sorrow, he five of the 48 states are now in the
'ote the most beautiful love poetry "dry" column,
our language. After that his art The states voting dry Tuesday were:
ew deeper, it became religious and Michigan, by 42,000,; Nebraska, by
ilosophical. All the aspirations of 30,000 to 40,000; South Dakota, by 20,-
ankind are in his hymns." 000; Montana, by 10,000; Utah, Florida
Such is the estimate of one of his and Alaska.
.low countrymen. Until recently he California again rejectea prohibition
d not been heard of in this country. by a large majority, San Francisco re-
It the beauty of his poetry was so turning an enormous vote against the
eat that translations have filtered amendment.
rough to the west. Since his last' Prohibition lost in- Missouri by a
sit to America a great honor has vote of 3 to 1, St. Louis and Kansas
rned the eyes of the world upon City, giving large "wet" pluralities.
mn and his works. In 1913 the Nobel Other states in which prohibition
ize for literature was awarded him, was at issue and which as yet have
e greatest honor an author can not been heard from are Idaho, Mary-
hieve. Yet his reply was: "They land and Arkansas.
,ye taken my shelter from me." Sweeping prohibition victories in
Tuesday's election have broken the
EARST PAPERS B ARRED backbone of the liquor traffic, accord-
FROM CIRCULATION IN CANADA ing to Virgi G. Hinshaw, chairman of
the prohibition national committee,
Ottawa, Ontario, Nov. 9.-The Hearst placing 90 per cent of United States
pers have been barred from Canada. territory and 65,000,000 of its popu-
aese publications have been prohibit- lation under prohibition law and mak-
from circulation from Saturday ing possible an active and victorious
xt. The heavy penalties of the war campaign for nation-wide prohibition
easures act will apply to any one in 1920.
ving them in possession after that Representatives in state legislatures
te. Facilities are also denied the claimed by the Prohibitionists are .as
ternational News service. An ex- follows: Charles H. Randall, Ninth
anatory memorandum issued this district, California; E. E. Lowbeck,
ternoon says: Seventh district, Minnesota, and prob-
"The postmaster general of Canada ably Joseph S. Edwards, in the Elev-
.s issued a warrant under the pro- enth district, California.
sions of the' war measures act where- Arkansas voters retained prohibi-
' the Hearst papers have been refus- tion.
the privilege of the mails in Canada


* * * * q , * * * 0 *


Orpheum-Mae Murray in "The
Big Sister.". Also Bray Car-
Arcade .-Lionel Barrymore in
"The Brand of Cowardice."
Drew Comedy also.
* * * * * * * * * * *


Alfred Farrell opens the week-end
bill at the Majestic with an act of
rapid sketching, the drawings being
thrown on a screen while in the mak-
George Fox and Zella Ingraham give
a novelty in song, patter and mim-
icries. "All Wrong," a comedy sketch,
is presented by Carolyn Gates and
Fraunie Fraunholtz, and is an active
bit of fun-making.
Von Hampton and Shriner entertain
with another comedy sketch. Mary
Daniels and Jack McGuire are two
juveniles with attractive personalities
who have a clever act to present.
A pretty story of the far north, told
in song and action, is given by seven
performers in "The Luck of a Totem."
Jack McLaughlin appears as an Eski-
mo; Curt Karpe, a half-breed; Leo
Ruggeri, "the Boy"; Charles Diamond,
"the Irishman"; Pete Smithe, "the
Tenderfoot"; Anthony Hughes, "the
Sheriff," and Stella Watts, "the Girl."
The act contains some dramatic mo-
ments which are entertaining and
Wisconsin to Have Rooming Clubs
Madison, Wis., Nov. 9.-Dormitories
are too expensive and will not be sup-
plied university men for some years
so Wisconsin is planning to solve her
difficulty in handling groups of inde-
pendent men by the formation of
rooming clubs. Such organizations
for cheapness and companionship is
not to be rivaled, co-operative buying,
simple but comfortable furnishings,
and the lack of social obligations of-
fering ideal conditions. No man will
be compelled to stay in any group
more than a year because reorganiza-
tion each fall can be easily arranged
and there will be no tendency toward
Indi'anapolis, Ind., Nov., 9.-J. Frank
Hanly, Prohibitionist candidate for
president, was evidently pleased today
over the early results from the states
where the liquor question was an is-
sue, but refused to make any state-
ment until there is no question as to
the result.
"It looks like we have made great
progress but the results are too in-
definite yet to be certain," said Han-
Use the advertising columns of the
Michigan Daily in order to reach the
best of Ann Arbor's buyers.


SPYri _.t_ _ait Sch~affner &Ma'

d are prohibited from circulation in
nada'in any way.
'No person in Canada is to be per-
tted after Saturday next to 'be in
ssession of the newspapers or of
y issues of them, and any person in
ssession of them shall be liable to
fne not exceeding $5,000 or impris-
ment for any term not exceeding
e years, or both fine and imprison-

As announced in The Michigan Daily,
the Cosmopolitan club has started
publishing a series of world articles
by foreign students about some phase
of their native lands. The first seven
of such articles were written by S.
Katsuizumi, '17, and M. Kiyohara, '17,
about Japan.
Tomorrow the first of the second
series, eight in number, will appear.
They will be contributed by students
of the British South African league.
Scenes, customs, resources, and nov-
elties for their country will be de-
picted. Dr. N. S. Hardikar, who has
charge of the articles, expects this to
be a very interesting series.






There was much discussion during
e late hours yesterday regarding the
>ssibility of a split in the electoral
>te of California. Dr. Joseph R. Hay-
n, of the political science depart-
ent, said last night regarding the
>ssiblity of such a split. "There are
electors in California for each can-
date. And although in 1912 the vote
as divided in California, Roosevelt
hovnrta l ntnl l tc dn Wil-

THE number of buttons-one, two, three-is
a matter of the wearer's taste; same way
with lapels, pockets, shape of the back, or
Varsity Fifty Five is made in- many models;
all based on one main idea, with variations.
Lutz ClothingStr
Main Street


Hobart Guild Hold Membership Dance
Hobart guild, an organization of
Episcopal students, will hold its first
informal membership dance of the
IV1L~ L1I V~'.~ia YUL~ au yar ioin~ t in ~u cloK tils ve'


,wing ten e ec orai votes ana vr year from 8 to 11:30 o'clock this even-
three, there is very little possi- ing at Harris hall.
y of a split in the electoral vote Ike Fisher's orchestra will furnish
a there are only two candidates. the music for the occasion.
ever, voters may split the ticket
oting for electors." . Ann Arbor's progressive merchants
Iuse the Michigan Daily as their adver-
e set glass. C. H. Major & Co. 5-16 tising medium.

- I

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