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November 04, 1916 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-04

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Calkins Drug Co.Twoa Stores
324 So. State and 1123 So. University Ave.
Hot Water Needs Special Soap

When a






to pay attention

to his


clothes he commences to


in other direc-

Smart Clthes
set the lhighest standards
for such improvement.

f 6 - t
1 .
- ,k -
/ i
:" +,1

Republian and Democratic Views
on Coming Presidential Election

. AADLK, RO. &C.

a smile and a
air of prosper
ity. Wear
your best bu
iness suit anc
a cheerful
necktie. If
you have no
best suit--bu
one. We hav
to appear prc
sperous, if w
are to be pro

Partisan Opinions Expressed by George Creel and George
row Wilson and Charles E. Hughes Campaign
mittees, Res pectively

C. Hill, for Wood-

uo Th

By George CreeL.
The authenticated minutes of the
American independence conference

By George G. 1111.
ThatjPresident Wilson and congress
handed the heads of the railway broth-

prove the existence of a secret organ- erhoods a gold brick when they gaveI

Come In

} 1

Lindenschmidt, Apfel &Co.
209 S. Alain St.

The Eberbach & Son Co. I

Good Drugs-Toilet Articles
Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies.
You know the Quality is Right.

The Eberbach & Son Co.
200-204 E. Liberty St.


George Doesn 't
Stick to Facts;
Re Won Is 'Maltese Cross" Fighting
"Somtewhere in France," but
Loses Audience

ization that puts allegiance to foreign
powers above allegiance to the United
States; they prove that this body ap-
pointed a committee to wait upon Can-
did ate Hughes to deman~d his repudia-
tion of the telegram indorsing Roose-
velt's Maine speech; they prove that
this committee reported a "highly sat-
isfactory conference" with Candidate
Hughes; they prove that Justice Co-
halan, of New York, proposed a fi-
nancial arrangement with the Repub-
lican national committee, and that
upon the report of his conference with
the Republican leaders, Cohalan was
tendered a vote of thanks for his good
work; they prove that immediately
after the secret conference between
Hughes and the committee, Candidate
Hughes attackedtthe mail seizures and
British blacklist.
Candidate Hughes has admitted that
he held an hour and a half conference
with Jeremiah O'Leary and the three
other nembers of the committee.
Jeremiah O'Leary has admitted that
even while President Wilson was
branding him before the nation as a
disloyal citizen, he was conferring
with the Republican candidate for the
The issue is fundamental. Divided
allegiance means national disaster and
national death. It is not claimed that
any large number of foreign born citi-
zens are guilty of organized treason.
It is claimed that from the first a
small group of conspirators have
plotted against President Wilson and
the peace and justice of the United
Where does Candidate Hughes stand
on this issue?
Fighting under his banner are
Roosevelt, Bacon, Choate, and the
Morgans, all hating Wilson because he
had not taken his foreign policy from
London, and Jeremiah O'Leary, Seiber-
lich, Hexamer, and Ridder, all hating
Wilson because he has not taken his
foreign policy from Berlin.
Let Candidate Hughes, in common
honesty and decent Americanism,
speak to this issue.

them the Adamson law is coming to
be generally appreciated by railway
and other wage earners. The indica-
tions are that the brotherhoods them-
selves will have to appeal to congress
to repeal the law. The law provides
that "eight hours shall be deemed a
day's work and the measure and stand-
ard of a day's work for the purpose of
reckoning the compensation of all em-
ployes, etc."
Many able lawyers, including those
employed by the labor unions, believe
that this means that a railway train-
man who completes his run in less
than eight hours can be paid only for
the time worked, that if he completes
it in five hours, for instance, he can
be paid only five-eighths of a day's
wage, so that if his ordinary pay to
$6.00, he' can be paid only $3.76. This
is the view of Milton L. Clawson, lead-
ing labor union attorney of Indiana.
Others insist that the law applies to
passenger as well as to freight train-
men. Grand Chief Stone, of the Broth-
erhood of Locomotive Engineers, has
sent out a circular letter to all mem-
hers of that brotherhood saying he
has been receiving many letters ask-
ing what the law means and stating
that "we are not in a position to give
any accurate information on this sub-
ject, because we do not know just
what the law means."
As the railway men would not stand'
for being paid less than a day's wage
when they complete their runs in less
than eight hours, and as it was never
intended that the law should apply to
passenger trainmen, the indications
are that the brotherhoods will con-
clude that they have been flim-fHammed
and ask congress to repeal the law
before it goes into effect, thus leav-
ing them precisely where they were
before the law was enacted, both as to
wages and as to hours.
It's no easy task to fool the labor-
ing men of the country more than a
few days at a time.

Merchant Tailor


108 E. Washington St.,

Second Floor


200-202 MAIN

My earnest desire is to give a little bit more---
Something just a little bit better, or the same thing for just
a little less money than you can buy elsewhere.
How do I do it?
Well - -- -
Walk a flight--that's the story. I save you the difference.

Clothes Confidence

An atmosphere of luxury
and refinement surrounds
the presence of a mani
who wears carefully chos-
en and neatly ftted
516 E Williams St.

St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 3.-Toothbrush
movies took a bit of the joy out of
life for St. Paul kiddies today. When
all the school children of the city met
to witness or participate in a operetta
this morning, at a downtown theater,
the school board rushed in and showed
movies of proper mouth hygiene, be-
tween the acts.
Student Afflicted With Case of Mumps
The health service of the University
reports one case of mumps. The
patient is confined to his residence.
There has not been a case of small-j
pox in Ann Arbor this fall, but vac-!
cination is recommended.

0lPiladelphia, Nov. 3.-George Wash-
ington, a United States marine from
Kentucky, who does not bid fair to
emulate the truth-telling record of his
illustrious namesake, marched proud-
ly down Broad street today with a
newly won sharpshooter's medal pin-
ned to the breast of his uniform.
} Attracted by the medal which close-
ly resembles the Maltese cross worn
by some European heroes, an old
gentleman asked him how he won it,
and George delivered a picturesque
account of stirring deeds on shell-torn
battlefields, while one by one the
crowd gathered and listened in awe-
struck silence.
"But I say, old chap," interrupted a
stranger, "where did 4,11 this happen?"
"Oh, somewhere in France," return-
ed George cheerfully, and the spell-
binder's audience melted away.
The chief of police wishes to warn
fraternity and rooming houses that
thieves are again active in Ann Arbor.
The Beta Theta Pi and Kappa Sigma
houses have reporterd the theft of a
number of overcoats during the past
two nights.

The kind that adds
to your appearance
instead of detracting
--Styles that are per-
sonal rather than im-
personal. - Patterns
that are attractive to
the point of exclu-


Colors that

blend rather than
predominate, and
workmanship that in-
sures original shape-

liness f or

time in-

The Michigan Technic appeared on
the campus yesterday for the first
time this year. The headliner for the
month is an authoritative discussion,
on "Air Craft Motors," by Mr. O. E.
Hunt, of the Packard Motor Car com-
pany. An excellent article on "The
Flow of Water Over V-Notch Weirs"
has been contributed by Prof. H. W.
King, of the engineering department.
The issue also contains several pages
of campus and alumni news and the
"Transitory Slants" put many a humor
magazine to shame.

Dr. Herzog, of Chicago, Finds Coccus
After Research Work
Chicago, Nov. 3.-Discovery of what
may prove to be the germ of iAfantile
paralysis was announced here by Dr.
Maximilian Herzog yesterday. If the
experiments are supported by later ev-
idence, the conclusions of Dr. Simon
Flexner, of the Rockefeller Institute
will be upset. The work was done by
Doctor Herzog as head of the research
committee appointed by Dr. John Dill
Robertson, and his investigation was
carried on largely at the Cook County
With the newly discovered germ, or
coccus, Doctor Herzog has produced
the disease in monkeys and rabbits. It
is possible, however, that this germ is
simply the carrier of another one,
which actually causes the disease.
Junior Laws Mix It With Fresh
The junior laws will play the fresh-
men laws today at 10 o'clock. The
following men will constitute the line-
up and are asked to report on time:
Ireland, Lse.; Paley, l.t.; Bogue,tl.g.;
Harlan, c.; Potts, r.g.; Helsel, r.t.;
Cotton, r.e. Kammerer, q.; Houghton,
l.h.; Gorman, r.h.; Cox, f.b.

It is a pleasure to
show them to you.

lWO'o/T; NcxtM

Suits $i6-$28.50
$16- to $28.50


LOST-Will person who picked up
the fountain pen in the Farmers and
Mechanics State Street Bank by mis-
take, please return same to 418 E.;
Washington or telephone 2172-M.
LOST-Commerce Club pin, diamond
shaped with U. M. in center and C.
on each end.. Finder please return
to Daily office. Reward.
LOST--Delta Delta Delta Sorority pin
with name on back.. Reward. Phone
1309. 4-5
LOST-Athletic book No. 5533. Find-
er return to Daily office. Reward.
LOST-Silver cross and chain, E.B.P.
5-29-14. Phone 923-J. 4
FOR RENT -Desirable room two
blocks west of campus. Student oc-
cupying compelled to return home.
Phone 902-W. 2-3-4-5-7-8


WANTED-Furnished rooms for light
housekeeping by young couple.
State location, number of rooms,
price, accommodations. Answer
care of Box XX, Michigan Daily.
WANTED-If you are in need of any-
thing, The Michigan Daily can help
you get it through its Classified De-
WANTED-Agents. A real chance to
make money in leisure hours. Phone
1729-M. from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. 3-4
WANTED-Student laundry. Mrs. St.
George. 1140 Forest Ave. 4-5-7
TYPEWRITERS of all makes
bought, sold, rented or ex-
changed. Expert repairing,
factory service. Sole agent Under.
wood- & Corona. TYPEWRITING,
0. D. MORRILL, 322 . SState St.
(Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-J.


* ** * I * I I F t* * I *



Penrith, Wales.-(By mail).-
The old curfew bell here which
has pealed every night since the
days of William the Conqueror
has now ceased to ring. The prac-
tice was discontinued as a pre-
caution against hostile air raid-





116 E, Liberty Street

* ers.





* * * * * * * * * * *

I f

November Victor Records

Are On Sale Today!

Phone us your order for Approval!
Try them out in your home.

Hideson kdvanced in Homeop School
Robert S. Hideson, who was Dr. D.
W. Myer's second assistant in the
Homeopathic hospital at the Univer-
sity last year, has been chosen first
assistant. Mr. Hideson is taking the
place of Dr. H. M. Sage, '13H, who re-
cently accepted a position at Ohio
State University in the eye, nose, and
throat department.

Eastern Universities in Tennis Leagui
Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 3.-Harvarc
University has joined with Yale
Princeton, Pennsylvania, and Cornel
in forming an intercollegiate tennis
league. These colleges have for many
years always played off matches in the
spring but now all games will be play-
ed on a championship basis which wil
add greatly to the interest taken _ii
this sport.

Grinanell Bros.

1168S. Malat at.
PHONE 1707


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