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October 28, 1916 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-28

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G. H. Wild CO'.
Leading Merchant Tailors
State St.

Official newspaper at the University of
Michigan. Published every morning except
Monday during the university year.
Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as
second-class matter.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub-
scriptions: by carrier $2.So- by mail, $3.00.
Want ad. stations : 6uarry's ; Students' Sup-
ply Store; The Delta, car. State and Packard.
Phones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414.
Communications not to exceed 3od words
in length, or notices of events will be pub-
lished in The Daily if left at the office in the
Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice box
in the west corridor of the general library,
where the notices are collected at 7:30 o'clock
each evening.
John C. B. Parker..........Managing Editor
Clarence T. Fishleigh......Business Manager
Conrad N. Church.............News Editor
Lee E. Joslyn.................City Editor
Harold A. Fitzgerald.........Sports Editor
Harold C. L. Jackson....Telegraph Editor
Verne E. Burnett...........Associate Editor
Golda Ginsburg............Women's Editor
Carleton W. Reade......... Statistical Editor1

ment Bureau
3 to 6 p. in. Daily
9 to 12 a. m. Sat.
Telephone 823

Miiliill [if f111111 i 1l 1 EI I t111111111#111111#il III #11[i .1i i 111111#111111#11#slllit
Lone 1692 122 E. Liberty St.
ilillli i iiliiiI I IIIII11111111I111il##1 i#iliiillh i IIIIi#l ll;iliilI :
I. P. Note Books.

Yoxar Nam'e in Gold on Cover
Free of Charge

' Slater Book Shop

en Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
run on Eastern time, one hour faster
al timie.
it Limited and Express Cars-8:io. a.
hourly to 7:u p. in., 9:10 p. in.
nazoo Limited Cars-8 :48 a. n. and
wo hours to 6 :48 p. m.; to Lansing,
on Express Cars--(Local stops west of
rhor)--9':48 a. m. and every two hours
tCars Eastboupd---5 :35 a. m, 6:40 a.
5 a. rn. and every two hours to 7:05 P.
5 p. n., 9:05 p. in,, 10o50 p. i. to
ti only. 9:2o a. m., 9:50 a. m., 2:05 p.
5 p. in., 1 :45 p. m., i:io a. m., 1:20
r'o Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Cars Westbound- 6:o5 a. In., 7:50 a.
20 p).in.. 1z2:2o a. in.

We Offer You
Resources $3,800,000
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Incorporated 1869
Main Office--
Northwest Corner Main and Huron
Branch Office- -
707 North University Ave.

farmors & Mechanics Bank
rers the Best in ModernBanking
lent and Pleasant quarters. You Will'
sed With Our Service. Two Offices
5 S. Main St. 330 S. State St.
X7RIT RS of all makes
e or Rent. Cleaning &
Ps D X o yr r 1

:3. State


ce Cut Flowevs and Plants
h spin St. Ann Arbor, Mich.
338 S. STATE
it sodas and lunches

GIRLS! buy tickets at Beauty Shop and
save $1.50 on $5.00., Souvenir with
every 50c purchase of cosmetics t
Miss Mable Rowe
503 Fi'rst National Bank Bldg. Phone 2402
Capital $ioo,ooo Surplus and Profit $65,ooo
Wirt Cornwell Waldo M. Abbott
Geo. W. Patterson Harry M. Hawley
S. W. Clarkson Harrison Soule
Fred Schmid D. B. Sutton
E. D. Kinnie
After the Show stop at
109 S. Main St.
We makenour own Candies and
Ice Cream in our Sanitary Shop

J. E. Campbell....Assistant Business Manager
C. Philip Emery..Assistant Business Manager
Albert r. Hone..- Assistant Business Manager
Roscoe R. Rau....Assistant Business Manager
Tred M. Sutter.. Assistant Business Manager
Night Editors
L. S. Thompson . A. Baungarth
L. W. Nieter J. L. Stadeker
B. A. Swaney C. W. Neumann
W. R. Atlas C. C. Andrews
E. L. Zeigler 11. C. Garrison
Allen Schoenfield C. M. Jickling
Marian Wilson D. S. Rood
Business Staff
Bernard WohT J. E. Robinson
Paul E. Cholette Harry R. Louis
E. Reed Hunt Harold 3. Lance
Earl F. Ganschow Walter R. Payne
Harold Makinson
Night Editor-J. L. Stadeker
Once there was a college man who
tried to write a story typical only of
his own institution. In studying the
matter of stories typical to certain
schools, he could find only one or two
which seemed .real, and one was the
famous "Tom Browne's School Days."
Finally in the annals of his own in-
stitution this college man found an un-
substantiated legend to the effect that
in the dim past students had the right
to vote; that the students at one time
ran the city council, and ordered the
main street paved with gold bricks.
He seemed on the right track, but a
graduate of another university told him
the legend in the east of a student con-
trolled town wherein the students once
ordered the erection of a town hall one
mile long and two inches thick. Thus
there was similar legends in nearly
every institution, and none seemed to
have a basis of fact. But rumors
were not what he wanted.
In investigating the systems of vot-
ing, of societies, of freshmen caps, and
of athletic meets, he found that there
were no fundamental differences
whereby any one institution was un-
ique. Whenever one college strikes
upon a tradition, a dozen other schools
will seize upon it. Individuality of
college traditions, then, may simply
mean the trying out of all new, feasible
ideas, and the founder of the idea gets
whatever credit is deserved.
About the only things typical pure-
ly of his own college, were the peculiar
conditions of the campus buildings,
and the town and country surrounding
it. But many schools have their boule-
vard systems, their Sleepy Hollows,
their canoe course, their winning
spirit, and so on. Most writers of col-
lege life have presented flippant, un-
true atmospheres to the reading public.
Thus the particular college man in this
story could not conclude more than
that all American universities and col-
leges are, altogether, kinds of depart-
ments or divisions of the great Amer-
ican University. Surely the world is
in need of a writer who can conjure
up the main cross-lines which form
the complex of his own particular
school, and at the, same time show
these deep, vital, and earnest facts
which are truly a part of college life.
but which the non-college man and
woman, blinded by the superfluous ex-
ternals of rah-rah-dom, fail completely
to realize.
Find Stolen Money in St. Louis
St. Louis, Oct. 27.-Eighteen pack-
ages of money, including paper and
silver, a total of $13,007, identified as
part of the $34,500 stolen from the
paymaster of the Burroughs Adding
Machine company in a sensational
daylight robbery Aug. 4, were found
in two safe deposit boxes in a vault
of the Mercantile Trust company here

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
The disease of writing communica-
tions to The Daily has reached the
acute stage.
Every issue inflicts on the reader
the latest literary efforts of our em-
bryonic statesmen and budding phil-
osophers. The writers of these works
are consistently narrow-minded, dog-
matic, and immature. Their writings
reflect an overwhelming desire to
break into print, an ambition which is
realized as soon as The Daily pub-
lishes some of their stuff. The publi-
cation of their offerings becomes an
end in itself rather than as a means
to an end. Witness the masterpiece
appearing in the issue of Oct. 25,
signed "Freshman," in which the
writer laments the absence of "snub-
bers" on some of the Library chairs,
and pedantically closes with an al-
lusion to Benjamin Franklin. Could
anyone suppose he really contemplated
a remedy for the defect complained of?
If so, it would seem that he would ad-
dress his complaint to someone hav-
ing authority in the matter (it would
be very easy to find out who has
charge of such repairs) instead of in-
flicting his gems of thought on all the
readers of The Daily. Parallel cases
might be cited without number.
The writer is not attacking "com-
munications" as such, for undoubtedly
they may be made to perform a very
valuable function. What the writer
does advocate is a rigorous censor-
ship of such contributions, the keep-
ing out of those that are not upon
matters of general interest to the stu-
dent body. There is no reason why a
small number of cranks could be al-
lowed to monopolize so much space in
a publication whose proper function is
the supplying of news which is of some
general interest to its readers, the
student body.
Perhaps it will be asked, "Why do
you read these communications which
you say are not worth reading?" For
the same reason that one cannot re-
strain himself from biting on a sore
tooth. There is a resistless fascina-
tion about the pain from the tooth,
about the pain from the reading of the
communication. The only difference
is that in one case the pain is physical,
in the other mental.
This letter is written because of a
genuine interest in seeing The Daily
a better paper. Not that it isn't an
excellent paper now, but the writer
believes that it would be a much more
readable sheet, and much more at-
tractive, if most of the communica-
tions so unfortunately addressed to it
were not published in its columns.
And the writer is not the only one who
thinks so.
Further, the writer does not sign his
name because he has no desire to get
into a three weeks' squabble with
Daniel Webster the Second as to
whether his major premise will hold
water. He will cheerfully admit, to
any crank who, out of righteous in-
dignation at the views herein ex-
pressed, flies to the attack, that he is
not "possessed with the confidence of
his convictions."

-alllllli1111[11illillillllllllilttlll!l11li3iiAllillllla lllilillllliil1111111!tiillll'.
What the World's Experts know,-
The Home Universty Library, 50c
The People's Books, 25c
lllllll I I 1l h11Illl ll 111111 l 11 111111111111111'111:hi i11h11 ii
HE best things in life are the
commonest. Thar's plenty of
E3f friendships - plenty of sunshine --
plenty of landscape-an ' y' can get
VELVET at any
tobacco store.
Hone Made Candies
Strictly fresh and of the best quality. Pure cream walnut caramels, as-
sorted nut chocolates in alb. boxes, 35c. Bitter sweet and chocolate creams
all fresh. Special ice cream sundaes.
State St Cor. Libeaty
A I l 11 11
IIII -11
213 E. Liberty St. Phone 294
Another reminder not to forget us when in need of Flowers for any
tlOccasion. Roses, Viol ets~ Sweet Peas, Orchids, Carnations, Chrysan-
themums and Potted Plants. Corsage Work a Spdciatyy
Member Florist Telegraph Delivery Service.

Junior Women's Honorary Society to
Initiate Nov. 7


Takes Pictures
Develops Films
makes Prints
and Enlarge-
715 E. VnIversity


Senior Civil Engineer Honor Society

W~vern, junior girls' honorary so-
ciety, elected the following 13 girls
to membership at a meeting held
Thursday evening: Ruth Bailey, Mar-
garet Birdsell, Helen Bourke, Ger-

-Takes in Eight Men
Freshmen spread of $1.00 should
paid at once, either at Dean Jor- Web and Flange, senior civil en-
a's office or to Olive Wiggins, '19. gineering honor society, took eight
11l Glee club members report at 10 men into their membership at a ban-
lock this morning at Rentscheler's, quet held at Mack's tea rooms Thurs-
'Michiganensiar pictures. day night. Louis Hyde, '17E, acted as,
A 10-mile hike .tarts from the gym- toastmaster. Prof. C. T. Johnston of
sium at 8:30 o'clock every Saturday the civil engineering department, was
rning. One athletic honor point is the principal speaker. r
-en for every 10 miles. The following men were initiated:
Funior advisors pay 50 cents at once R.jW. Rose, L. R. Crandall, J. R. Pol-
hier at Dean Myro B. Jordan's of- lock, H. H. Whittingham, C. A. Zanelli,I
e, or to Mildred Harrington, '18 D. A. Smith, L. F. Dieterich, and E.
k11 girls wishing to register for ad- R. MacLaughlin.
iced gymnasium work or for aesthe-
dancing must do so at once. ORSEE SHORTAGE OF ORE
Joard of representatives of the Wo- O DELIVERIES DUE TO ICE
n's League will meet at 8:30 o'clock
s morning, in Barbour gymnasium.
he board of representatives of the (By United Press)
men's League will not meet today Pittsburgh, Oct. 27.-An iron ore
men' L a ann d.shortage before spring is foreseen by
8:30 o'clock as announced.
steel men here today due to the fact
rd Auto Truck Stolen Last Night that the big lake carriers have been
V Ford truck belonging to the so busy freighting for the week-to-
Ithson Dairy company ws stolen week trade that they have not been
in their barn on Benjamin street able to pile up a reserve. With the
ly last evening. The theft was re- closing down of lake freighting by ice,
ted to the local police at 9 o'clock expected early rext month, freighting
I up to a late hour no trace of the will be practically over, as rail freight
chine had been found. Its license rates are prohibitive. They would in-
nber is 22689. crease the cost of pig iron more than
etroit authorities telegraphed to $4 per ton.
local police last night reporting It is estimated that 65,000,000 tons
theft of a Paige touring car bear- would be necessary to carry the fur-
the license number F382. naces over to the opening of naviga-
tion in April. The most optimistic au-
nts Fresh Lit Football Men Out thorities now declare that it will be
'res1 lit football candidates are Inpossible for the lake boats to de-
uested to meet Manager Hart An- liver enough ore to swell the reserve
son at the intramural clubhouse, now on hand to even 60,000,000 tons.
ry field, Monday afternoon at 3
ock. All men interested are urged Form Alumni Association in Montana
be present as the class series start A new alumni association of the
t week, and little time is left for University of Michigan has been
,tice. formed recently at Great Falls, Mont.
Twe'nty-seven enthusiastic' alumni
ianos for rent; terms right. Schae- were present at the first meeting. The
le & Son, 110 South Main St. oct3tf second banquet was held Oct. 14.


[ntercotk ate

trude Brook, Golda Ginsburg, Eliza-
b'eth Hall, Katharine Harrington, Mar-
garet Henderson, Louise Irish, Mil- i
dred Mighell, Nona Myers, Louise
Williamson, and Alice Woessner. In-
itiation will be held Tuesday, Nov. 7.

Cornell: In tle present .freshman
class- 44 states of the union are re-
presented, as well as 16 foreign
countries. States having no youth
in the University are Arizona, New
Mexico, Nevada and South Dakota.
.Dartmouth: The Outing club offers
two medals to the men covering the
greatest number of miles before

(By United Press.) next spring.
Richmond, Va., Oct. 27.-Democratic Wisconsin: lii preparing for today's
party managers have concentrated game, six cheer leaders have prac-
their efforts to supplant the present ticed every day for two weeks in
Republican congressman from the the gymnasium that they might have
home district of Mrs. Wilson with a a uniform series of wierd contor-
Democrat. It is the only Republican tions to hold the cheering section.
district in the state. Indiana: The Glee club sang at an
They are behind the candidacy of Alumni luncheon in Indianapolis
State Senator E. Lee Trinkle, from this week.
Mrs. Wilson's home town of Wythe- Syracuse: Withe nw dormitories
ville, to defeat the Republican, C. and a lack of dining rooms, Syracuse
Bascome Slemp, candidate for re-elec- is continuing a campaign for funds
tion. Among those who have camp- for a common dining hall. $10500
paigned for Trinkle is Governorfracmo iighl.$0,0
pagnd fhor Trinkseis Gveno by has been collected to date. The Un-
Stuart, who was himself beaten by iversity already takes care of four
Slemp six years ago. halls by a- centralized catering which
Democratic candidates who expect 'livoives a university butcher shop,
to return to Washington are: Wil- ice cream parlor, laundry, and great
liam A. Jones, Edward E. Holland, soe-room.
Walter A. Watson, Andrew J. Monta-Is:U-ryam.
gue, Edward W. Saunders, Carter alldOis ithe oiersity has started
Glass, C. C. Carlin, and Hal. D. Flood. a new dormitory for women. It is
Thomas W. Harrison is due to be nam- to be a three-story flreproof building
ed the successor of James Hay, who of colonial design accommodatin
was chairman of the House military 102 women. No women's residence
committee, and who resigned to ac- has ever been provided for directly
cept appointment on the court of by the University.
claims bench. Minnesota: Students and faculty have
United States Senator Claude A. organized with the purpose of start-
Swanson has no opposition. He will ing a fund for the relief of imprison-
be the first United States senator chos- ed foreign students.
en by direct vote in Virginia, Iowa: Electric lights ha e been il.
stalled on the football field to facil-
Leave your film at the Delta. itate signal practice before the Min-
oct3 to 29 nesota game.


* * * * * * * *

* *

Feinstein's Poem Receives Praise
In one of the recent numbers of the
Menorah Journal, the poem with which
Mr. Martin Feinstein of the rhetoric
department won the-Field poetry prize,
was reprinted and given a high criti-
cism. Mr. Feinstein is spoken of as
one of the most promising of the
younger poets of this country. The
poem is entitled, "The Night March-


Rowena, S. D., Oct. 27.-A
peaceful cow today is the only
occupant of the Rowena jail.
Bossie took possession when the
jail, unoccupied for months, de-
teriated and the door fell away.


* * * * * * * * *

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