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October 28, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-28

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VOL. XXV1I. No. 23.





Break Connections to South
City; Coup Delays Re-

San Antonio, Oct. 27.-All the
commanders of the big army
camps along the border have been
warned by the southern depart-
ment to be on the alert for the
attack or attacks said be planned
by Mexicans.
Washington, Oct. 27.-Mexican Am-
bassador Arredondo had knowledge of
a plot to bring war between the United
States and Mexico 15 days ago, he de-
clared this afternoon. He obtained
this information while returning from
his recent trip to Mexico City, he said.
Arredondo said he believed he had the
same details of the plot which are in
the possession of the state, justice, and
war departments, and that Secretary
Lansing knew of his information.
The Mexican authorities are continu-
ing their efforts to run down the plot-
ters, and are believed to be co-operat-
ing with American investigators. Sec-
retary Laning and Arredondo had a
conference this afternoon.
Diplomat Starts for New York.
El Paso, Oct. 27.-Andres Garcia, in-
spector-general of consuls for the
Mexican de facto government, started
for New York today on an urgent
diplomatic mission for First Chief Car-
ranza. "The mission is not concerned
with the American-Mexican mediation
commission," he said, "but it does con-
cern peace between the Unit d States
and Mexico."
Plotter Not an American.
Washington, Oct. 27.-Secretary of
War Baker and Secretary of State
Lansing both declared today that a
Mexican, not an American plotter, is
responsible for the border danger out-
lined in Baker's startling statement of
last night.
"I cannot imagine any man so un-
patriotic, heartless and wanton as to
join in such action," said the secre-
tary of state.
"The Mexican opponents of the de
facto government," said Secretary
Baker," would of course be glad to
complicate the relations between the
United States and Mexico and our in-
formation is that they think this is
the appropriate time to do so. The
statement made by the department
ought to discourage any adventure on
their part in this direction."
Villa Executes Stratagem.
El Paso, Oct. 27.-Chihuahua City is
cut off from the south. Both wire
and railroad communication have been
severed through a coup executed by
the Villistas. The heavy Carranza
forces coming up from the south to re-
inforce the garrison will be delayed
and ammunition supplies stopped, ex-
cept from the north.
Acting under orders from Villa him-
self, a detachment marched across
from Sata Ysabel and cut the Mexi-
can National railroad near Ortiz,
about 30 miles from the Chihuaha
capital. Agents of three United States
departments obtained this information
from sources declared to be reliable.
The first of this fall's mile hikes
will start from Barbour gymnasium
promptly at 8:30 o'clock this morn-
ing. Jessie Saunders, '18, is squad
leader and will strike out on Washten-
aw for a five-mile tramp into the coun-
try, returning by another road.
Every girl who accomplishes one of

these hikes gets one athletic hog or
point. It is hoped that many girls will
find this a pleasant and profitable way
of earning their points.

1917 Opera Dates
Are Jlade Public
Annual Production Will Be Shown at
Whitney Theater, March 28,
29, 30, and 81
Official announcement was made
yesterday of the Ann Arbor per-
formances of the 1917 Union opera by
Homer Heath, manager of the Michi-
gan Union. The dates set for the an-t
nual comedy include five performances
to be given at the Whitney theater on
March 28, 39, 30, and 31, with thet
matinee performance to be given onS
the last day.t
Two weeks after the local engage-
ments during spring vacation, the
opera troupe will make a week's trip.
Just what cities the trip will include
is still to be decided, and negotiations
are now inaorder with several alumni
centers that have never been visited.
Progress on the Union opera has
been slow, since the committee has
not decided definitely on a book as{
yet. As soon as the selection is made,
active work on the music and or-1
ganization of the opera will begin.
'President No Longer to Wear Moral
Pigtail," Roosevelt Declares
in Toledo Speech
Toledo, Oct. 27.-Theodore Roosevelt
in a back platform speech here this,
afternoon coined a new phrase when
he said "personally I want to say that
the president of the United States is
no longer to wear a moral pigtail."
Roosevelt had been speaking of the
Mexican situation. He said that in
three years only one German, one Eng-
lishman and no Japanese had been
'illed there were 50Americans and
300 Chinese had been, thus placing.
Americans and Chinese in the same
WashIngton, Oct. 27.-Unoffical re-
ports reached the navy department
this afternoon that a German sub-
marine had arrived at Norfolk, Va.
The department refused to discuss the
matter. Private advices from Norfolk
said no submarine had been sighted
in the harbor, and that observers at
Cape Henry had sighted none.
Berlin, Oct. 27.-Chancellor von
Bethman-Hollweg unexpectedly de-
parted for imperial headquarters to-
day, postponing his speech before the
reichstag. The reichstag today con-
tinued discussion of the resolution au-
thorizing its chief committee to meet
luring adjournment and discuss for-
eign affairs,
]Keokuk, Ia., Oct. 27.-Five are dead
as a result of an explosion at the
Keokuk Gas company today. Two
nen were killed by the explosion and
three asphyxiated afterward. Three
firemen who tried to rescue the work-
men were overcome by fumes, but will
recover. The city is without gas.
New York Hears Steamer Chicago
Speeds Toward Azores Islands
New York, Oct. 27.-Reports that the
French liner Chicago was afire at sea
and speeding toward Fayal, one of the

islands of the Azores group, have been
received here. 'The steamship Chi-
cago (French), bound from Bordeaux
to New York, afire in No. 3 hold," the
message reads, "is expected to arrive
at Fayal today."
The Chicago left Bordeaux Sunday
nor New York and should have been
several hundred miles west and north
of the Azores today. Under ordinary
conditions she carried 250 to 300 pas-
'sengers on her western trip. Officers
of the French line reiterated late this
afternoon that they had no informa-

London, Oct. 27.-Falling back un-
der renewed hammer blows from
Mackensen's army, the defeated Russo-
Roumanian forces have retreated more
than 20 miles north of the Chernavoda-
Constanza railroad. The German war
office announced this afternoon that
Mackensen's forces are approaching
Harsova, 25 miles northwest of Cher-
navoda in their pursuit of the enemy.
An : official statement- from Sofia
claimed that the Russo-Roumanians
were everywhere in flight, evidently
planning to evacuate all the Dobrudja
The Russian war office admitted
further retirement toward the line of
Harsova and Casapchioft, paralleling
the Constanza-Chernavoda railroad,
but said the Russo-Roumanians' lines
were intact. Important successes for
the Roumanians on their northwest
frontier were reported by the Russian
war office. On the eastern border of
Moldavia the Roumanians captured
the village of Dolien, and also the
Piatriarotkul heights.
Fierce fighting is going on along
both banks of the Jiul river.
War on Western Front
The battle on the northeast frontier
of Verdun continued with great vio-
lence last night with Ft. Vaux as the
objective of the French in heavy at-
tacks. The French war office an-
nounced today that the French made
progress both west and south of the
Vaux, taking 100 prisoners. The Ge.
man war office, however, claimed the
complete repulse of all French attacks.
Berlin also reported the repulse of
heavy Russian attacks, and agreed
with the allied war offices that there
are no fresh developments in Mace-
:Delg ates lReturn
from Convention
Margaret Reynolds, '17, and Albertine
Loomis, '17, to Make Report
of Meeting
Margaret Reynolds, '17, and Alber-
tine Loomis, '17. returned from Jack-
son yesterday afternoon where they
attended the convention of the Michi-
gan State Federation of Women's
clubs as representatives of the Wom-
en's League. The work of the conven-
tion will be reported at the next meet-
ing of the board of representatives of
the league.
Among the speakers at Jackson was
Dean Myra B. Jordan, who spoke on
the scholarship fund for girls of the
University on Tuesday. Mrs. Albion
Fellows Bacon addressed the federa-
tion on "The Home in Politics" Wed-
nesday. John Cowper Powys, of Cam-
bridge, England, gave a talk on "Dis-
crimination in Literature." John
Nielson, nephew of Gladstone, talked
upon democracy. Kate Upson Clark,
the noted athoress, also was present.
The delegates were the guests of the
club members in Jackson. Among the
many provisions made for their enter-
tainment was a visit to the state
prison and the manufacturing con-
cerns of the city.

London, Oct. 27.-British and Ger-I
man destroyers clashed in a sharpt
naval engagement in the English'chan-
nel last night. The German ships at-f
tempted a raid under cover of dark-t
ness. Two enemy destroyers were
sunk. It is feared that one of theT
British destroyers was lost, the ad-
miral said, and another was disabled.E
"Last night ten enemy destroyerst
participated in an attempt to raid the
cross-channel transport service," saidt
the report. "The empty transport1
Queen was sunk. The crew of thet
transport was saved. Two of the enemy,
destroyers went down and the rest
were driven off. The British destroyert
Flirt is missing. The destroyer Nu-
bian was disabled and forced aground."
The naval fight last night is the
first announcement of war in the Eng-
lish chanel, excepting submarine ac-t
tivity, and the first serious clash be-1
tween British and German warships
since the great battle of Jutland on
May 31.
Liner Rowan More Sunk.
London, Oct. 27.-The Johnswn liner
Rowan More, flying the British flag,
has been sunk. The Rowan More's
captain was taken prisoner (the cable
thus indicates that the liner was sunk
by a submarine). The crew was
landed. The Rowan More is one of
the largest British liners sunk since
the beginning of the war.
32 of Crew of Cabotia Missing.*
London, Oct. 27.-Two boats con-
taining the captain and 31 members
of the crew of the Donaldson liner
Cabotia are missing and unaccounted
for. This is the first indication of the
sinking of the Cabotia.
Chews, Smokes;
Is Centenarian
Mrs. Mary A. Lovejoy Still Retains All
Her Faculties, Except That
of Hearing
(By United Press.)
Newark, 0., Oct. 27.-Mrs. Mary A.
Lovejoy, who chews, smokes, and still
retains all of her faculties except that
of hearing, celebrated her one hun-
dredth birthday yesterday.
Mrs. Lovejoy has the distinction of
being the first woman in the United
States to apply for a pension under
the new Ashbrook law pensioning
widows of.soldiers who fought in the
Mexican and Civil wars.
Born in Fredericktown, Md., she was
in her younger days an intimate friend
of Barbara Frietche, whose fame has
come down through history and whose
name was made immortal by Whittier.
She is the widow of Sauel N. Love-
joy, with whom she came to Newark
67 years ago on horseback, and is the
mother of ten children, but four of
whom are living. She is a grandmoth-
er, great-grandmother and a great-
She has chewed and smoked all her
life. She has never worn spectacles.
Prof. L. C. Karpinski, of the math-
ematics department, will give an ex-
hibition of simultaneous play and ex-
plain some chess openings at the regu-
lar meeting of the Chess club tonight,
which will be held at 6:15 o'clock in
room 173 of the natural science build-
In an exhibition given last year,
Professor Karpinski played ten games
simultaneously, one of them blind-

folded. He won seven of the games
and drew three. An entertaining even-
ing is assured chess lovers and every
one interested in the game is urged to
Those joining the club now will be
allowed to enter the handicap tourna-
ment just starting. Three prizes are
offered, one each to the two highest
players, and one to the lowest. The
club meets every Saturday in the nat-
ural science building at the above
mentioned hour. I

Mackensen Still Forges Ahead in East;
Von Falkenhayn Checked on
Western Front

Ten Ships Start for England Under.
Cover of Darkness; Empty
Transport Sunk


Republican Clubn
Takes Challenge
To Debate Wilson-Hughes Question
With Democratic Adherents
November 6
The Republican club has announced
that it will accept the challenge of the
Woodrow Wilson club to debate the
question: "Resolved: that Charles E.
Hughes is better fitted -for the presi-
dency than Woodrow Wilson."
Thursday's straw vote disclosed the
fact that there is active interest among
the students in the coming electior
and the announcement that the Wood-
row Wilson club's challenge has been
accepted will give the campus an op-
portunity to hear student orators argue
the question.
In case three men teams are decided
upon, the affirmative will be upheld
by Peter A. Miller, '17L, president of
the Republican club; Irving S. Toplon
'19L, and Archie R. Levine, '19L. The
Woodrow Wilson club will oppose tis
team with the following men: E. 0
Snethen, '18L, president of the club'
Arthur P. Bogue, '18L, and George C.
Claassen, '17L.
The clubs will try to get Hill audi-
torium for the debate, which is to be
held Nov.- 6, the day before election
An attempt will be made to have the
Varsity band play at the meeting.
Both Nominating and Balloting Must
Be Repeated Because of "Pea-
nut Politics.
At a special meeting of the student
council held last night, the question
in regard to the recent election of the
senior law class was discussed and
decided. Prominent members of the
class debated the question with the
council and presented evidence in re-
gard to the employing of politics in
the recent election of their class presi-
dent, which resulted in a tie. Fol-
lowing the discussion the council held
that sufficient evidence had been given
to prove that class politics had been
employed in the election of the presi-
According to a former ruling of the
council, class politics shall not be em-
ployed at any class election. There-
fore the council decided to declare
both the nomination and election of
the senior law class president null and
void and to hold another nomination
and election for that office.
In regard to disposing of the ban-
ners won by the freshman class in
the flag rush, the council had to make
a new ruling. Since no individual
men won the banners, the council
voted to give the big "M" banner to
R. C. Stewart, '20, who captained the
freshmen in tieir victory. The two
other 1920 banners are to be given to
Stewart's lieutenants, who will de-
termine what men deserve them.

Orangenien Bring Strong Team, De-
spite Absence of Schlachter,
All-American Guard
Michigan Syracuse
Dunne ......... L.E....... Witter
Weimann ...... L.T ..,.....'Cobb
Niemann........ C....... Gilmore
1ghor .........R.G........ Boatin
Weske......... R.T......... Trigg
Peach..... ..R.E...... .Du Moe
Sparks ........Q.B....... Meehan
Maulbetsch.... L.H... .M. Brown
Raymond. . .... R.H....... Planck
Smith .........F.B........ Rafter
Referee -Holderness (Lehigh).
Umpire --Hinkey (Yale). Field
judge- Lynch (Brown). Head
linesman--Haines (Yale).
Time of quarters-5 minutes.
Game called at 2:30 o'clock.

Michigan faces Syracuse this aft-
rnoon with exactly the same lineup
-s that which opposed the Michigan
ggies a week ago, excel,t that Gracey
-h replace Boyd at left guard.
Coach Yost devoted yesterday after-
,oon to signal practice and the
Varsity spent some time in breaking
,ip Syracuse plays. The men were
dismissed with a comparatively light
Coach Yost announced that if Michi-
,an attempts any field goals against
The easterners this afternoon, the duty
will fall to Fritz Rehor. Captain
Maulbetsch was working at place kick-
ing yesterday and Sparks was trying
some drop kicks, but the' coach stated
that if Michigan made an effort tc
score with a field goal, the big guard
would be called back to perform the
deed. Rehor has been showing con-
siderable accuracy from placement.
Syracuse comes to Michigan wit
an exceptionally strong team in man
respects -and one that should give the
Wolverines far and away the hardes
battle that they have had this year
It looks like a pretty even propositio
on paper and the team that is for
tunate enough to get the breaks will
probably pull through on the long en
of the score.
Schlachter, the All-American guar
who bails from Syracuse, is out of the
running, according to reports, and hi
Tbsence may make a big difference I
the New' Yorkers' defense.
Syracuse is reputed to have an un
usually strong line, despite the fac
that a week ago Pittsburg gained al
most at will. Pittsburg has a won
derful wall which revolves abou
Peck, the 1915 All-American.center.
Michigan should have it on the vis
tors of the day as far as the back
'eld is concerned. Captain Maul
betsch, Sparks, Smith, and Raymon
"orm a quartet that can bother th
'pest of them.
Both Pat Smith and Sparks are un
-sially good men at throwing for
ward passes and Bull Dunne an'
Peach have been clinging to thei
throws in fine style during the earl:
Tames. This fact should serve -t
keep the Syracuse secondary defens
playing back and whether the stron.
Syracuse line can check Maulbetsl
Ind Smith is a question.
Dean Myra B. Jordan entertained th
7irls of the senior class yesterday aft
ernoon in Barbour gymnasium. Sh
gave an informal talk to the men
hers of the class, which this yea
breaks the record of being the large
class of senior girls In the history C
the University, there being 251 me
A suggestion was made that Mich:
gan, like Vassar and Wellesley, ope
the parlors of the gymnasium fcr tb
senior girls to hold "at home" day
Plans for this will be worked out b
the girls' social committee.


D. Lowry Made Captain Instructor
and L. M. Lyons Chosen

tion of the report that the
afire. The Chicago was due
Jay or Tuesday. She is a

liner was
here Mon-
14,000 ton;

Officers for this semester were
olected last night by the Webster De-
bating society at their regular meet-
ing, and following this a straw vote
on the presidential candidates and the
prohibition question was taken.
Wilson won the straw vote, 13 to 7,
and everybody voted for prohibition.
All the officers are senior law students
with the exception of the oratorical
delegate, this office going to J. P.
Colden, '18L. He succeeds Samuel
Cohn, who had. been ' previously
elected to the office but failed to re-
turn to school this year.
The other officers are: President, J.
P. Clark; vice-president, Oliver Phil-
lips; secretary, B. B. Gordon; treas-
urer, J. O. Tolonen; critic, L. W. Lisle;
parliamentarian, A. S. Loveland; ser-
geant-at-arms, G. C. Claassen.

At the meeting held last Wednesday
night for those interested in military
training, those men having had
previous military experience were"
called to the front and temporary ap-
pointments of officers made. J. D.
Lowry, lit spec., was made captain in-
structor, while L. M. Lyons, '19M, was
chosen captain. The other appoint-
ments were: First lieutenant, N. H.
Schermer, '19E; second lieutenant, E.
W. Hudson, '19L; additional lieutenant,
A. M. Shearer, '18; first sergeant, L. V.
Pearson, '19P; right guide, W. C. Han-
sen, '17E; buglar, F. W. Dennis, '20.
The time for the next drill is set
for 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening,
and will be staged on the fourth floor
of the engineering building. Follow-
ing this, arrangements will be made
for the beginning of signal practice,
work with the semaphores, and at wig-
wagging. A school for non-commis-
sioned officers will probably be begun
at the same time.
Those in charge plan to conduct an
examination some time in the near
future, covering drill regulations, com-
bat, and camp sanitation.

steamer commanded

by Captain

Princeton Juniors Elect President
Princeton, N. J., Oct. 27.-Norman
C. Nourse, of Boise, Idaho, has been
elected president of the junior class
at Princeton University.

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