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October 24, 1916 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-24

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f -0

.1_ x

Calkins Drug Co.

Two Stores

r 1

324 So. State and 1123 So. University Ave.

All the New Kodaks are on Sale here.


When a man

to his

Us show Them to you.
Trade for your old one.

We would like to

to pay attention

clothes he commences to


Which One Will Labor Vote For?


in other direc-

Smart tot
set the highest standards
for such improvement.



Lindenschmidt, Apfel &Co.
209 S. 1am St.
.Thr Stea-oe t ine
The Eberbach & Son Co,
Good Drugs-Toilet Articles
Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies.
You know the Quality is Right.
The Eberbach & Son Co.
200-204 E. Liberty St.

By George Creel.
(Written for the Democratic National
The amazing fiction that Charles E.
Hughes has a progressive type of
mind is of a piece with the myth that
he made New York a "great governor."
During his terms as chief executive
of the Empire state, Mr. Hughes ve-
toed every law that sought to advance
the public welfare. His crushing dis-
approval of the two cent passenger
fare bill and the Coney Island five cent
fare bill killed a movement of infinite
promise. His veto of a measure giv-
ing equal pay for equal work saved
money for employers at the expense of
thousands of drudging women.
His veto of a teachers' pension bill
set back a decent reform, and his
message urging the legislature to re-
fuse to ratify the income tax amend-
ment put him on record as a pro-
tector of the rich, uo matter at what
As an associate justice of the su-
preme court, he sat in 1412 cases, dis-
senting in 29 only. He concurred in
the Standard Oil and Tobacco Trust
decisions, adding millions to the
wealth of the Dukes and the Rocke-
fellers, and also writing the word
"reasonable" into the law. Time and
again had Congress refused to furnish
predatory corporations with this loop-
He concurred in the Danbury hat-
ters' case, assessing the triple penalty
against a lot of aged workers. He
wrote the opinion in the Minnesota
rate cases, robbing state railroad com-
missions of power, and giving railroads
new and tremendous powers of extor-
tion. He concurred in the Weyer-
hauser land case and the Utah land
case, two infamous decisions against
The people and for the corporations.
Taft, the great reactionary, appoint-
ed Hughes to the supreme bench. Is
anyone fool enough to believe that
Taft did not know what he was get-
ting? Behind him today in his can-
didacy is every force of greed and
rapacity, every Tory and every re-
actionary. Is it sensible to believe
that they are buying a pig in a poke?

By George G. Hill.
(Written for the Republican National
That organized labor will have to
face one of the most fiercely contests
in its history during the session of
Congress which meets in December is
the conviction of those labor men who
have been watching the course of the
railway managers since the passage of
the Adamson bill. The indications
point strongly to the acceptance by the
railroads of the principle that Con-
gress shall fix the wages of all rail-
way employes, as it has fixed those of{
the trainmen by the Adamson bill. But
having accepted that, the railroads wills
doubtless attempt to induce Congress
to go further and to fix the hours of
labor, to abolish the mileage system of
compensation and make it a straight
time basis, and to provide for what is
called compulsory labor; that is for a
law which will make it a misdemeanor
for the employes of railways conduct-
ing an interstate business to strike,
or to quit at all in a body, or at any
time without giving sixty or ninety
days notice.
Some of the railway heads point out
that President Wilson has committed
himself to the proposition that the
railways must be allowed to increase
freight rates sufficiently to compensate
them for the increased expense incur-
red as a result of the Adamson bill,
so that the railroads have little to lose
on that score. They contend that aft-
er the election is over, Mr. Wilson will
not be so anxious to cultivate the labor
vote and will take sides with the rail-
roads. If he has been re-elected he
will have nothing further to gain, and
if he has been defeated he will
have nothing further to lose; so they
are very hopeful of his active coopera-
tion in inducing Congress to give stat-
utory force to their views and ambi-
Before he entered politics, Mr. Wil-
son was a bitter foe of organized labor
and condemned the unions in the sev-
erest and most unjust terms and the
railway managers contend that his
real views were doubtless expressed
then, when he had nothing to gain in
a political way from meimbers of the
unions. They argue, therefore, thata
these real views will be in the ascend-
ency after the election and contend
that the iron will then be hot for them
to strike for what they have long want-

r }r

Come In

200-202 MAIN

yourself witi
a smile and s
air of prospe
ity. Wear
your best bu
mess suit an<
a cheerful
necktie. If
you have no
best suit--bu
one. We ha
to appear pr:
sperous, if v
are to be pro


While new to Ann Arbor Students, we have had long ex-
perience in pleasing University People.
Let Us show you that we can give you the most satisfactory
Phone and We Will Call for Your Work.
510 E. William St. Phone 1564-R
Whether you subscribe for one magazine or for several, your orders
will have my prompt and careful attention. Last chance clubs with
last chance prices and a special offer to students for the school year.
I will come to you.
Jno. P. S0loan, Tho Mazainf Maf


john Bull, Once
Fat; Now Thin
(By United Press.)
London, Oct. 23.-(Special)--Long

Judge for yourself and
see if style, dignity, and
the degree of skill of
tailoring essential for
producing such effects,
do not mark our crea-
S16 E. Williams St.

14Q9 S~. Cathew-Ixi St.

'Phom s 1412-M


wo i

hours of drilling and two years of
trench life have taken about 50 pounds
off the popular, conception of John
Bull. The elderly rotund person with
the florid face, who wore the Union
Jack on his portico is passing out of
favor even with the English cartoon-
The new conception of Old Man Eng-
gland, or the old conception brought
down to date, is a lean, aquiline young
man, bronzed instead of rubicund;
agile, not ponderous, and dressed in
khaki uniform of the empire's armies.
English newspapers, who gave John
Bull, the elder, his popularity, have
begun to withdraw the favor and pass
it along to the new Englishman.
Professor Arthur Keith, in a recent
lecture on British types, voiced obser-
vations which had occurred to England
during the two years of war. The
English countenance, according to
Keith, has become narrower and
longer while the corpulent plan of hu-
man architecture has become excep-
tional rather than typical.
Botanical Journal Club Will Meet
The Botanical Journal club will
hold its regular meeting tonight at
8 o'clock in room 173 natural sci-
ence building. Reports will be made
by Prof. H. H. Bartlett and F. B. Cot-

100 Seniors Measured for New
Juniors May Adopt


The National Association of Alumni
Secretaries will hold a meeting at
Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tenn., on Oct. 26 to 28. Alumni
Secretary W. B. Shaw is president of
the organization and will attend the
meeting. There are more than 80

German 4ls evil Inquiries have been made at dress-
ing stations and casualty clearing sta-
F r dtions back of the lines, and all con-
firm the fact that flame projectors as
instruments for putting men out of ac-
Tommies Laugh at Liquid Flame tion are decided failures. One hos-
Which Formerly Proved Potent pital near the front, through which
for Advances thousands of wounded men have
passed, reported only three cases of
(By United Press.) burns from liquid fire.
L"Twice during the fighting about
London (Special).'-"Devil Fire," the Pozieres, the Germans turned on the
liquid flame projected by the Germans flames. At one point the veteran
against the British trenches, has be- Anzacs practically annihilated a com-
n^-- +1- -1- -P - - M- - , i" a,- navy f ho flm n n fd ll~~

Engineers Adopt Overcoats Full
Corduroy Pants~ Of Snap.

Chamois-colored corduroy trousers,
equipped with specially made slide-
rule pockets will soon make their ap-
pearance upon the campus, this por-
tion of the male costume having been
adopted by the senior engineers as a
distinguishing mark of their class.
More than 100 have been measured
today, and it is expected that the rest
will follow their example tomorrow,
so that within two weeks members of
the class of '17 will present a uni-
form appearance as regards the style
and quality of their nether garments.
It is said by those in charge that
the adoption of the senior insignia is
but the revival of an old custom that
flourished at Michigan a number of
years ago, but which was allowed to
fall into decline when co-education
became the rule at the institution. The
custom is in vogue in the engineering
colleges of Cornell, Dartmouth, Prince-
ton, Leland Stanford, and at the Uni-
versities of Wisconsin, California, and
many others.
It is highly probable that the junior
class of the engineering college will
ultimately adopt the corduroys, but of
a different color than that chosen by
the seniors. The innovation is said to
be due to the effort of the arch-men
to ban the radical attire worn by
members of the other departments and
to adopt a more conservative form of
garment more eminently suited to
their profession. It has been pro-
posed, but as yet not unanimously
agreed, to wear flannel shirts of a
uniform color and texture.





come the joke or every Tommy in the
big push. As an instrument of fright-;
fulness it was superb at first, but
statistics of the last month show that
its use hasn't gained any ground for
the enemy and the number of casual-
ties caused by it is insignificant.
Officers who have faced the jets are
unanimous in the assertion that its ef-
feet has been exaggerated. When seen

parry or te n ame men arter allowing
them to come up close with the jets
shooting out ahead ot them.
Fort Sheridan, Ill., Oct. 23.-While
Secretary of War Baker was issuing
orders here today tha.t w ld nrit

LOST-Silver case watch, Elgin works,
$ University of Penn. seal fob attach-
ed, photogragh in back of case. Lost
between Campus and Ferry field,
Saturday. Reward if returned to
Daily office. 24-25
LOST - Monday morning between
Weinberg's coliseum and Packard
St., a gold watch enclosed in a
black leather wrist case. Finder
please call 1362-M. Reward. 24
LOST--Blue overcoat, taken by mis-
take from Natural Science Bldg.
Reward. Call W. R. Hatfield. Phone
1629-W. 22-24-25
LOST--During flag rush red Y-neck
sweater. Return to 537 Church or
phone 178-W, for reward. 24
FOUND-A black coat with fur collar
bearing. "Newcomb, Detroit" label.
Found at gate during M. A. C. game.
Can be identifiedat Michigan Union
desk. 24

FOR RENT--Desirable suite one
block from campus. 411 E. Wil-
liam. Call 1856-W. oct.17-23
FOR RENT-Single room. Enquire at
716 Church or Alpha Delta Phi
house. oct.21-27
FOR RENT-Very desirable front
suite, centrally located. Call 811-J.
437 Hamilton Place. -24-25
WANTED-Student laundry work by
an experienced and competent Laun-
dry. Phone 1487. 19-20-21-22-24-25
WANTED--A good second hand guitar.
Call at 717 E. Huron St. or phone
1022-R. 24-25
FOR SALE-Have you something that
you want to sell? If so, let the Mich-
igan Daily sell it for you through its
Classified Department.

for the ,first time it is impressive and -1u" i4i. VW cola
the men who are receiving their bap- members of Illinois troops just re-
tism of flame are jumpy. turned, to use steam-heated barracks,
"It looks like a big gas jet coming federal inspectors were arresting 36
at you," said a wounded officer in a soldiers who refused to sleep in cold

Do not hide a good suit under a
poor overcoat. One of our new fall and
winter overcoats would blend so nicely
with your fall suit that your appearance
as a whole would be a source of satisfac.
tion to yourself and admiration to your
This Is The Kind of
Overcoat You Want

I -

London hospital. The natural instinct
is to jump back out of the way. Many
men who thought nothing of bullets
and shells involuntarily ducked when
the flames were turned on. However,
the effective range of the flame pro-
jector is very limited and the man
who operates it often as not is shot
or bombed from our trenches."

tents on the wind swept shores of
Lake Michigan last night.,
The men had failed to appear at rev-
eille at 6:15 o'clock today. As the
men were being marched to the guard
house they cheered. "We won't freeze
if you put us in the guard house,"
they yelled, waving their hats. The
men must face court martial.



Our Victor Records
Appr-oval Service
Has given the best of satisfaction
To Victrola. Owners
Call us up and learn about it

Francis Dwight Eaman, '01, of De-
troit, will be the chief speaker at the
Woodrow Wilson club smoker to be
held at the Union tonight, commenc-
ing at 7:30 o'clock. Several other
short, snappy speeches by local men
will be given, and cider and cigarets
will be there in abundance.
The big smoker of the Wilson ad-
herents will be given one of the first
few days of November. Plans are
rapidly being completed, and a prom-
inent speaker from New York City
will deliver the chief address.
Does your musical instrument need
repairs? Take it to Schaeberle & Son,
110 South Main street, for first-class

$15.00 to $28.50

116 E. Liberty St.
The Young Mens Shop

Grinnell Bros.

116 . Maft St.
PHONE 1?07




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