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October 24, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-24

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1 1 1L. L AYA'.l 11 %.1 h. 1 A. S*.. S


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) People in Film; Pictures Will
be Exhibited in Cities of
State and East
tb the taking of the scenes of the
and portions of the M. A. C.
last Saturday, the municipal
les" are all ready for their first,
Ing at the Whitney theater Thurs-+
night. All of the pictures have
yeen developed and are exception-
clear, especially the interior
w. No retakes whatever were
sording to E. H. Spears, the1
igrapher of the pictures, fullyI
0 people have been filmed for the
s of pictures and the whole filmE
be 4,000 feet long, an unusually
feature. Mr. Spears took four
. the amount of pictures which he
ieretofore taken in similar ven-
. Almost every school child in
ity will be in the pictures and a
number of students took part in
im in some scene or other.
3 pictures will be shown at the
:0ey theater Thursday, Friday,
laturday of this week. From here
will go to Lansing and Grand3
+s and possibly other cities of the
They will also be shown in
lo and other towns of eastern1
York state.
ftment Situation Shows Inquiries
for Bonds and Dividend 1
Paying Shares
s investment situation as shown
embers of the New York stock ex-
ge is being supported by an in-
.g demand for dividend paying
s. Besides this demand there is
ge inquiry for the best classes of
s. The appearance of German
marines near the United States
and rumors about a definite
to start peace proceedings caused
selling in the market, but the
ral list displayed good resistance.
the disbursement this'month of
than $200,000,000 in dividends, in-
rs have been buying seasoned so-
les eagerly.-
e world war is still the controlling
.r but the people of this country
atready giving their attention to
readjustment which must follow
:lose of the war. The nation with
argest stock of gold in the world
ll prepared to meet the demands
h will be made upon it.
apparent cessation has come in
oregn liquidation of American se-
Ies. This results partially from
new British government tax on
sh holders of American securities.
A railroads are borrowing heavily
in the near future will probably
3 new capital applications as many
.n need of better equipment.
her controlling factors are the
prices of raw material and the
of unskilled labor. The labor ele-
has received compromise set
ents because of prospective losses,
ting from depleted orders or
chigan women will be represent-
t the annual convention of the
igan State Federation of Wom-
Clubs, which is meeting at Jack-
;his week, by Margaret Reynolds,
>resident of the Women's League,
Albertine Loomis, '17, vice-presi-
The league not only has the dis-

[on of being the largest single
in the federation, but is the only
nization represented which is
osed almost entirely of young
an Myra B. Jordan leaves today
ackson, where she will attend the
rt session, making a report on
aucinda Stone scholarship fund, of
University.: A complete program
.e sessions of the federation will
und on the board in the corridor
ae library. All league meinberu
privileged to attend the meetings
e convention.
ncing classes and private lessons
e Packard Academy. 18-tf
ave your film at the Delta.
oct3 to 29
learn.typewrritinR O1
sires close applioatiot
typewriter an& freo
astruotion boo from
.Morrill. ,22 S. State,

* Orpheum-Norma Talmadge in *
* "Devil's Needle." Also Tri- *
* angle Comedy; Gloria Swan- *
* son in "The Danger Girl." *
* *
* Arcade-Walter Law and Val- *
* kyrien in "The 'Unwelcome *
* Mother." Also Mutt and Jeff *
* Cartoon. *
** * * * * * * * * * * a
The bill at the Majestic this week
was well applauded and included sev-
eral good feature acts. The work of
Eva Fay, the "High Priestess of Mys-
ticism," captivated the audience.
The most amusing number of the
evening was the skit entitled "On the
Farm," featuring Allman and Loader.
In this act comedy pigs and real roost-
ers form a setting for the hired man
and country farmer and his wife and
the show girl.
Hildegard Mason and George Mur-
ray give some very good comedy in a
skit entitled "Getting his Goat."
Baby Helen, the juvenile Tettrazini,
gives some good songs and yodeling.
The program is completed by Mlle.
Marie Genaro, the flexible Venus, who
does;some good acrobatic stunts, and
the Majesticope which shows a pic-
ture entitled "Father's Last Card."



ional City Bank, of New York, Of-
fers Another Position in
Offices of Concern
nother fellowship is being offered
higan men by the National City
nk, of New York, this year.
3y the terms of this offer, one or
re students are taken into the

Utah: - Each freshman must by this
week wear a green lapel button as
an indication that he has made ar-
rangements for obtaining the fresh
cap. Sudden and violent chastise-
ment has been promised for all who
disregard the order.
Minnesota: Wilson received a 2 to 1
vote over Hughes in the straw vote

conducted here. There
cialist vote and none
Colorado: Itabindranath
an address before an'
650 people during his

was one So-
for prohibi-
Tagore gave
audience of
stop at the

bank's training school, and prepared
for positions in its foreign branches,
or retained in the bank's New York
office. The fellowships offered will en-
able the holder to spend one year in
the bank. They carry a stipend of
$50 per month, and railroad fare to
and from Ann Arbor and New York.
The successful candidates are sel-
ected by a representative of the bank
from a small group designated by the
faculty of the economics department
W. J. Edwards, '17, was chosen last
year, and is now in New York. Stu-
dents who expect to be considered for
this year's fellowsip, or who are in-
terested in the matter, may obtain full
information from Prof. George W.
Dowrie at the economics building.


Told to Return to Trenches When
Traveling in Brittany With
His Wife
When M. Rene Talamon, assistant
professor of French in the University
until the beginning of the war, was
on four days' leave of absence and
was traveling in Brittany with his
wife, he was stopped at Lavalle and
told to return immediately for active
service at the front. Since then he
has been stationed at Les Esparges,
near Verdun. M. Talamon's wife and
sister are now staying in Paris.
An interesting collection of souvenirs
made by the French soldiers in the
trenches has been received by Pfo-
fessor Hugo P. Thieme. These were
collected by M. Talamon and sent
here in care of a friend who recently
came over to this country. The col-
lection includes a paper knife and a
penholder made out of shells, and a
bead necklace made by- one of the
soldiers in a hospital.
The souvenirs will be placed on ex-
hibition in the library.

Candy, and chrysanthemums to the
amount of $75 worth were sold by
the women of the University Y. W. C.
A., Saturday morning and afternoon,
to loyal supporters of both M. A. C.
and Michigan teams. The plan of sell-
ing white "mums" to the out of town
rooters was a great success, and plans
are now on for an even larger sale
at the time of the Pennsylvania game.
New York, Oct. 23.--George M.
Church of Tenafly, N. J., and Harold
A. Throckmorton of Elizabeth, N. J.,
will compete for the first time in the
far eastern championship, to be held
at the Manila Tennis club in the Phil-
ippines in January. They will leave
here Nov. 23, going by way of Van-
Throckmorton holds the national
junior title and is New Jersey state
champion. Church was one. of the
prominent contenders for the national
championship, and in that tournament
defeated Ichiya Kumagae, present
Oriental champion.


Injured in Contest Able
to Attend Classes





Local police had their hands full
responding to numerous calls during
the week-end. At 11 o'clock Satur-
day night a call was received from the
University hospital asking aid in the
search for a patient who had escaped
from the psychopathic ward. He was
captured a half hour later, attired only
in a shirt.
A few minutes later Dan Ohlinger
was arrested for speeding his car at
a 30-mile clip down, Packard street.
He was followed by E. D. Cooke, of
Detroit, who was caught speeding at
a high -rate of speed on North Uni-
versity street. Both were arraigned
before Justice William G. Doty and
paid fines of $10 and $3.45 costs.
At 4 o'clock Sunday morning six po-
licemen raided a crap game which was
in progress in a Greek ooffee house
on Washington street, and arrested 20
Greeks who were shaking the dice on
three tables. More, than $19 in cash
and a check were confiscated. All of
the l20 were released on bail of $10
apiece to guarantee their appearance
in justice court yesterday afternoon.
The men refused to plead guilty in
court and their trial was fixed for next
Crossing the street at the corner of
Main and Huron streets at 8 o'clock
Sunday night, Mrs. Roy Sessions, of
this city, was struck by an automo-
bile driven by Fred Looker and sus-
tained a broken arm.

Cornell: Nearly 1,800 men appeared
for military drill Friday when the
entire cadet corps consisting of both
freshmen and sophomores met for
the first time.
Indiana: The mayor of Indianapolis
has issued a proclamation closing
the city hall and calling 'the mer-
chants to decorate their places of
business next Saturday on the event
of the game between Tufts college
and Indiana.
Harvard: The university physician
has decided that it will not be
necessary to inaugurate a gen-
eral quarantine of the university
as a result of the infection of Ed-
win Ginn, '18, second string football
player, with a mild case of infantile
Wiliamette: Dr. Carl Gregg Doney was
formally inaugurated president of
the university last week.
Illinois: The corner stone of the uni-
versity's first dormitory was laid
Saturday. The new building will ac-
commodate about 100 women when
Washington: Plumbers working in
the musty basement of the law
den and forgotten treasure of 1,500
university song books.
Minnesota: A fencing class for girls
las been organized under the di-
rection of the physical education de-

The University health service near-
ly ran out of linament when a score or
more students from the freshman and
sophomore classes visited the depart-
rment yesterday morning for treatment.
The three men injured in the flag
rush Saturday morning are doing nice-
ly and able to attend their classes.
Merin A. Cudlip, '19, suffered a brok-
en rib, H. MacMillan, '19, a broken col-
lar bone, and another participant,
whose name has not been ascertained,
a split lip, which necessitated the sew-
ing of several stitches.
Robert Tubbs, '20L, was dismissed
yesterday morning from the Univer-
sity hospital, having completely re-
covered from an operation for appen-
dicitis on October 10.
The doctors in the health service ad-
vise students to be careful about im-
pure water. Typhoid germs lurk in
unboiled water and the health of the
student is impaired by the drinking of
university Head Will Take Extended
Trip in Upper Pesiofvsuia
President Harry B. Hutchins left
Ann Arbor Sunday morning for the
upper peninsula, where he will make
an extended trip, not returning to the
city until Monday, Oct. 30.
President Hutchins is making the
trip at the invitation of school super-
intendents in northern peninsula
towns, such as-Houghton and Calumet.
He will also visit the various alumni
organizations in the northern part of
the state, which he helped organize
about five years ago, just after he be-
came president of the University. He
will be the guest of these clubs at
various dinners, and will probably be
called upon to speak a number of times
during his trip.

- "
q2 ~ .
.r J xkN'

"The Line IS Busy

1IG HT billion and a half telephone calls were
answered last year in the Bell System. It is
not surprising that some telephones were found
to be busy.
It's a mistake to think that, to save herself work, the oper-
ator reports the line busy when it is not; it's more work
for her to notify you that the line is busy than it is to give
you the number.

Busy men have busy telephones.
you may sometimes have to knock
Delephoie door.

It is unavoidable that
more than once at their

Our alarm clocks
Chapman, Jeweler,

are good clocks.
113 South Main



State Telephone Company
J. J. Kelly, Manager
Telephone 500


In order to support the government
in any efforts it may make toward
peace, the American Neutral Confer-
ence committee has circulated peti-
tions for peace mediations in the pres-
ent war. By this means it is attempt-
ing to bring enough weight of public
opinion both in this country and
abroad, to effect a definite attempt
toward international peace. The list,
of members of the committee include
some of the most prominent philanth-
ropists and statesmen of this country
Among them are Jane Addams, Ham-
ilton Holt, John Hays Hammond,
Thomas Mott Osborne, Rear-Admiral
French E. Chadwick, and Prof. Jacques
Loeb. Miss Rebecca Shelly, the sec-
retary of the committee, gave a lec-
ture in Ann Arbor several years ago.
To Organize Craftsman Team Today
President P. E. Gibson, of the Uni-
versity Craftsman club, announced
last night that a special meeting will
be held at the Masonic temple at 4t
o'clock this afternoon. Any members
desirous of trying out for positions on
the Craftsman team must be present,
since parts will be assigned and the
team organized for practice.
Extra practices outside of the regu-
lar meeting every Saturday evening
will be arranged, as the Detroit trip is
only three weeks off. All former mem-
bers of the team will be present and
it is requested that new men try out
for the team.
304 South Main Street
Neckwear, hosiery, underwear, and
handkerchiefs. Also the newest crea-
tions in blouses and waists. Special
attention given to corset fitting. 22-24-





of Music




Instructors in Singing - Piano - Organ -

Violin - Violoncello - Viola - Harp - Band Instruments
History -- Harmony - Public School Music. etc.


BYRL FOX BACHER, Dean of Women

ALBERT LOCKWOOD, Head of Piano Department
THEODORE HARRISON, Head of Vocal Department

SA MUEL PIERSON LOCKWOOD, Head of Violin Department
EARL VINCENT MOORE, Head of Organ Department

Hatie P. Cornwell
Instructor in Drawing
Alice Evans
Instructor in Physical Culture
Mel Gillespie
Instructor in Guitar, Banjo and Mandolin
Frances L. Hamilton
Instructor in Piano
Nora C. Hunt
Instructor in Singing
Mrs. Anna Schram-Imig
Instructor in Singing
Ada Grace Johnson
Instructor in Singing

Luele Johnson
Instructor in Harp
Maude C. Kleyn '
Instructor in Singing
Edith Byrl Koon
Instructor in Piano
Martha Merkle
Instructor in Piano
Lee Norton barker
Instructor in 'Cello

Helen A. Showerman
Instructor in Piano
Otto J. Stahl
Instructor in Piano and Theory
Harrison A. Stevens
Instructor in Piano
Nell B. Stockwell
Instructor in Piano
Kenneth N. Westerman
Instructor in Singing
Anthony J. Whitmire
Instructor in Violin
Wilfred Wilson
Instructor in Wind Instruments
) rinstrHOive Wood
Instructor in Physical Culture

Florence B. Potter
Instructor in Public
M's. Mahie Ross-Rhead
Instructor in Piano

School Music

For Catalogue or for Special Information Please Call at the Office or Address

CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary

Students may elect regular courses leading to graduation
one special subject.

or they

may elect some

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