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October 21, 1916 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-21

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-=Coach Fielding H. Y

Carpell, Paterson, Quinn, and Musser
Witness Final Michigan
Weather May Cause Coaches to Shift
Plans for Today's
*- Michigan M. A. C. *
" Dunne. ......L.E..... Ramsey *
* Weimann....L.T.,.... Straight *
* Boyd.......L.G...... Coryell *
* Niemann...... C.....Frimodig *
* Rehor........R.G.. Vandervoort *
* Weske......R.T.... Blacklock *
* Peach......R.E..... Henning *
* Sparks.......Q.B.. Heubel *
* Maulbetsch...L.H.........Fick *
* Raymond. ... .R.H....... Jacks *
* Smith........F.B. .,.... Butler *
* Referee - Hackett (Army). *
* Umpire-Holderness (Lehigh).
* Field judge , Haines (Yale).
* Head linesman-Lynch (Brown). *
* Time of quarters-15 minutes. *
* Game called at 2:30. *
Unless memory fails, it was old -Bill
Shakespeare himself who pe:m:ied that
bon mot about "sweet are the uses
of adversity" or something to tht g n-
eral effect. "Revenge," however, falls
under this same caption, and Michi-
gan is going to do her level best this
afternoon to force M. A. C. to seek
consolation in the former.
All of which casts no reflections
upon Bill S. because even Bill could
never forsee the Michigan-M. A. C.
football situation, and poor Fill's the
loser thereby.
Coach Yost stated last nigt that the
Michigan Varsity was in good shape
and prepared to give an excellent ac-
count 'of itself all afternoon. Coach
Sommer of the Aggies makes these
self-same claims for his Farmers and
a battle royal should ensue.
The Michigan boss let the team off
with a comparatively light workout
yesterday, signal practice proving the
principle occupation during the time
the men were on the field. The squad
posed for a photograph and everyone
looked so blooming cheerful and happy
that a special print was rushed to
East Lansing for inspection in that
Carpell, Bubbles Paterson, Cy
Quinn, and Babe Musser, all football
stars of a previous day, were on hand
to watch the men in the final work-
out before tackling the Aggies and all
expressed themselves a pleased with
what they saw. The high wind pre-
sented a new problem and Coach Yost
had his backs handling kicks for a
while to accustom themselves to the
gale which was raging most of the
Johnny Maulbetsch could catch a
punt after darkness with both eyes
closed and the wind didn't bother him
in the least, and Sparks took care of
everything that came his way without
much trouble.
Preparations have been made to
handle a big turnout and if the day is
a good one, the Ferry field attend-
ance mark should go by the boards.

Interest in this year's Michigan-M. A.
C. battle has surpassed anything of
previous years by a wide margin and
it only remains for the weather man
to make a good fellow of himself to
see approximately 25,000 spectators
packed into the field when the whistle
blows. Yesterday's bad weather af-
fected the seat sale seriously, but if
things are favorable today those of a
timid nature may yet decide to make
the trip.
If it rains and the going is heavy,
Michigan may be forced to uncover
a different style of attack than she
has planned, but the old army game
won't worry the Wolverine coaches
particularly. The German Bullet and
Pat Smith are equal to the emergency
and although Sparks' beautiful end
runs may be stopped, still the line
plunging game won't play particular
havoc. with the Maize and Blue
Piano, voice, pipe organ. 312 South
Division street. 'Phone 212-. Leave
orders for fine piano tuning.

Rain Holds Up
Tennis iatches.
Rain again spoiled the matches in
the tennis tournament scheduled for
yesterday. With good weather today
the fourth round encounters will be
played off, and the boards will be
cleared for the semi-finals on Monday.
, So far the bright light in the tourna-
ment has been Egbert, the California
star. This man has eliminated all
his opponents without difficulty, and
appears to be the best bet for the
championship. He has played against
many of the internationally famous
men of the Pacific slope, and has a
driving, smashing game, which prom-
ises to boost Michigan's Varsity ten-
nis team to a high place next year.
Paul Steketee of last year's Varsity
squad should be runner up for the
title, although Codd and Eugene
Steketee may figure in the final round.
Nebraska-Oregon and MiciganM. A.
C. Contests Headline At.
Four games struggle for headline
honors in today's gridiron card.
In the west, the Michigan-M. A. C.
and Nebraska-Oregon Aggie contests
occupy the lion's share of the limelight
while in the east the Pittsburg-Syra-
cuse and Penn-Penn State matches are
exciting the greatest attention.
The Pittsburgers possessed one of
the finest elevens in the country last
fall, and although wakened by the
loss of many of the stars who were the
mainstays of that team, the pupils of
Glenn Warner still present a formid-
able front. Coach Bill Hollenbeck's
Syracuse bunch is looming up this
year as one of the miost dangerous ag-
gregations in the east. The Orange-
men are a team of veterans, possess-
iig 'a strong heavy line, and a back-
field tl~at is both fast and experienced.
The fratricidal strife of Philadelphia
between Pennsylvania and Penn State
is expected to prove a close and bitter-
ly fought game. Penn, with a new
coaching system installed, is out for a
come-back this year and inasmuch as
the westerners have taken many a
wallop at the Quakers in Penn's lean
years, the latter are looking for re-
venge today.
With the exception of Dartmouth, all
the other big eastern teams will have
mere practice workouts this afttrnoon.
The Hanoverians are liable to catch a
tartar when they stack up against
.Large pieces of fur are sure to fly
in the intersectional struggle at Port-
land between Nebraska and the Oregon
Aggies. The Cornhskers are alays
represented bya strong team, but they
will'meet foes worthy of their steel in
the Oregonians. Dr. Stewart, coach of
the Aggies last season, has transferred
his activities to Nebraska, so he will
undoubtedly be out to show the home
folks what he can do.
Big games in the conference are
those between Illinois and Ohio State
and between Chicago and Northwest-
ern. The Illini will have their hands
full with the husky Buckeyes, who

rolled up a score of 128 to 0 against
Oberlin last week. Northwestern hopes
to give Stagg's Maroons a battle when
these two teams clash this afternoon,
but it is hardly probable that the Pur-
ple warriors will be able to put across
a victory. The Iowa-Purdue contest
should prove close, the Haweyes hav-
ing a slight edge in the dope. Wiscon-
sin should have a rompaway with the
Haskell Indians.
Other games exciting interest in
their sections are the Texas-Oklahoma
and Colorado-Denver battles.




Naulie Was Way Off Form Last Year,
According to Lansing Pub-
M. A. C.'s official student publica-
tion, The Holcad, has the following to
say in connection with today's game
between Michigan and the Aggies:
"Of all the talk floating around the~
campus these days, by far the most
important is that as to whether or not
M. A. C. football team can beat the
eleven huskies representing the Uni-
versity of Michigan on the gridiron. If
they clo so, it will be two victories
in a row, and somewhat of an achieve-

nothing. For instance, how many
times has Cornell gone through a long,
hard schedule winning every game,
while Pennsylvania has staggered
through the same season losing game,
after game to teams of minor impor-
tance, only to have the tables exactly
reversed when the two met in the
final battle of the year, and the Big
Red team, swaggering and overcon-
fident, has found itself pitted against
eleven fighting demons who played
better football than they knew how
and eventually won out? So do not
be dismayed, fans, because Michigan
tripled our score against Carroll, as
it may work to our advantage by mak-
ing the Maize and Blue men overcon-
"Itis more or less of a football
axiom that the team with the strong-
est line has the best chance of being
on the long end of the score when the
final shrill of the referee's whistle is
heard. And right here it seems as if
we have a shade or so on our beloved
brothers from Ann Arbor. With every
position except left end filled by a
strong, experienced veteran, the M. A.
C. line is not a thing to be trifled with
To be sure, Michigan also has a vet-
eran line with the exception of one
or two men, but it is hardly up to the
caliber of the Green and White breast-
works, and it may easily come about

New Haven, Conn., Oct. 20.-Yale's
football warriors crushed Virginia
Polytechnic Institute this afternoon,
Yale's work was smooth with the
exception of one bad attempt at a field
goal by Legore. The Blue's fumbling
was a minimum while Virginia's work
in handling the ball was disastrous.
Two touchdowns were put over in the


Southerners' Poor Handling
Disastrous to Their

of Ball

Irst period and another in the thi:
Goal was kicked for the final one.
Yale's third touchdown was the r
sult of a forward pass, Legore
Gates, which was good for 20 yard
Virginia's playing improved as t
game went into the final period.
number of substitutes were sent in
the game by Coach Tad Jones. T
southerner's superior weight had 1
tle effect on the Yale defense and t
blue repeatedly held its opponents f
downs. The game was played toda
instead of tomorrow because the bov
will be in use for a pageant cor
memorating Yale's 200th anniversa
The pink extra will contain all tb
dope on the M. A. C. game. Get one


ment for the Aggies.
"Because of the fact that
roll college held the team

that this slight superiority may swing
little Car- the battle our way.
to such a, "The Yost backfield, comprised

low score, some doubt has been ex- mainly of German Bullet Mulbetsch,
pressed among the student body the fleetfooted Pat Smith, and a much-
past week as to the chances of beat- touted newcomer by the name of
ing Michigan. And when the Yostites Sparks, it must be admitted, looms up
beat the same team by a score of 54 quite, formidable-on paper. It just
to 0, nearly triple that which the Ag- goes to show what an uncertain old
gies were able to roll up, the doubts game this football is and what a lit-
changed to something akin to panicky tle overconfidence may do.
apprehension. "Also, harking back to last year's
"But it must be remembered that clash,sthefar-famedkMaulie did not
the Farmers went into the game with tear the Fasrmer's line to shreds. Far
five regulars missing from the lineup, from it, he showed some quite docile,
five men who would have added much bovine-like characteristics when con-
strength to the team. Also, from re- fronted by an Al, guaranteed puncture
ports of some of the men who wit- proof defense.
nessed the Carroll-Michigan game, the "The Aggie backfield, although it has
former team did not put up nearly only Huebel of last year's quartet on
as good a brand of football as they the job this fall, is by no means a
showed here, due no doubt-to the many green crew. Butler and Jacks have
bumps and minor injuries they re- both had experience on college teams,
"Then again, we must remember that but Baker is putting in his initial sea-
comparative scores mean absolutely' (Continued on Page Four.)
-By The Fictaphone
Some 6,500 Michigan students are The sender of the good-luck token
sure that the Wolverines are going to didn't sign the accompanying letter.'
walk off Ferry field victorious this aft- but he expressed a desire that Michi-
ernoon, and that entire body of st- gan put the old flag in East Lansing
at half mast by defeating the Farmers.
dents will do anything within its power This is the third rabbit's foot that
to help Yost in his battle against the Yost has received from this myster-
Farmers. ious stranger, and the coach is hooing
Up in Owosso there lives an un- that "the third time's the charm."
known admirer of the Hurry-up man It is doubtful, however, if Fielding
who is even appealing to the myster- . is going to be able to carry the
ious realms for assistance against the rabbit's foot with him on the side lines
Aggies. today, as Johnny Maulbetsch last had
Yost last night received a small it in his possession. The coach is still
package bearing an Owosso postmark, looking for his little token of good
At first Fielding H. eyed the parcel luck among the members of the squad,
rather dubiously, as he was fearful but "Wallie" Niemann insists that he
that it might contain some sort of an is going to wear it around his neck
infernal machine. The coach finallyj when he steps into the center posi-
got up his nerve sufficiently to undo tion this afternoon.
the little package, however, and to his(-
surprise found neatly wrapped in tis- "Re" Fischer's orchestira at Arm.
sue paper a rabbit's foot. ory, Saturday night. oct.20-21

All those who want "Mums"
for the M. A. C.-Mich. game

should order today.


themums are scarce this year
owing to the fact that they are
a week late, due to weather con-

We have 1000 of the finest
variety grown in this part of
the country and can supply you
with any quantity.
We also have everything else
in cut flowers and will be glad
to deliver an order for you.



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