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May 31, 1917 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1917-05-31

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TH £1I C iVIkURzA'N UL),~



TAh tc Fl nn l ro se s Offcialewspaer3t the Uiest f~a i n ad
Mi, aga e evey m, FIRMcep
V Mnday dring tc uiersit ya.A r-
are the Correct thing for.thatdance or party.Have tee at te post-offce att Aror s hPO N R VN
secnd-cass matter. L TETSY S
a pair tailored to your measure at D - i-&ro Pes idM aub" A LW RKG A A T E
"Want d. station;: marry s; tta t'Su,£A I
r H . o _._ o e TewDeltaCar. tat.and4rPack7d.
G.a II.1/l o pn e:jsnes 4;Eioil 44 rder theme NOW
LeaingMerchant Tailors tl 1 311 State St. , 1Communictoi8 nott eced so.~trerds i1 -- "re'
} in engto oices ofretits wll b,10-90 Casrd late- 50 to .
___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ lihed in The Daily, at the discretion ." the r
' ditor, if left at the 1c i th An Ar r
X 41 It 1, P "A I* VA Pres Blg. o i te «tcebo iW~~Y1 7 b O an the west d"h. . .,.
tcorridor of the enerl ir ry, where the " +
SI.E OF ~ntices are collected at 7 :o o'clock eachIELA
t . S TATIONERY AND' LATE FICTIONevn .. -t --- --';ol
H.C. L. Jackson.....Managin Editor The 'Y1lmpoyment f- OOKTOR
B'" AA INS IN RO H . hili" " siss ,ngerflceehas the names of some
________________________20students who ,have ap q e'
R,. T l{cM n al.........News Editor plied for vacation employ-1 1191~ 1111l~ llllllil111 h l llil11I 11tlrlllt
T h l t r B o h P Lee &. Joslyn ...................ity Editor ment.'These' stdents Are
ardA.eitgral........Serphrts ditor asked to intervew the Em-
Phone 43 886 . SaeS. enr X.Neer....Tlgah dtrployment Secretary any day
Maian iison.........Women's Editorthswebtentehor
DForet S. Rod......xchange Editor of '3 and 6 P."M , or onr;
STOP AT special'Sall ofL"Co)~suttlsnd Switches J.a I sitatBsnssMngrSatrday ornig
T iT T L ~ SSpecial Ten'DayWeave Al R. Rsau..Aasistant, siness Manager
38. TATIE DE_. SOPNight Editors
tt@°_ 3$$ deI irtialR Iowe C. M. Tikling H. M. Carey
fo o as anid lunches Shampoing, Aticurg, Uauiagiugtand Chiropody . A.ewaey . . SadeerA C .1 F L
_Phbuon 20236 orth th Avenue E"L.Zige ( 0 "ee4 LlgH
A N O F A NC. S. C lark allies S cherm erhorn, Jr. T h3a , r l i nt h u g t e s c r -P
GIUORUE B ICflOFF 'FIRST NMIL. $AK-F ARBOR, tdICH. . . Fln. C.,0. -Brop h e ay riin,_hogtlssar
t aD. H. Cruttenden Mildred C. M ______
Capial $oo~oo Stplusand rofi #650.0 nneta I~ Woo . . A. a free life of the unv ersity spsig
DIpCTDR.,. F. llstr lln ho nil d q y. It is already Iw R E T g n l m n a n t p o
i ,0 -..45TI K.3L veieyer( Elln"elGve d passing qucy.PR E T ete a antpo
,hieCtFu sadPlnsGe .PtesnHar 4 alyI .W lnG P. O verton mre sober, more sincere, and more in"
2Azha n E .. .An rbrMich $"ed clot A',' D. B onteC. .An rewsM K. ibert er .,ducr vhs u1 ged byanight' S Study over
220 Chp;P'n St. AQnMSW. Carkuo ari on Sole ______________________________ earest. hegirwoeny thoghs
3.D ini uins tafa tiquette book. Same way withr
_____________ Pul E. Cholette Harry R. Louis wr etrdo e e acn
I~rl .SihSyorB isnfrock will be made, r whom he willa perfect tobacco.
WatrR an enN hl ask for her formal party must per- .+ {g~ n h
force turn to other things, when she1 w~ooryarsbfr MrJa 5
x1I he learns the ultimatum that she "will i begniesth t oth-
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - have to let the old dress do until con- f t .u~ ~o~ .
has -been decided _to postpone thy fi7, ON
1,tbr I La i " ' I. ll >I I tl 'i ,Night ditor-Hielmuth Maag. formaL.9 , tr°
p r r , , _+ " _,, ~S u d d e n l y , s h e w i l l fi n d t h a t i t i s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
BSEBALL AND THE FINALS the things worth while that. stik an
Corner of State and Lberty Pardon us fr bringing again be- that the little, superficial things ht I. A D R
~fore youteaseball game which took mk h nvriy ogywl alOR
____________________________________place yeterday between The Daily away. To many, the superficial things FLOW ERS
_________________DTE0T1ME ~is and theGargoyle. It was very divert- hv emdalteei fta o-plROR>C,294 13 FE. Liberty S.
' ~~~Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson. "ing.; As, a mans for wiping out old pex life, but, the ;real, things, lie, un-'
tI ti e Offer You Cars'run on E astern tune, one hour faster enah a jyTp
~than :local tine. F ° sces between members of the rival 'Aderneath. l~l71ler
SEC~iT - SEVIC - LOATON etrit imied nd xprssCarom-7.5 a publications, it is distinctly worth_ And the real things-the ideals, theMe ero:tlrs'Tlgap
p. m. . while. dreams, the lessons of know ledge land ~Deiv ery Service
RegourCes $3800,00Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8 :48 a .;',ad iert]i;Uiek al as
~3,~?.0bevery "two hours, to 6:48 P.,tin.; to Lensing But this is not the, reason for call-iermi.Uiest al as
8:4$ p. m".ingitby Wire tonagaAll oetheauWorld.n
Jacksdn Express Cars-MLoen stops; West offing i to attetionWagai. One feture-ofea. Worle.
l l i si"Oa Ann Arboi;-9 :4a. a nd every two hours theontest has a campus-wide ap- °
pe ro aig akLclCrsFaton- 3 .i. :0 al,' Weintend to io up Lthe play- W SOUN1I)S AH.KNELT.'________---- -_____________
Incorporated 1869 n, 7 :o5, a.irsn. andevery two hours to 7:05 p ing as, a hideous,warning to the Uni- FOR OIVIE"IS A7 INDIAtNAk
Main.Officein, 8os p.mrin., G o3p. 7i n ro:5o(p.n., to
Main and n Ofriceypsianti only, 9.20 a nm, 9 a a n, 2:05 p .versity. Those who saw the contest ;
I ranc Offipes 1raranNnFW n>5:b5 9~.':45 pmaT4s.'ToSalineul l~tbt realize that there a$ , l :'A eiiate ilNces e 1 ~4~geu
' ra we t iigCrnera ,n.,: rAIo5pn., r 5p Ia.a,11'45.. nr, 1:2a cud otwa
7 ?~rhUsst v.calat Ypsiatditinet lackf reparation. DIscontinualice of Fraternity *___*
t 7 -rt--ni--s--yAa iLoc, Cars Westbound--6:o5 a. i., 748 a.
-~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r ~ .I, 2: a. m. Between: that ball game and the Huses Threwa ayun mn n1A
coming examinations there is a .close Yh a oeceigygy
" T .esP1ites cneto.Bloomington, Ind., May 30. - The Wowss xceigygy
p n p a a cnneeton.That he joied all the clubs
The Famr Mcais' Dan1k IDeeloS F lms For the past two. weeks the teams Greeks at Indiana unversity are face otoetfnskirfr acn hr emtalte
,"" dubs, &H 1,Pint had been intending to prepare for the to face with annihilation as a result Weeh e l h us
SCURTY ;' O"" ,,ICIti 11S_5 Who were known as the "men of the. , /-
lfe Pleased ti t Our rvce. 'two Offces Y lamenting the fact that they had be- Daily Student. It has been found a-
l11-05$82MIn S$1.'': :3305,S.118St^te t. "1C: VV ERStY gun "just too late." ost impossible to maintain the fra- hyakdhmt onTi n
Withina fotnigt we will be in the ternity houses with, the limited num-Tt
,11 "Ty CHOP off a few midst of finals. Remembering the ex- ber of men left, and, conditions will be e Goblins, Goats, Lizards, Black
'* t y ypewrIters" minuteses and eat some of hiib ton put up on oth F erry field on worse next fall. Few new men are ex-at
jwy/{ q.yry /y ,Thursday, some men of the publics- pected to enter school next se ester Tepi:ec iebns
yp ~ ~ 3Stoatlleast,arenotging to put off and the upperclassmen who will be H adec iebns
W+AI ELIN'4GLdOO'hi tr ngtin ed ni js back will not relish the job of start- Adfrteetiln on
Mamogrp ig; 14^ Sftet: °Pon 12441toolat."ing the, year, with freshmen only. At their conclaves he solemnly sat.4
0s°0, RIL ," i"Takeheed!Prspets are that the interfratern-
sve Batre Lunch. 3n22.. State StI ity baseball and basktalgmsth WSCNI OR JTEAL
I__ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ IL A NG CLASSES E R Ytiddlety -wink tournam ents, and theS UD NTOR WAS R I
I' "' t'p Conditions a ihgnmyntb fraternity dances will ,be discontinued.
Do: ;you, Know That- ent draws te ahe eWmiti onIer0Th an Rended
'many things may be excused, but at
- "Away back in '91, according to'an the 'same time it would seem as clo th oldest rgniatio'nsll o the ",m- Ad
Tre:el CLflclbonteold file of The U of M Daily for that though "there is entirely too much aris- hsbe sudd1ay3 l
e anpus yer, ;' ~'- ;thtr - .,Apushabensud. Maion, Wis, .v39-tailates
yathe xm honestyp is,.the ingin the dddeof class ___hours____ tth niesiyofandninwr
best policy, was- evidently not. very 4rznywlkn9rmte om e~ SUDENTS PASS COURSE dismissed, at 3$ta0i 'lock ,yesterday
,There was once a boarding house on sen'ecs o hs
ihe 'campus known as "i ue" strongly impressed upon a certain Ondalstweinoefth IN VIUITARY INFO11ATIO V afternoo;. fr sall students, both mTen.'
____member of the freshman class. .De- and ~women, ,to regster for war ,sev-
lucaion is hurled at the yearling in ag lsssih as rived at Egnor. a l0ot-ie ie..
In 1871 'the cornerstone' of Univer- annootne leftat half after the'onef10rmt
ithalwslicnetnMananatcehae,"Let's Have No More tnmntspas h or h is out of 200 men ,regstedintei- It is the plan of te university to rtcehaegeednte
til n ot ig tta ietoof This!" The article follows:;tsltradtomrewti h itary information course at,the UJni- have- every student placed at work ~ ~
'Thins hae eoie~toa prety. assersity of Oregon received "F's" at ,which will aid the counry, eithr by w
weaaebilig."hn shve cmtos rtyas xttremiue.the first quiz in the course.,Many ofbei.toplfr:th repacing some ,one,1for military duty, s rr i i al .. .., a.

In the old days ashes and cinders baseballs that are used in the games ; "~tehgetgadswr eevt yor increasing theprduction of ;the
.vr dmeupntecmu in pon the campus. A foul tip was hit ape u o ihnteps ormen who had .had no revious military necessities of-ie
laces to fill it up to its present level. in yesterday's game, and a freshman yershsterie n tmswe h training, while ,some .of previous ex Teuiest iledao o1-Ha t
;,"__ was seen to pick up the ball which"wl-u hai" asn such full ;perience were among those eceiving ate ;the large- numrbr f students:'
- There'are seven school days before wa e nad put it in his pocket. swyafti tpeet "'. h etws8r.htfpia that will be released at the ;end of the Sc naT!no r,
namiations commence. When asked for it, he denied having Thrrefwocain"we hi n ,erety ipeif te student had school year,in positions where they.
_____it. One of those who had seen him ;put i really necessary. And he who takes ;covered the text book work. can render such :aid,. For this pur-
an interest in his work can scarcely__________& M arx
IARVARD) TO TRAIN MEN FOR it in his pocket, identified him, looked hlprafi o statnsc TDNS OHL pose the registration is being taken,
U'S. 'ARMY, SUPPLY OFFICERS in his'pocket and found the ball there.phoedreliing'ow dsracigsuhaSTDNS.SCEY OHLin rder hat 'jbscn be secured forco
We are in possessionf the freshman's prcdr st vrone. It mus be FAREWELL P'IC NIC SAtT.TDYtesuet hruhc-prto ith hv hpe salrecl
OffredDuring name but refrain from publishing it, paTiculwalyksoutohb sgo theiroesor farmers and manufacturers. lection of Dixie Weaves and
~ewCorss t B Oferdhough ssroglyuredtogolo.yThuralgoudhbi"oi agod hinoA.tet metngofeheUntarang__of___the___ oherLihtWeihtiame
Summer at Oraduate _________________ tatatdiscontinue, ifor noilothnerrsonStudents' society ast Sun}day, evening,ORT ICLAS ITINO ' Sit. heregatnsyl
School r n t;te'egeti tl
MINESOTA GIRLS MWAY GO TO tan atctvr of iltmonrsan plas wee made ~for a picic to be LC FIERS SATURDAY' and will hold their 'shape.
FRAaClack of courtHOSITyL eld Saturday afternoon. or all mem -'__
Cabridge, Mass., May 30.-Courses F A C"IT A E HO PT Ltrsoestscey'hi.il co-B fr b yn S i e
p instructionedVea o teforc prospectiveon efreb supplyui-~Se
fficesfructhe nitr e tesumy l inaols in. a 0-il aeyou"reist'relude the club's program for the year. Oratorical association oficers for these.
oOfficersrforenexttyeartwill bemelectednext year will be chosen at the annual
c ivnbyth rautescol fat the University of Minnesota who A raOpiit newoi ed t ainessor eyer ingltbehelct e eto ob edfo o1 'lc
usiness adnministration at 'Harvard have been takingRe Crs hoengipo xhatoeenBrl." 63 o'ocSudy vnngnte Saturday morning in the 'corridor of K o
aniversity this summer. nrig cusswl egvna p- cuc alr tth onro tteUniversity hiall
T"he course wl eoe nyt otnt og oFac rRsi s Hv o heard the Red Gods call- ad Huron streets. The nmiees are as follows: , for'
members of the reserve officers' train-. assistants in the Minnesota base hos- __n___lately_____ resident,A. P. Boge, 18L and 7, . ' in plenty. The biggest selec-'
ing crps. The m axim um num ber or pital. Announce Instructors for W ar Course T plon, '19L ; for vicepresident, am es tion in A nn A rbor. tne tob ,d ai df rt s l c n ,Ch @qfm o i s w l-e m de :," vr ,ot i ii,.. nr=IIF._K«..
any is 75. on a basis of efficiency, without regard PTe dnt rofessors C.E. Weller and p. H1. Fricken, 19; for secretary, D. A. Gra-,
General plans for the course were to the 25-year age limit. The term of e~eif of the Medical school, will ham, '18L, and C. W. Miller, '19; for, oefo~nTln
itined by Captain Bowen of the ni-wrillsthreyas n h Friends are Useful of course-but leach the courses in war pathology treasurer, R. A. Cole, 18E, and J. C.
'rsity military staff, and the instruc- girls will have to be prepared to leave it's a good healthy enemy who brings nd bacteriology during the 1917 sum- Cary, '19. All students are qualifiedHue-oln-iie o
ion will be given by professors in the cn a three days' notice, cut the best there is in us. mer session, according to an announce- to vote,
usiness school. u~ ie u yteda ftesm ,Southwest corner
Dela afeopn ommncmen }wdy 1j~njbrsB~y paeyinsveneso.t-Sbr ,fie C ek FodSpculaionWashingon ad Main Sts.
Iowa to Send Two. Ambulance Units week. Table d'hote s 'rvle peca inneaolsMin. My 0.Fac- Ore,, May 30.-Reslutions _________________
~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Iowa City, Ia., May 30.-The Un- parties by arrangernen .-Adv. uty membersofthe Univeity of Mn- Meet me at th.et.udyee-cligo oges ocekseua
'ersity of Iowa will send two amb- nesota. ave,.subscribed $27,000 to, the ing.-Adv. tion In foodstuffs were passed by the Type wri*rsofal makes bought t, i
ance units to France in the immediate Sunday evening luncheon ;Delta Libertylonbds Tw ucrp.__________ annual session of the commonwealth cash. . Ds Morrill, 322 So. StateS.
'ture. Cafe balance of school year.-Adv. tions of $1,000 have been received. Try The Dily for serice.- conference of Or on in-se4.ion h r - tt

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