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May 22, 1917 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-05-22

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i A 1L.. vIII.A.Jt-lvil'1 L-tiL

ze Comfort in Summer Clothes

WHDEN the sizzle and scorch
of a summer sun surcharge
the atmosphere,you 'll appreciate
the cool comfort of an outing
Tailor-Made to your Inches
from any of our many tropical
weight fabrics-Palm Beach,
Mohair, IKool Krash, feather-
weight serges and other depend-
able, stylish materials.
Order Now and be Pre-
pared for the Heated

1 _

Offticial newspalpr ac !thc University oy
Milr:Agan1. L'ubhhed ev ry corning excep
Ml ,?Iday during heunivei'ty ar.
Entered at the.. pos'r-ofli:ce at Anti Arbor as
xecond class mater.
~e~tions; h ar zr , r : hby al, $3 or
Wa nt ad. ttcm ury':Suet'~i
Ply Store; The Del~iPta, cor. tate and Paekl; :.d
Phones: Eesiness, o;dtril24.
Communications not tojeced JeOwtrd s
in length, or notiacesofevns wi be pub-
lished in The Daily, al the dscretion of the
j lditor, if left at thie offie in t he Anti Arbor
Press Wldg., or in the notice b)o>: ir the west
corridor of the general iriy where the
notices are collected at 7 30; co'clock eaeb
C. 'niip, ner..........l~is- lnae
l~.'P.Aii~ool................esI io
free j<~ osly ............. t
i~eon.aroV. 'Vi(t ..........eI-g.al;,i, 1 ,.;,

re y'ou


Student ?

Select a fashion from the
many models that we show
or have it designed as you de-
sire it; patch pockets, plain,
belted or pinch backs and
other novelty style variations.

Guaranteed in fit, fKashionl,
fabric -m d shape permanency
that defies the stretch and
strain of constant wear. No
higher in price °than a good
ready-made but vastly super-
ior in tailoring and in texture.

TUhe "'Y" Eniployinent Of-
fce has the namies of some
Zoo students who have ap-
plied for vacation employ-
men t. These students are
askedi to interview the Em-
ploymient Secretary any day
this week between the hours
of 3 and( 6 P. M., or on
Saturday morning.

lAES ung Cr d s
In- Order them NOWa
100 Cards with1 plate--i1.50 to $3.50;
- - Q
- B 1T R
-j a
GW Iternp'r'm)ents they'd
beAsfed with those
CA your .. .. _. _ \-.. . . 'Fa°

~.H. W~ILD COMPANY, Leading Merechant Tailor
Lee's Slotted Throat
The Slater Book Shop
Phone 430 336 S. State St.


:Mar ian Wilson........,,.. .Womren' s ditor'
De~orrest S. Rood..,,.......Exchange lEditor
F" X. Campbell.. Assistant Bwusinesn Marnagtr
Albert It. Horn*..Assistant Busiesm Manager
Roscoe R. Ran,. .Assistant Bueiuess Manager
13A ikigNgh dtr .M . A. Swaney J. T,.. Stadeker
l . iciler
C. S. Clark J1ame:,selirhe: mrhorn, Jr.
R. 11. Fricken °. 0. Brophry
D. 1H. Crutte-nden MIildred C. Mighell
Annet ta L. ."We'IF.A. Tab:;
1'. F. McAllisr A!~ Shoenfield
K. L~. Xehmeyer Egn ie
E,> L. RiceIelthMa
C. C. .\ndrewvs . Al. 1 :C


I ,





I -:

N\1 ich;gan men who have enlisted for
military service are: P. M. Crtamer,

-- _

Paul E. Cholette
Harold Makinson
Harold R. Smith
Walter R. Payne

1 r.rtR. ILourisg
E.arl F. LGan~w , a

338 S. STATE
for sodas and lunches
hioice Cut Flowerts and Plants
0 Chapin St. Ann Arbor, Mich-

Special Sale of Cosmetics and Switches
Special Ten Day Weave
Miss Mabel Rowe
Shampooing, Manicuring, Massaging and Chiropody
Phone 2402 326 North 5th Aven tie
Capital $ioo,ooo Surplus and Profit $65,000

Wirt Cornwell
Geo. W. Patterso
S. W. Clarkson
Fred Schimid

Waldo M. Abbott
on Harry M. Hawley
Harrison Soule
D. B. Sutton
M. D. Kinnie


- __---
~ ;.
(. '



of our Delicious, Cold and Sparkling Soda Water on a sultry day will
open your eyes to the difference in a high grade, pure fruit juice
flavoring and that made by artificial processes. Our Choice Soda
Water is a boon to the thirsty on a summer's day and our Ice Cream
Soda is both food and drink. THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH

We Offer You
Resources $,80,0
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Incorporated 1869
Main Office--
Northwest Corner Main and Burgs
Branch Office~-
707 North University Ave.
rho Farers & Mechanics Bank
Offers the Best in Modern Banking
Convenient and Pleasant Quarters. You Will
Be Pieoaaad With Our Service. Two Offices
01-105 S. Main St.: : 330 S. State St.
. Typewriters
iver Baltimore Lunch. 322 S. State St

Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson.
Cars run on Eastern tune, one hour faster
than local time.
Detroit Limited and Express Cars---7:35 a.
mn., 8 :io a. in. and hourly to 7:10o p .m., 9:i0
p. im.
Kalamazoo Limited Cars--8 :48 a. in., and
every two hours to 6:48 p. i-. ; to Lansing,
8:48 p. m.
Jackson Express Cars-( Local stops wecst of
Ann Arbor)-9 :48 a. in. and every two hours
to 7:48 P. in..
Local Cars Eastbound--5:35 a. in., 6:40 a.
m,7 :o5 a. in. and every two hours to 7 :05 p.
in., 8:05 p. mn., 9:o5 p. in., in :5o p. mn., to
Ypsilanti only, 9:20 a. mn., 9:50 a. in., a2:05 p.
mn., 6:05 p. m.~, 9:45 P. in., 11:45 I). D,., 12:20
a. in., i : 10 a. in., 1 :20 a. mn. To Saline,
change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars Westbound-6 :05 a. Mn., 7:48 a.
in., Io0:20 P. in., 12:20 a. In.
Has purchased the entire file of Dainies
& Nickels and Daines' negatives. For
prints from any, please call at
CHMOP off a few
minutes and eat some of
814 S. State St. Phone 1244-Ml

TU7ESI)AYi, MAY 22,11.
VNi1ht. Iditor--C .Ad..w
'1ti¢'°rei ??al i exc !l(nt1:peil q1 Gal. 4 lie
This is the time of all tinies that
the country is in need of advancing
the spirit of bravery andl honor.
Eachi of the innumerable conimu-1
nities which makes up the nation
should perform its share.
This University certainly can do its'
smnall part.
Michigan in the last few months has
demonstrated by its concerted drill-'
ing, by its applications to the officers'
training camps, by its sending-of men
to construction camps, and ship-
building yards, by its intelligence bu-
reau, that its alumni and undergradu-
ates are surely not lacking in hravery.
And now the students of the Uni-
versity have an opportunity to show
each other, the faculty, and the peo-
pie of the state, that their honor, too,
is on a high plane. A creed of honor
not only for the coming examinations
but for all time, has been prepared by
a number of representative students.
This creed is being submitted to the
campus for endorsement.j
A mere signing is not sufficient. It
is the living up to the creed that is
Swing-out andA Senior Sing have
slipped back along the path to gradu-
ation. Seniors in their black caps and
gowns were out in numbers on the
first occasion, but Friday night saw
fewer members of the class in their
correct habiliments.
Tomorrow is cap and gown day
again. If the decrease in the number
of wearers is proportional to that be-
tween Swing-out and Senior Sing, we
will hardly be able to distinguish our
seniors on the campus.
We urge every mian andl every wom-
an who ha s a right to wear a cap and
gown to do so on Wednesday.
Have you subs-crib;ed('to the Univer-
sity of M~ichigan alutniii trtust fund?
Don't let the weathter flunk you.
From the poor outlook which the
farmer has so far th :;is year, we should
judge that the weather man was a

1 ,It. J. Hesse, '19, P. F. Labadie,
19C. F. Lamibert, '19, R. D. Lamond,
G. iR. Larwill. '20, C. B. Lawton,
l. 1.J. Leasure, '18, T. J. Le~lanc,
F. Let, '18, M. JT. Lewin, '19. E. W.
I GE ood, '18, P. IT. Long, '20, R. E.
1 otnr, '19, A. E. Loucks, '18, E. 11.
1otd '18, C. XW. Loveil, '18, L. E.
i "ebri, '17, H. M. Lumsden, 1I9, D.
V. Lnch,'18, and F. B. Lyons, '18.
Mrhigan men who have enlisted for
+ o u ork axe: 11. Q. Abell, '19, T. R,.
Adm.'1 9, P. E. Alden, '18, G. V. Ald-
ide '18, Eugene Aten, '19. C. 11.
< rgzin, '20, C. . Bright, I). C. PBrom-
icy,.'20, T. F. Carson, '20, W. W. D~aw-
Icy, '17, A. G. lDiegelhnan,, '19, J. IL.
l' arley, '20, Arnold Ensel, '20, Julius
I aab, '19, J. W. 1lalfhill, '19, A. J.
Mall, '20, E. R. Hamilton. '20, D. 11.
laniond, '17, J.1.1. Hanger, '19, J1. A.
" apisht, '19, HI. R. Hansen, '21),'S. L~.
:harris. '20, 1L. 1). Hart. '20, E. IK:
I aw\kes Jr., '17, F. T. Hawley, '19, A.
1',i f lay s, '19, H. W. Ileffner, '20, G.
ll. Hleideman, '20, and 11. S. Ilelmrich
American Students Will Unite Allies
Princeton, N. J., May 21.-Univer-
sity students can bring about a closer
,union between United States and Eng-
jloud, according to a statement by the
lion. Arthur J. Balfour.
By responding to their country's
call and fighting side by side with the
nen from Great Britain, American col-
lege boys will lead the nation to a
closer union with the allies of United

Vernon IL Parks, '19, 323 Last Wil-
Siam street: is cconilined to the Univer-
3iy opia with a attack of acute
1d. . ed '1°7, 1511 Washlenaw
_~ uie. who ws confined to the con-
aiotlo urdof tlic University hospital
with il 1dtl is been dismissed.

State university, is visiting his par-
ents; Dean and Mrs. W. 13.. Hinsdale of
this city.
arow Sldeiits Aid Registration
Providence, R. I., May 21.-The di-
rector of the military census has called
for 180 students of Brown university
to assist in the registration for con-
scription. The men will receive no
Shirts made to measure. G. H. Wild
Co., eai Merchant 'Tailors. State

PIRONE 2 4 213 E. Liberty St.
MIember of FloriSts" Telegraph
Delivery Service
Flowers by Wire to All the World.

. ->
ff ; --
, : , ,
. , .

Dr. A. d. 1Hinsdale, professor of
Ihomoeopathic mat'erial mledica at Ohio

Try The Daily for service.

Dainty Sriped Voiles
and Crisp Pta ided Ginghams
are the, New Su{,rmer Frocks

And the secret of their di*?tinction and 4charm is that they are copied from
high-priced things that New York shops ave featuring.
For practical weeri ~hm - p rticulariy good-especially the trim
tailored ones, though some cof thcii_-c much m;ore frivolous and charming than
"practical" clothes have an y right to be.
Tailored linen frocks are goodsya too. They have big pockets and
wide belts-becoming touches of bthn and braiding-and there are scores
arnd scores to choose from! Rose, gray, dell blue, lilac, pink, pale blue, brown,
tan, white.
The sheer lawn <and ve ile frocks come in almost every degree of simplicity
and ornateness. Therse are very simnple little coat frocks with often nothing





City News


Stylus will meet at 7:30 o'clock to-
night with Grace Ackerman, '18, 625
East University.
Junior and senior' baseball teams
will play at 4 o'clock Thursday after-
noon, and freshman and sophomore
teams at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon.
Girls' Glee club will begin rehearsal
promptly at 4:45 this afternoon.
Tryouts for senior girls' play will
be held from 3 to 5 o'clock this after-
noon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
All girls expecting to be here for
summer school are asked to sign their
names in the book in the Women's
league room in University hall.
NOTICE -For prompt service, call
Downings Parcel Delivery. Phone 830.
-Adv. 16-23 inc
Dancing classes and private lessons
at the Paokard Academay. 9

About 30 members of the Y. P. R.
U. of the First Unitarian church of
Detroit, were the guests of that or-
ganization in this city, Sunday after-
noon and evening. After an after-
noon of sightseeing in cars furnished
by a few of the local members, the
visit was concluded with an open-air
meeting at the residence of Prof. J.
W. Langley.
Two arrests were made for speeding
Sunday. Burr Osborn, a resident of
this city, was charged with speeding
on North University and Washtenaw
avenues:" His bail was fixed at $25.00.
He will appear before Judge Doty at
10 o'clock Friday morning. The other
arrest was that of Thomas P. Smith,
who was fined $10 and costs, for speed-
ing on the Ypsilanti road.
The city board of public works will
meet at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night
in the board room.

but pleating and dainty collars to
quaintly lovely ones that are a m
organdie !

distingi them-and everything else up to
iass of pleated ruffles and crisp lace-edged

1Prices begin about at $7.50 and go up to $25.00.

Forty incises between ranks.

Wonder if they will dismiss the
army when it rains in the trenches?
The girls can knit, but leave it to
the men to spin the yarns.
i ttncid l Joulrna~l Clupb 'Mts Tonight
The B~otanical Journal club will hold
a meeting at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the
home of one of the members 011 9
Geddes heights. hReports of the y ear's
progress in the study of botany will be
read by several members of the staff.

r r

m 113




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