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May 21, 1918 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-05-21

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sh Empire and What It
is the topic of a lecture
at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow
Natural Science auditor-
Arthur L. Cross. This is

be givcn
ht in the

st of a series of war lectures to
ren under the auspices of the
an Union.
essor Cross w1il point out the
nt types of English colonies,
how the empire gradually rose
rer, how our institutions are de-
from the English, what Great
n is doing in the war, how the
was organized, and how democ-
ias been developed in the em-
Professor Cross talked on
r subjects before the soldiers at
Custer two weeks ago.

All University Classes to Be Suspended;
After Two O'clock This
Presidet McKenny of Normal College
to Give Patriotic
Te $13,000 Red Cross drive in Ann
Arbor opens today.
All exercises in the University are
suspended from 2 o'clock on this aft-
ernoon in order that members of the

Police Responded to Emergency Call;
Pulmotor Applied for
One Hour
Deceased Recently Appointed by Lieu-
tenant Mullen for Fort
John C. Brown, '19, of Erie, Penn.,
died of heart failure Sunday noon,
when his canoe upset in the Huron

Pittsburg, May 20.-Ninety-one bod-

ies have been taken from the ruins of
the Aetna Chemical plant at Oakdale
up to early tonight. The total repre-
sents the "known dead" of the terrific
explosion which wrecked the plant last
Saturday. Twenty-eight of the char-
red bodies were removed from the de-
bris during the day by searchers who
have been working in shifts since to
disaster occurred.
Of the total bodies recovered, 43
have been identified, while the remains
of 48 others are charred and blackened
beyond recognition.
Compilations today showed 94 per-
sons in Pittsburg's hospitals. Com-
pany officials say that 190 members of
the working force of the plant are yet
unaccounted for.
Investigations of the disaster are in
progress, but nothing so far has de-
veloped to disclose the cause of the ex-









Unrest .




the women of America can
t do to enable the Allies to
war was foretold by the war
ng done *by English women,
y Miss Helen Frazer speaking
acity audience in the Natural
auditorium last evening.
razer's message was very in-
and was received with fre-
earty applauses from her
She gave a comprehensive
f work that is being carried
gland today by the women.
Should Complete Education
n students are urged to com-
ir education, since they will.
of greater use to the coun-
nen teachers are not allowed
any other profession or
>f industry. Chemists, bac-
ts, bankers, railway workers,
engineers, stokers,,and train
re now mostly women.
ing munition workers there
,000 women in England to-
ng the places of men in in-
Women employed in ship-
e building everything from
ghts to submarines. There
of these. 'The Penguins,'
mployed in air service, can
complete airplane from be-

faculty and all students may take part Accompanied by Herman W. Gal-
'in the parade to celebrate the county ster, '21, Brown started canoeing at
Red Cross drive. Officials say that about 10 o'clock Sunday morning.
every student should consider it a pa- When the two were about midway be-
triotic duty to participate in the dem- tween the railroad bridge and Bar-
onstration. ton dam, they landed. Brown, who
Line of March was teaching Galster how to handle a
All students not in uniform are urg- canoe, sent his companion out to pad-
ed to carry with them a small flag. dle across the river and back by
The cadet band will lead the Univer- himself.
sity section of the parade, and will Brown then went out to show Gal-
start out at 2:45 o'clock sharp this ster the proper stroke to use. When
afternoon followed by the army me- about 20 feet from the opposite bank,
chanics, the R. O. T. C., the faculty, the canoe capsized, throwing Brown
graduates, seniors, juniors, sopho- into the river. Galster was unable to
mores, freshmen, and the women stil- swim, and consequently, could not go
dents. to the aid of his friend. Brown, a
Airplanes from Mount Clemens good swimmer, was hampered by his
Airplanes are expected to arrive for clothes, and was soon drawn under.
the celebration from Selridge Aviation He did not re-appear.
field at Mt. Clemens, according to a Police were called, and the body was
telegram received yesterday by the found after an hour of dredging. A
Washtenaw county war preparedness pulmotor was applied for an hour, but
board. Their arrival will depend on to no success. The body was then
the condition of the weather. President taken to Muehlig's undertaking estab-
Harry B. Hutchins will be unable to lishment, where an autopsy was per-
lead the parade, as had been formerly formed. The condition of the re-
planned, owing to an unexpected call mains showed clearly that death was
out of the city. due to heart failure instead of drown-
President McKenny, of, the Ypsilanti ing, as had naturally been supposed.
Normal college, has been secured to Brown's remains were sent to his
deliver the . patriotic address at the home at 0 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
conclusion of the demonstration. Oth- His parents were notified of the acci-
er features of the parade will be a dent Sunday. At that time they were
representation of the allied nations in in Virginia, bidding good-bye to
their costumes and respective flags, Brown's only brother, who is leaving
and also 200 members of the Red to fight in France.
Cross in Red Cross costumes. The According to Galster, Brown was
drawing for the prize Jersey calf and not to blame for the accident. The
the prize colt will take place at the canoe capsized either because it was
conclusion of the parade at the court unstable or because of the current in
house. the river. Brown remarked, how-
To Have Four Booths ever, when the men launched the ca-
The work of receiving contributions noe, that the craft was "very wab-
will be started directly following the bly."
parade. Instead of five booths being Galster was overcome by the shock
erected on the campus as formerly an- of. the tragedy, and had to be placed
nounced, there are to be only four. under the care of physicians Sunday
There will be a booth for voluntary afternoon and evening.
subscriptions at each corner of the Brown was vice-president of the
campus, and also one in University Pennsylvania club, and a member of
hall. The work of receivnig these sub- Quadrangles and the. Choral union.
scriptions will be under the direction He was one of the men appointed by
of Virginia G. Cavendish, '18. Lieutenant Mullen to attend the sum-
(Continued on Page Six) lmer camp at Fort Sheridan.
Re0T. C to Assembleat. 2:3o
0 'clock for Recd Cross..Parade


Detroit, May 20..- In the first day
of the week's drive in Michigan, for
this state's portion of 'the $100,000,000
Red Cross fund, virtually every coun-
ty reported oversubscription, the to-
tal being slightly above $3,000,000,1
which is Michigan's quota.
In Detroit, the first day of active
campaigning, by 10,000 volunteer
salesmen, the total amount subscribed
to the $7,000,000 fund was in excess of

(By Associat
London, May 20.-
around Locre, Fren(
an important adjunc
more than two mil(
more than 400 prison
Field Marshal Haig's
ish headquarters.
Petrograd, May 19
Grave events are rer
churia, where the t
sacks, who are oppos
and are now fightin
Semenoff, have join
Chinese detachments.
ing on Chita. The
raising a force to
Semenoff's advance.

the Ge
blow 2


Washington, May 20. - Reports of
the progress of the American Red A
Cross drive for a second war mercy
fund of $100,000,000 came to head-
quarters here in a steady stream
throughout the opening day of the A
campaign. R
Messages, telling of oversubscrip- on
tion in towns and counties from New w
England to Hawaii, began to arrivec
early in the day, while governors of G
nearly all states telegraphed promises o
of county co-operation in the auction- t
ing, for the bepefit of the Red Cross,
of wool clipped from the President's f,
White House sheep.-to
Much rivalry in the sale of the
White House wool was manifested in h
the telegrams from the governors.- p
"Every dollar contributed will help of
the boys who are going over there T
to shear the kaiser's goat," telegraph- t
ed Governor Capps, of Florida.-s

ounter above
ermans have
ne of which i
hat is accour
In the Italia


Airplane Building Increases
ul "England is now making in one
e- week as many airplanes as she made
ut during all of 1914. She intends to build'
th four times as many this year as. she
did last. Nine-tenths of the shells for
h, ammunition are made by women.
c Without the women of England giv-
ing the men the weapons they need,
England could not continue the war.;
st English Buy Bonds Incessantly
"War savings stamn associations

he object
o be the
alient in


The unrest
from time tc
up in Prague.
s-.- Pr~i

bring in about $7,000,000 per week
and people buy bonds ceaselessly. In
one week $800,000,000 worth of bonds
were taken by the people. Over there
we believe that no civilian is moral-
ly entitled to a luxury while a soldier
needs a rifle. Piano manufacturers are
all making airplanes, jewelers are
making periscopes and field glasses.
The soiled bandages used in the field
and in hospitals are sterilized and sent
to England to be used for making
gun cotton. You see we know if we


Members of the R. 0. T. C. will assemble in their regular order
2:30 o'clock this afternoon on North University avenue to take part:
the Red Cross parade. They will be under the direction of Lieut.
C. Mullen and Lieut.. Losey J. Williams.

Sor Pres-ident
Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary med- George.
ical fraternity, elected the following A new Germa
members of the junior class: . von Below, is
C. A. Domzalski, of Detroit; Theo- definitely locat
phile Ralphael, of Ann Arbor; C. E. The German
Roser, of Lansing; S. J. Shipman, of ing intensive t:
Ann Arbor; and T. L. Squies, of Bpt- ing front, and
tle Creek. the front in ti:
One-sixth of the students in the ju- the Allies.
nior and senior classes in the medical German Sul
school are eligible for membership, German subr
which is determined by their scholar- unrestricted w
ship and general activity on the cam- gian fishermen
pus. One-half of the number chosen sels were rece
is elected during the senior year, and and a Russian
the other during, the junior year. ed, numerous
Initiation of the newly elected Many person
members wiyl be held in about two wounded in th
weeks. on London.

e a

left and center
saving a run
d the pitcher,
a fast for the
I going at full

,. .

are going to win this war we must
get down to doing'{what is needed. We
intend to settle this war once and for

ae nnal
Urbana Prof. W. H. Hobbs, df the geology
department, has returned to Ann Ar-
self in bor from New York, where he has
o two been doing research work for the gov-
tad to ernment in the city library. Profes-
Klein. sor Hobbs is not entirely through
) with the work but will do the remain-
der which consists of making out re-
4 TO ports, in this city. The reports will
ETING be ready by June 1, according to Pro-
fessor Hobbs. In explaining the'work
leaves which he has been doing he said that
ling to 200 men expert in history, engineer-
ees of ing, geology, and a great number of
ion in other subjects, which will come up

The mechanics companies in charge of Captain Durkee, will meet'
on North University avenue at the left of the cadets.
The cadet band will meet at North University and State streets,
and will lead the University section of the parade. The other depart-
ments of the University not conected with any of the above will meet
at 2:15 as follows:
Officers of the University and members of the faculty on the walk
in front of University hall.
Graduate students, seniors, and sophomores between the Law and
Science buildings, with graduates and seniors in the following order:
Graduate, literary, engineering, medical, law, pharmacy, homoeopath-
ic, and dental.
Sophomores in the rear. Graduates and seniors will wear caps and
gowns. Dr. George A. May will have charge of this section.
Juniors and freshmen on the walk east of the Science building.
Prof. Clyde E. Wilson, of the chemical engineering department, will be
in charge of this divison.
All women students on the campus walk in front of Alumni Mem-
orial hall in the following order: Graduates, seniors, juniors, soph-
omores, and freshmen. Graduates and seniors will wear caps and
gowns. .
Members of the girls military class will meet in the field across
from Barbour gym at 2:15 o'clock, under the direction of Miss Marion
Wood, of the physical education department.

Germany Levies $800,000,000 War Tax PROFESSO]
Amsterdam , May 20.-For the first CHIEF A
time since the war began,:Germany is
now attempting to help pay the ex- Dr. Jesse
penses of war by new taxation.- The political sciE
new finance program calls for new been appoin
German taxes to yield over $800,000,- cer of the sc
000. This new burden is described by aeronautics.
the German finance minister as "the first station
price of victory." New taxes on beer, then at Sa
wine, and spirits, tea, coffee, and cocoa Austin, Tex
are to yield $450,000,000, while postal headquarter
and telegraph increases are estimated
'to return $85,000,000. There is .also CosmOp4lita
to be an increase in stamp duties. The wome
These taxes, which are said by the politan club
newspapers to be "only a beginning," 7:30 o'clock
are the greatest in amount ever ask- The commil
ed from German taxpayers. The fin- will report,


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