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May 15, 1918 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-05-15

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f the All-college dance
evening of commence-
nouth, is the promised
of the senior class of
i training camps in
of the country.
ill, for the first time, be
end the junior prom at
y of Washington this
dent handbook express-
first year men to ap-
rom, but, inasmuch as
this year are to go to
and Sailors association,
to allow all classes the
the University of Ore-
>ning the faculty to set
t a week earlier than
.ed upon. Present plans
rune 17, and the petition
nsideration of June 10,
.ents will have left by

Princeton students
will se a great de-
ence of the tradi-
With even fewer
k to uphold the old
ful if the formality

Stockholm, May 14.- A new anti-
Semitic campaign has begun in Ger-
many, announces the German associa-
tion for combatting of anti-Semitics,
which has issued an appeal for sup-
port in opposing this new propaganda
against Jews.
. "All indications point to the fact
that this anti-Semitic mtvement will
be carried on in more intensive form
after the end of the war," asserted
the German association. "Extensive
preparations have been made there-
fore and pecuniary resources have
been assembled."
The appeal defends the Jews against
charges of usury and profiteering dur-
ing the war, and declares that the
anti-Semites "desire to use hatred for
Jews as a means of upholding the
strongly threatened and unjustified
privileges of a small caste against the
inevitable new orientation of Ger-
many's internal conditions."
The April number of the German
magazine Deutschlands Erneuerung
contains an article by Dr. Erich Kuhn
in which, after discussing the cant-
paign~ to obtain a modern electoral-
franchise in Prussia, he declares that
if the electoral reform be forced upon
the state, "it should be provided that
only Germans by blood, not merely
by citizenship, shall be eligible for
election. It must also be so ordered
that only pure-blooded Germans of a
certain standard of education shall be
permitted to occupy responsible posts
in the press. Finally it must be so ar-
ranged that in all our schools and un-
iversities the spirit of German nation-
alism shall be taught only by persons
of national dependableness."
The publishers of Deutschlands Ern-
eureung include the conservative
university Professor von Buelow,
president class of the Pan-German al-
liance and Professor Dietrich Schafer.
There is doubt here that the associa-
tion for the combatting of anti-Semitism
correctly appraises the situation when
it declares that a strong anti-SemitiC
campaign can be expected in Germany
after the war. The indications are
regarded as unmistakable.

Registration Reveals Abilities
'ar service registration in Detroit
revealed some very unusual tal-
among the women. Oftentimes
most unassuming looking woman
e evidence of the most remarka-
ne woman, a motherly looking in-
dual, registered as an expert in
er prints and volunteered her ser-
s to the secret service. Another
nan registered as a saleswoman
i four year's experience in Cuba,
desired to be sent to South Africa
a representative of American ex-
[ost of the opposition endountered
among the foreign women who
e reported immediately to the sec-
f. Roth to Address '20 E's Today
rof. Filibert Roth, of the forestry
artment, will address the fresh-
t engineers at their weekly as-
bly this morning at 11 o'clock in
m 348, Engineering building.

Lincoln, England, April 14 (Corres-
pondence of .The Associated Press.-
King George's first inspection of.
American airmen in training was
made this week at a British aerodrome
hear here, where a squadron of
American aviators is working with
British pilots. One of the young Brit-
ish officers at this camp is Prince Al-
bert, and the king and Queen Mary
had run down from London to see
how their airman son was getting on.
During the inspection on the parade
ground, the King spoke with several
of the American officers. The aero-
drome is a finishing school for pilots
of both airplanes and balloons. Pil-
ots go there after passing through
their preliminary course, and are
taught to loop, roll, and dive, and to
become expert in the many other
varieties of aerobatics which are the
mark of the expert flying man.
Complete Educion
Later they complete their education
with courses on meteorology and the
theory of flight, and finally pass on
to a gunnery school and qualify for
the rank of lieutenant. In summer,
if the weather is favorable, the re-
cruit can go through the full program
in about 10 weeks. . .
The king and queen, in the course
of about an hour, saw machines and
buildings and apparatus none of
which was dreamed of three years
ago. Special attention was given to
a giant Handley-Page machine which
rested at the edge of the aerodrome
The king, after donning a linen
duster, climbed into ,the pilot's seat
and the mechanism was explained to
him by British and American officers.
Fort Worth, Tex., May 14.-Uncle
Sam has unhorsed 200 of the hardest-
riding swiftest-rope throwing cowboys
from the broad plains of West Texas.
These 200 "punchers" are members of
Company C, One Hundred and
Eleventh Engineers, stationed at Camp
Bowie .
The cowboy soldiers have been motor-
ized by order of the war department.
Their protests have done no good.
They still are motorized. Their horses
have been taken from them.
Last summer when the first en-
thusiasm of fighting swept over' West
Texas, the cowboys around Sweet-
water, where .are some of the biggest
ranches of Texas, started a company.
They wanted to get into an organiza-
tion where they still could ride-and
fight too. Cavalry they didn't like,
because apparently it had become a
useless arm in the present struggle.
So they formed an engineering com-
pany. Exactly 200 of the cow-punch-
ers joined. Harry Hord, known all
through the cow country was selected
as captain. At the proper time, the
cowboys were mustered into the fed-
eral service as Company C, One hun-
dred and Eleventh Engineers. Then,
they rode their horses. They became
known as the "Dare Devils."
Suddenly Uncle Sam decided horses
were no longer feasible for engineers
in war times and sent a fleet of motor
trucks and motor cars to Fort Worth.
The horses were ordered back to the
remount station.
Sugar to be More Pentiful
An Atlantic Port, May 14.-Sugar
will not be as scarce next winter as
during the previous year because of
Porto Rico's bumper suger crop, ac-
cording to Mr. Philip T. Adams, of
Chicago. Mr. Adams has just return-

ed from Porto Rico.

Evaporators Take
Place of Testers
Travelers along our diagonal walk
will stun cease to be amazed by thel
roaring and pounding which has em-
anated from the old power house near
the Engineering building,
11any are the passing co-eds who'
have started at the mythical brick-
wagon that always seemed to be ap-
proaching the corner of the power
House, but which never arrived. Upon
closer investigation of the cause of the
mysterious noise. two great iran
wheels, said to weigh 1,500 pounds
each, are disclosed. Each is chasing ,
-the other round and round a circular
brick track in the basement of the
building, in an effort to pound the1
pavement to pieces. From the noise
they are making, they seem to be sue-
cessful in this respect
But as soon as the present road sur-
lace being testedl is ground down into
littler ridges of brick dust, the great
machine is to be removed to maLie
way for a battery of evaporators
which are being erected for the che-i
mical engineering department.
Where the tests :are to be carried
on in the future, no one seems to have.
decided, but the odorous vapors of
chemical operations will soon replace
the brick dust that formerly rolled
from the power house windows.

and Sat.

*tThe Naughty V
SHOWS AT 3:00, 6:30, 8:00,
t sC Unless Otherwise Spec
l)e Spyda d!ues) Pathe
(Wed) Mutt and Jeff C
"Cheese Tames" and Scree:
Thur-Fri-a6-*7-Madge Kennedy i
Banner Gamne" and Christie
edy, "Cirrumnstantial Fvidence
Sa- Lillian Walkr i "Lust
e. and S nnet Comedy,
Chaplin in "I'ricnd T 11 Ft

feeling that he is dominatec
other will than his own. Coi
ly he insufficiently develops
mnaining senses to make up
one that is lacking. Led I
which must be ordered, n
how efficient his training, he
the senses of touch and hear
remarkable rapidity through
cessity of remaining const2
The Daily's specialty is s
every one. Let us serve you
Our Advertisers don't need


225 E. Liberty,

Plessis-Trevise, France, May 14.-
Training of dogs to head the blind
has become an important institution
here where thousands of animals wili
eventually be prepared to lead sight-
less soldiers. The work is being done
under the direction of the military
authorities by amateurs who owned
kennels of police and hunting dog's
before the war.
Several hundred poodles are .
tinually trotting about the neighbo-
hood and through the villages. soohm-
of them 'graduates"~ of the big train-
ing school, leading "poilus" who lost
their sight in the trenches or on
the battlefield. This real experience
puts the finishing touch to the dog's
Training Divided
The training is divided into two
periods, dnring the first of which the
dog learns what is called "carriage,"
or road behavior, abstenance from
quarrels and resistance to tempta-
tions to playing with other dogs, ne-
glect of garbage boxes and butcher
shops. Next he is taught to avoid
obstacles and how to pick his way
across the street with regard for
Assigned to Duty
Then he is turned over to a sight-
less hero of the war and kept under
observation for a few days to make
sure that his training is complete.
The blind man, too, requires a little
training with the dog, for he finds it
an entirely different matter to follow
the string after having been led by
the arm. Guided by a person, he
abandons himself to his conductor


Wuerth Ti
A lter on l--z :soar
Evein-.7: o:00 o
S Marlanae Jcalousy,"
Eye" No. lo.
Thr-Fhri- 16.1- Roy
"Foss of the Lazy Y.

* * * * * * * * * * * *





* "The
* Garrick.

Naughty Wife,"

at the *

Couintess Cl
Eye," No,
Thurs-Fri-z 6-
"IRimr ock



Majestic -- "The Moral Law" "
played by Gladys Brockwell. *

* Wuerth-Pauline Frederick in *
* "Madame Jealousy." Also Eagle's *
* Eye. *



Orpheum -"The C o u n t e s s
Charming," played by Julian El-
tinge.. Also Eagle's Eye.


Drink Mann's Malted


Arcade-Dustin Farnum in "The *
Spy." Also Pathe News. Mutt *
and Jeff Cartoon, "Cheese Tamers" *
and Screen Telegram. *

Because he r

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

d Sheet Music


2f3 Main Street


given at





"The Moral Law" is the special fea-
ture at the Majestic today, with Gladys
Brockwell starring the dual lead. The
action of this drama centers around
the execution of the will of a wealthy
man, and the unhappiness resultant
to those concerned. In this drama
Miss Brockwell assumes the dual per-
sonality of the two daughters of the
financier, and depicts cleverly the in-
genuity of plot and action. Many of
the scenes of the play are laid in
South America and present an inter-
esting and enlightening aspect of life
in southern metropoles.
"I've uncovered a nest of German
spies," said a stranger to the police
at Los Angeles. "I know it must be a
. bunch of spies because they have the
kaiser's, Hindenburg's, and Franz Jos-
ef's pictures decorated with German
flags." A large squad of police were
rushed to the designated spot only to
find that the address was the William
Fox studio, where the picture "The
Spy," starred by Dustin Farnum, wasi
being filmed. This picture will be
shown today at the Arcade.
Our Merchan -advertisers. represent


Gladys Brockwell


- In-

our reference

The Moral Law;

(a story of a-]Dual. Lite)
-Also -
"'The Rag Baby"




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